Word Up!

Life gets so busy and it seems my brain is always on the go. I’m sure you understand! Sometimes, I take a break and let my mind wander in silence, listening and waiting on the Lord. This week, while I was sitting still, I was reminded of my ThinkUp app, which is a running list of personal affirmations.

I have written about it before, though it’s been awhile since I have used it. Still, listening to my own voice and recordings was moving. Over the course of a few minutes, I was struck by statements of faith and hard won victories. Rather than just a bunch of feel-good messages, each affirmation was really a declaration of God’s faithfulness. I could see how much I have grown and how far the Lord has brought me.

It was like years of random sticky notes and ideas were in one place, and I was able to review the memories attached to them. I teared up as I heard myself speak of trust, hope, and perseverance. Instead of affirming how strong I am or want to be, I was declaring God’s power and plan over my life. He has awesome things in store for me!

Later that same day, Lydia told me about a song she had heard from one of her friends. She thought it was a lighthearted and fun summer song, and she wanted to share it with me.

Based on the title, I was guessing what the first few lyrics confirmed. It was a modern tune by a popular artist, but it was a much different song than Lydia anticipated. Nonetheless, I turned this into a learning experience!

Lydia was horrified when I interpreted the song in mostly kid-friendly terms. She was horrified, and thanked me for catching it before she embarrassed herself. (Side note: I love that she can receive gentle correction with gratitude!)

I simply explained the World has different standards than we do. This is one reason we often listen to Christian radio, but I cannot control what happens when we’re not together.

We talked for a long time about popular culture compared to God’s loving expectations for us. Or, as Lydia put it, “Following God is like having GPS in your heart. If we ask Him for help and direction, He will never lead us astray.”

I confirmed my job as a parent is to protect her, teach her, and help her navigate these situations. We reviewed critical thinking skills and the importance of searching for God’s wisdom in daily life.

We discussed guarding our heart and minds, so only good things come in and go out. We role played how to speak up or walk away from ungodly influences. I also planted a seed so the future Lydia remembers she can come to me with all her questions and concerns. It’s never too early!

Our words matter, and we cannot take them back once spoken. We also can’t forget mean or vulgar things that we hear. So, we need to be wise!

We can bring life through speaking with Truth, grace, and encouragement. Conversely, we can also tear down and discourage others. We can plant seeds of hope or seeds of doubt. 

God’s words are still having impact today. What He set in motion at Creation is still happening! His Word will endure forever, so it make sense to put more value  on, or magnify, what He says than what the World tells us. Yes, we better… Word up!


God, thanks for the power of Your Word. Help me be responsible with the words I say. Keep me accountable with what I put into my mind so that what pours out of my mouth is honoring to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: If you don’t know all the lyrics to a particular song, do you make up your own words?

Tasks: Tune your heart to God’s Word. Memorize Scripture and meditate on it. Be wise with your words (in person and online) today!

All the Glory

I am so thankful for how God chooses to bless us and help us. Whether our day goes as planned or not, He still reigns. As long as we seek His input and aim to glorify Him, we will be on the right path. It can look different everyday, however!

Yesterday morning, I woke up with a certain set of tasks and goals but needed to switch it up as the day progressed. For instance, I grabbed my rain jacket to deal with some light rain on my way to work. I got moderately wet on my walk inside, but I didn’t mind too much. I knew, later in the afternoon, it would be nearly eighty degrees!

During my work day, I altered my plans based on how the day presented. I got some of my work done and fielded some calls and questions, too. Even though I didn’t complete all my original tasks, I tied up some loose ends and felt good about my work.

Yesterday afternoon was quite warm indeed! It was beautiful and sunny after the rain left. On my way to pick up Lydia and run some errands after work, I saw yards with tons of dandelions and yards without. I saw beautiful crabapple trees and tulips, too! I also heard various songbirds, which is one of my favorite sounds. 

Along the way, I was overwhelmed with gratitude in this current season. I appreciated the weather, but also the freedom we have to do what we need to do and enjoy life (despite various pandemic protocols). Regardless of our circumstances, God is so good!

I kept thinking about how wonderful it is that God is with us and in us and still above it all. Soon, I rolled down the windows and quietly sang the first song that came to mind: Holy, Holy, Holy.

No matter what we are doing, every moment is a great moment to praise God!

After I picked up Lydia, she showed me TWO four-leaf clovers. I don’t think I have ever found any, and she has already found several (including the ones from yesterday)! She was calm yet happy, as she had been looking for a few days. Something so simple made her feel proud of herself. Her diligence paid off!

Even though our days were different, we each were able to honor God in our own ways. I was able to praise God in the moment and on-the-go. Lydia was able to apply patience and focus to find something God created. Everything we do can honor Him!


God, thanks for helping us each day. Thanks for taking such good care of us. Help us live for You and give You glory in all we do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How has your week been going? Have you been able to see God at work around you? How can you give Him glory and praise?

Tasks: Wherever you find yourself this week, take a few moments and reflect on God’s goodness. Praise Him for His faithfulness!



A Little Stretched

Recently, on my personal Facebook page, a memory popped up from two years ago.

Here is what it said:

Tonight, I was preparing for the week ahead, prepping meals and doing dishes, while hoping to watch the Olympics. Lydia, already relaxed and watching the Olympics, asked me for an after-dinner snack when I hadn’t even eaten my dinner yet…

I was a little short with her. Here is our conversation as I came upstairs with an armful of laundry.

L: Mom, you look a little stretched.
Me, with a sigh: What do you mean, Lydia?
L: Hold on, I’ll be right back!

L, seconds later: Here, you can use this! I like to squeeze it when I am stretched.

The emoji stress ball was a perfect reminder not to be so serious…and so sweet of Lydia to encourage and help me. The fact that she picked up on my mood without actually understanding the reasons made me laugh! I’m so thankful for her!

I thought it was funny that Lydia replaced the word stressed with stretched. Yet, it was totally applicable in that context. I also appreciated her thoughtfulness and compassion.

And yes, the laughing-to-the-point-of-tears emoji ball makes me smile even now.

But maybe today, you are feeling a little stretched. Perhaps your schedule is pushed to the limit and you can’t simply laugh it off. Remember: God’s got this.

Let God have your worries, and take on His perspective instead. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He loves you with an everlasting love. He’s got it.

You may not know how it all works out, but God’s got you covered. Rest in His grace.

I hope this post brightens your day, and that you find something to smile or laugh about today. Take time to pray, destress, and relax. Take the scenic route when possible. 

Life is too short to always be a little stretched.


Heavenly Father, thanks for being our Victory! When we feel stressed or stretched thin, help us turn to You. Let us rest in Your grace, knowing You’ve got us covered. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What would it mean for you to give your worries, stress, and schedule to God?

Tasks: Life is an adventure! Cast all your cares on Jesus, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Listen to the song, “You got this” by Love and the Outcome.



Steady Me Now

Whenever I see a word repeatedly popping up in everyday life, I take notice.

Lately, that word is anchor.

Maybe it started when I watched a random movie that took place on a cruise ship. 🙂

Or, maybe it was because I was reviewing some old blog posts!

Here’s one. Here’s another. And another.

At any rate, I have been listening to the song, “Anchor,” by Skillet, on repeat.

I keep singing part of the chorus over and over: “You are my anchor, So steady me, steady me now.”  I have even caught myself humming it in public!

You know, it’s a little more inconspicuous that way… 😉

In Christ Jesus, we have “hope as an anchor for the soul, strong and secure” (from Hebrews. 6:19, NIV). He provides safety, security, and grounding in any storm.

Jesus also prevents us from moving off course. We are wise to cling to Him like the anchor He is. There are many types of storms and vessels and missions, but Jesus is more than enough to meet every need! Trust Him!

That begs the question: To what or whom are you anchored?

Are you anchored to Jesus, or are you stuck on other people’s expectations and opinions? What holds your attention? Do you look to the Prince of Peace or to your problems?

We all face external challenges and internal troubles. Outside forces are often beyond our control, but sometimes we try to control them. Internally, the mind can be quite subtle. Both have unique risks and dangers, and both can be difficult to navigate.

It seems there are two ways we can anchor or attach ourselves to something. Although they may appear similar at first glance, only one is stable. One means we do all the work ourselves, while the other brings rest, peace, power, and protection. 

We can clasp onto an idea or person or object with stubbornness and pride. This means I am doing life solo and in my own strength. I have all the answers, so I don’t need any outside help or input. Unfortunately, when I fasten myself, the chain quickly becomes binding and I am trapped. I am no match for life’s challenges on my own.

Or, we can cling to Jesus with steadfastness and humility. This means He holds me tight as I wait for Him to lead me. I seek His input first and refuse to move until I hear from Him. Relying on the Lord takes patience… because I can’t chart my own course successfully.

It is important to evaluate your position while life is still calm. A storm leaves no time to figure out how to use an anchor! Don’t leave yourself at risk. Come to Jesus right now!


Dear Jesus, thanks for being my Anchor! You are strong and secure. Thanks for Your protection. Help me rest and wait for You. In Your Name, Amen

Questions: How firm is your anchor, or whatever you are depending upon? Will it hold fast in the next storm? How can you be sure?

Tasks: If you’re clinging to anything other than Jesus Christ, now is your opportunity to let go and grab onto Him like your life depends on it. (It does!) And, listen to this song!



I Will Call Upon the Lord!

We all face many distractions every day. That’s nothing new! But if we’re not careful, one distraction leads to another and another. Before long, we are completely off track.

Recently I noticed a little trail of personal distractions. I was getting ready for my day but answered a text on my phone. From there, a social media article led to a funny meme, and then a short video. Thankfully, I took control of myself before I was late for a meeting!

Here is how I switched gears so quickly: I started singing a random worship song! First, just the same phrase over and over because I didn’t have a song in mind ready to go. The lyrics just burst out!

But, then lyrics from other songs came to me, too. I noticed it was effective, and so I just kept singing God’s praises. It was refreshing!

I sang parts of several songs as they came to me. It was a fun experiment as I tried to remember each song. Some were phrases or choruses from old Sunday school songs I learned as a child, and some were newer songs we currently sing at church. Camp songs, hymns, songs from the radio–anything was game! 

Soon, I noticed an improvement in both my focus and my mood!

If you’re feeling creative, you can even add a melody to prayers and Scripture. In fact, many of the Psalms started off that way. Music helps us connect with God’s heart!

**If you have time, check out this website, Every Psalm. A husband and wife duo are arranging music for and singing (you guessed it) every Psalm!**

You don’t have to have an instrument or a ‘good’ voice in order to sing and worship. Actually, God made you unique on purpose. No one can praise Him like you!

Really, just about anything can be turned into a song! (Case in point: Here is a Carpool Karaoke episode of Jennifer Hudson singing James Corden’s fast-food order!)

There are several good ways to deal with distractions. That may include reframing our expectations, adjusting our schedule, and setting boundaries. Social media, for example, can actually be a good thing if it is used wisely. Right time, right place, right content.

However you handle distractions, we can always call upon the Lord! Jesus never leaves us, but if we’re not paying attention, we can lose track of Him in our lives. Indeed, it blesses the Lord when we invite Him into our day. And, each time we ask Him for help, we receive His power and perspective. We can soak up His love, joy, and peace, too!


God, be praised! Thanks for putting a new song in my heart! Thanks that I can call upon You in every single circumstance. You are always with me. Help me stay focused on You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you noticed any patterns that cause you to become distracted? Comparison to others? Fatigue? Time of day? Stress? Too many projects?

Tasks: Plan regular breaks during your day to check social media or whatever is taking your attention; then put it away and get back to work! 🙂 To help eliminate distractions, review the apps on your phone and delete those you are not using. Keep your phone on silent as much as possible. It really helps!




Singing in the Rain

Usually, by this time in July, my grass is crispy and brown. But this summer, we’ve had more consistent rain. We’ve had some big thunderstorms lately, and the grass is still green!

One day last week, I woke up to a gentle rain pounding on the roof. It was still early enough that I could have slept more, but I kept listening to the rain instead.

As I thanked God for the new day, I heard a little bird singing in the rain!

What a cool surprise! Between the rain and my excitement about the little bird, I couldn’t sleep anymore. The bird caught my attention because it chose to sing instead of retreat.

The steadfast song really made my day. I don’t know if the bird expected the storm or if it caught him by surprise. But, I’m sure it thrilled God’s heart to hear him sing his heart out!

We have a similar choice to make.

When storms come, we can retreat into our comfort zone. Or, we can look beyond our difficulties and sing about God’s faithfulness and goodness.

Singing in the rain and stepping into uncertainty is not for the faint of heart. It takes a fair amount of grit to persevere. In fact, many of the beloved old hymns were written out of excruciating heartache. Despite all odds, these famous songs are filled with the truth of God’s loyal love.

For example, the author of “It Is Well with My Soul” suffered great loss including the death of five of his children. The song was his response to the painful tragedy. Powerful.

The author of “Amazing Grace” also recorded his thoughts and feelings of gratitude after God saved him from a life of sin and disgrace.

There is freedom when we see storms of life as opportunities to sing and shine for God. We release ourselves to God’s care and shift the burden back to Him, where it belongs. Then, He gets the glory for what happens next.

Peace comes when we realize we don’t have to figure out all the details. God already knows what to do. He is more than capable, and His mercies are new every morning.

God is worthy of our praise no matter what circumstances we’re facing. He is faithful and true. So come as you are… He longs to be with us, help us, and show us His loyal love.

Rest assured… it’s okay if you can barely carry a tune! All of us can still make a joyful noise. Let’s use whatever gifts we have and praise the Lord. 🙂


Heavenly Father, thanks for your mercy and grace! We have so much to be thankful for, despite life’s challenges. Open our eyes so we can see all of Your goodness. We’ll give You all the glory and praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you a bird watcher? What can you praise God for today?

Tasks: Make a list of all you are grateful for, and start singing your praises! If you don’t know where to start, try Psalm 117.


Wake Up and Worship!

I don’t know about you, but my morning mood can impact my entire day. There are days when I wake up peaceful and rested. But sometimes, I wake up groggy and distracted.

Either way, within minutes I’m usually thinking of all I have to do that day. Sometimes my schedule is relaxed and at other times, I have less flexibility.

Often, changes in my schedule can throw me off my routine and influence my mood—if I let them. It is my choice to adjust my attitude or not!

A few years ago, in the midst of deep grief, it was difficult to find much motivation to rise early, let alone actually accomplish anything. That was perhaps par-for-the-course…understandable.

But praise God, these days I feel like I am mostly back to myself! Now, I’m trying to be more proactive. Life is short and I don’t want to waste my time!

As such, I’ve been slowly chipping away at my morning routine. I want to develop good, sustainable habits that don’t get altered too much with visitors, traveling, holidays, meetings, etc. You know how it goes!

It’s something I’ve been working on for years, but have not always been consistent. Then I have to start over… I’m a work in progress!

It’s generally good to have something to look forward to each morning—especially when you rise before the sun. Why not wake up and worship Jesus?!

Recently, I discovered how to make a playlist on YouTube. I didn’t realize how easy it was!

So, I have collected several morning-themed songs to encourage myself and help me put on my ‘game face.’ I also have a playlist for songs dealing with fear, and one for calming me down (as needed, ha!).

Currently, I have added “Good Morning” by Mandisa; “Happy” by Pharell Williams; “Your Love Awakens Me” by Phil Wickham; this song, and a few TobyMac songs.

I just add them as I hear them or think of them.

Yesterday, I had a little extra time before leaving for work, and I just enjoyed worshiping God and finding songs to add to my playlists. I left feeling so uplifted and grateful for the day ahead!

God’s mercies are new every morning. He is so generous and fills our ‘cup’ to abundance. He loves us so much!

Starting off with Jesus sets my whole day in order. I don’t want to miss an opportunity to praise Him and receive His goodness. Worship Him early and often!


God, thank You for the gift of music! May the morning bring us word of Your unfailing love. Please direct our path as we put our trust and hope in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you have any early morning songs that get you out of bed? I’d love to build my list!

Tasks: Consider making a morning worship playlist. Listen while you exercise or get ready for your day! (You might need headphones if the rest of your household is still sleeping!) 🙂


Moving Past Fear, Anxiety, and Worry

Last week, I started a small group Bible study for ladies, called Facing Fear, Finding Faith. We use a workbook and Scripture to discuss Biblical coping methods for facing fear, anxiety, and worry. It takes what we know from clinical psychology and combines it with God’s word. A powerful double whammy!

I am the facilitator for my group, which meets at my house, but we all have opportunities to share ideas with each other. I am looking forward to growing with these ladies!

For the purposes of our study, fear, anxiety, and worry are treated the same. But, the definitions provided in the workbook are listed separately. (source, page 2)

Fear: The cause of the threat is known, and is based in reality.

Anxiety: The threat is unknown. Because the individual cannot pinpoint the source of threat, an overall uneasy feeling of dread results.

Worry: The threat may be known or unknown. The individual is consumed with a nagging, excessive concern.

As I prepared to lead the group, I spent a lot of my time considering how each of these has impacted me. To my surprise, what I generally have always categorized as generalized fear, could actually be anxiety or worry.

Additionally, not all fears are negative. Some fears are healthy and keep us safe. There is a rational component, such as not touching a hot stove because you’d get burned. In this case, fear seems fairly relatable. Anyone could be afraid of a known threat based in reality.

The workbook, however, is more focused on the overwhelming and unhelpful side of fear. The problem occurs when fear stops you from being bold and living a full life.

Taking my hot stove example to the extreme, you might never cook anything at all or avoid the entire kitchen for fear of a hot stove. Then, it becomes irrational or life-controlling.

Surprisingly, I relate more to anxiety than I previously would have guessed. At times, I can get kind of jittery inside, yet it takes me a while to understand what is causing me to be agitated. Just even pausing and becoming more aware has helped!

For me, worry boils down to focusing on something so much I neglect other thoughts or tasks. I can get so stuck in my head sometimes! 🙂

So why am I explaining this to you?

Well, for one thing, week one of this study was eye-opening to me because I thought I just struggled with fear—but didn’t understand the role anxiety and worry played.

I already feel a million times more at peace, just by distinguishing the different factors at work. I’m excited as I prepare for week two!

Plus, by identifying the problem, I can quickly take it to Jesus and let Him help me. He is the Light of the World and displaces all fear and darkness! Praise God!

Unwittingly, fear used to be my default. I didn’t even truly realize it until my late-husband Dave got diagnosed with cancer. Then, God taught me how to deal with my fear.

It wasn’t fun, simple, or pretty—but I am so grateful.

Finally, I know many other people deal with these types of issues too. No one should have to deal with fear, anxiety, or worry alone. My hope is this will be a prompt to get some help, professional or otherwise, and break free from fear, anxiety, and worry.

Don’t give up!


Heavenly Father, thanks for setting me free from fear. Thank You that I don’t have to be afraid. Help me walk in your power and strength. Renew my mind and show me new ways to keep moving forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you deal with fear, anxiety, or worry? One…or all three?

Tasks: First, consider asking a counselor or trusted friend (or both!) for help.

Second, listen to “The Way (New Horizons)”  by Pat Barrett. It always reminds me of God’s goodness and redirects my focus back to Jesus. I love the lyrics:

“It’s a new horizon and I’m set on You
And You meet me here today with mercies that are new
All my fears and doubts, they can all come too
Because they can’t stay long when I’m here with You”

Pray and Push Through

I have noticed a theme in my life lately: God is calling me to pray and push through. Keep on keeping on.

Life is certainly crazy at times, but despite the ups and downs, I need to persevere. I may not always see what God is doing, but I need to hang on tight to Jesus!

Change can be a two-edged sword. Sometimes, it seems change will never come. Bored, I can’t stand to bide my time. Then, when abrupt change does happen, I want things to return to the way they were! (I can be so fickle!)

Similarly, perhaps you find yourself in an impossible situation that looks like it will never change. Perhaps what you were hoping for hasn’t come to pass. Or, perhaps life just looks so different… certainly not what you expected.

Maybe it feels like only an ‘act of God’ will bring what you desire! It’s easy to feel down when it seems He is not listening to your cries for help. But, there is hope. Don’t give up!

The good news is that God always hears us and answers each of our prayers. He just may not answer how we want. God answers our prayers in three ways: Yes, No, or Not Yet.

Instead of trying to figure out how to make what we want happen, we can choose to trust God and His timing. God won’t give us anything less than His best.

He already gave us Jesus, His greatest gift—everything else is just gravy!

It’s a relief knowing God hears me and has good plans for me.

Even if God says No—or makes me wait it out—I am grateful I don’t have to make the final decision. I just have to be faithful and do what He has asked me to do.

I can praise God while I am waiting (and still hoping) but also know if it is ultimately a No, then He has something even better in store. Waiting on God is a win-win!

What joy! I can’t go wrong!

“God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.” –Jim Elliot


Father God, You are so good! Thanks for always giving me Your best. Help me trust You more as I wait. By Your grace and power, I won’t give up! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you holding onto a dream that seems beyond you? Are you tempted to walk away from it? Could it be that God wants you to press in closer to Him?

Tasks: Read The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. Listen to “The Way” by Pat Barrett.

Counting Every Blessing

It’s that time of year again! Lydia started school this week! She has been so excited for about a month. She could hardly sleep on Monday night… Tuesday, she started a new school and was happy to see her friends.

I’m proud of Lydia for all the ways she’s already grown. She’s been challenging herself to try new things and be more independent. Her dad, my late-husband, Dave, would also be so very proud.

I have been purposely relying on the Lord as we start this new season. As such, I haven’t really thought much about the bittersweet nature of our circumstances. Still, this week is one of those times when it is apparent: Dave’s not here.

Lydia’s teacher seems really sweet. She’s a first-year teacher and full of excitement, too. When we met her, I didn’t want to burst her bubble… so, I simply wrote her a short explanation about Dave on Lydia’s back to school papers.

Yesterday, after Lydia got off the bus, we went home and talked about her day over a scoop of ice cream. She had a fun day, of course, and I know she will have a great year.

To my surprise, Lydia said she was glad I didn’t mention Dave to her teacher in person. Specifically, she said, “I’m glad you didn’t cry like you did last year.”  (and the year before…) I might have embarrassed her previously!

Truthfully, I’m happy Lydia seems unaffected, but it makes me slightly sad. I have tried to ensure that she knows who Dave was and that he loved her very much. I want her to be able to talk about him whenever she feels the need. I want her to be okay with it.

But instead of feeling sorry for myself (and Lydia), I decided to count my blessings!

First, I’m grateful for Lydia! She’s always a bright spot and has kept me moving forward. I love to coach her and watch her grow. I don’t know where I’d be without her!

I’m grateful Lydia and I can have honest, heartfelt conversations about tough topics. We have had many ups and downs, which has made it interesting!

I’m also grateful Lydia is so much like Dave. She doesn’t overthink things like I do! She is pragmatic like Dave and has a good perspective. Though, she is like me in lots of other ways.

I’m grateful for how well Dave set us up. Because of his planning and God’s provision, Lydia and I are in a good position. I have no reason to complain!

I’m extremely grateful that each year, we’ve reached new levels of healing. We think of and talk about Dave often, but we are still living a full life in spite of our loss(es).

I’m grateful for so many things, actually. But most of all, I’m grateful that God’s still holding us together. He has brought us this far and we are doing well.

I can trust Him with confidence. He’s got this!


Heavenly Father, You are so good! Thanks for taking such great care of us. Open our eyes to each of Your blessings and help us trust You more in this new season. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you find yourself in a new season of life? Have you been expecting it or did it take you by surprise?

Tasks: Listen to this song, “Counting Every Blessing,” by Rend Collective! It’s so good!