Taste and See: Carrots vs. Cheetos

This week, I worked with a dietetic intern to lead a diabetes support group that meets once a month. The topic was ‘how to eat healthy on a budget.’ As nutrition experts, we often hear that eating healthy is so expensive. I can understand that perspective, but often, there is more to the story.

As the intern and I reviewed our options for the class, I saw a handout I had made a few years ago when I had compared prices of foods in a local grocery store.

In almost every case, the fresh fruits or vegetables in-season were cheaper than junk food.

One comparison still makes me laugh. At the time, a (2.87 oz) small bag of Cheetos cost $1.49 while a (16 oz) small bag of baby carrots was on sale for 99 cents. Woohoo!

While I’m not ‘anti-Cheetos’ and do eat them on occasion, the similarities and differences between these two items are striking. Both Cheetos and baby carrots are around the same size. They are both orange and crunchy. But, they have vastly different nutritional properties and effects on the body.

The bright, shiny Cheetos bag certainly seems more glamorous than the simple baby carrots. On the surface, it is easy to see why the Cheetos are so enticing. They ‘promise’ a lot more fun! However, looks can be deceiving.

With Cheetos, you get a cheap thrill—and not much more. The fake neon powder eventually comes off after you lick your fingers (er, wash your hands)! The long-term cost is more than just financial. In excess, these bright orange puffs will take a toll on your health!

(PC: Frito Lay)

Carrots, on the other hand, bring far more to the table—even if you don’t find them on sale. Their nutritional value is worth any extra cost. They have real nutrients such as beta-carotene and other phytochemicals that protect the body.

It’s physically difficult (or impossible?) to overeat carrots. At any rate, they are low calorie, low fat, low carb, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan… Regardless of your nutritional needs, carrots are usually a win!

It may seem like a sacrifice to eat wholesome foods. It can be difficult to see an immediate payoff, but the long-term benefits of health and disease prevention outweigh any short-term expense.

While Cheetos are mainly eaten out of the bag, carrots are versatile! To start, they can be eaten plain or with dip and cut in a variety of shapes. Overall, carrots can be found fresh, frozen, or canned and contain similar nutritional values.

Also, carrots can be added to muffins, casseroles, stir-fries, soups, smoothies, or salads. I enjoy them raw, roasted, mashed, steamed, and spiralized, too!

Spiritually, I see a few parallels to our daily life and relationship with God. And while our financial stewardship (aka. keeping a budget) is important to God, the currency of TIME is one we often overlook.

We can spend all of our time doing activities that seem good at the moment but don’t have lasting value. These may include watching television, reviewing social media, staying up late, etc. It may even include reading, cleaning the house, or paying bills.

Some of these things are not only good but necessary. Yet, they, too, have a place. If we neglect to spend time with the Lord, we will soon see the toll it takes.

If we don’t spend quality time with God, we can quickly lose our peace and joy. We may lose our sense of the Father’s love as well. And when that happens, the effect is compounded. If we don’t receive grace and love for ourselves, we surely won’t offer it to others!

With Jesus, we can look forward to good things every day. Even in the midst of trials, we know the best is yet to come. We may not perceive His many blessings, but they are always there. We just have to look for them!

The Lord is not limited to any budget, and He is not bound by time or space. The options are endless because nothing is impossible with Him! Hallelujah!

Following Jesus always costs us something. That will look differently for each of us, but may include offering up our money, our time, or even our attitude! All have immense value when brought with a sincere heart.

Still, each ‘offering’ is well spent and yields eternal rewards! Like choosing carrots over Cheetos, spending time with Jesus is always worth the sacrifice of our time.


Heavenly Father, thanks for giving us the blessings of health and delicious food. You are so good to us. May we honor You with our choices and our resources. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are your favorite fruits and vegetables? Do you eat the recommended 5+ servings/day?

Tasks: Listen to this song by Paul Baloche. Also, for some healthy cooking tips, check out one of my favorite websites: Fruits and Veggies More Matters

One thought on “Taste and See: Carrots vs. Cheetos

  1. Even though it can be hard to develop and stick to a budget, I almost always have a better month financially when I do. It’s the same with God. Even though it can be hard to find time for him, it is always worthwhile.

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