Keeping An Eternal Perspective

Lydia and I recently were talking about habits that are helpful versus habits that are not. We discussed seemingly benign ideas like playing games on her tablet, watching our favorite shows, and more.

Around this time, she also came up to me and exclaimed, “Mom, do you know how long eternity is? Forever!! I can’t even think how long that is!” Her mind was blown!

Sensing an opportunity to tie these things together, I steered our discussion toward the types of things we should be doing to prepare for eternity. Some examples would include reading our Bibles and learning Who Jesus is. We imagined what it would feel like showing up in Heaven not knowing anything about it, other than Jesus’ death and resurrection.

We agreed that want to make sure we know as much as we can now!

Free photos of Mountains

Soon, Lydia’s eyes lit up in understanding. Our lives are so brief in light of eternity. I told Lydia our current problems will someday seem very small and distant. Though it doesn’t feel that way in the stress of the moment!

That very night, she started rereading her Action Bible, which is a graphic novel version of the Bible highlighting key stories. I did remind her that it doesn’t have every story in it, so we need to make sure to read the real Bible, too.

I appreciate that the Action Bible brings the stories to life in a fun way. Lydia jumped straight to Revelation, as she has been fascinated by the Rapture and the great beast who brings horrible evil. This led us to briefly chat about how crazy this world is becoming. It’s good to know the signs of the times!

We also talked about faith versus works, and what that means for believers and unbelievers on Judgement Day. We all will have to give an account of our actions!

Then, in her actual Bible, Lydia somehow found the story of Elisha and the widow in 2 Kings 4. “Mom, I didn’t even know this story was in here!” We talked about how the widow followed through on Elisha’s command to collect jars from her neighbors to hold the oil. She was able to sell the oil and provide for her family. Our actions demonstrate our faith in what God can/will do!

It’s no surprise that Life can be complicated at times. We plan and prepare, yet still, our days get crazy and chaotic! It’s easy to get stuck on whatever problem is in front of us that day. How quickly we forget the bigger picture!

Sometimes we try to do it all on our own, forgetting that God is right there. If you find yourself spinning your wheels or hitting a wall, check back in with God. He is our peace.

Besides, Jesus told us not to worry because each day has its own troubles! So, it’s good to ask ourselves, “In light of eternity, does this matter?” As someone once told me, “It’s all gonna burn someday!” Let’s keep an eternal perspective as we go about our day.

Let the Holy Spirit instill you with His grace and strength. He is not only our Advocate and Comforter, but He is also our Teacher. He is preparing us for greater things, which absolutely includes Eternity!


God, thank you for setting Eternity in our hearts. Help us live each day fully, walking in Your grace, truth, love, and peace. Help us keep the main thing the main thing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you prepared for Eternity? How can you stay close to Jesus today?

Task: Remember, the best way to succeed in Life is to stay close to God. Know Jesus, accept His sacrifice, death, and resurrection. Then, live for Him! (As always, reach out if you have questions or need some guidance on what this means for you!)



Living Amid the Shadow of Death

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” –Psalm 23:4, ESV

On Sunday morning, my cousin’s precious 12-year-old son (Ethan, her only child) was tragically killed in a snowmobiling accident in Ohio. Please keep his parents and all of my family in prayer. There are no words to describe the collective heartache.

Moreover, lately, I have been aware of other people’s equally difficult losses, too. Whether loss of life due to COVID, other health issues, or even more senseless tragedies, death and destruction seem to be everywhere these days.

In times like these, I think of all my loved ones who have already passed on. It is comforting to imagine Ethan being greeted by my grandparents, two aunts (one of which is his grandmother), and my late husband, Dave. Often, it brings me comfort but sometimes, I have to stop before my grief gets the best of me.

Yes, grief is extremely painful at times. But while I am very aware of the so-called reality of Death, I am also very aware of the ultimate reality of Eternal Life and even the joy found in living in the here and now.

When I can’t wrap my mind around all of the sadness, I take all my thoughts and feelings to Jesus. He is the Source of Life, and He helps me sort out all my problems, emotions, and doubts. He relieves me of those burdens and gives me a lighter load.

But even though Jesus conquered Death (and Sin) when he rose from the grave, we still deal the pain and darkness of it every day. We, as Christ followers, place our hope in God’s eternal wisdom and plan, even we don’t understand it. We mourn differently than those who place their hope in earthly things.

Yet, how do we keep living amid the shadow of Death?

**The ideas that follow are not so much “tips” as they are reflections. Each person handles grief and loss in their own unique way. Nonetheless, I hope these thoughts point you in the right direction, towards Jesus, who will make everything right someday.**

First things first, we draw closer to the Light of Jesus. A shadow is not a shadow without the presence of light. So, in Jesus’ presence, we keep the shadows in perspective.

Similarly, we recognize that Death has lost its power. A shadow constantly shifts shape, but there is no hint of darkness or changing in Jesus (James 1:17). God is God over the shadows (2 Kings 20:9-11). When we look to the Cross of Christ, we will see death for what it really is. Only temporary.

Next, we celebrate the lives of those we love and are missing. We talk about them and share memories of them. We honor them as we place one step in front of the other, living a full life and making the most of our time. Life is so short…but God’s grace is abundant.

We recall that God does not bring tragedy and pain upon His children, but He helps us in our struggles and does not leave us in the valley on our own. He collects our tears and won’t waste our pain. Yes, He promises to use these horrible circumstances for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28).

Finally, we understand God is not surprised by tragedies or twists in our life story. If we are willing to trust Him, He will even use our story to help bring healing to someone else. We can choose to keep moving forward with Jesus.

He is the God of all comfort and peace.


God, we thank You for the gift of Life. Lord, You are the King and You reign over death. Will You help us to trust You more when we don’t understand? Please bring Your peace and comfort, Lord. Give us courage and strength as we keep moving forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: In the midst of tragedies, where are you placing your hope and trust? Have you asked Jesus to meet you in the midst of your pain?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Valleys Fill First,” by Caedmon’s Call. Remember to take all your pain, sorrow, and grief to Jesus! He loves you more than you can even imagine.

Glory to God in the Highest

Luke 2:14 says, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.” This is part of the Angels’ song and message to the shepherds when Baby Jesus was born. Lydia and I read that verse this week for Advent.

Then, on Monday, the winter solstice, we got to see the ‘great conjunction’ of Saturn and Jupiter. Apparently, this is the closest they have appeared in hundreds of years. We did not have a telescope but relied on my pair of binoculars, which I keep in the car.

I did not take any pictures, but it was really special just to take it in. I’m just glad we didn’t miss it. The weather was clear and I didn’t forget!

At home, Lydia and I ate dinner and discussed what we saw. A little while later, we happened to read that verse in Luke, and it took on new meaning for us.

Glory to God in the highest heaven: I explained how when we are on an airplane we are within Earth’s atmosphere,  far, but not too far away.

Next, we have the higher levels of our atmosphere, where the International Space Station orbits. Then, there are stars and planets in our solar system, followed by other galaxies, quasars, black holes, and who knows what else.

Humans have been looking toward the skies for millennia, wondering what is ‘out there.’ Thankfully, technology has helped fill in some of of the gaps.

In fact, the Hubble Telescope, one of the most famous space telescopes, recently turned thirty years old. It was launched in 1990, and I have enjoyed the many images over the years. In college, I even had many of them posted on my bedroom walls.

I love how Psalm 19:1-6, says, “The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.
    In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.

Taking Luke 2:14 (above) into account, “the highest heaven” seems sooo far away. Yet, God is not unapproachable or unavailable. He is right here with us. Emmanuel.

This week, as we celebrate Jesus’ birth, maybe you just aren’t “feeling” it. Yes, it’s been a tough year. But, that’s exactly why Jesus came. To bring comfort and peace and restore joy. Therefore, we can focus not just on presents, but on His presence. Keep looking up!

Jesus came through perhaps a gazillion light years (way more than we can comprehend) to save us from sin and set us free from death. What a savior!

Yes, the God of the Universe humbly volunteered to rescue His people and bring us back into relationship with Himself. As high as the Heavens are above the earth, so great is God’s love for us (Psalm 103:11). No one loves us like He does!

Clearly, Jesus didn’t just go the extra mile. He stepped across time and space to show us just how much He loves us! Thank You, Jesus, and Happy Birthday!


God, we glorify You and magnify Your name! May we bring You honor and understand Your great love for us so we can share it with others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Did you get to see the planetary phenomenon this week? If so, what did you think?!

Tasks: Check out the Hubble Telescope site. Look through some of the classic images and give God praise. Remember: He loves us even more than all of those celestial bodies combined!

God’s Kindness, A Calling Card

Recently, I was talking with a lady who was widowed about a year ago. Understandably, she has been missing her late husband quite a bit, especially as we head into the holiday season. As a result, she has been reading books and articles about the afterlife.

It may be comforting to read about what our loved ones are experiencing in Heaven (if they go there), but she mentioned some ideas that made me a little wary. Humans who die do not become guardian angels, for instance!

I did my best to answer her questions about my own grief journey. Then, I guided her to the Truth…that is, I pointed her back to Jesus!!

Later, my friend said, “God’s judgment doesn’t seem as bad as one would expect,” based on her reading of other people’s near death experiences. I didn’t ask what she was referencing, but still, I felt the need to gently clarify a few things for her.

First, God’s judgment and wrath is very serious. He doesn’t play favorites, punishing some sinners but not others. We see this over and over in the Bible. 

In the Old Testament, God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Then, we read about the Flood, and later, King David losing a child as a result of adultery. We also see Judah being exiled to Assyria and Israel being exiled to Babylon after generations of debauchery. And, these were God’s chosen people!

In the New Testament, new Christians (Ananias and Sapphira) were struck dead for lying to the Holy Spirit. There are other cases of pending judgment in the book of Revelation.

Second, God’s judgment is not unjust or without warning. He sent His Word through many prophets over many years, and later, Jesus Christ Himself! He warns us about the consequences of our choices. He asks us to confess our sins and turn from evil, choosing Life over Death. Then, He repeatedly gives us opportunities to repent and make things right. 

Apparently, we are slow learners, but I’m thankful He is so patient with us!

Nonetheless, there are consequences for our actions. For better or worse, we reap what we sow. Indeed, the Bible says we will be held accountable for our words and our actions.

Third, God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness are bountiful. If we know Jesus and have accepted His FREE GIFT of salvation, we don’t have to be afraid of death or judgment. I am guessing this is what my friend meant to say.

Romans 2 is all about God’s law and judgment, but Romans 2:4 says that God’s kindness leads us to repentance. I love that! We see His generosity all around us, and His kindness is like a calling card. Oh, how God wants us to know Him and be with Him! 

It’s like when someone goes out of their way to bless you, help you, or meet a huge need. You are so thankful, you can’t help but live differently. You may ‘pay it forward’ or return the favor, or just become really close to the person because you appreciate what they did for you.

So it is with God’s kindness. He overwhelms us with His goodness, and we can’t help but bask in His love! We can never repay Him, but we can live differently as a result.

Only God’s love (through Jesus) can bring the true change we need. When we know how much He loves us, our lives will start to change. In gratitude, we can acknowledge the good things in our lives and give Him full credit! Let’s come to Jesus and receive His peace and joy today!


God, You are so gracious and good to me. Thanks for all You do! Help me not take Your kindness for granted. I want to make choices that honor You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you accepted God’s free gift of salvation? How has God been kind to you? How has His kindness changed how you think and act (i.e. repent)?

Tasks: If you are curious to learn more, check out the book, Heaven, by Randy Alcorn. (There are still some things we just won’t know until we get there, but the author gives a comprehensive explanation and breaks down key points based on Scripture.)

**If you don’t know if you will end up in Heaven after you die, make that decision today!**

Everyday Encouragers

Last week, I imagined how it would be in Heaven if we one day have to apologize to every person we maligned with our words or actions, even if they were unaware of it at the time. Awkward!

I often think about things like that. I enjoy using my ‘mind’s eye’ to grow and reflect, which helps me appreciate my current experiences and consider other perspectives.

That said, what if the opposite also occurs? What if we get to track down and thank every single person in Heaven for anything kind or helpful they did that benefitted us, even in the tiniest of ways? This could include an unexpected gift, or opening a door, or praying for someone, not to mention all the many ways we bless those we know.

Can you imagine how long that would take us? Good thing we will be there for Eternity!

Or, to take it a step further, think about how it would feel if we one day have to go up to everyone and say, “Sorry I didn’t say this sooner, but I really appreciated it when you…” or “Well, I meant to send you a card, but I didn’t because I was busy…” Ouch.

Again, I don’t have any indication that will actually happen, but it might be worth thinking about. If it makes you squirm a little, now is your chance to do things differently.

I know it brings God great joy when we are grateful and treat each other well.

Either way, we don’t have to wait to apologize or say thank you! Even today, our lives, words, and actions can ooze grace toward others and win them to Jesus Christ.

Our words can bring life to a dying world. What a privilege!

We don’t need a special occasion or reason to be a blessing. As we go about our day, we can encourage others. We can apologize when needed and say thanks, too.

We can compliment each other and shout out any good we see.

Also, don’t wait to tell someone you love them. You may not get another chance.

Finally, don’t wait until life slows down… that may never happen! Just make it a habit to be generous and kind as you go throughout your day!


Father, thanks for all You do for us. Help us grow in grace and gratitude, so we can share Your love with others. Help us be mindful of the impact of our words. May we use them to bring life and glorify You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Does this blog post comfort, convict, or challenge you? What changes will you make as a result?

Tasks: Look for ways to use your words and bless others today. Send a thank you note, praise someone for their efforts, compliment clothing or kindness toward others. Be generous when spreading grace and joy today!