Extending Grace and Peace

Wow, I am grateful for God’s timing and provision this week! I met with some church friends Monday night to catch up and encourage each other.

We usually share what’s on our hearts and what’s going on in our lives. Sometimes, there are themes and patterns, or connections, and sometimes there are not.

Monday was one of the times when we could all relate to each other’s concerns. I am the host of the monthly conversation, but this week, they really encouraged me and made me laugh! I’m grateful for godly friends!

Sisters, Heart, Sunset, Sunrise, Silhouette, Gesture

One theme this week dealt with conflict and extending grace toward people in our lives. One friend reminded us that often there are other issues we don’t know about and people are reacting from a point of pain. It is not our area to judge or take offense, but rather forgive and offer peace.

Sometimes, that’s all we can do. We can apologize, but we don’t have to keep track of wrongs. Similarly, we are not responsible for fixing another person or changing their attitudes toward us or life in general. But, we do need to be obedient to the Lord and pray for that person. 

We don’t have to figure it all out, rather, we can let go and let God handle it in His way. Yes, we can set good boundaries and not get sucked into drama. Though, each of us probably has a different level of tolerance for conflict!

Life is so short. We can believe the best about others, instead of assuming the worst. Make every moment count and keep moving forward!

Ultimately, we have to decide how we interact with each other. How I see an issue may be the complete opposite of your viewpoint. And that’s okay. We can extend each other grace and peace either way… because God does the same for us!

Photomontage, Faces, Photo Album, World, Population

Another topic was dealing with perseverance or stick-with-it-ness. As seasons change, we may need to re-evaluate tasks and priorities. On the one hand, it is important to stay on task and not get distracted. But, it’s also good to be flexible.

Flexibility doesn’t mean wishy-washy. In this case, it means sticking to godly principles and obedience, but listening to God’s voice so you can change directions as needed. I’m grateful we have that freedom to prioritize God’s plan!

Life goes a lot smoother when God is in control of our decisions and behaviors. Let’s save space for Him to move in our lives. He always knows exactly what we need!


God, thanks for godly friends! Thank you that we can encourage each other and discuss more than just the weather. Thanks for taking us deeper with You, too, as we extend grace and peace to those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you someone who extends grace and peace to others easily? Or is it more difficult to decide if they “deserve” it? Have you thought about your response in light of God’s grace toward you?

Tasks: Be grateful for both peace and conflict because they can both lead us back to Jesus. He is our grace and peace with God and others!