A “Walk-By Fruiting”

Recently, I had a really funny patient who wanted to make some nutrition changes. He loves cooking and preparing meals for his family, which is good because he said his wife only knows how to order pizza for her turn in the kitchen!

This Veteran made me laugh and certainly had unique ways of saying things. For instance, he said that butter means love in his family. So, when someone makes potatoes or toast (or whatever!), they “add a little love.” He had been “adding a lot of love” based on his lab work! Yet, he had already made a break with butter by the time we met. He was still using some but had reduced it.

He also “had a feeling” for Baby Ruth candy bars since he associates them with comfort and good memories of his youth. Regarding my recommendations, the Veteran was willing to get rid of something else, if needed, and leave those alone. I was 100% okay with that since he is not eating too many.

Finally, he used the phrase “walk-by fruiting” to describe the little basket of fresh fruit in their walkway between the kitchen and living room. If he is hungry, he can grab a piece of fruit as he walks by! It makes total sense, right?!

March is National Nutrition Month, and of course, fruit is food! But, fruit is also used to describe evidence of growing closer to God and becoming like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Words matter, and I have been thinking of walk-by fruitings ever since!

Whenever I read my Bible or hear a verse from Scripture, I will think… walk-by fruiting! It’s catchy and encouraging! Whenever I reconnect with God during my day to find new strength… yes, that’s a walk-by fruiting!

I am also reminded that one of my friends had a funny word for extra food after a meal. Many of us call them leftovers, but he called them “remainders” like he learned when doing long division in math class. Spot on, really!

That is not too much of a stretch here. Jesus calls us to remain in Him; in doing so, we will bear much fruit. Just by staying connected, we can’t help but grow. Conversely, if we cut ourselves off, our faith will wither and die. It’s not really about doing more but resting in God’s love. Jesus has already done the most difficult work on the Cross.

Remaining in Jesus is a matter of the heart as we let Him position us where He wants us. So, let’s remain close to Jesus because we have Life and Victory in Him!


Father, thanks for showing us new things daily through the people we meet. Open our eyes and hearts so we can learn and grow. Help us stay close to you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Does your family have any cute sayings that have carried through the years?

Task: As you connect with God throughout your day, think about the growth that will occur over time. It takes diligence and intention, but I hope you are encouraged and keep coming back for walk-by fruitings!

Praise Him Anywhere

On my way to work yesterday, I heard the song Praise You Anywhere by Brandon Lake. It’s a good song, but I hadn’t paid much attention to it until yesterday. I sat in my car for a few minutes, thinking about various places I could praise God.

I like to sing in the shower, in the car, and while cooking. I’m sure there are other places I worship God, but I haven’t thought much about it lately. Sometimes, I like to just be quiet and feel His presence.

That said, I don’t have to sing in order to praise God! I often thank God for various things, either out loud or in my heart. I might praise Him for the weather, or a kindness I perceived. I may thank Him for light traffic or meeting someone else’s needs. I pray blessings of over people I love dearly and complete strangers I see as I go about my day.

I love that praise can be a part of prayer, which is just talking to God. I like to check in and pray at meal times, when I wake up and go to bed.

Currently, I am thanking God for sending us less snow than usual. I’m sure we will get plenty of it soon, but it has been helpful for my current role at work. The cold weather is important and beneficial at the same time. There is beauty to be found in every season!

With the winter we’ve had lately, my sister sent a picture of a sun dog. We see them a lot in North Dakota, but she hadn’t seen one for a while in Illinois, where she still lives. It was a praiseworthy thing to photograph!

I love what Psalm 113 says about praise. Here is part of verses 1-3:

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, you his servants; praise the name of the Lord.

Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore.

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.

Praising God doesn’t have to be awkward. Really, it is the most natural thing we can do. If you don’t know what to say or do, start with what you see. Tell Jesus how thankful you are for objects in your environment. Next, move through the other physical senses (hearing, touch, smell, taste, and proprioception). Make it a full-body experience!

Then, tell Him how you feel emotionally. Praise Him for His help, provision, healing, and anything else that comes to mind. If you are struggling, that’s okay. He understands. Praise Him anyway!

We were created for a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Whether you sing or talk, you don’t need fancy words! Just bring your heart!


God, we praise You! You alone are worthy. Help us praise and worship You with our whole hearts and all of our gratitude. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Where do you like to sing or praise God? Do you find it easy or a bit awkward?

Tasks: As you go about your day, look for ways to praise God. Consider tracking your praises and see how long your list gets! For another great Brandon Lake song, check out Gratitude.” Praise Him anywhere!


Wise As Serpents, Harmless As Doves

Lydia and I had yet another timely conversation last night. She was talking to two friends online who have not been getting along. It sounds like one friend was ready to extend an olive branch. Yet, Lydia unknowingly was trying to play interference. 

I overheard her talking to the other friend and asked her, “What are you talking about? Don’t get in the middle of their issues, and don’t write anything you will regret.”

Did she listen?

Not quite…

While Lydia didn’t write anything mean or spiteful, the tone of her words didn’t sound quite right and could have been misinterpreted since we can’t always deduce tone of voice online. Not thinking it through, she just wrote what came to her mind. The other friend grew suspicious that Lydia was playing both sides, though she was trying to help.

Lydia’s little folly lost her tech privileges the rest of the night. Mostly, I needed her to take a pause. Thankfully, both friends easily let it go, but it could have blown up quickly.

Really, I don’t think Lydia understood what I meant, so I used her confusion as a teaching moment. I searched for the verse below and then found this video. We watched it together and discussed it.

I explained that we are to be wise yet peaceable with people. We are to influence the world but not get caught up in the drama. We can help people, but we have to let them learn and navigate their own path sometimes. 

We are called to love, but that doesn’t mean we are to be pushovers. We are called to stand up for others, but not pull them out of every pickle.

I gave Lydia a few personal examples of two sides telling me ‘all their problems.’ I never share personal details or provide a ‘he said, she said’ to the other party. Instead, I encourage them to talk it out. I pay attention to subtleties and nuances of body language. I read between the lines, so to speak! 

I can provide a look into the other person’s perspective, but filter it through a lens of grace. I coach them to offer the benefit of the doubt and help them understand the other side. But, it is always up to them whether they work it out or not.

As such, people recognize that I am a good listener, observant and trustworthy. I try not to be judgemental but provide a rounded view of both sides.

In the verse above, Jesus used a simile. He didn’t mean we should be dishonest or try to deceive people. He meant we should be aware and be prepared… lead with love, but don’t be stupid or naive. 

Ultimately, we need to understand the impact of our actions, and how they can pull people closer to Jesus or repel them. In some ways, it’s a matter of great responsibility!


God, thanks for the lessons You teach us! Help us walk wisely and peacefully as we share Your love and grace with others. Help us do what is right. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you listen with wise and peaceable intent, or do you try to stir the pot?

Task: Pray about this topic and THINK: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind? If not, keep it to yourself!

Easing Into the New Year

Ahh! Don’t you love the beginning of a new year?! 

We often see the ‘new year, new you’ types of posts, but this year, I have been pleasantly surprised to read more posts about starting small and just showing up. Small changes add up over time! It’s refreshing in a way because most New Year’s resolutions don’t stick.

Perhaps our goals aren’t well thought out, or we try to change too much. Setting small goals and re-evaluating them each week can be helpful to make sure you stay on track. You may have heard of ‘SMART goals’ which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

SMART goals are a practical way to keep moving forward. Here’s an example: At least four days this week, I will add 1 cup of vegetables to my lunch. Then, you can look back and know for sure if you have been successful. It’s low pressure, but you can adjust the goals as needed and have built-in accountability.

An excellent way to ease into the new year! Who knows… maybe you will be surprised!

Free photos of Winter

It’s only a few days into January, and Lydia and I have already had several weighty conversations! It’s normal to become more self-conscious in the pre-teen years, and Lydia has been asking great questions. It’s not easy, and I appreciate your prayers!

This week, we discussed the difference between being passive and proactive in what we watch, say, think, do, and feel. Being passive means we just let things happen, and being proactive means we look ahead and plan when possible; we direct our responses and position ourselves for success.

For example, it’s not our fault if someone swears in a movie we are watching, but we are responsible for whether or not we keep watching. And, we are accountable if we choose to use the bad language. 😉

Also, feeling upset sometimes is normal, but choosing to stay upset is our choice. If we react in anger or spread gossip, then we have to face the consequences of our actions.

Negative thoughts come and go, just like positive ones. We should acknowledge our emotions, but they don’t run the show! And if we don’t get ahold of them, they can become a stronghold. We need to uproot lies, fear, anger, and resentment!

Lydia and I have discussed how we can reject unhelpful thoughts or emotions by applying God’s Word and Truth. Lydia has been looking up Bible verses in context and summarizing them. Then, we discuss them and think of ways to apply them to her life and mine! Slowly, I see her becoming more confident and comfortable with her identity in Christ!

Free photos of Mountains

Like Lydia, it’s good to keep learning new things and changing. That’s called growth! 

Although, I’m grateful God doesn’t usually ask us to change everything all at once. The Holy Spirit does prompt us to change so we can be more like Jesus, but He is a gentleman. In my experience, however, He is persistent!

God might keep bringing up a topic on the radio, online, or in conversations with others. Or, He might prick your heart at inconvenient or uncomfortable times. It’s good to check in with Him daily and make sure we are listening.

This year, I don’t have any big goals or resolutions. I just want to be godly! I am making it a priority to tune my ears to the Holy Spirit. I want to make sure I am staying close to the Lord, as He helps me lead and guide Lydia through these next stages. There is a lot at stake, and we are relying on Him!


God, thanks that we don’t have to prove ourselves or earn Your love. You accept us just as we are, yet love us to much to let us stay that way. Change us little by little, and help us stay close to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any goals to start off this new year? How can you stay close to Jesus this week… and year?

Tasks: Remember to keep close to God, so He can direct your path! Write down one SMART goal for the week. Be ready to pivot, as needed. Don’t overthink it, and feel free to change it next week! 🙂

Oh, How He Loves Us

Yesterday, on my way to pick up Lydia after work, I was once again in the car listening to the radio. The K-LOVE host read the verse of the day. Isaiah 43:25 (NLT) says, “I—yes, I alone—will blot out your sins for My own sake and will never think of them again.”

In context, the whole chapter is about the coming Messiah, whom we know as Jesus Christ. But, I only heard part of the verse at the time. I looked up the verse later, but the part that stood out to me was “for My own sake.”

Surprisingly, the verse didn’t say “your own sake.”

As I thought about it, I was touched. Why would God blot out our sins for His own sake? I’m sure there are more theologically important points, and you can check out some commentaries here, and here.

But, either way, here are my simple thoughts, initially. I hope it brings encouragement and causes you to consider the topic on a personal level, too.

  1. God is full of love and mercy, and His grace knows no bounds. Extending mercy and grace brings Him great pleasure, and it’s a part of Who He Is. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves; it rests on Him alone, and He is fully aware of that.
  2. God is eager to forgive us. Moreover, He doesn’t want to hold our sins against us. (Although, as a perfect Judge, He does hold us accountable if we don’t accept Jesus’ death and sacrifice as paying the penalty for our sins. Jesus is God’s solution to save us from Hell, which is otherwise our automatic default.)
  3. God really wants to be with us and do away with anything that hinders our relationship. Maybe He also doesn’t want the reminder of our sins, any more than we do! That said, do we crave having a relationship with Him in the same way, or do we take it all for granted?
  4. Sin is a heavy burden for us to bear, but God took care of it… and wants to move forward already! He doesn’t want us to be weighed down in guilt any longer. We can live in freedom and Victory… Thank, You Jesus!
  5. And finally, I asked Lydia for her thoughts. She said, “He just really loves us!” 🙂


Gracious Heavenly Father, You are infinitely wise and full of goodness. Thank You for doing for us what we could never do for ourselves. May we walk with You always, and worship You in gratitude every day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Why do you think God blots out our sins for His sake, not ours? Have you accepted God’s gift of salvation and forgiveness for your sins?

Task: Check out the commentaries linked above. Also, listen to this song, “How He Loves,” by David Crowder. It’s a classic!

Finding Grace #324

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Nature

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week, full of interesting surprises!

Work went well overall. It was busy, but I had some time to finally catch up! We helped collect food items for homeless and food insecure Veterans. Then, we put items in bags, trying to provide balance for two to three days worth of meals. Not enough to solve all their problems but enough to get them through a crisis where they can get more support.

 Lydia wasn’t feeling well this week, but was quite the trooper anyway. She stubbed her toe pretty badly and was limping all week. It was purple and swollen but I don’t think it was broken. Even if it was, there’s not much to do for a toe!

Early in the week, I hired someone to dethatch my yard. Then, I put down some grass seed. There are several other things that need to be done, including some mulch I need to put down and hiring a crew to stain my deck. Being a homeowner is expensive at times, but worth it!

Friday was good. After work, I went to see the new Downton Abbey movie! It was so good and I recommend it. It would be great to have another movie, but if this is it, they tied up everything really nicely. It might be my favorite thus far!

Then, I went to get some estimates to fix my car! My driver’s side mirror got hit yesterday on my way to work. The other driver took full responsibility and even paid me directly to repair it. (The quote was for $473; he rounded up and apologized for the inconvenience he caused me.) I was amazed because I wanted to trust him to keep his word and make it right, but I also know that doesn’t always happen! I could tell he was a hard worker and perceived the prompt payment was a point of pride for this man (plus more convenient than going through insurance). Ultimately, I am safe and the minor repairs will be done in the next week or so. A good lesson about believing the best in other people.

This week, I mowed for the first time this season. I also noticed my pretty pink tulips are starting to bloom and my trees are full of tiny leaves! The grass is beautiful and green…. besides the bare spots…. and I am going to put more effort into keeping it nice this year!

Today, Lydia is resting after a long week. I ran a couple errands and am getting caught up around the house. I made a lasagna which turned out really good! Perfect for a cooler, overcast day!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Bedtime Bombshells

Other children at bedtime: “I’m thirsty. It’s dark, I can’t sleep. I’m not ready for bed.”
My conscientious child: “Mom, can you set up these child protections because I keep wanting to use the iPad when I know I shouldn’t, and I don’t want to lie when you ask me about it.”
Thankfully, our nightly routine is a place of safety and trust! I don’t always feel prepared for these ‘bedtime bombshells,’ but I lean on God’s wisdom as I chat with Lydia.
(Regarding the tablet, I do monitor her usage, but together we decided this was a good opportunity to practice self-control, so we decided to try moving the tablet to make it less convenient and see if she is able to regulate herself. We will revisit the topic soon.)
Upon further discussion about why this was bothering her, Lydia said, “Well, Jesus can come back at any time, and I don’t want to be caught doing something that’s wrong.” This led to a great discussion about God’s grace and mercy, and the difference between the two!
Then, that led to questions about friends who swear and do other questionable things but say they go to church. These are not Lydia’s closest friends, though it really bothers her at times when they are disrespectful. “If they really knew God, would they act like that?”
Flowers, Plum Blossom, Spring, Petals, Seasonal, Bloom
We discussed that all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Jesus is the only Way to Heaven (John 14:6), and despite all the good or bad things we do, none of us are deserving. Perhaps Lydia’s friends are unaware of God’s love for them. One way to know God’s people is that they should become more like Him over time.
Then, Lydia said, “When I get to Heaven, I am going to ask God why He didn’t just start over and make everyone love Him?” We discussed how robotic love is not really love at all.
“Ah, well, God can do anything, so He could do that,” she said. I told her there are some things God cannot do such as lie. We have to listen to God’s voice so we are not misled by Satan’s lies and evil schemes. That’s why these conversations with her are so important!
She realized, “Wow, that’s right! I guess there’s no treadmill of love forcing everyone to love God and each other. We have to make a choice.”
We also discussed the ‘common grace’ that God gives to everyone to draw us closer to Him. Some examples include beautiful sunrises and nature, our conscience, laughter with family and friends, safety, etc. God wants each of us to know Him, so we should pray for all our friends and show them God’s love. Yes, it’s the kindness of God that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4).
We discussed how some people are afraid of God, but they don’t need to be because He is love. Then, Lydia saying, “I bet they haven’t read Revelation!” Which, of course, led to an End Times discussion about the Rapture and the Antichrist! Lydia understands it is important to be prepared, yet she is also concerned for her friends who are unaware.
I am grateful for my wise and thoughtful girl! What an interesting conversation!
This coming weekend marks the ninth anniversary of Dave’s death and entrance into eternity. The conversations above are all the more important to me because (with God’s salvation and grace), it’s on me to make sure Lydia knows the Way to Heaven by pointing her directly to Jesus! In some ways, my goal is to finish what Dave and I started. 
When I think of the last nine years, I see both desperate struggle and overwhelming Victory. Praise God for carrying us this far. He cannot be anything but faithful and good to us, because that’s Who He is!
While I don’t know what’s going on in your life today, I do know God cares all about you and your problems. He is trustworthy and true, so bring Him your fears and concerns.
God can handle all your questions, too. Believe me, I know. Besides, He won’t make you run on an endless treadmill to earn His love!
God, You are so faithful and good. Thanks for your lovingkindness to us! Help us spread Your love and grace to others. Help us show them Who You are. In Jesus’ Name Amen
Questions: What is your favorite Bible verse? Do you enjoy walking or running on a treadmill? If not, is there a different piece of exercise equipment you enjoy more?!
Tasks: Pray for your friends and family who don’t know Jesus. Set a good, loving example of Who He is… sometimes, we inadvertently turn them “off” because of how we act!

On Encouraging Ourselves

Recently, Lydia and I have been watching a cute show on Netflix called, “Old Enough.” It’s about young Japanese children (ages two to around six or seven) going on “first errands” to help their families in some way.

The kids are not truly alone, as the camera crew is following them from a distance. But in most cases, the crew is not supposed to interact with the children. It is quite impressive to watch these adorable kids, but I cannot imagine us doing that in America!

On the show, we’ve watched a little boy take fish to the fishmonger; kids going to buy a few grocery items; prepare hot tea and a snack for the family; bring lunch to dad at work on the boat; or take flowers to grandma. Some have special handmade flags to help people see them cross the road and others just raise their hands high. Sometimes they walk and sometimes they run the whole way. They usually look both ways several times!

Boy, Picnic, Ruck Sack, Child, Walk, Japanese, Asian

Of course, there are often challenges with making decisions or trying something on their own. While errands and places are familiar, the little kids (toddlers, even!) don’t always know what to do. They aren’t sure which bus to ride (solo!!) or which brand to buy. Some of the kids ask for help reaching items or choosing between options, and some use old-fashioned ingenuity. Only a couple of little ones have wandered home sadly before going out to try again. Impressive!

As you can imagine, the child may not feel up to the task. After a little coaxing or a pep talk, they are on their way determined to make their family proud. Occasionally, the episode has two little friends working together. They keep each other on task and in line. Some are shy and some are extraverted, but they all figure it out in the end. They are heartwarming and adorable to watch!

What stands out to me is that all the kids encourage themselves along the way. On their way, they tell themselves all sorts of things such as, “I can do it. I am confident and determined. I’m brave. Let’s go! I am capable. This is fun. I’m smart! I did it! I’m tired, but I can rest at home. Mom will be happy with me!” One little girl even held her hand up to her ear like a phone and pretended to tell her mom how well she was doing!

If you haven’t already seen the show, “Old Enough,” I recommend it! Lydia has a fascination with Japan anyway, so the culture, religion, housing, and eating habits have been good talking points!

  I love how the kids on the show encourage themselves when they are afraid, lonely, or unsure. That’s because even as adults, we don’t always get it right! When we are hungry, afraid, lonely, tired, unsure, or under pressure, we tend to get off track. Our thoughts and emotions can lead us astray, so we assume the worst about ourselves or our situation!

Thankfully, we have a good example in the Bible because King David took a different approach. When he faced hardship, loss, and near-mutiny, he encouraged himself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6). He strengthened himself, not with his own laurels, but with God’s Word and promises to him.

Ultimately, there’s nothing wrong with encouraging and motivating yourself. (We can’t always rely on others to do that for us!) But in the end, we can’t forget to trust God and seek His truth in our circumstances. Let’s encourage ourselves based on who God says we are!


God, thanks for the people of Japan and the joy of children as they do big things. Bless them and show them who You are. Also, help us to encourage ourselves with Your grace and Truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Have you seen any positive, funny, or heartwarming shows lately?

Tasks: Review this throwback blog post and this one, too for some good resources on the same topic!

Christmas with The Chosen

This past Sunday afternoon, Lydia and I went to the local movie theater to see “Christmas with The Chosen.”  I told her we were voting with our dollars in support. But, I received so much more. It was so good, and I am still thinking about how much I loved it.

The first hour (of two) was primarily a mix of classic Christmas songs with a few new ones. There was a variety of contemporary singers from several backgrounds. I didn’t expect that much singing, but I enjoyed seeing people worshiping God on the big screen! That was a first!

Nativity Scene, Crib, Barn, Joseph, Maria, Silhouettes

Here are just a few of the highlights for me:

Phil Wickham was the opening singer. I love several of his songs and even had one of them as my morning alarm sound (before I put my old phone in the microwave!). On-screen, he somehow reminded me of my neighbor boys (in the future grown-up), both in appearance and style. When I think of him now, I will remember to pray God’s blessings in their young lives.

Brandon Lake’s song, “Gratitude,” is a new favorite. He sang about praising God when we have nothing else to give. Such a timely message. As he sang, I thought: “There are probably a number of people in my life who have never seen a man worship like that.” It was a powerful song, done in a way that is uncommon.

I loved seeing Matt Maher in the lineup. He is so funny and full of joy, yet his lyrics bring a certain gravity, unlike many other artists. For instance, the lyrics to his song, “Lord I Need You” are hanging up next to the mirror in my bathroom. After Dave died, I didn’t always have the words to convey what I felt, but that song was a reflection of my heart. I loved seeing Matt dance and have fun while singing and playing his guitar. To me, it was a portrayal of Jesus (both man and God) being full of life and love.

It was fun to see For King and Country, Jordan Feliz, the Bonner family, Maverick City Music, Caine, We Are Messengers, and more. In all, I loved seeing many different ages, cultures, and skin colors represented. Young and old, that’s how Heaven is going to be. The Kingdom of God is for everyone.

Christian, Picture, Historical, Bible, Christianity

There were four amazing monologues by actors in the show. I don’t know which I loved more. Each was so well done.

One of the monologues was about Israel’s history and the darkness, oppression, and isolation they felt under Roman rule. God had been silent for four hundred years, so there was little hope left. Then, Jesus came.

Another actor discussed Shalom, God’s peace, which is transcendent of our circumstances. It is a wholeness and a rightness, that only He can bring. Only Jesus makes the Shalom of God available.

The actual portrayal of Mary and Joseph in the nativity story is one I will be thinking about for some time. The show highlighted their love for each other but also was very real. (Example: Joseph had to clear animal poop out of the way so Mary could lie down.) It was scary and awkward at times for these mere humans, but they were willing to let God work His plan in them and through them.

Some of the movie was related to the birth of Christ, and other scenes were set in the future (after Jesus ascended back to Heaven). The cinematography and storyline were just right. It was fun to see some of the regular characters again and meet some new ones!

The show was overwhelming in the best way possible. I enjoyed showing Lydia a new way to experience God and worship Him! In all, I highly recommend “Christmas with The Chosen” in the theater if you can squeeze it in before Friday (December 10th). Otherwise, it will soon be available the free app!


God, thanks for a fresh Christmas perspective; it’s all about Jesus! May we honor all He is to us and for us. In His Name, Amen

Questions: Have you watched The Chosen? (There are two seasons so far, with more to come!) Have you been to the movies lately?

Task: If you haven’t already checked out The Chosen show, download the app today! (Android or iPhone) I hope seeing Jesus in a new way will bring you comfort and peace this season.

Be Bold, Be Brave

I have a friend who recently took a step back from what she was doing to go in a new direction. Society sometimes tells us what to do or not do, but I am proud of my friend for listening to her heart and following her dream.

God can do far more than we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

But still, it takes guts to go against the grain!

Lake, Mountains, Banff National Park, Islet, Bank

A blessing for her and for anyone who dares to trust God for greater things:

Be bold, be brave! Remember, God is with you and for you!

He is more than able to provide for you with the riches of His grace.

All good gifts come from God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Breakthrough is coming.

Following God’s plan is sometimes difficult… but it is always worth it.

Work as if it depends on You, and pray as if it depends on Him.

Then, receive what He has for you. He is faithful.

Breakthrough is coming.

Whatever happens, it has passed through God’s hands first.

No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

What is for you… is for you. He will give you everything you need. Trust in Him.

Breakthrough is coming.

Don’t be afraid. Do the difficult thing.

God will help you through it and redeem any pain along the way.

Have courage and be willing to try something new.

Breakthrough is coming.

Lay aside your expectations and stand in faith, knowing God’s plan is best.

It may turn out different than you thought, but He will never let you down.

Rest in Him. Nothing is impossible for Him. He’s got this.

Breakthrough is here.


God, You are King of our hearts and the God of breakthroughs. Nothing is impossible for You! Help us trust You for greater things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Have you ever done something so big and life-changing that the only option was to trust God? Looking back, can you see His faithfulness?

Tasks: Print out this blessing and tape it to your mirror, or make your own!