Come Hell or High Water

Lately, I have seen several 2020 memes with the same theme.

For example: If 2020 were a slide, it would look  like a little boy sliding down a cheese grater. Or, If 2020 were a type candy, it would be black licorice.  There are people that enjoy black licorice, but you get the idea. 🙂

This year has shown us all how unpredictable life can be. It has brought heartache and death, but it also has helped many people reprioritize family, friends, and health, perhaps shifting them to more balance and a slower pace.

Of course, each person has had different circumstances and reactions. For me, 2020 has been helpful to lay aside other people’s random expectations and focus on personal projects and goals. Spending extra time with Lydia has also been wonderful.

One day last week, I was late to pick up Lydia because I had stayed an extra 2+ hours at work unexpectedly. It turned out well, but I wondered if she would be worried about me.

Since I am Lydia’s only parent, she occasionally worries that something might happen to me, too. (I appreciate your prayers for her little heart.) Over time, she has learned to work through her emotions, and she coached herself this time without any issues.

When I arrived at daycare, Lydia asked what took me so long, but wasn’t too rattled, thankfully. Still, in my mind’s I heard myself saying, “I will never forget to come for you. Come Hell or high water, I will be there!” Of course, Mama Bear didn’t actually say this, but it did make me think of a Bible verse I recently read again.

Interestingly, the idiom “Come Hell or high water,” has been around for over one hundred years. But God already beat us to this concept thousands of years ago! Yes, He has been with us through Hell and high water. Of course, Jesus stormed the gates of Hell and conquered Death. Here are a few other examples, too:

The Lord shut the Ark door for Noah, his family, and the animals before the Flood.

God provided a burnt offering for Abraham and Isaac.

God parted the Red Sea and, years later, the Jordan River.

He walked in a fiery furnace with three young Israelite men.

Jesus walked on water and calmed a couple of storms on the Sea of Galilee.

I don’t know how He will come through for you, specifically, this week. But, I know He cares and He will do whatever it takes. He is for you and not against you!

God created fire, Hell, water, and well, everything else. He is still on His throne and remains in full control. Nothing is impossible for Him. He loves a good breakthrough!

This year has certainly been wild, but we can trust that God will keep His Word. He has been with us through it all, and nothing, neither Hell nor high water nor anything else will keep us from His love (Romans 8:38).


Heavenly Father, thanks for being so faithful. You have proven Yourself over and over, in Hell and in high water! Thanks for being with us. May we trust You in every challenge. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever thought about God being with us in Hell or high water? How does that knowledge make you feel today?

Tasks: Read some of the highlighted Scriptures and see how God came through for those in the stories. Trust Him with your story today.