A Smoother Ride

Last week, Lydia and I took a short bike ride to a park in our neighborhood. Most of the time, I let her ride before me because I am faster and don’t want to leave her too far behind. Lydia set the pace, but I directed her and chose which path to take.

As we rode along, it was so peaceful. It was just me and Lydia in the evening heat. We chatted about our day and fun things we plan to do before school starts again next week. At times, we would stop and wait for cars to pass before continuing on our way.

During our ride, I decided to take Lydia to a smaller more secluded park than the one we originally planned. She hadn’t been to this park before and didn’t know the way.

So, I told her, “I’m going to come up on your left and when we get to the intersection, you follow me. We’re going to cross these two streets instead of staying on this path.”

As we got to the other side of the intersection, I stayed back in the street and let Lydia go ahead of me. She asked why I chose to do that, and I told her I was blocking her from any traffic that might come up.

I had noticed a car waiting for us at the stop sign and wanted to protect her. At least the driver could see me in the middle of the road…

Lydia did so well as she listened and followed. Our bike ride was a compelling picture of how God leads us and directs us through life. Everything goes so much better when we just trust Jesus!

That doesn’t mean it’s always an easy ride. For example, as we crossed through the intersection, Lydia had to speed up and go uphill. She had to work a bit to get where she needed to go.

Life is indeed challenging. Circumstances may turn out differently than expected and there will be some bumps along the way. But at the end of the day, it’s just me and Jesus.

He is the one constant in my life! Ultimately, He is in control. Did I stay close to Him? Did I wait for Him? Did I listen and obey Him?

Thankfully, with Jesus, all things are possible. He protects us, provides for us, and directs our path. When we follow Him, it’s a much smoother ride!


God, thanks for all the ways You love us. Thanks for guiding us as we follow You. Help us listen and trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you have anything left on your summer bucket list?

Task: Listen to “Control (Somehow You Want Me)” by Tenth Avenue North

It’s Good to be Alive!

This past Sunday, I celebrated my birthday! I talked with my family and heard from several other people throughout the day. It was a fun day, which included church, lunch with friends, and chatting with neighbors. I also have a few other special things planned in the next couple weeks. (I like to take full advantage of birthday month!)

Since Lydia was sick on Saturday, I wasn’t sure we’d make it to church on Sunday. Thankfully, she woke up healthy and cheerful, so off to church we went.

For me, birthdays are always a time to reflect on the previous year and respond to new opportunities before me. Worshipping God with other believers on my birthday was extra special. Yet, as I took it all in, I understood that it wasn’t about me. Instead, celebrating God was my focus… I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for Him!

During worship, I noticed that several songs mentioned the word “alive.” As we sang, I thought about how God knew the very moment I would be born. He planned each of my days before one of them came to pass. He formed every detail of my body according to the good work He has for me to do (Psalm 139, Ephesians 2:10).

And as I pondered being alive and living for God, something else occurred to me.
No matter who else has been or is currently in my life, it really has always been just me and God. He is the one constant person in my life. (Though my family is a close second!) He is faithful and reliable. He never leaves me nor lets me down.

There is comfort in God’s constancy. I can trust Him, knowing He is for me and not against me. He always has my good in mind (even if I don’t understand it). Regardless of how I feel or think, He always gives me His best!

Often, circumstances look differently than we expected. Life has a way of feeling upside-down about half the time! But, just because life may not make sense, that doesn’t mean God isn’t present working it all out behind the scenes.

Many times, I need a little personal pep-talk to remind me of all that is good in my life. It’s easy to lose hope if I just focus on what I see in front of me. On the other hand, if I keep my eyes on Jesus—and Who He is—I will have peace and joy in the midst of trials. He is above all the chaos, yet is right with me in it.

It is useless to put my hope or trust in anything or anyone other than Jesus! He sees the end from the beginning. He knows the way because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus is the first and the last and surrounds me like a shield. I am covered in grace!

God’s plans and promises for me will surely come to pass—He always keeps His word. Jesus will never stop loving me. His love never fails!

Life is short, but it is a gift. With Jesus, nothing is impossible. I can expect good things. Praise God, it’s good to be alive!!

God, thanks for bringing me through another year! Thanks for all You have done for me and with me and through me. I’m excited for all You have in store for me this coming year! All glory to You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Question: Can you see God’s faithfulness over the last few months or year?

Task: Listen to this song: “Never Been A Moment” by Micah Tyler. Praise God!

Free Indeed

Happy Independence Day!! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating our country, our freedom, and all our blessings. I appreciate all the brave military men, women, and their families who have served and protected us. Thank you for your many sacrifices.

About a month ago, my next-door neighbors went to see Mt. Rushmore. Their kids came over to play one day and I asked how the trip was. Their son is a little younger than Lydia. He told me, “I liked George Washington because he fought ALL the bad guys!”

I love his enthusiasm! May we all celebrate like that today!

On Sunday, one of our pastors reminded us that worshipping God is our greatest freedom. When we worship, we are on the ‘cutting edge’ of what God is doing in America. There is so much power in our praises. But while religious freedom is part of our country’s foundation, how easily we take it for granted!

Worship brings us closer to God—and in His presence, we are set free from all that weighs us down. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. He gives us peace!

Case in point: Fear is subtle and I didn’t realize until Monday afternoon that I was worrying about some upcoming plans and decisions. While I have learned to deal with fear much quicker than in the past, this still caught be by surprise.

One reason I have been anxious is that I don’t have all the details yet and I don’t want to make a mistake. (Of course, that is just life. We all deal with that.) But on occasion, my old perfectionistic tendencies still try to trip me up and I get stuck!

Then, on Monday evening, I went to church for a special worship session. Singing helped me refocus on the Lord and turn my burdens over to Him. There was a brief sermon, and afterward, I humbly asked for prayer.

During the sermon on Monday night, the pastor gave some cool facts about the universe. In summary, our sun is a fairly small star compared to others that are farther away. Of course, Earth is even smaller than the sun… and so, we humans are just a small dot in the universe. It was a great reminder of how big God is.

Even more, I gained perspective on the size of my problems versus God’s love for me.  God is much more capable than me and has greater plans! Jesus gives me His strength to do difficult things. So, I don’t have to be afraid or try to figure out everything on my own!

As I worshiped God on Monday, my fear subsided. I felt His presence and decided to trust Him more. I still don’t know exactly how everything will work out, but I have peace.

I know God will help me: He is for me and with me.  

My Victory is in Jesus! I am free indeed.


Heavenly Father, thank you for blessing America. On this Independence Day, may we remember that we are dependent on You. May we never forget the price YOU paid for our freedom. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Question: Do you have special holiday plans today?

Task: Listen to ‘Who You Say I Am’ by Hillsong Worship.

Ten Things For Which I Am Thankful

Confession: Over the last few days, I have noticed myself reacting to various issues in not-so-helpful ways. Some issues are mere annoyances…and most are out of my control. I could tell you how I have lost my temper, felt sorry for myself, or have said words I regret. Maybe that can wait for another day… in the meantime, I will focus on adjusting my attitude. 😉

We all have bad days or moments from time to time, and we all need the Lord’s forgiveness and refining. Nonetheless, instead of seeing all that is ‘wrong,’ I want to look for what is going well.

So today, I am challenging myself to find ten things for which I am thankful. It doesn’t solve all my problems but gratitude does put them into perspective. We all have so much goodness in our lives…

In no particular order, I am thankful for…

Sleep. If I am over-tired, I am more likely to lose my cool. Sometimes a nap is a perfect way to reset. I’m also grateful for a new FitBit that has better sleep information than my old one. I have been tracking my sleep habits and trying to be more consistent overall.

Nature. Sometimes, I just need to get away and decompress. I have taken some awesome nature walks lately which has been refreshing. (I probably should do that more often!)When I see the beautiful blue sky, cool animals, green leaves, and flowers in a rainbow of colors, I am reminded of how much God cares about all the details of my life too.

Good listeners. I have some wonderful people in my life who let me talk openly and get things off my chest when needed. I don’t do this all the time, thankfully, but I do appreciate the feedback provided. Sometimes I need someone to agree with me and sometimes I need a kick in the pants. I’m glad to have family and friends who can offer kindness and/or provide some tough love! I’m also thankful when they pray for me!

My lawnmower. Mowing the lawn is not my favorite thing to do, but I am always proud of myself after it is done. It reminds me that I can indeed do difficult things with God’s help. 🙂

Stability. I have a lovely house and a good job, and God provides so well for me. I have no lack. All of my basic needs are met, which reminds me that ‘godliness with contentment is great gain.’ Thank You, Jesus!

Walkie-talkies. This might sound odd, but Lydia and I use walkie-talkies when she is playing at a neighbor’s house so I don’t have to yell like a madwoman to get her attention. This provides a little independence for Lydia and some reassurance for me. It also makes it possible to get a few quick chores done inside when all she wants to do is play outside.

Access to healthy food, healthcare, etc. In America, we have so many resources that we often take them for granted. Just in terms of food, there are probably ten-thousand options at one grocery store… and I have perhaps ten grocery stores within ten minutes of where I live. (No more complaining here!)

Hugs from Lydia. She is quick to sense when I need a hug, which always ‘fills my cup.’ I’m so thankful for her and my life is much more rich with her in it.

Music. Music has a special way expressing our feelings without words. I like several kinds of music, but lately, I have appreciated birds singing on my deck and worship music. Both help me pause and reconnect with the Lord.

Opportunities to serve. This is especially important to get our eyes off ourselves. When I can use my gifts to help someone, that changes everything.

Wow, I feel better already! I’m thankful God loves us ‘too much’ to let us stay focused on ourselves. His love is overwhelming and reckless! (So that makes eleven things! Bonus!)


God, thanks for loving me so much. Please forgive me when I have a bad attitude. Give me new eyes to see the needs around me and help me be thankful. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Can you name ten things for which you are thankful?

Tasks: Start each day with gratitude. Write some thank you notes! Also, listen to the song, ‘Reckless Love’ by Cory Asbury.

The Difference Between Moving On and Moving Forward

Yesterday, we reached a big milestone in our grace journey. It was five years since Dave died…and five years of walking it out step-by-step.

Each moment has been drenched in God’s grace.

Five years ago, it felt like this milestone would never arrive. I had no plan and no clue what to do. (And for a planner, that’s kind of a big deal!) Suffice it to say, we faced a lot of challenges.

Yesterday felt noteworthy—yet at the same time felt just like any other day. The normalcy of it made me even more aware of God’s thorough healing. While it hasn’t been easy, I’m grateful.

I want Lydia to associate this day with goodnessinstead of pain or sorrow—and identify the overwhelming Victory we have in Christ. So, each year I’ve given her a small token to mark the occasion.

Needless to say, Lydia was excited about yesterday. She woke up with such anticipation, “This is going to be a great day!” I loved her cheerful attitude; she loved the little cat ring I gave her before school.

So yesterday, we celebrated Dave’s memory and that he is safe and secure… By God’s grace, we are still standing strong! Thank You, Jesus. Every Victory is found in You!

Often, we pray for God to do big things, and then want to tell Him how to accomplish all our ideas. But His ways are bigger than our ways. Our small minds cannot comprehend all the good He has in store for us.

 As He promised in Romans 8:28, God has used this horrible tragedy for my good and His glory…so I can, in turn, help others and bless them. My goal is to then point people back to see God’s goodness in their own lives.

Honestly, I don’t need to understand the “why factor.” I am just grateful that God knows exactly what we need. His grace covers me and I can move forward in Victory.

Victory starts with Jesus at the Cross and His Resurrection but then carries over into everyday life. Each day brings opportunities to live victoriously. We have the choice to stand firm or move forward.

For me, standing firm means NOT running away from all the pain and sorrow—which is the exact opposite of what I sometimes want to do. Standing firm means not giving up even an inch of that holy ground. Moving forward is taking that first step and then another and another.

Some Victories are large and some are small. Some come easy and some are a struggle. Either way, slow and steady progress is still good.

It is strange to think that many of my friends now, never even met Dave… These days, I don’t share as much about him because sometimes the timing or mood isn’t right. Still, I appreciate anyone who will listen when I really need it. Thank you!!

After a big life change, people often get a ‘grace period’ to adjust. Though, after five years, perhaps some people would say it is time to move on. (I get it. Life goes on.) But, there is a difference between moving on and moving forward. And really, you can’t do both!

Moving on implies that we need to cut our losses and forget the past. Just get over it already! Moving on feels like an either/or option. You can either stay stuck or leave everything behind.

Moving forward, on the other hand, acknowledges the pain, grief, loss, or other wound but chooses to see beyond it. It is inclusive of one’s past and current experiences but allows for new options in the future. Moving forward may seem agonizing at first but is worth it in the long-run.

Moving on is the gut reaction—handling it on your own. Keep your head down and work hard to push through the pain. The problem is that approach is not sustainable. It uses up our energy so we have nothing left to give.

Moving forward, then, is the grace response—letting Jesus do the heavy work. Keep your head high—focused on Jesus—honor the past, and be brave. Surprisingly, we find more energy and power because the Holy Spirit covers our weakness and renews us with His strength.

Each person’s journey looks different. There is no one-size-fits-all ‘right’ way to deal with life’s pain and trials. But, for me, the greater Victory is found in moving forward with Jesus. He is faithful and can do far more than we could ever ask or imagine!


Heavenly Father, thanks for all Your grace and goodness toward us. All glory and praise to You, Lord. Help us continue to move forward in Victory as you bring freedom and wholeness. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.

Questions: What are your thoughts on standing firm, moving forward, and moving on? Do you feel like you are living in Victory—or still struggling?

Tasks: Praising God is one way to keep moving forward and refocus on Jesus. Listen to this song: “Surrender” (Fight My Battles) by Michael W. Smith

Book Review: When God Doesn’t Fix It

Recently, I finished another book that I’d highly recommend to anyone dealing with grief or trying to understand how life has turned out so differently than planned…

The book is called, When God Doesn’t Fix It, by Laura Story. Like the other memoir I reviewed, this book also was published two years ago, but I wasn’t ready for it then. I’m so grateful for God’s healing grace—and for how far He has brought me!

The author is an award-winning singer, songwriter, and worship leader. But twelve years ago, her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent a ‘successful’ surgery. However, he now has several deficits including short-term memory problems and loss of peripheral vision. Parts of the story are very funny and other parts are very poignant.

The book has many parallels to my own story, yet both are still unique. Of course, I can relate to the ups and downs of dealing with health issues. When he was sick with cancer, my late-husband, Dave required more care as time went on, but didn’t improve. Life never returned to the way it was.

Ms. Story dispels several myths we believe about God and shows the Truth using Scripture. The Lord always keeps His promises (See 2 Corinthians 1:20)! But often, we place expectations on Him that He never agreed to do for us. Then, we tend to feel betrayed and blame God when He doesn’t come through like we think He should.

Take, for example, the subject of healing. Indeed, Jesus certainly did heal many people. However, as great as that was, physical healing was not His main goal. We see in Luke 19:10 that Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost.” Thus, He had a greater purpose in mind than just physical healing…

(The book gives more details and more examples, but I can trust the Lord for greater things in my life too!)

I appreciated that Ms. Story wrote honestly about her faith journey, one that has more questions than answers. She and her family have repeatedly prayed for healing but have had to learn to move forward without the resolution they desire. Her husband’s condition has not improved, but they have chosen to grow through the experience.

Ms. Story didn’t pretend to understand the “why factor.” Instead of demanding God to fix her family’s problems, they are embracing the present journey. They are choosing to praise Jesus and live for Him, becoming better, not bitter.

This book reminds me that we don’t have to have all the answers to walk by faith.

God is SO good!!


Father God, thanks for all You do for me. Thanks for graciously guiding me and providing for me. Help me to praise You even when I don’t understand my circumstances. Help me to walk in faith! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are your God-sized questions that seem to have no answers? How can you trust Jesus and move forward?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Blessings,” by Laura Story. If you read her book, When God Doesn’t Fix It, let me know what you think!

Taste and See: Carrots vs. Cheetos

This week, I worked with a dietetic intern to lead a diabetes support group that meets once a month. The topic was ‘how to eat healthy on a budget.’ As nutrition experts, we often hear that eating healthy is so expensive. I can understand that perspective, but often, there is more to the story.

As the intern and I reviewed our options for the class, I saw a handout I had made a few years ago when I had compared prices of foods in a local grocery store.

In almost every case, the fresh fruits or vegetables in-season were cheaper than junk food.

One comparison still makes me laugh. At the time, a (2.87 oz) small bag of Cheetos cost $1.49 while a (16 oz) small bag of baby carrots was on sale for 99 cents. Woohoo!

While I’m not ‘anti-Cheetos’ and do eat them on occasion, the similarities and differences between these two items are striking. Both Cheetos and baby carrots are around the same size. They are both orange and crunchy. But, they have vastly different nutritional properties and effects on the body.

The bright, shiny Cheetos bag certainly seems more glamorous than the simple baby carrots. On the surface, it is easy to see why the Cheetos are so enticing. They ‘promise’ a lot more fun! However, looks can be deceiving.

With Cheetos, you get a cheap thrill—and not much more. The fake neon powder eventually comes off after you lick your fingers (er, wash your hands)! The long-term cost is more than just financial. In excess, these bright orange puffs will take a toll on your health!

(PC: Frito Lay)

Carrots, on the other hand, bring far more to the table—even if you don’t find them on sale. Their nutritional value is worth any extra cost. They have real nutrients such as beta-carotene and other phytochemicals that protect the body.

It’s physically difficult (or impossible?) to overeat carrots. At any rate, they are low calorie, low fat, low carb, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan… Regardless of your nutritional needs, carrots are usually a win!

It may seem like a sacrifice to eat wholesome foods. It can be difficult to see an immediate payoff, but the long-term benefits of health and disease prevention outweigh any short-term expense.

While Cheetos are mainly eaten out of the bag, carrots are versatile! To start, they can be eaten plain or with dip and cut in a variety of shapes. Overall, carrots can be found fresh, frozen, or canned and contain similar nutritional values.

Also, carrots can be added to muffins, casseroles, stir-fries, soups, smoothies, or salads. I enjoy them raw, roasted, mashed, steamed, and spiralized, too!

Spiritually, I see a few parallels to our daily life and relationship with God. And while our financial stewardship (aka. keeping a budget) is important to God, the currency of TIME is one we often overlook.

We can spend all of our time doing activities that seem good at the moment but don’t have lasting value. These may include watching television, reviewing social media, staying up late, etc. It may even include reading, cleaning the house, or paying bills.

Some of these things are not only good but necessary. Yet, they, too, have a place. If we neglect to spend time with the Lord, we will soon see the toll it takes.

If we don’t spend quality time with God, we can quickly lose our peace and joy. We may lose our sense of the Father’s love as well. And when that happens, the effect is compounded. If we don’t receive grace and love for ourselves, we surely won’t offer it to others!

With Jesus, we can look forward to good things every day. Even in the midst of trials, we know the best is yet to come. We may not perceive His many blessings, but they are always there. We just have to look for them!

The Lord is not limited to any budget, and He is not bound by time or space. The options are endless because nothing is impossible with Him! Hallelujah!

Following Jesus always costs us something. That will look differently for each of us, but may include offering up our money, our time, or even our attitude! All have immense value when brought with a sincere heart.

Still, each ‘offering’ is well spent and yields eternal rewards! Like choosing carrots over Cheetos, spending time with Jesus is always worth the sacrifice of our time.


Heavenly Father, thanks for giving us the blessings of health and delicious food. You are so good to us. May we honor You with our choices and our resources. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are your favorite fruits and vegetables? Do you eat the recommended 5+ servings/day?

Tasks: Listen to this song by Paul Baloche. Also, for some healthy cooking tips, check out one of my favorite websites: Fruits and Veggies More Matters

MercyMe at the Movies

Over the years, I have grown more comfortable going to see movies on my own. The crazy thing is… it always seems God that meets me at the theater! I’m not joking! Each time I go by myself something interesting happens…

Yesterday, I went to see a matinee showing of “I Can Only Imagine.” I went to a matinee during school hours. As soon as I walked in the door to buy my ticket, my friend, Gwen, ran over to greet me.

I didn’t see Gwen standing there so it was a funny surprise. She was waiting for a friend who I found out was my former neighbor. Lori recognized me from when she and her family still lived on our block. Now, she and her family live out of town near Gwen; their kids go to school together.

We briefly caught up and decided to sit together during the movie. Seeing these ladies was a cool and unexpected blessing. I had considered going to an earlier showing yesterday but decided to run errands instead. I’m so grateful God directs our steps!

The movie told the story behind the hit song of the same name. The movie, in my opinion, was not overly religious…but it was very real. It did not hide the character’s pain or gloss over ugly details. I loved seeing how a relationship with Jesus changes everything.

The main character, Bart Millard, grew up in an abusive household. But when he was in high school, his father started seeking the Lord. It was challenging for Bart to forgive his father, but he did. Praise God, his dad was transformed into a new man! He and Bart improved their relationship before it was too late.

For me, the story, told in the song and movie, highlights what Easter is all about—REDEMPTION. Jesus Christ loved us so much that came to earth and He gave His life on the cross for us. His blood paid the price of our sin and took away the punishment we ourselves deserve: Death. We could never accomplish that on our own.

The movie was a great reminder that Jesus never gives up on us! No one is beyond His salvation. He wants everyone to come to Him… What grace!

But, God didn’t stop there. On Resurrection Sunday, Jesus rose to life again through the power of the Holy Spirit. The best part is that when we accept what Jesus did for us, we are forgiven AND we also receive a new life. We are transformed from the inside out.

Knowing Jesus gives us hope for our future in Heaven—but He also gives us new purpose today. Not only do we have redemption but Jesus also brings RESTORATION.

Jesus renews us and makes us whole. We have new opportunities and can make good choices that honor Him. Because of Jesus, we also can live with joy and fulfillment even in the midst of painful circumstances. Trust me… I know!

We don’t need all the answers to walk by faith. Some situations may years to resolve, but we know that someday, Jesus will make everything right. He is faithful and just!

How awesome that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in us, too!  Not only are we forgiven and have peace with God, but the Holy Spirit’s power is our strength when we ourselves are weak. He enables us to do far more than we can think or imagine according to His power working in us (see Ephesians 3:20)!

Though we should all encourage each other and work together to glorify Jesus, God has made each of us for a unique role. Therefore, how He works in each of our lives may also look different. We don’t need to compare ourselves! 

For me, having God’s power alive and active inside of me means I can choose to walk by faith instead of fear. I have Victory over fear. I am FREE and don’t have to be afraid!


Thank You, Jesus, for dying on the cross for me! Thanks for giving me new life and freedom. Help me live boldly and walk by faith. Renew me and transform me from the inside out. In Your Name, Amen.

Questions: Have you received God’s free gift of salvation? From what has Jesus redeemed you?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “I Can Only Imagine,” by MercyMe. Read this article about the song and movie! And, go see the movie! 🙂

Trusting God in Transition

Happy Spring!! I hope you are enjoying sunshine and warmth!!

Here in Fargo…it still looks like winter. In fact, we just got another dusting of snow again this week. However, the snow won’t last long. Change is on its way!

I’m thankful that I chose last week to travel to my hometown in Illinois rather than this week. Because the Lord directed our path and timing, we didn’t have to travel on wet or icy roads. Thank You, Jesus!

Soon, my mom and dad won’t have to deal with snow in Florida!

As my parents finish packing and head south, I have been thinking about life in our small community. Local friends are rallying around my mom and dad to show support, share a meal, and send them off.

Clearly, I’m not the only one grateful for their influence and impact. They have quite a legacy of servant leadership, faithfulness, kindness, and generosity!

I’ve also been recalling all of our memories in the home they built. Since I have been in Fargo for several years, distance has created ’emotional space’ regarding the actual house.

But still, it does seem odd not to be able to call it HOME for much longer… 

Nonetheless, I’m proud of my parents for making the transition. They have been talking about it for a long time. And, I’ve also happily acquired some treasured items from their 43 years of marriage (so far). Bonus!

Moving can be difficult as familiarity is left behind….but I know from personal experience how rewarding it can be to jump into the unknown.

Besides, it’s normal to have new challenges now and then. They remind us this world is not our home… Let’s keep moving forward. God has so much more in store!

God promises to be faithful to those who love and follow Him… Jesus is not bound by zipcodes, timezones, weather, the postal service, or any airline. I know He will take care of my parents just as well in Florida! It is a new adventure!

Transitions can be both scary and exciting. The best part is that times of transition can draw us closer to Jesus. But it’s our choice whether to draw near…

We all have times in our lives where our faith is challenged and doubts creep in. But, if we keep our eyes focused on Jesus, we will remain steady. He is our Rock and our sure foundation. Our hope is in Him.

With Jesus, nothing of value is really lost. Most of us prefer safety and comfort over uncertainty, but everything that truly matters is secure in Christ. We find true peace and rest in Jesus. He will never let us down!

So… I take comfort in those wonderful memories of growing up in the country. I appreciate all the time we spent outdoors and as a family. But, I also look forward to creating new memories… at the beach!

God is good and His plans for us are also good!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your love and grace. Thanks for protecting and providing so well for us. In times of transition, help us to rest and trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you in a time of transition? How can you trust Jesus to help you thrive?

Tasks: Ultimately, this world is not our home… Listen to the song, ‘Home‘ by Chris Tomlin.

I Belong to God

Last Friday night, I, along with three other ladies, spoke at a women’s event at our church. We each briefly shared our stories as it related to the theme: I Belong to God.

Ironically, each of us interpreted the theme differently, but each story provided a unique angle and gave a deeper, more well-rounded view of the theme. How cool!

One lady shared about how she doesn’t always feel like she belongs. She often feels outside the social circle, but with Jesus, she never has to feel that way.

Another lady shared about how belonging to Christ gives her identity. She shared how she has grown over the years as she understood who she is in Christ.

I shared a quick version of my story, and the fourth lady’s story was about saying yes to God’s call. We also sang worship songs in between testimonies.

For my story, I shared I had grown up in a Christian home and met Jesus at a young age. While I had the head knowledge that Jesus loved me, in my heart, I was afraid.

Looking back, it was difficult for me to put a finger on the root of my fear—and because I couldn’t figure out exactly what the problem was, I never really dealt with it. I just let it become a stronghold over the years. In some ways, fear became my comfort zone.

Then, I shared about moving to Fargo and about our cancer journey. What an emotional roller coaster! It wasn’t easy—our faith was stretched thin at times—but we chose to trust Jesus. And, He really did come through for us in so many ways.

When everything in my life fell apart, God was there to catch me and pick up the pieces. I saw that He is bigger than all my worst fears and was the only sure thing that remained after Dave died. He has taken such good care of me and my daughter, Lydia.

Recently, I came across a quote by Emily Freeman: She says, “When you can’t see God’s hand, trust His heart.” I love that because we all find ourselves in unexpected situations and seasons that we didn’t plan.

If you are facing a choice between FEAR and FAITH, choose faith.

When you belong to God, you can cling to Him in the midst of uncertainty. You can trust in His provision. And, you can rest in His grace. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. He’s got you covered!


Heavenly Father, You are so good! Thanks for setting me free from fear. Help me walk in Your grace and live for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is your story and does it include Jesus? Have you ever written it down or shared it with someone?

Tasks: Write down the evidence of God’s grace in your life—share them someone who needs encouragement. Listen to the song, “It Is Well” by Kristene DiMarco and Bethel Music.