Mood Meter

Hello! How are you feeling today? Today, I want to tell you about a tool called an emotion wheel that can help you understand how you feel so you can decide what to do about it!

I first encountered it while writing my book, though it has existed for many years. It helped me describe my feelings about Dave’s sickness and death, not to mention my struggle with fear, faith, and moving forward.

The act of writing was rewarding but challenging, so I appreciated being able to point to an adjective and analyze my feelings, process my grief, and stick with my project. In short, this tool takes abstract concepts and makes them more concrete.

I recently came across the emotion wheel again, and it felt like God’s perfect timing, as next Monday is the tenth anniversary of Dave’s death.

Most emotion wheels will highlight the basic feelings of happiness/joy, sadness/grief, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise. As Lysa TerKeurst says, “Emotions are indicators, not dictators.” So, we can use them for insight, but they don’t run the show and should not predict how we act.

We must identify emotions to validate and resolve them before they spill over on others. Unchecked emotions can lead to assumptions and wreak havoc. If not now, later. Unresolved anger can lead to passive aggressiveness, jealousy, and revenge. Fear can yield playing it safe and missed opportunities. Grief, without an outlet, can stop someone from living fully.

There are several ways to use the emotion wheel. You can start in the middle and work your way out, or vice versa. Find words that resonate with you and see how they are related. Then, you can come up with the next steps to address them.

Not surprisingly, it is common to feel several emotions at any moment. We may be confused or conflicted, like we are literally all over the place internally. Many of us feel physical sensations, like headaches, gut issues, pain, etc. We also tend to misunderstand others’ emotions, taking things personally when we shouldn’t.

Here are a couple of examples that have stood out to me when I’ve used the wheel:

“Oh, I am feeling isolated, which is similar to being lonely and related to sadness. Hmmm… could it be another layer of grief?” I could take a walk, but maybe I need to call someone for support.


“I am feeling overwhelmed, which is next to anxiety, which is rooted in fear. Why am I feeling afraid?” I should read some Bible verses about fear and turn my worries over to God.

Another example is this: I had a fun day recently, laughing and receiving good news. As you can imagine, I was mostly feeling happy emotions. In some ways, reading the adjectives later helped me relish the joy all the more.

Interestingly, I rarely feel angry – I deal more with fear… while Lydia more easily identifies with anger – yet it comes and goes quickly! We both relate to happiness and sadness, but less often, disgust. It has been fun to see and hear her perspective, and I hope it is a way for us to continue communicating as she moves into middle school.

Another tool is a chart I found on Etsy. It came as a download or in the form of a pillowcase! It ranks feelings according to a spectrum of energy and positivity. Anger is an adverse reaction, and it uses a lot of emotional energy. The sad emotions are typically less positive and drain energy. Joy is positive and high energy, while calmness is positive and low energy.

This was insightful because I tend to feel lower energy levels, but now I wonder if it’s just my personality. As an introvert, I get excited sometimes, but overall, I enjoy calmness and a slower pace. In fact, this is a great strength, but the world moves more quickly. Thankfully, I am learning to interpret what’s going on a little better so I can plan ahead. If I have a big event ahead, I can pare down my schedule to conserve energy and implement some strategies for coping and recovery.

Of course, there is no right way or wrong way to feel. These are simply tools. Nonetheless, you can combine them with Scripture to tap into all God has for you!

While Satan wants us to stay stuck in our emotions, distracted and offended, Jesus wants us to live fully! (See John 10:10.) Instead of being ruled by our feelings, let’s use them to turn to God! Instead of running away from our emotions, let’s use them to run to God.

God, thanks for giving us emotions to help us feel and understand Your goodness. Help us to honor You and manage them well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you notice how your emotions change throughout the day? How does that affect your energy? What is your natural response to your feelings?
Tasks: For a fun challenge, use an emotion wheel to track how you feel during the day. Note any themes, pray about resolving any negativity, and keep moving forward!

Keep Moving Toward

On Sunday morning, Lydia and I were at church. The message was about healing and trusting God. Instead of physical healing, I was writing notes about some habits I am working to change. I know I need God’s help to make real progress and swap in better choices.

At the end of the sermon, our pastor asked people who needed healing to head to the aisle for prayer. Healing can be physical, mental, emotional, etc.Ā I felt content that God met my need, so I didn’t move, but several other people did.

Soon, our pastor asked those people to raise their hands if they needed someone to pray with them. I hadn’t planned on praying for anyone, as many other people had volunteered.

Free Holding Hands Bible photo and picture

Well, then I noticed a woman in front of us raising her hand. She and her husband appeared to be supporting their daughter. I told Lydia to scoot over so I could go pray with this family. At the moment, I just wanted to meet the need in front of me. I have personally felt the impact of people praying for me at just the right time.

So, I don’t think Lydia quite understood what I meant. She just stood there while I was trying to pass by on my way to the aisle. After a little back and forth, I put my hands on her shoulders, somewhat forcefully set her aside, and said, “MOVE!! Get out of my way.”

I don’t usually need to use that tone with Lydia, and I did apologize later for hurting her feelings. She was a little upset at first, but I explained that I wanted to be obedient. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity for God to use me. So I needed to move toward the need and His calling.

Perhaps I was a little fired up because I felt like I had my own mini breakthrough with the Lord during the sermon. I had been kind of ho-hum about my habits, but since I was able to write a basic plan with the Lord’s help, I felt free. So when I said, “MOVE!! Get out of my way,” I was also speaking in spiritual terms. Whether it’s Satan’s craftiness or just my own reserve, I cannot afford to delay God’s plans in my life.

As a Christ follower, I am essentially on mission every day. Jesus is the King, and I serve Him. I should not be self-centered or self-seeking. I can’t let fear stop me. I am called to love others and be available at a moment’s notice to GO.

God constantly calls me to move toward the messy parts of life. Jesus certainly did, and He is my example! If I don’t sense Him at work, then I am likely in a comfort zone, which needs to dealt with ASAP. It’s only then that I can actually fix the problem, change, and grow.

In short, I can’t settle for less than God’s best. That includes healing and eternity, but it also means joining Him in His work now. I don’t want to miss out because I am hung up on worthless habit. Lord, help me!

I did not get a chance to talk with the family after the service, but the mother smiled at me in gratitude. I’m so glad I was able to lay aside my own feelings and plans to serve the Lord. Plus, it became a good teaching moment for Lydia.

Remember, as the Church, we are the hands and feet of Jesus. No habit, project, or personal goal compares with following Jesus and impacting others for Him. When life gets difficult, it’s tempting to run away or drag our feet, letting fear or procrastination become the default. But, dare I say: MOVE!! Get out of your own way!

But, RUN to Jesus, FIGHT to stay close to Him. Face the battle in front of you. Give it all you’ve got, knowing it’s really His strength and power working through you. If God is for you, who can be against you?!

We have to keep moving TOWARD to keep moving FORWARD.


God, thanks for calling us to spread Your love and serve others. Renew my mind and transform me, Lord. Fill me with grace and compassion to see the needs around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you running away from or running toward your challenges today? What habit or goal do you need to adjust in order to serve the Lord?

Task: MOVE!! Get out of the way!! Keep moving TOWARD so you can keep moving FORWARD! Read and ponder Romans 12:1-2 and Hebrews 12:1-2.

Last-Minute Blessing

Recently, I met with a new widow for coffee at church. She is an older woman, and I just happened to reach out to see how she was coping. As expected, she confirmed the first several weeks are like a train wreck.Ā 

I only met her husband briefly, but they were married for over twenty years. He was a Veteran and will be buried with full honors at the Fargo National Cemetary. I hope to attend with Lydia if we are available that day.

We talked for about two hours as Lydia sat nearby and read a book. I asked questions and answered them. I looked up a phone number for her and really just listened. I hope she was as encouraged as I was!

I brought my friend a little artificial orchid, knowing it would be a blessing – and perhaps a bright spot when she is feeling down. I didn’t want her to have to remember to water it – like I did with my tomato plant all those years ago!

She mentioned two things that impacted me. She said God spoke to her heart at church that day in a powerful way; she said if I hadn’t invited her, she would still be at home. Whoa. I am so glad I listened!

Indeed, it was good to see my friend’s face light up with joy at the cute plant. I noticed her touching it from time to time during our conversation. She thanked me and said she knew the perfect spot for it at home!

I’m not sharing this to show you how amazing I am. Honestly, I almost left the orchid at home and brought a different plant. That’s becauseĀ I wanted to keep the orchid for myself!Ā 

It’s a little humbling to admit my selfishness, but I needed the reminder to be generous. I am so glad I listened to the Holy Spirit’s prompting.Ā On my way out the door, I ran back inside to grab the orchid and put it in my purse. I decided I didn’t want to look at the orchid with regret, wishing I had given it away. It was a last-minute blessing, and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity!

In some ways, I wanted to be an example for Lydia to do the right thing. On our drive to church, we discussed how a fake little plant almost prevented me from showing Jesus’ love to someone who really needed it. Yes, I could probably find it again and buy it online, but it was a good lesson for us both!

We talked about how we are God’s ambassadors and represent Him. His love for others flows through us as we serve and give. God can take my little sacrifice and do something big with it.Ā So, we shouldn’tĀ hold back a blessing meant for someone else.

Sometimes, people ask God, “Why aren’t you using me?” But, I wonder how often we limit His work in our lives simply because we ignore His still, small voice. How can we expect Him to do something big or exciting if we aren’t obedient in the little things?

We don’t need to wrestle with being kind. We don’t need to question if God wants us to give. It is not a question of IF, but how or how much. We can certainly pray for wisdom but don’t doubt or procrastinate. We can afford to be generous and give what we have.

Indeed, God never gives us His second best or second rate. Jesus was the only option, and He was all in. Jesus gave His life for us, so we could live for Him.


God, thanks for being so generous! Thanks for the opportunity to join You at work. Please help me be kind, generous, and gracious toward others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you trust that God can take your offering and multiply it?

Task: Don’t allow yourself to settle for second best. Always give your best to God!


On this last Wednesday of 2022, I am reflecting on all that has happened over the previous year. This was a reasonably calm year regarding emotions and drama (grief is always behind the scenes, but not as big day-to-day). We traveled to see family and friends in Arizona, Michigan, and Montana. We also had a few visitors, which is always fun!

Otherwise, we had more of our usual… work, school, serving, and hanging out! Sometimes keeping the status quo is a good thing!Ā Flash forward to the holidays, which are good but sometimes challenging.

I worked on Christmas Morning – it was my turn, after all – but I was thinking of what to do about it all year! I didn’t want to leave Lydia alone, especially since I wasn’t sure how long I would be gone. Any other day would have been fine, but Christmas packs a more powerful punch.

It was a conundrum for me as a single parent. I didn’t want to invite Lydia to someone’s house on Christmas. And if the weather was bad, or if she was sick… well, there were many factors to consider! I prayed a lot over the last year!

Free photos of Snowman

A few local people offered solutions, but none were quite right. Then, a few months ago, my sister and brother-in-law decided they could come for Christmas. Earlier this month, one of our friends invited Lydia as a backup, which was appreciated.

As it got closer, my sister and I discussed all the fun activities we wanted to do. But, I still wasn’t sure they would make it because the weather tends to be a wild card! Ironically, despite all my planning for work, it still came down to a last-minute decision to come a day early. My family rolled in at 2:30 a.m. on Thursday and just beat the bad weather!

We made some great memories and celebrated some old ones. It was so fun to have them here for Christmas! We enjoyed shopping, baking, toddler-chasing, playing in the snow, Christmas movie-watching, and much more!

Well, working on Christmas went better than I imagined. I prayed for God’s grace and mercy, and He gave me an ‘easy’ day. Lydia was sick, and it did snow a bit. But, God took care of the biggest hurdles, and Aunt Livi and Uncle Paul were here to stay with Lydia. So, she didn’t have to be alone.

Recently, I heard the song “Always” by Chris Tomlin. It has been running through my mind ever since! I’m grateful God comes through for us… always and in all ways.

I like the chorus below:

“Your mercy is mighty age after age, and all generations will bow down and praise
The Lord is faithful, yesterday, now and always”

What a timely reminder that we can plan, but God directs our steps (Proverbs 16:9). I had been worried about all the what-ifs, but even so, God was with us. He smoothed out the issues and covered them with His grace and provision.

I know God will continue to carry us in the coming year. I see a few hurdles ahead, but know He has a good plan. God has never let me down – He is always faithful, and I put my trust in Him.


Thanks, Lord, for always guiding my path and walking with me! Thanks for providing help and fun during this holiday season. May we continue to trust You in the new year ahead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What was your most significant highlight of the year? What was something difficult you faced? How did God come through for you?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Always,” by Chris Tomlin. Write down how God has been faithful to you this year.

Finding Grace #355

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as Godā€™s Riches At Christā€™s Expense. Grace is also Godā€™s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with Godā€™s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Christmas

Where did I find Godā€™s love and favorā€”His abundant graceā€”this week?!

This week flew by! We enjoyed seeing our family on Zoom, and it was fun to compare the weather across three time zones and four states.

I worked Monday through Wednesday and took the rest of the week off. We celebrated with a potluck and white elephant gift party. We shared a lot of laughs!

On Tuesday, I went to work late as Lydia and her classmates took part in a ‘wax museum’ presentation. Lydia was Louis Braille, and I also saw several friends and neighbors dressed up as famous people and stayed in character during their speeches. Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, Marie Curie, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Louis Armstrong, George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, Aretha Franklin, Babe Ruth, Maria Tall Chief, Sitting Bull, and Sally Ride were some of my favorites!

One main ‘event’ of the week was the weather. Or, rather, talking about the weather! In Fargo, it is fairly normal, but online, friends and family across the midwest were posting various viewpoints and grievances. I saw some friends back home discussing North Dakota weather and how tough we are. It was funny, though I didn’t chime in with my two cents!

One exciting surprise is that my sister, brother-in-law, and toddler nephew all arrived a day early! They were planning to come Thursday, but I reached out about the impending weather and they decided to start off Wednesday instead! It has been so fun to have them here for Christmas! We have several activities lined up; we’ve already done some shopping, baking, toddler-chasing, and movie-watching!

Today it is Christmas Eve. We went shopping, celebrated Jesus’ birth at church, had a gourmet Italian meal with authentic Bolognese sauce, and are opening up presents tonight. We are celebrating a little early because I have to work tomorrow morning. I don’t know for sure when I will get off (at least Noon), so I am grateful my family can stay with Lydia! Merry Christmas to you all!!


These are only a few examples, but Godā€™s grace never runs out!

Thereā€™s grace in every situationā€”we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

The Chosen: A Few Takeaways

Lydia and I really enjoyed watching the new season of ‘The Chosen’ in the theater last weekend! It is unusual for a television show to be shown in the movie theater, but this was indeed a memorable event!

Now, if you are not familiar with the tv show, it is about Jesus Christ, but from the point of view of those who knew him best: The Disciples. We don’t know all the details, of course, but using the Bible as the main text, the writers of the show come up with plausible storylines for the characters. Then, we see how Jesus loves them, helps them, teaches them, and challenges them. He is full of grace and Truth!

‘The Chosen’ flows really well, but it is not meant to replace Scripture. In fact, many people are prompted to get into their Bibles more! Some artistic licensing occurs, yet the characters come alive when you can envision how they might have felt in each situation. Often, as we read the Bible, we miss a lot of the original context; we assume The Disciples just don’t get what Jesus is saying. As if we would have made better decisions.

But, in this artful media presentation, His followers are much more relatable. It’s easier to identify with their struggles because we face them, too! To start, this includes the usual fear, anxiety, failure, greed, jealousy, and anger.

Free photos of Sea

Season 3, Episodes 1 and 2, in the theater were so good! The show will be on the free app in December, but I won’t share many spoilers here. However, here are a couple of parts that stood out to me.

First, I loved Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. I am already familiar with it, but I could envision how the original listeners might have perceived it and how Jesus might have emphasized the words. The best part was seeing how The Disciples were affected; some were nearly in tears as they realized they needed to make some changes.

Second, I really liked how The Disciples put those changes into practice. For instance, a couple of characters had to apologize and ask for forgiveness. As a society, we just don’t hear that very often… let alone see it in a tv show!

Naturally, I considered if there were any people I needed to forgive in my life. šŸ™‚Ā 

I also appreciated hearing the characters quote the Psalms of their ancestor, King David, and then apply it to their ever-present troubles. (They didn’t have the New Testament but were living it!) The context was spot on, and it was a good reminder of just how applicable Scripture really is.

Similarly, I have learned more about the Pharisees and Roman officials because I am looking up information about them after each episode. In the Bible, they are presented harshly, but in context, they look a little different. Still misguided and deeply flawed, but not pure evil across the board.

Free photos of Israel

Another thing that caught my attention was the number of times Jesus (the character) was interrupted! He would be getting ready to go out and pray or rest, yet, someone had a question or need or just wanted to be with Him. Yet, He handled each moment with grace and attentiveness. No problem was too little; no question was stupid. He answered with compassion and composure. We don’t know exactly how Jesus might have reacted, but seeing how He is portrayed makes me really thankful He is so approachable!

Well, there are some more really profound moments in the first two episodes of this new season, but I will let you find those for yourself. Perhaps you can watch the first two seasons while you are enjoying your Thanksgiving pumpkin pie! šŸ˜‰


God, You are so good! As we watch ‘The Chosen,’ may we learn more of Who You Are. May we seek You more and more, and may our lives be changed as grow closer to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are there any people in your life you need to forgive? What would that look like?

Task: If you havenā€™t already checked out The Chosen tv show, download the free app today! (AndroidĀ orĀ iPhone) Read this short article, too, for a thorough perspective.

Perfectly Loved

Do you have a favorite song right now? Currently, I love Perfectly Loved by Rachael Lampa (featuring TobyMac).

I recognized her name but couldn’t recall where I might have heard of her. After a quick online search, I realized I have her first CD from years ago! This is a new song, however.

The tune hits those emotional notes, and the message is spot-on. Every time I hear it on the radio, it speaks to my heart. Here are some of the song lyrics:

“Ooh, even when you were runnin’
Even when you were hidin’
Never been a moment that you were not perfectly loved
WhŠµn you barely believŠµd it
When your eyes couldn’t see it
Every single moment, you’ve always been perfectly loved”

Free photos of Heart

Later, the lyrics mention being “perfectly human, made from the dust” which just makes me so grateful for all that God has done in me and through me.

The song is a good reminder that God knows our flaws, faults, and failings, yet He loves us anyway. God knows our shortcomings and meets us right where we are. He invites us to join Him in His work, but He knows our limitations and covers them with his grace.

God knows our weaknesses, yet He empowers us with His strength. He never gives up on us, even we give up on ourselves. He is always cheering us on!

ā€œGod loves us the way we are, but too much to leave us that way.ā€ –Leighton Ford

I don’t know about you, but I find all of this very encouraging. Whatever we are going through, God already knows. He’s right here with us, extending me grace and also mercy when needed. He stretches us and prompts us to grow, but He doesn’t leave all the work up to us. Thank You, Lord!!


God, thanks for loving us no matter what. Thanks for walking with us and carrying us when needed. Also, thanks for the gift of music; may our lives be a sweet symphony to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is your favorite song currently on the radio? Do you prefer to sing in the car or in the shower?!

Task: Listen to “Perfectly Loved” and let it marinate in your heart and mind!

Finding Grace #322

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as Godā€™s Riches At Christā€™s Expense. Grace is also Godā€™s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with Godā€™s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Janet'S Foss, Malham, Yorkshire, Waterfall, River

Where did I find Godā€™s love and favorā€”His abundant graceā€”this week?!

This was a special week, and I saw a theme of kindness!

Once again, I was playing catch-up all week at work! I tried to catch up on charting in between patients, but I still had some late notes. I also helped out some of my coworkers and had some fun laughs along the way. We celebrated some birthdays, too! I’m grateful for an awesome team!

I saw kindness and joy all around me by way of greetings in the hallways, thank you notes received, and friends helping each other! I also received some really good news this week. A family, who is in my bookĀ and the main reason we came to Fargo, had moved away and is moving back! I am happy to see my friends again after four years, but also grateful for them because they knew Dave personally… always a blessing!

I signed and sold some more books this week and also received some payment for those sold elsewhere online. While I wrote the book without the expectation of ‘royalties,’ I appreciate the little bit of money that comes from selling them and encouraging others!

This week, I went to the doctor for my annual physical. We discussed a few of my questions and came up with a plan of care. I am grateful for a doctor who listens, and all the ways God keeps me healthy or leads me to better health and ways to take care of my body. Prevention is key!

Today, a friend brought her puppy over for a visit. The dog did so well and even took a nap! Then, Lydia attended a birthday party for a friend. It was a good, relaxing day!


These are only a few examples, but Godā€™s grace never runs out!

Thereā€™s grace in every situationā€”we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Extending Grace and Peace

Wow, I am grateful for God’s timing and provision this week! I met with some church friends Monday night to catch up and encourage each other.

We usually share what’s on our hearts and what’s going on in our lives. Sometimes, there are themes and patterns, or connections, and sometimes there are not.

Monday was one of the times when we could all relate to each other’s concerns. I am the host of the monthly conversation, but this week, they really encouraged me and made me laugh! I’m grateful for godly friends!

Sisters, Heart, Sunset, Sunrise, Silhouette, Gesture

One theme this week dealt with conflict and extending grace toward people in our lives. One friend reminded us that often there are other issues we don’t know about and people are reacting from a point of pain. It is not our area to judge or take offense, but rather forgive and offer peace.

Sometimes, that’s all we can do. We can apologize, but we don’t have to keep track of wrongs. Similarly, we are not responsible for fixing another person or changing their attitudes toward us or life in general. But, we do need to be obedient to the Lord and pray for that person.Ā 

We don’t have to figure it all out, rather, we can let go and let God handle it in His way. Yes, we can set good boundaries and not get sucked into drama. Though, each of us probably has a different level of tolerance for conflict!

Life is so short. We can believe the best about others, instead of assuming the worst. Make every moment count and keep moving forward!

Ultimately, we have to decide how we interact with each other. How I see an issue may be the complete opposite of your viewpoint. And that’s okay. We can extend each other grace and peace either way… because God does the same for us!

Photomontage, Faces, Photo Album, World, Population

Another topic was dealing with perseverance or stick-with-it-ness. As seasons change, we may need to re-evaluate tasks and priorities. On the one hand, itĀ is important to stay on task and not get distracted. But, it’s also good to be flexible.

Flexibility doesn’t mean wishy-washy. In this case, it means sticking to godly principles and obedience, but listening to God’s voice so you can change directions as needed. I’m grateful we have that freedom to prioritize God’s plan!

Life goes a lot smoother when God is in control of our decisions and behaviors. Let’s save space for Him to move in our lives. He always knows exactly what we need!


God, thanks for godly friends! Thank you that we can encourage each other and discuss more than just the weather. Thanks for taking us deeper with You, too, as we extend grace and peace to those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you someone who extends grace and peace to others easily? Or is it more difficult to decide if they “deserve” it? Have you thought about your response in light of God’s grace toward you?

Tasks: Be grateful for both peace and conflict because they can both lead us back to Jesus. He is our grace and peace with God and others!

Weary Traveler

Ah, the last few weeks have been a little trying for me! Yes, I have been repeatedly taking my worries to the Lord, focusing on rest and sleep, and other self-care tasks. Listening to uplifting music and exercising also have helped when I can squeeze them in.

In all, I am grateful God is doing the heavy work. But sometimes, I still have to do the difficult thing and show up and work hard. That’s just life!

Personally, I have been stretched in a variety of ways. As such, I have been more sensitive to people’s thoughtless comments… things better left unsaid. Instead of just letting things roll off my back, I have had to work at not taking them to heart.

I have also been keeping friends and family in prayer when they share their concerns. All normal things, really, but sometimes the ups and downs of life just add up.

The good news is that I have heard some recent (positive) updates in all these areas. That relieves a little of the pressure when we see God at work. I am glad He is so good at being God!

Rockclimbing, Success, Mountain, Mountains, Climber

Earlier this week, a dear friend and I were catching up. We were comparing similar stories and I had a really good laugh when she told me “love is not irritable.” Don’t you love when ‘iron sharpens iron?!’

She was speaking about 1 Corinthians 13:5, which also mentions love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs.Ā It was just what I needed to stop being annoyed! šŸ˜‰

When times get tough, it can be easy to wish things were different or to think the grass is greener somewhere else. If we aren’t careful, we miss all the good things around us…. and there is soooo much good!

In hindsight, we see our out-of-control emotions were part of the problem. Most of the time, just need to hang on, adjust our expectations, and let God do His thing.

Though, I did recently remind Him I can only be one place at one time… so He ‘needed’ to take care of all the other pressing details. Ahem. šŸ˜‰ But, instead of clearing my schedule for me, He rearranged it and helped me get everything done! I was hoping for an easy out, but He gave me the grace and strength to persevere.

Then, a little while later, I came across Psalm 61 and also the songs, “Fires” and “Weary Traveler,” both by Jordan St. Cyr. These reminded me that we all face trials and we all have a choice in how we handle them. Challenges are part of the refining process, but they don’t last forever. So, don’t give up!

Yes, we can do difficult things with God’s help! He empowers us and helps us do the impossible. He leads us and shows us what to do. He ordains our steps and has perfect timing. He bears the brunt of the burden. He stands with us in the fires of Life and carries us when we are weak and tired.

I’m grateful God’s grace is not a matching program. His goodness and grace are more than enough to meet our needs! And, He helps us extend that grace to others, too.

I’m glad God is God and I am not! He does not change like shifting shadows. He is our constant Rock, a refuge in time of need. He is trustworthy and sure. Thank You, Jesus!


God, thanks for Your kindness and patience!! Thanks for not giving up on me. Help me extend others the grace You have given me. Help me be loving, not irritable!! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you been calm and peaceful lately, or more easily irritated? How can you let LOVE shine through?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Fires,” by Jordan St. Cyr and also his song, “Weary Traveler.” So good!!