Prayer Precedes Breakthrough

When I think of this next season and semester, I am both excited for the opportunities ahead and a little nervous about how it will all play out. There are so many factors, even under normal circumstances. We have Lydia’s school and my two (part-time) positions, plus social activities and other things. Not to mention Covid-19.

Overall, Lydia and I are just going with it. We will do our best and trust God with the rest. He is with us and for us! We will get through it all with His help.

Prayer is a vital component of staying close to Jesus, and it is also a way to bless others and join God in His work. I certainly am praying for us this semester, but I am also praying for others. I pray for family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and anyone who comes to mind!

When I am driving, I also praise God for all kinds of things I see on my way to wherever I am going. I thank Him for the beautiful day, the lovely trees, colorful flowers, little rabbits, or squirrels, and the sound of birds chirping. It helps me feel His presence.

I pray for random people who look like they need some encouragement, too. I hope others do the same for me. We all need uplifting prayer!

Generally, prayer is the first step, and it needs to be followed-up by action. But sometimes, it is the best we can do in the moment. Loving someone through prayer still invites God to work in their situation.

Once, I saw a lady in a motorized wheel chair who was crossing the street in bad weather. I prayed God would keep her safe and help her feel His love that day.

Recently, Lydia and I saw a man riding his bike. He was riding with an artificial arm, which was quite a feat, but perhaps a little difficult to use. We had a whole discussion about how brave he must be to not give up activities he enjoys just because it is difficult. We prayed for God’s protection in traffic and that he wouldn’t lose his balance or fall.

I have prayed at Target for moms of crying young kids to persevere. I often say a quick prayer for my patients (before they arrive or after they leave). I also pray for people from other cultures or lifestyles different than mine; I want them to feel loved and welcomed.

Even though I don’t know these people I pray for, it is always a good reminder that each person carries great worth. Praying for strangers gets me out of my own little bubble and helps me stay thankful. In many ways, prayer keeps me from being prideful.

Prayer changes us and our environment. Prayer precedes breakthrough.

As we enter this uncertain season, let’s be in prayer for all those around us, whether we know them or not. Sure, we can pray for our own concerns, but perhaps by praying for strangers, we will see our own challenges through another perspective.

And who knows? You may just spread God’s grace and goodness everywhere you go!!


God, thanks for letting us partner with You in prayer! Give us wisdom and strength as we go through this next season. Help us spread Your love, goodness, and grace to all we come in contact with. Help us be Your Hands and Feet. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you ready for this upcoming season? How can I pray for you?

Tasks: Whether you walk or drive to work, school, or even the grocery store, keep your eyes open for anyone who needs help or prayer. Pray for them, yes, but don’t forget to offer practical support if you can!

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