Small, But Significant

I am reading through the Chronological Bible again this year, and so I find myself in the book of Job. Even though it is full of suffering, it is also quite rich when we see it tied to purpose and perspective!

In short, Job was a wealthy and generous man who lost everything in a matter of hours. His sons, daughters, servants, and most of his property were gone. Soon, his health was attacked, too. How miserable!

It seems Job felt vulnerable and misunderstood, and it probably felt like God had forgotten him. I know how that feels, and maybe you do, too!

To make matters worse, Job had no support! His wife said he should curse God and die. Even his friends were awful, though perhaps they had a few good things to say. Yet, mostly they chided Job, thinking he must’ve brought all his tragedy on himself (that God was punishing him). With friends like Job’s, who needs enemies?!

Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights, Aurora, Northern

Now, we could spend our time comparing stories of how certain parts of our lives remind us of Job. But, to be honest, most of us haven’t suffered so many losses in such a short time. Though, it sure feels that way sometimes!

Either way, I don’t want to minimize our collective sorrow, and there is no contest here. Instead of one-upping each other with grief stories, let’s love one another.

As a reminder, there are many kinds of loss, including finances, divorce, death, unfulfilled expectations or dreams, and more. Each is difficult, and we all need Jesus.

Thankfully, our suffering is not for nothing. There is usually so much more going on behind the scenes. Still, God will use our pain for a new purpose. We can trust Him, and He won’t let us down.

Aurora, Polar Lights, Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis

Here are a few takeaways from Job so far: Despite all the calamity, pain, and doubts, Job kept working out his faith. Thus, he also had hope. He said, “I know my redeemer lives…”

Job lived around the time of Genesis. So even before salvation was here (Jesus Christ), He trusted God even when he could not see.

God Himself said Job was blameless and upright; there was no one like him. But still, he suffered major losses.

As Job later found out, he and everything he knew was quite small compared to God’s majesty and wisdom! Indeed, I love the end of Job when it’s God’s turn to defend Himself.

I find myself smiling at God’s questions to Job about creation and the natural world. An example, in my paraphrase: Have you seen the ostrich I made? She’s a terrible mom and kind of spacey… but wow, she’s a great runner! 😉 See the actual verses in context here!

Yet, through His discourse, God reminds Job (and us) that He has everything under control. In fact, the book of Job is less about his suffering and more about God’s character.

When suffering occurs, it is easy to focus on our problem and forget that God is greater and above it all. But in Job, we see though we are small, we are significant to God.

Whatever you are going through today, remember you are not alone. It may be the fight of your life, but God sees you. God hears you. He is with you and for you. Let Him comfort and carry you today.


God, amid sorrow and suffering, draw me close. When I can’t bear the burden, help me bring it to You. Be my strength and comfort and peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you think of all the losses you have faced, can You see how God carried you through? How does that knowledge help you in your current circumstances?

Task: Listen to this song, but Nicole C. Mullen. It’s a classic!

Reflecting on Ruth

Recently I started another Journible! I went through the Gospel of John in 2018 and finished the book of Jude last month (a quick win because it’s only twenty-five verses)!

Next, I am going through Ruth! I just started this week, but already it has impacted me. If you have read my book, then you’ll know I pay extra attention to widows in the Bible. Ruth is not a new story to me, but I am learning new things as I write God’s word line by line!

In short, Ruth was an outsider and a foreigner. She left all she knew in the country of Moab to follow her mother-in-law back to Israel. She gleaned barley in a field to make ends meet. In time, Ruth met Boaz, and he became her kinsman-redeemer, marrying her.

Then, they had a baby, and eventually, Ruth became the great-grandmother of King David. All in all, the book of Ruth is a beautiful love story showing God’s faithfulness.

But, that’s not what caught my attention.

Jesus, God, Christ, Holy, Spirit, Ruth, Bible, Gospel

Instead, I quickly noticed how Ruth went against the grain. She moved toward God when most people at that time were doing their own thing and worshiping other gods (Judges 17:6). Yes, Israel was a mess!

Ruth wasn’t the only one, of course. Boaz and Naomi, among others, also followed Godly principles. Though, because Ruth was a foreigner (not a Jew), technically, God’s promises didn’t apply to her. She would have been considered a nobody by the rest of society.

Additionally, Ruth was grieving and suffered major losses. I can understand how she must’ve felt as she lost her husband, her status as a wife, her local support system, her home, and even her culture. She didn’t have much left.

Nonetheless, she bravely sought God above all else.

I appreciate her example!

When everyone was running away from what they knew was right, Ruth ran toward God. She trusted Him to provide for her and protect her. She was willing to work hard and make a fool of herself. Because of that, God honored her decisions.

We have similar choices to consider today.

Has God asked you to do something that seems like a stretch for you? He may be calling you to move forward in a new direction when everyone else is standing still. It may be scary, but don’t be afraid to stand out and take a chance. He’s got you covered.

I love how God used Ruth’s character to change the course of history. (Ruth is in the bloodline of Jesus (Matthew 1:5!!) She could have stayed down and out, disqualifying herself or discounting her skills and purpose. Instead, she chased after the only One who could make it right. 

Let’s be like Ruth and pursue God, not for what He can do for us, but for Who He is. Soak up His grace, mercy, and love. Then, out of that abundance, let’s watch Him move on our behalf!

Today, remember God sees you and knows the challenges you face. Your situation is not a surprise to Him. He has not left you all alone or without help. Trust Him and do the difficult thing!


God, You are so kind and generous! Thanks for Your grace, mercy, and love. Help us shake off all our doubts and come to You wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Did you know Boaz’s mother was Rahab, the former prostitute from Jericho? They also were ancestors of Jesus… so don’t you think He can use you, too?

Tasks: Check out the Journible website and join me! Remember, no one is too far gone to be used by God. He can use anyone who is willing to follow after Him!


This past week, Lydia and I took a long weekend to fly to Chicago and visit family. My dad turned seventy, and it was so fun to surprise him!

Dad thought he was flying to see my sister and her family, but Lydia and I wanted to come, too! I had coordinated our tickets with Mom, but the rental car was in my name. Then, Lydia and I had an unexpectedly long delay at the Fargo airport, so Mom and Dad had to wait around. He was a little annoyed, but when Lydia ran up to him, he was completely shocked! He realized the joke was on him!

Lydia really enjoyed being the big cousin, and I rented my first car on a trip! God graciously helped me navigate Chicago traffic, too! We saw a few beloved aunts, uncles, and cousins. And all in all, time with family was just what I needed.

In the days and weeks leading up to our trip, my siblings, mom, and a few others came up with “70 Things We Love About Tom.” Basically, we thought of all our favorite things about my dad, though we have done this for others in my family, too. My mom, my aunt, my sister, etc. It is good to honor each other and make them smile, too!

My parents are alive and well, and I am so grateful. But, life is short, and we’ve already lost several loved ones over the years. Now is the time to show our love!

As I think about our trip and celebrating family birthdays in general, the word ‘ageless’ keeps coming to mind. Not in terms of the absence of wrinkles… those are lines well earned! But, rather for those of us who love Jesus, we will keep building upon those wonderful moments for eternity.

Yes, in Heaven, we will be made new, but I have a feeling that those godly qualities or what makes us special will just be made better! All our negative qualities will be swallowed up along with death; only the good things will survive.

My late husband, Dave, has already experienced all for that first hand. He was already pretty amazing, to begin with, so Dave being even more “Dave” blows my mind!

As Christmas is just around the corner, now is a good time to reflect on how Jesus makes all things possible. One day, all we know will be renewed. The old will pass away, and we will become how God sees us already, all He made us to be.

On December 25th, we celebrate Jesus’ birthday, that is, His coming to Earth. But, He always has been and always will be.  He is the Alpha and Omega, the Ancient of Days.

Yes, Jesus truly is ageless… but His birth (and death) are also timeless. One sacrifice with an impact that will be felt for all eternity.

I love how Jesus welcomes us in like family and holds everything together. He is unmatched and loves you more than life itself. Life is short, so don’t miss the opportunity He brings. Invite Jesus into your life, and prepare Him room this season!


God, thanks for the blessing of birthdays and family. Thanks for Your love and for all You do for us. May we remember to look for the best in others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you made a personal decision to follow Jesus? Can you imagine what the celebration of Christmas must be like in Heaven?

Tasks: Spend as much time as possible with family! Also, check out my Grace and Lemonade page on Facebook for a special giveaway, in honor of Dave’s birthday!

Christmas with The Chosen

This past Sunday afternoon, Lydia and I went to the local movie theater to see “Christmas with The Chosen.”  I told her we were voting with our dollars in support. But, I received so much more. It was so good, and I am still thinking about how much I loved it.

The first hour (of two) was primarily a mix of classic Christmas songs with a few new ones. There was a variety of contemporary singers from several backgrounds. I didn’t expect that much singing, but I enjoyed seeing people worshiping God on the big screen! That was a first!

Nativity Scene, Crib, Barn, Joseph, Maria, Silhouettes

Here are just a few of the highlights for me:

Phil Wickham was the opening singer. I love several of his songs and even had one of them as my morning alarm sound (before I put my old phone in the microwave!). On-screen, he somehow reminded me of my neighbor boys (in the future grown-up), both in appearance and style. When I think of him now, I will remember to pray God’s blessings in their young lives.

Brandon Lake’s song, “Gratitude,” is a new favorite. He sang about praising God when we have nothing else to give. Such a timely message. As he sang, I thought: “There are probably a number of people in my life who have never seen a man worship like that.” It was a powerful song, done in a way that is uncommon.

I loved seeing Matt Maher in the lineup. He is so funny and full of joy, yet his lyrics bring a certain gravity, unlike many other artists. For instance, the lyrics to his song, “Lord I Need You” are hanging up next to the mirror in my bathroom. After Dave died, I didn’t always have the words to convey what I felt, but that song was a reflection of my heart. I loved seeing Matt dance and have fun while singing and playing his guitar. To me, it was a portrayal of Jesus (both man and God) being full of life and love.

It was fun to see For King and Country, Jordan Feliz, the Bonner family, Maverick City Music, Caine, We Are Messengers, and more. In all, I loved seeing many different ages, cultures, and skin colors represented. Young and old, that’s how Heaven is going to be. The Kingdom of God is for everyone.

Christian, Picture, Historical, Bible, Christianity

There were four amazing monologues by actors in the show. I don’t know which I loved more. Each was so well done.

One of the monologues was about Israel’s history and the darkness, oppression, and isolation they felt under Roman rule. God had been silent for four hundred years, so there was little hope left. Then, Jesus came.

Another actor discussed Shalom, God’s peace, which is transcendent of our circumstances. It is a wholeness and a rightness, that only He can bring. Only Jesus makes the Shalom of God available.

The actual portrayal of Mary and Joseph in the nativity story is one I will be thinking about for some time. The show highlighted their love for each other but also was very real. (Example: Joseph had to clear animal poop out of the way so Mary could lie down.) It was scary and awkward at times for these mere humans, but they were willing to let God work His plan in them and through them.

Some of the movie was related to the birth of Christ, and other scenes were set in the future (after Jesus ascended back to Heaven). The cinematography and storyline were just right. It was fun to see some of the regular characters again and meet some new ones!

The show was overwhelming in the best way possible. I enjoyed showing Lydia a new way to experience God and worship Him! In all, I highly recommend “Christmas with The Chosen” in the theater if you can squeeze it in before Friday (December 10th). Otherwise, it will soon be available the free app!


God, thanks for a fresh Christmas perspective; it’s all about Jesus! May we honor all He is to us and for us. In His Name, Amen

Questions: Have you watched The Chosen? (There are two seasons so far, with more to come!) Have you been to the movies lately?

Task: If you haven’t already checked out The Chosen show, download the app today! (Android or iPhone) I hope seeing Jesus in a new way will bring you comfort and peace this season.

Everybody In!

I was listening to the radio on my way to pick up Lydia from work yesterday. They were doing a fundraiser and someone offered to match the amount if others called in during the next song.

Astonishingly, NO ONE called in during the song. I don’t know if the person extended the offer or not, but I was thinking… what happens when no one responds in other areas?

The radio personalities explained that if we all think someone else will step up, then there’s a chance no one will. They gave several examples, such as when someone is stuck on the side of the road, or when there’s an emergency in a crowded area, or even how we all walk by the same mess without cleaning it up.

Somebody else will take care of it, right?

Interestingly, this situation is really common. It even has a name… the bystander effect.

It’s not necessarily because we are uncaring, but perhaps we don’t think we have time or don’t think we can adequately fix the problem. So, we just keep driving and/or ignore it.

Flatfoot, Senselessly Mature, Flat Tire, Breakdown

I don’t know ALL the ways to get around it, but I can relate. I am sure you have been there, too. One thing I have learned: Usually, doing something is better than doing nothing.

The radio personalities mentioned how, during a different song, someone gave $500 and someone else gave $5. But, it all counts. We all have something to give.

We can achieve more when we work together, each of us taking part in the solution. Teamwork makes the dream work! When everybody’s in, everybody wins!

I’m not saying you need to donate money to a cause. But maybe you can change a flat tire or call for a tow truck. Maybe you can watch someone’s kids in a pinch, or bring a meal for a hungry family, or help rake someone’s yard.

If you still don’t know what to do, then maybe a gift card or an encouraging word is good enough. Don’t overthink it. Each of us will serve in our own ways, but it all counts!


God, thanks for all the ways You love us. Help us to be willing to step up and offer whatever we have. After all, everything we have comes from You. You are the giver of all good things. Give us wisdom to know what to do and the courage to do it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever offered to help a total stranger? How did it make you feel afterward? Was it worth it?

Tasks: Next time you see a chance to help someone, do! To see an example, read the story of the Good Samaritan. Pray for wisdom and courage… then follow through. Let God lead and see how He moves through you!

A Gentle Hello

Years ago, when Dave was sick in the hospital on any given Sunday, it bothered me to sit in the church service on my own. It was a reminder of all our pain.

After he died, I had to learn a whole new way of living. Sitting alone has gotten easier with practice, and now, I don’t mind.

These days, if certain friends are there, we will sit together. Still, we don’t always coordinate our schedules between the two services, so it may be hit or miss.

A couple of weeks ago at church, I sat in my usual area and waited for the service to begin. Sometimes, I catch up with emails or texts. But generally, I look for others who may need a friendly face to sit with. Not for my sake, but to encourage them.

That Sunday, I saw a young woman sitting alone in the pew in front of me. I leaned forward and introduced myself with a gentle hello.

To my surprise, I got a gruff ‘hey’ back. I asked a few more questions about herself, including her name. (Let’s call her Anna.) Mostly one-word answers. I could tell she didn’t want to talk with me. So, I silently prayed for her and left her alone.

The service ended, and by that time, one of my friends had come to sit with me. My friend and I started talking while I kept my eye on Anna. She quickly gathered her belongings and walked away. I noticed she lingered about fifteen feet away, but I couldn’t tell if she was needing prayer up in front or wanted to talk with me.

I decided to pray for her that following week, that God would soften her heart and meet her needs. I didn’t know what was going on, but I am glad He knows exactly what we need!

Then last week, I missed church because I was working. My mother-in-law was able to take Lydia to church for me, and thankfully, I can watch the service online! 

So, this week, I started off the service by sitting alone. I texted a couple of friends, but they had gone to the other service. Before I sat down, I greeted a couple of guests behind me and explained a few things about our church. They were very friendly.

Then, as the first song began, we stood up and started to worship God. That’s when I saw Anna make her way to the pew in front of me. Before she sat down, she saw me and quickly came over asking if I was the person that greeted her two weeks ago.

Of course, I said yes and invited her to sit with me. Anna apologized for her bad attitude from before and admitted she has been on the “wrong path” and that she is trying to make better life decisions now.

Apparently, she had been grumpy with me because she didn’t really want to be in church that day! She had been wrestling with God about her choices.

It was so cool to see the change in Anna’s attitude and on her face. We talked for a few minutes and I learned more about her background. After the service ended, we talked a little more.

I mentioned how difficult it is to do the Christian life on our own. Then, I introduced her to one of my friends as they have a few things in common. I’m hoping Anna will continue to come and get more involved.

As followers of Jesus, we often want to see Him do something BIG, or we wait around for a sign overlooking the small opportunities in front of us. Sometimes, God does give us a significant responsibility or task.

But how often does He just want us to say a gentle hello, or invite someone to sit with us? A kind word, smile, or prayer can go a long way in reaching people for the Kingdom of God. Don’t underestimate the power of being friendly!

Serving others may cost more than mere acknowledgment, however, so don’t stop at hello. It might mean picking someone up for an event or taking them to get groceries. In other words, God’s love is practical.

Let’s be open to all the possibilities and see what He does through us!


God, thanks for the ways You use us. You can move large mountains, or work through a still, small voice. Help me not overlook simple opportunities to reach people for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you have a specific seat or pew at church, or do you like to move around? Do you enjoy greeting others or minding your own business?

Task: Wherever you are today, at church, work, school, or even the mall, take a few moments to get off your phone and look around for someone to encourage. Say hello or offer a compliment. Maybe it will be the start of a new friendship!

Bring the Light

Recently, one of the ‘can lights’ in my basement went out. No big deal, I just went to the store for a new one. Turns out, it was a little more involved than that!

This was one of four lights, the only four I hadn’t already switched over to LEDs. That’s because they were the only ones that hadn’t gone out in the eleven years I have lived here!

So, I soon realized a lot has changed! At first, I couldn’t find the right size, color, and wattage equivalent. I finally found someone to answer my questions. Still, they didn’t have exactly what I was looking for.

I wanted LEDs that were the 65-watt incandescent equivalent and could only find the 75-watt equivalent LED bulbs. I ended up buying four of them in case I decided to replace the other three, which still worked. Though, I didn’t want to toss three good lights unnecessarily.

As soon as I changed the first bulb, I was shocked. It was so bright! The rest of the room looked dim and hazy, almost like smoke. Had it always been that way and I just now realized it?

It took me a while to decide what to do. In the end, I couldn’t just leave the new light all alone, so I changed the rest, too. It’s been a few weeks, and I am finally getting used to the new lights. I think during the long winter nights, the lights will be extra appreciated!

Jesus is the Light of the World. He shines so bright and banishes all the darkness. When He is in our lives, He clears out all the hidden spaces in our hearts, too.

We have the opportunity to share the Light and Love of Jesus with people every day. What’s holding you back? Is it the fear of standing out? Is it the awkwardness of transition?

There is a common message which says, “Be the light.” We can’t really do that, however, because we are not Jesus. 🙂 But, we can bring the Light everywhere we go!

If we allow Jesus to do all He wants to do in our lives, there’s no way people can miss Him. As a friend once said to me, “We can see your light shining all the way in Illinois!”

This week, Lydia’s class discussed ways to help a friend in need. (No one specific, but just general brainstorming ideas.) Their answers ranged from making donations or other providing resources, volunteering to help with tasks, and respecting the friend. Other ideas could include smiling, praying, bringing a hot meal, writing an encouraging note, sitting with someone when they are down, or just listening without judgment.

This world can be dark at times, especially now. Let’s move past our own discomfort and share Jesus! It doesn’t take much!


Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus! May we be a conduit of His light, love, and grace. Not just with words, but with actions, too. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How can I pray for you today? Do you

Tasks: Check out the resources at Struggle Care, which is run by KC Davis, a licensed professional therapist. A friend of mine mentioned the website helped her, and it has shed some light in my life, too. Namely, taking some of the pressure off of my to-do list. 

A Good Reset

Last Saturday, right after I posted my weekly Finding Grace post about my busy week, I did something I am still trying to wrap my mind around. On my personal social media page, I posted a recap after the issue was more or less resolved:

Me, seeing my cup of coffee on the counter, ready for some milk:
Q: If my coffee is here, what did I put in the microwave? (28 seconds ago)
A: My phone!!!
Next steps: Wait a few minutes to see if it catches on fire. Open the windows to air out the house. Put the phone in the freezer to see if it will cool down enough to turn on. Send a message to friends coming from out of state (using Messenger because the phone is dead). Tell Lydia to get in the car so I can get a new phone before the store closes! Make a quick, but thoughtful, decision on the upgrade. (At 3+ years old, it was starting to show its age, anyway).
So yeah, one way to decide about getting a new phone… Nuke it in the microwave instead of your coffee.

Yes, I totally microwaved my cell phone! I’m so glad it didn’t cause a fire, and I am grateful to have the resources to get an upgrade so quickly.

I am chalking up this mistake to my mind being so busy that I wasn’t paying attention. Life was moving ‘microwave fast’ and I quickly realized I needed a mental reset! Perhaps I need to create a no-phone-in-the-kitchen boundary as well!

It is crazy how we rely on our phones, isn’t it? On Saturday, I immediately thought of how I couldn’t connect with my family as easily. And, my college friends coming all the way from Indiana could only reach me through Facebook otherwise.

So, that’s why I needed a quick solution. While I am glad so many things were stored in the ‘cloud’ I still had to set things up. In fact, I still am working on password resets, downloading certain apps, and rearranging my new phone.

Thankfully, the visit with my longtime friends was a perfect reset! These particular friends are funny and calm and gracious. I always am refreshed when they are around. They speak life into me and provide wise input when needed. I try to do the same for them.

Even though it’s been eleven years since we’ve seen each other in person, they have been encouraging us from afar. They were unable to travel to Dave’s funeral years ago, but they were determined to come when they could.

Last year COVID19 prevented them from making the trip, but this past weekend was wonderful. My friends even brought some old pictures of Dave from college! Lydia really enjoyed seeing her dad when he was younger!

I was honored by their visit and we had fun showing them around Fargo! It was fun to introduce our kids and watch them interact. Really, we were able to pick up right where we left off. It was just the slower pace I needed.

I am grateful God always knows how to minister to us, whether we are busy or relaxed. He is King over chaos, and He is a loving Father sending love and hugs through friends. Thank You, Jesus!


God, thanks for the gift of friendship. Thanks for helping me rest and refocus. Renew me with Your love and grace. Strengthen me in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: How has God ministered to you lately? Who can you reach out to encourage today?

Task: Listen to the song, My Jesus, by Anne Wilson.

Love One Another

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” — 1 Peter 3:8, NIV

Recently, Lydia and I were talking about growth. She pointed out how she can’t ever tell how much she is growing until she wakes up and her pants are too short. Or, when she hugs me and she suddenly is above my shoulder. True story…she’s getting taller day by day!

My dear sister-in-law, Stephanie, is a new mom. I really enjoyed meeting my sweet little niece in July. Now, of course, Steph has been up all throughout the night. So, she’s had some extra quiet time to think… and I can already see growth! Steph posted something profound to her own social media account, and I asked her if I could share with you.

Here’s what she wrote:

“Having a baby has no doubt been rough, as anyone can imagine, but it has also been rich in lessons. When babies fuss and cry, we understand that it’s because they’re tired or hungry or in pain. Sometimes they’re just fussy. We don’t judge them. We don’t shut them out. We sympathize with them and try to soothe them.

As we grow older, we get so lost in our own world that we may be too quick to judge others when they are less than joyful. When we’re hungry, tired, not feeling well, or in pain, we’re irritable. We then tend to shut them out instead of understanding where they may be coming from. We should work on our understanding and patience and even celebrate successes, no matter how small or trivial or delayed they may seem in comparison. Let’s work on loving one another, taking care of one another and supporting one another.”

Thank you, Steph! We go to great lengths to protect and prepare our children for life. Indeed, parenting is a refining process. I am proud of you and all you have already learned. These days are tough, but they will get better soon.

 I really appreciated those wise words, especially in light of the last few days, weeks, months, and year. I hope all is well in your life, but chances are, there are some parts that need Jesus’ help and healing.

It’s okay to disagree with someone, but can we please treat them with compassion and understanding? Can we show even a measure of the grace and mercy we need, too?

There are many hurting people right now, considering COVID-19 (and all the competing viewpoints and losses), the earthquake in Haiti (plus tropical storms), wildfires, and the complete Taliban takeover in Afghanistan.

Amid death, destruction, and loss, people may feel frustrated, afraid, sad, helpless, grief or distressed. In some situations, it is common to feel angry or betrayed. There is likely to be an increase in mental health symptoms like PTSD, depression… and even avoidance. There are many questions, and to start, I have seen mixed reactions with the Veterans I serve.

Regardless of what you think (or think you know), can you put that aside for a moment and put yourself in someone else’s shoes? Can you imagine how they may feel? Each of these situations is beyond a simple solution. But, the next generation is watching how we handle these circumstances. You can make a difference now and in the future.

It might require some painful stretching and growth, but your attitude, prayers, words, and actions speak volumes. This may include donating some money or resources, or calling a friend or neighbor to check on them. This also may include keeping your mouth shut and honoring someone else’s preference. Be kind and considerate. Love one another.

Let’s demonstrate the love of Jesus to a world in need. He is our only Hope!


God, thanks for being our hope and anchor when chaos comes. We know You are sovereign, but still, many people are hurting. Please bring Your peace and give us steadfast hearts. Lead us and help us grow. Help us love one another. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How are you doing this week? How can I pray for you and lift you up?

Tasks: Take a moment right now and pray. Lift up our world in prayer: Afghanistan. Haiti. Pandemic crisis. Wild fires. First responders, legislators, armed forces, missionaries, men, women, children, family, friends, neighbors, coworkers. (If you feel led to help, consider donating money to your local church or Convoy of Hope, a reputable relief organization.)

Tour de Fargo

I’ve been in Fargo for just about eleven years now. It’s always fun to see who God brings in our path. Case in point: This week, we had a blast from the past!

A friend, Julie and I met in Normal, Illinois, where we both worked as dietitians, but she is originally from South Dakota. When we first moved here, a dietitian named Julie gave me a bag of ‘Dakota Style’ potato chips. It was such a thoughtful gesture. She was the only person I knew who understood the brutal winters in the Dakotas!

Julie and her family still go back to her home state a few times each year to see her parents and sister. And on Sunday, she brought her husband and three kids a couple of hours to Fargo to see us! They got a kick out of a sign that said “Fargo… North of Normal.” Ironic! 😉

We were honored they reached out, especially since it has been a number of years since Julie and I have seen each other… I had never met the rest of her family. I’m glad we have kept up through social media, and it was fun to see the kids in real life!

We had a great time! We met downtown Fargo, on Broadway, and walked around town looking for several murals. We took some great photos and made some fun memories!

Then, we walked to Island Park enjoying the perfect weather. The kids had fun on their scooters, which conserved their energy and preserved their positive attitudes. 😉

Lydia loved leading the way for everyone, since she was familiar with the area! Thanks to COVID-19, she had gone there nearly every day last summer since it is next to a local Y. Future tour guide perhaps?

We soon made it to the Red River, where I shared with them some trivia about Fargo and the river. I enjoyed seeing our town through the eyes of our guests. We walked across a footbridge to Minnesota, too!

After that, we walked back downtown and had some ice cream at Silver Linings Creamery. Delish! Then, we piled in our cars and drove to the Red River Zoo. There was so much more we could have done… Scheels, Spitfire, Thunder Road to name a few… but it was a good overview!

It was such a fun day, and it was a blessing to see someone from my pre-Fargo days. We hope to see these friends if we head to Illinois this summer.

It’s been interesting that God has been bringing so many people from the past back into my life lately! I am excited to see what else He has in store.

He always knows just what I need, but it does require a mindset of expectation and a certain level of availability. I have to be careful not to cram my schedule, so I have some flexibility.

Just like when we reached out to our friends in Grand Forks, it was nice to be thought of when these other friends came to Fargo. It’s cool to see the flip side! How refreshing!


God, thanks for the blessing of friends, old and new. Help me be an encouragement to others, as they have been to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Where are the fun places in your town you take guests? Have you been on any road trips lately to see friends or family?

Task: Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t seen lately. Good news from far away is a huge blessing! Even the sound of your voice can be an encouragement!