Finding Grace #383

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun week with lots of awesome highlights!

On Monday, I went to work and had a busy day, in that only three of our team were there! Most of my coworkers had approved time off, and one person was sick. We usually don’t try to cut it short like that, but thankfully, we were able to get all the work done.

We celebrated Independence Day on Tuesday. Lydia and I went to see the new Indiana Jones matinee (really good!) and then hung out with several families in our neighborhood that evening. I also invited our African friends over for fireworks and explained our American customs. We had fun catching up over watermelon and s’mores. Moreover, it was hilarious when the youngest kept shoving marshmallows into her mouth, even when her mom was ‘yelling’ at her to stop. 🙂 They clearly don’t eat many sweets, and I love that good parenting translates across cultures!

This week, at work, I spent a couple of days tracking down specialty devices for a patient with tube feeding. I went downstairs to the pharmacy to look through their supplies and spent time with my boss looking online. We found two good solutions, and the patient was very happy. I hope it eases their challenging situation a little.

Yesterday, I had an older patient who was malnourished with several long-term conditions. But, he was fun to talk with and eager to learn! His 90+-year-old parents are in good health, recently driving an hour to pick him up from the hospital! And, his mom still occasionally sends food home with him because she knows he’s not eating enough. (He did a subtle eye roll but clearly adores her.) 🙂 It was heartwarming and funny at the same time. A mother’s love never ends!

Today, we did little things around the house. We started by eating fruit pizza with my morning coffee on the deck. It was perfect, and I enjoyed listening to the melody of my windchimes blend in with the birdsong. Later, Lydia packed for church camp, and I got in a good workout. Thanks, Lord, for these summer days!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Keep Moving Toward

On Sunday morning, Lydia and I were at church. The message was about healing and trusting God. Instead of physical healing, I was writing notes about some habits I am working to change. I know I need God’s help to make real progress and swap in better choices.

At the end of the sermon, our pastor asked people who needed healing to head to the aisle for prayer. Healing can be physical, mental, emotional, etc. I felt content that God met my need, so I didn’t move, but several other people did.

Soon, our pastor asked those people to raise their hands if they needed someone to pray with them. I hadn’t planned on praying for anyone, as many other people had volunteered.

Free Holding Hands Bible photo and picture

Well, then I noticed a woman in front of us raising her hand. She and her husband appeared to be supporting their daughter. I told Lydia to scoot over so I could go pray with this family. At the moment, I just wanted to meet the need in front of me. I have personally felt the impact of people praying for me at just the right time.

So, I don’t think Lydia quite understood what I meant. She just stood there while I was trying to pass by on my way to the aisle. After a little back and forth, I put my hands on her shoulders, somewhat forcefully set her aside, and said, “MOVE!! Get out of my way.”

I don’t usually need to use that tone with Lydia, and I did apologize later for hurting her feelings. She was a little upset at first, but I explained that I wanted to be obedient. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity for God to use me. So I needed to move toward the need and His calling.

Perhaps I was a little fired up because I felt like I had my own mini breakthrough with the Lord during the sermon. I had been kind of ho-hum about my habits, but since I was able to write a basic plan with the Lord’s help, I felt free. So when I said, “MOVE!! Get out of my way,” I was also speaking in spiritual terms. Whether it’s Satan’s craftiness or just my own reserve, I cannot afford to delay God’s plans in my life.

As a Christ follower, I am essentially on mission every day. Jesus is the King, and I serve Him. I should not be self-centered or self-seeking. I can’t let fear stop me. I am called to love others and be available at a moment’s notice to GO.

God constantly calls me to move toward the messy parts of life. Jesus certainly did, and He is my example! If I don’t sense Him at work, then I am likely in a comfort zone, which needs to dealt with ASAP. It’s only then that I can actually fix the problem, change, and grow.

In short, I can’t settle for less than God’s best. That includes healing and eternity, but it also means joining Him in His work now. I don’t want to miss out because I am hung up on worthless habit. Lord, help me!

I did not get a chance to talk with the family after the service, but the mother smiled at me in gratitude. I’m so glad I was able to lay aside my own feelings and plans to serve the Lord. Plus, it became a good teaching moment for Lydia.

Remember, as the Church, we are the hands and feet of Jesus. No habit, project, or personal goal compares with following Jesus and impacting others for Him. When life gets difficult, it’s tempting to run away or drag our feet, letting fear or procrastination become the default. But, dare I say: MOVE!! Get out of your own way!

But, RUN to Jesus, FIGHT to stay close to Him. Face the battle in front of you. Give it all you’ve got, knowing it’s really His strength and power working through you. If God is for you, who can be against you?!

We have to keep moving TOWARD to keep moving FORWARD.


God, thanks for calling us to spread Your love and serve others. Renew my mind and transform me, Lord. Fill me with grace and compassion to see the needs around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you running away from or running toward your challenges today? What habit or goal do you need to adjust in order to serve the Lord?

Task: MOVE!! Get out of the way!! Keep moving TOWARD so you can keep moving FORWARD! Read and ponder Romans 12:1-2 and Hebrews 12:1-2.

Finding Grace #371

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Robin Red-Breasted photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was filled with God’s grace. We had some company in the earlier part of the week. It’s always fun to have visitors, and we were especially glad to celebrate Easter together!

I’m thrilled to report I saw our first robins of spring! Today, I saw about twelve all sprinkled through my lawn. They enjoy my deck and trees, as do several other birds: finches, juncos, sparrows, starlings, and swallows so far!

The weather finally warmed up this week, although it will be chilly again for the next few days. The snow is melting more, hour by hour, and the grass is growing a little. I wonder if my tulips will even come up this year since they are usually already up and gone again! Perhaps I will be surprised!

Work went well this week; still busy, but I had a good discussion about the workload with my manager. Hopefully, we will figure out some manageable strategies in the coming weeks. We can only bend so far before we “break” or burn out. I took off the day on Friday for an appointment and some R&R, which really helped.

Today, Lydia and I watched our friend’s little girl! We enjoyed cuddling with her and catching up with her momma when she returned. We will probably relax for the rest of the evening, maybe watch a movie or play a game!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Last-Minute Blessing

Recently, I met with a new widow for coffee at church. She is an older woman, and I just happened to reach out to see how she was coping. As expected, she confirmed the first several weeks are like a train wreck. 

I only met her husband briefly, but they were married for over twenty years. He was a Veteran and will be buried with full honors at the Fargo National Cemetary. I hope to attend with Lydia if we are available that day.

We talked for about two hours as Lydia sat nearby and read a book. I asked questions and answered them. I looked up a phone number for her and really just listened. I hope she was as encouraged as I was!

I brought my friend a little artificial orchid, knowing it would be a blessing – and perhaps a bright spot when she is feeling down. I didn’t want her to have to remember to water it – like I did with my tomato plant all those years ago!

She mentioned two things that impacted me. She said God spoke to her heart at church that day in a powerful way; she said if I hadn’t invited her, she would still be at home. Whoa. I am so glad I listened!

Indeed, it was good to see my friend’s face light up with joy at the cute plant. I noticed her touching it from time to time during our conversation. She thanked me and said she knew the perfect spot for it at home!

I’m not sharing this to show you how amazing I am. Honestly, I almost left the orchid at home and brought a different plant. That’s because I wanted to keep the orchid for myself! 

It’s a little humbling to admit my selfishness, but I needed the reminder to be generous. I am so glad I listened to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. On my way out the door, I ran back inside to grab the orchid and put it in my purse. I decided I didn’t want to look at the orchid with regret, wishing I had given it away. It was a last-minute blessing, and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity!

In some ways, I wanted to be an example for Lydia to do the right thing. On our drive to church, we discussed how a fake little plant almost prevented me from showing Jesus’ love to someone who really needed it. Yes, I could probably find it again and buy it online, but it was a good lesson for us both!

We talked about how we are God’s ambassadors and represent Him. His love for others flows through us as we serve and give. God can take my little sacrifice and do something big with it. So, we shouldn’t hold back a blessing meant for someone else.

Sometimes, people ask God, “Why aren’t you using me?” But, I wonder how often we limit His work in our lives simply because we ignore His still, small voice. How can we expect Him to do something big or exciting if we aren’t obedient in the little things?

We don’t need to wrestle with being kind. We don’t need to question if God wants us to give. It is not a question of IF, but how or how much. We can certainly pray for wisdom but don’t doubt or procrastinate. We can afford to be generous and give what we have.

Indeed, God never gives us His second best or second rate. Jesus was the only option, and He was all in. Jesus gave His life for us, so we could live for Him.


God, thanks for being so generous! Thanks for the opportunity to join You at work. Please help me be kind, generous, and gracious toward others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you trust that God can take your offering and multiply it?

Task: Don’t allow yourself to settle for second best. Always give your best to God!

Wise As Serpents, Harmless As Doves

Lydia and I had yet another timely conversation last night. She was talking to two friends online who have not been getting along. It sounds like one friend was ready to extend an olive branch. Yet, Lydia unknowingly was trying to play interference. 

I overheard her talking to the other friend and asked her, “What are you talking about? Don’t get in the middle of their issues, and don’t write anything you will regret.”

Did she listen?

Not quite…

While Lydia didn’t write anything mean or spiteful, the tone of her words didn’t sound quite right and could have been misinterpreted since we can’t always deduce tone of voice online. Not thinking it through, she just wrote what came to her mind. The other friend grew suspicious that Lydia was playing both sides, though she was trying to help.

Lydia’s little folly lost her tech privileges the rest of the night. Mostly, I needed her to take a pause. Thankfully, both friends easily let it go, but it could have blown up quickly.

Really, I don’t think Lydia understood what I meant, so I used her confusion as a teaching moment. I searched for the verse below and then found this video. We watched it together and discussed it.

I explained that we are to be wise yet peaceable with people. We are to influence the world but not get caught up in the drama. We can help people, but we have to let them learn and navigate their own path sometimes. 

We are called to love, but that doesn’t mean we are to be pushovers. We are called to stand up for others, but not pull them out of every pickle.

I gave Lydia a few personal examples of two sides telling me ‘all their problems.’ I never share personal details or provide a ‘he said, she said’ to the other party. Instead, I encourage them to talk it out. I pay attention to subtleties and nuances of body language. I read between the lines, so to speak! 

I can provide a look into the other person’s perspective, but filter it through a lens of grace. I coach them to offer the benefit of the doubt and help them understand the other side. But, it is always up to them whether they work it out or not.

As such, people recognize that I am a good listener, observant and trustworthy. I try not to be judgemental but provide a rounded view of both sides.

In the verse above, Jesus used a simile. He didn’t mean we should be dishonest or try to deceive people. He meant we should be aware and be prepared… lead with love, but don’t be stupid or naive. 

Ultimately, we need to understand the impact of our actions, and how they can pull people closer to Jesus or repel them. In some ways, it’s a matter of great responsibility!


God, thanks for the lessons You teach us! Help us walk wisely and peacefully as we share Your love and grace with others. Help us do what is right. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you listen with wise and peaceable intent, or do you try to stir the pot?

Task: Pray about this topic and THINK: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind? If not, keep it to yourself!

A Little Bit of Love

Happy Valentine’s week! Is that a thing? Let’s make it a thing. It doesn’t have to be all lovey-dovey. Maybe we can reframe it as an opportunity to show people we care. Plain and simple.

Romance is great, but even married couples have to work at it! Yet, everyone can benefit from a little bit of love. If it helps you get through the week, don’t write a love note, write a thank you note! Take chocolates to work, and share them with your coworkers. Buy yourself flowers just because they make you happy… Spring is around the corner!

Little acts of kindness and love are in style any day of the year!

On Monday, Lydia received a gift in the mail from someone out of state, who is going through a lot of personal challenges and unknowns. But, it was so kind of them to think of Lydia and brighten her day. A little bit of love and generosity go a long way.

The gift was a self-adhesive nail polish kit, which included stickers to put on over the nail polish. Lydia was so excited when they turned out fairly well, for our first time, at least! She sent her friends some pictures and kept talking about how pretty they looked.

Her prayer at bedtime that night included these words: “God, thanks for my nails and for people who love me and think about me all the time. Including You.”

Isn’t that cool how someone in another state loved on Lydia in a small way? Yet, it was perceived as a really big gesture to my girl and turned her heart toward God. In reality, it blessed us both because I could enjoy Lydia’s excitement, and we bonded in the process. You could say, a little bit of love went a very long way!

Then, in the same spirit, Lydia went on to bless me yesterday with a little Valentine gift. I bought her a few little gifts, but I never expect her to do anything for me. She doesn’t have much money or a way to go buy gifts. That didn’t stop her!

Lydia surprised me with a few pieces of the candy she got from school and wrote me a sweet note of appreciation. As any parent will tell you, those are the best gifts.

So, there you have it. Love doesn’t have to be big or flashy. There are lots of way to show people kindness and love. We don’t have to overthink it.

God’s love is so much bigger than we can comprehend… let alone, His grace, mercy, peace, joy, etc. We don’t have to do the great thing… He already has through Jesus. So, relax. Take the pressure off. Just start small, share God’s love, and see what He does!


God, thanks for showing me all the ways You love me, big and small. Help me love like You do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How can you celebrate God’s love this week?

Tasks: Write the note. Buy the chocolate. Enjoy the flowers. Thank God for His love!

Finding Grace #355

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Christmas

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week flew by! We enjoyed seeing our family on Zoom, and it was fun to compare the weather across three time zones and four states.

I worked Monday through Wednesday and took the rest of the week off. We celebrated with a potluck and white elephant gift party. We shared a lot of laughs!

On Tuesday, I went to work late as Lydia and her classmates took part in a ‘wax museum’ presentation. Lydia was Louis Braille, and I also saw several friends and neighbors dressed up as famous people and stayed in character during their speeches. Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, Marie Curie, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Louis Armstrong, George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, Aretha Franklin, Babe Ruth, Maria Tall Chief, Sitting Bull, and Sally Ride were some of my favorites!

One main ‘event’ of the week was the weather. Or, rather, talking about the weather! In Fargo, it is fairly normal, but online, friends and family across the midwest were posting various viewpoints and grievances. I saw some friends back home discussing North Dakota weather and how tough we are. It was funny, though I didn’t chime in with my two cents!

One exciting surprise is that my sister, brother-in-law, and toddler nephew all arrived a day early! They were planning to come Thursday, but I reached out about the impending weather and they decided to start off Wednesday instead! It has been so fun to have them here for Christmas! We have several activities lined up; we’ve already done some shopping, baking, toddler-chasing, and movie-watching!

Today it is Christmas Eve. We went shopping, celebrated Jesus’ birth at church, had a gourmet Italian meal with authentic Bolognese sauce, and are opening up presents tonight. We are celebrating a little early because I have to work tomorrow morning. I don’t know for sure when I will get off (at least Noon), so I am grateful my family can stay with Lydia! Merry Christmas to you all!!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #351

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was fun and relaxing! My family celebrated Lydia’s birthday over Zoom, and it was great to see her excitement with opening a few gifts and receiving a list of “everything we love about Lydia.” She is so special to us!

On Monday, we celebrated Lydia’s actual birthday. I left work a little early and took her to the mall after school to walk around. We bought a few little items and visited the puppy store, fountain, and a few other favorites. Then, we ordered pizza and picked up some cake and ice cream on the way home! We finished off the night with a movie. Lydia sometimes gets a little emotional missing her dad, Dave, but we ended on a happy note!

Work went well, on the three days I was there! I finally got caught up on my charting now that we are fully staffed again! It felt really good going into the long weekend!

For Thanksgiving, Lydia and I made a delicious meal together. Then, we invited our new African friends over for pumpkin pie. It was their first time experiencing this holiday, and they enjoyed it overall! I just wanted to make sure they felt loved; I have always appreciated people inviting us and looking out for us.

On Friday, I took the day off to hang out with Lydia and just relax! It was wonderful not to have to be anywhere or do anything. I slept in, exercised without feeling rushed, enjoyed leftovers, and set up Lydia’s new tablet (her birthday present from me and some other family – we all pitched in). Perfect!

Today, we did our Saturday things and mostly relaxed, similar to yesterday! I did run a quick errand, cleared out some old emails, and also cleared off the rest of the ice from the driveway and sidewalk, since it was close to 40-degrees!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

The Chosen: A Few Takeaways

Lydia and I really enjoyed watching the new season of ‘The Chosen’ in the theater last weekend! It is unusual for a television show to be shown in the movie theater, but this was indeed a memorable event!

Now, if you are not familiar with the tv show, it is about Jesus Christ, but from the point of view of those who knew him best: The Disciples. We don’t know all the details, of course, but using the Bible as the main text, the writers of the show come up with plausible storylines for the characters. Then, we see how Jesus loves them, helps them, teaches them, and challenges them. He is full of grace and Truth!

‘The Chosen’ flows really well, but it is not meant to replace Scripture. In fact, many people are prompted to get into their Bibles more! Some artistic licensing occurs, yet the characters come alive when you can envision how they might have felt in each situation. Often, as we read the Bible, we miss a lot of the original context; we assume The Disciples just don’t get what Jesus is saying. As if we would have made better decisions.

But, in this artful media presentation, His followers are much more relatable. It’s easier to identify with their struggles because we face them, too! To start, this includes the usual fear, anxiety, failure, greed, jealousy, and anger.

Free photos of Sea

Season 3, Episodes 1 and 2, in the theater were so good! The show will be on the free app in December, but I won’t share many spoilers here. However, here are a couple of parts that stood out to me.

First, I loved Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. I am already familiar with it, but I could envision how the original listeners might have perceived it and how Jesus might have emphasized the words. The best part was seeing how The Disciples were affected; some were nearly in tears as they realized they needed to make some changes.

Second, I really liked how The Disciples put those changes into practice. For instance, a couple of characters had to apologize and ask for forgiveness. As a society, we just don’t hear that very often… let alone see it in a tv show!

Naturally, I considered if there were any people I needed to forgive in my life. 🙂 

I also appreciated hearing the characters quote the Psalms of their ancestor, King David, and then apply it to their ever-present troubles. (They didn’t have the New Testament but were living it!) The context was spot on, and it was a good reminder of just how applicable Scripture really is.

Similarly, I have learned more about the Pharisees and Roman officials because I am looking up information about them after each episode. In the Bible, they are presented harshly, but in context, they look a little different. Still misguided and deeply flawed, but not pure evil across the board.

Free photos of Israel

Another thing that caught my attention was the number of times Jesus (the character) was interrupted! He would be getting ready to go out and pray or rest, yet, someone had a question or need or just wanted to be with Him. Yet, He handled each moment with grace and attentiveness. No problem was too little; no question was stupid. He answered with compassion and composure. We don’t know exactly how Jesus might have reacted, but seeing how He is portrayed makes me really thankful He is so approachable!

Well, there are some more really profound moments in the first two episodes of this new season, but I will let you find those for yourself. Perhaps you can watch the first two seasons while you are enjoying your Thanksgiving pumpkin pie! 😉


God, You are so good! As we watch ‘The Chosen,’ may we learn more of Who You Are. May we seek You more and more, and may our lives be changed as grow closer to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are there any people in your life you need to forgive? What would that look like?

Task: If you haven’t already checked out The Chosen tv show, download the free app today! (Android or iPhone) Read this short article, too, for a thorough perspective.

Finding Grace #349

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Snowfall

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week, was fun and good, but also a little crazy.

We had a fabulous time on Sunday with our African neighbors. I also called them later in the week to make sure they were prepared for our first snowstorm of the season. I encouraged them to get some groceries ahead of time. After the storm stopped, I called to check in. The kids loved the snow, though they are still getting used to the wind and cold.

My work-week was wild at times! It was a four-day week due to Veterans Day, so we had more to do than usual in a shorter amount of time. We have had a lot of coverage needs lately, but in a couple of weeks, we should be fully staffed again – the first time since July 15th! Nonetheless, I am glad to be doing the work I am called to do!

On Thursday, we had about seven dietitians out, due to the snowstorm, sickness, maternity leave, training, travel, etc. There were four of us left to get everything done! We each earned a ‘golden ticket’ which is a token of appreciation; they can be turned in later for some time off. So that was cool!

On Friday, Lydia and I both were home for Veterans Day. Some friends came over to visit. The mom and I caught up over a cup of coffee, while the girls made resin coasters. It will be fun to see how they turn out!

Today, Lydia was invited to hang out with another friend from school. She was at their house most of the day, so I did a few Saturday chores, cooked some food, and then relaxed.

Of note, I was clearing some snow in my driveway today when I slipped on the ice and fell hard. I hit my head, back, and right elbow. It was a little shocking! I did not pass out, thankfully, but I am fairly sore from my neck to my hips, and my elbow has a distinct greenish-purple bruise. I did put down some salt to help melt the ice, but I appreciate your prayers as I rest and recover!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!