Glory to God in the Highest

Luke 2:14 says, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.” This is part of the Angels’ song and message to the shepherds when Baby Jesus was born. Lydia and I read that verse this week for Advent.

Then, on Monday, the winter solstice, we got to see the ‘great conjunction’ of Saturn and Jupiter. Apparently, this is the closest they have appeared in hundreds of years. We did not have a telescope but relied on my pair of binoculars, which I keep in the car.

I did not take any pictures, but it was really special just to take it in. I’m just glad we didn’t miss it. The weather was clear and I didn’t forget!

At home, Lydia and I ate dinner and discussed what we saw. A little while later, we happened to read that verse in Luke, and it took on new meaning for us.

Glory to God in the highest heaven: I explained how when we are on an airplane we are within Earth’s atmosphere,  far, but not too far away.

Next, we have the higher levels of our atmosphere, where the International Space Station orbits. Then, there are stars and planets in our solar system, followed by other galaxies, quasars, black holes, and who knows what else.

Humans have been looking toward the skies for millennia, wondering what is ‘out there.’ Thankfully, technology has helped fill in some of of the gaps.

In fact, the Hubble Telescope, one of the most famous space telescopes, recently turned thirty years old. It was launched in 1990, and I have enjoyed the many images over the years. In college, I even had many of them posted on my bedroom walls.

I love how Psalm 19:1-6, says, “The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.
    In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.

Taking Luke 2:14 (above) into account, “the highest heaven” seems sooo far away. Yet, God is not unapproachable or unavailable. He is right here with us. Emmanuel.

This week, as we celebrate Jesus’ birth, maybe you just aren’t “feeling” it. Yes, it’s been a tough year. But, that’s exactly why Jesus came. To bring comfort and peace and restore joy. Therefore, we can focus not just on presents, but on His presence. Keep looking up!

Jesus came through perhaps a gazillion light years (way more than we can comprehend) to save us from sin and set us free from death. What a savior!

Yes, the God of the Universe humbly volunteered to rescue His people and bring us back into relationship with Himself. As high as the Heavens are above the earth, so great is God’s love for us (Psalm 103:11). No one loves us like He does!

Clearly, Jesus didn’t just go the extra mile. He stepped across time and space to show us just how much He loves us! Thank You, Jesus, and Happy Birthday!


God, we glorify You and magnify Your name! May we bring You honor and understand Your great love for us so we can share it with others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Did you get to see the planetary phenomenon this week? If so, what did you think?!

Tasks: Check out the Hubble Telescope site. Look through some of the classic images and give God praise. Remember: He loves us even more than all of those celestial bodies combined!

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