Finding Grace #349

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Snowfall

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week, was fun and good, but also a little crazy.

We had a fabulous time on Sunday with our African neighbors. I also called them later in the week to make sure they were prepared for our first snowstorm of the season. I encouraged them to get some groceries ahead of time. After the storm stopped, I called to check in. The kids loved the snow, though they are still getting used to the wind and cold.

My work-week was wild at times! It was a four-day week due to Veterans Day, so we had more to do than usual in a shorter amount of time. We have had a lot of coverage needs lately, but in a couple of weeks, we should be fully staffed again – the first time since July 15th! Nonetheless, I am glad to be doing the work I am called to do!

On Thursday, we had about seven dietitians out, due to the snowstorm, sickness, maternity leave, training, travel, etc. There were four of us left to get everything done! We each earned a ‘golden ticket’ which is a token of appreciation; they can be turned in later for some time off. So that was cool!

On Friday, Lydia and I both were home for Veterans Day. Some friends came over to visit. The mom and I caught up over a cup of coffee, while the girls made resin coasters. It will be fun to see how they turn out!

Today, Lydia was invited to hang out with another friend from school. She was at their house most of the day, so I did a few Saturday chores, cooked some food, and then relaxed.

Of note, I was clearing some snow in my driveway today when I slipped on the ice and fell hard. I hit my head, back, and right elbow. It was a little shocking! I did not pass out, thankfully, but I am fairly sore from my neck to my hips, and my elbow has a distinct greenish-purple bruise. I did put down some salt to help melt the ice, but I appreciate your prayers as I rest and recover!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Hospitality and Banana Bread

Back in September, I wrote a post entitled, “Immigrant Introductions,” where I mentioned my new neighbors, who are from South Africa. If you recall, I was concerned about them finding some snow gear!

Well, here is a little bit of an update! The wife/mother is really sweet and sometimes calls to check in. Last Friday, I missed her call but texted her back. She replied that she was just missing us, and as soon as I read that, it struck me that she was also probably missing her family (thousands of miles away).

I prayed about what to do, and within a few minutes, I invited them all over to our house to visit. I am so glad I did!

Free photos of Hyacinth

Of course, everyone needs food, but we also use it for social occasions. Food is welcoming, eases us into conversation when needed, and it can serve as a way to share cultures. One of the things I love about being a dietitian is that food is always applicable!

As I considered what food to serve our guests, I thought about starches. Common all over the world, breads, rolls, flatbreads, rice, oats, potatoes, corn, etc. are always familiar and tend to bring comfort. (In our American context, we are privileged to be able to choose or not choose these foods as we see fit and to meet our goals, but others around the world often don’t have that luxury.)

Indeed, I considered what my other African friends would recommend. I recalled that one of my Kenyan friends survived on bread and rolls for his first few months in America – he wasn’t sure what to make of all the other foods! A friend from Ghana loves to bake, and she has a penchant for banana bread, which she first had in Fargo. 🙂

Now, I could have made some treats, but I really didn’t have a lot of time to bake. So, I bought some items to share: banana bread, donut holes, and some tiny cinnamon roll bites from the local grocery store’s bakery section. We don’t buy these often, but it was perfect for a family of five, plus Lydia and me. We already had some little tangerines and kiwis on hand, so we were set.

Free photos of Food

On Sunday afternoon, they ran from their apartment building to our house. We started talking easily, and Lydia played some games with the three kids – two boys and a girl. It was good for her to share her toys because as an only child, she really doesn’t get many opportunities! It’s easy to share toys in public, but when they are yours, it’s different.

We adults had a lot to talk about! We discussed American holidays, including upcoming days off school, such as Veterans day, Thanksgiving, and so on. The mom’s birthday is on Black Friday, so I explained what that is, and we joked that she might find some good deals. I briefly explained my story of how Dave and I came to Fargo and how he died when Lydia was little. We talked a little about cancer, and I showed them Dave’s picture. They were kind and sympathetic.

They told me of their arrival in America. They flew into New York, then took the Amtrak train all the way to North Dakota. They were amazed at the variety of landscapes, and also how most people used credit cards – not cash, which was all they had. Someone kindly bought them food because the train vendor couldn’t make the change they needed. Through their comments, I gathered the cost of food feels high to them and that they are shopping at some of the local thrift stores. (They are still looking for adequate snow gear).

We discussed working in healthcare – they are both nurses. He is already working at a local hospital, and she is still studying for her American nursing exam (NCLEX). They loved hearing about how I work with Veterans. This led to talking a little about politics, and it was fascinating to hear what these new immigrants had already learned about American politics. Because I am a federal employee, I didn’t say too much, but they clearly have opinions about us in other countries!

Free photos of Bread

After a little while, I invited them to the table to eat. I served coffee, tea, a fizzy fruit drink, and apple juice (certainly a treat for us, too!). I’m happy to report they loved the food overall. I explained what each item was, and sure enough, they enjoyed the banana bread! I also verified that they had found good grocery stores including some of the African markets, so they can find foods they like and that meet their needs.

Ironically, the kids still had their own preferences and ways of eating as American kids do. One wanted a little butter but was bummed her mom spread it so thin. One took a couple extra pieces of banana bread, and then was made to eat it all to avoid waste. One was scolded when they asked for a second donut hole. They all enjoyed precisely one kiwi each since they are ‘very expensive’ where they come from. It was funny but also humbling.

Besides the warm conversation, my favorite part was when we were cleaning up. Of course, the mom wanted to help clean up. I looked over to the kitchen, and there she was washing the dishes (mostly plates and forks).

I said, “Oh, no! You are my guest. Don’t worry about that. Why don’t you go sit down.”

She was determined, her hands full of soapy water. Then, I remembered that she is a mother and changed tactics.

I smiled at her and said, “You know, I will have Lydia do these later. It will be a good lesson for her in hospitality and service.” Immediately, she laughed knowingly and agreed to save the dishes for Lydia. Motherhood for the win!

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All in all, we had a great visit. It was amazing to know these friends are so different, yet we have a lot in common. We enjoy good food, fun, and family, but we also have the fellowship of Jesus! We have different church backgrounds, but that really doesn’t matter.  God calls every tribe, every tongue, and every nation unto Himself. How wonderful!

Our guests were conscious of the time and stayed about two hours, then told the kids to clean up and say thank you. Good parenting is not limited to one culture or another! In fact, all five of them said thank you about twenty times! I hope we will see them again soon. Already on Monday, the kids eagerly waved to Lydia on the bus!


Gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of friendship and hospitality. I pray these new friends will feel welcome and continue to adjust. Please keep them safe in their new surroundings. Help me be a good neighbor and friend. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are the go-to foods that you serve when people come over? Have you had anyone new over lately?

Tasks: Take a leap of faith and invite someone to your home, or take them out for coffee or tea (consider splurging on one or two treats!).

Sprinkles, Leaves, and Kindness

A couple of Sunday mornings ago, we were preparing for church when Lydia had an ‘accident’ in the kitchen. She was not hurt, but when she reached up into the cupboard for the cinnamon-sugar shaker for her toast. In a flash, Lydia touched a small condiment container full of tiny sprinkles, which immediately crashed out all over the counter, sink, and floor.

“Mo-ooooom!” Lydia yelled. She needed help.

I was still getting ready for the day but rushed out to see what happened. I was a bit angry when I saw sprinkles in every direction, but tried to stay calm and just started cleaning up.

It took about twenty minutes to move aside (and rewash) a few dishes on the drying rack, shake off a package of English muffins, and clean out the toaster. Yes, sprinkles were EVERYWHERE.  I found them on the stove, under the blender, in the sink, and on the floor.

Of course, this made us a little late to church, and honestly, I was still a little upset. I felt Lydia should have seen it coming and been more careful. Similar ‘accidents’ have happened in the last few weeks, where she drops something because she wasn’t paying attention.

But mostly, I was annoyed that I ‘always’ have to clean things up. A parent’s job never ends! Lydia helped, but I did the majority of the work because I could see more of the mess.

Now, Lydia is fairly conscientious, as am I. A touch of discipline usually goes a long way for her. Thus, I have to manage my emotions, so she doesn’t take them to heart. I can’t prevent all the world’s problems, but I can prevent her from taking on my anger or drama and turning it into fear. Been there, done that!

We talked about it on the drive to church because we needed to clear the air. I’m so glad we did because we had a good time worshipping God together!

Later that day, Lydia and I took went on our Autumn Adventure. I took a cute picture of her throwing up some leaves in the woods. It was like a ‘ticker tape parade,’ and I loved seeing the joy on her face. Then, we went to eat and had a fabulous time.

Now, I could have let the stress of the morning stop us from having fun. But, I extended grace to Lydia, and it made all the difference. In other news, I found more tiny sprinkles all throughout the week. 😉

Well, you may have heard the saying, “Throw kindness around like confetti.” To me, that implies an abundance of generosity and goodness toward others. It also implies celebration. But, I never thought about it in the context of parenting! 😉

Truthfully, kindness isn’t the same as being nice. It’s loving someone enough to tell them what they need to hear, or show them tough love.

So… last night, when I was writing this blog post, guess what I found in the kitchen. Yep, a solitary white sprinkle! This time, I just smiled and moved on.


God, thanks for Your lovingkindness, which knows no bounds. You are always quick to forgive and extend us grace. Help us share Your love with everyone we meet; may kindness spread just like sprinkles… everywhere! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How can you ‘throw kindness around like confetti’ today?

Task: Here’s a simple double-check for you: Make sure all the lids are tight on all your pantry and refrigerator items. You’re welcome. 😉

Finding Grace #344

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Harvest

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a busy but relatively calm week!

Work was fairly quiet. I had plenty of patients and tasks to do, but I had a little more time in between each thing. I don’t know if I was more productive or not, but I certainly felt more productive because I actually got things done! It felt good to finish most of my work, as I was a bit behind the last few weeks!

On Tuesday night, my friend brought her month-old baby over! We were able to chat and give them a change of scenery. The baby had been crying all day and not sleeping well. Then, Lydia and I both enjoyed holding her, while my friend ran a quick errand. She’s still adjusting to taking the baby around town… there is so much to prepare for! Of course, the baby slept the entire time for us! 🙂

Speaking of babies, on Wednesday night, we volunteered at church. I have helped many times over the years, but Lydia is just easing into it. As a parent, I see that she’s at the point of needing to serve or risk being bored with church. We signed up to help in the 3 to 5-year-old room but ended up filling in for the 4 to 23-month-old room. It was not quite what Lydia expected, but she adjusted. One little girl attached herself to Lydia, who was the only one who could calm her down! In addition to playing with the toddlers, I changed three dirty diapers and wiped several snotty noses. It’s been a while since I did that!

Today, we did our normal Saturday chores, but mostly we just relaxed. I made some delicious vegetable beef soup. I used low-sodium V8, ground beef, frozen mixed veggies, and a few seasonings. I’m looking forward to having leftovers for a few days!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #342

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Autumn leaves

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a busy but good week! We celebrated the first day of fall with some cooler temperatures. The colors of the leaves are starting to pop!

This week’s highlight was talking to my neighbors (new and old). I offered Lydia’s old jacket to my new neighbor for her daughter. It was a special moment, and I gave her a hug. She and her husband both thanked me a couple more times. Another neighbor had an important medical appointment, and I was glad to hear her good news. I’m really grateful to live in this community.

This week, Lydia and I both noticed Dave unexpectedly coming up with ‘random’ people. I had two people ask about my personal details, one Veteran and one nurse. I politely answered, and they were apologetic and kindly offered support. I appreciate the opportunity to talk about Dave and the Veteran especially identified with my loss. Then, Lydia had younger kids at the Y asking her what happened because one of our neighbors was talking about it. I don’t think they meant any disrespect, but it put Lydia on the spot.  I think it turned out alright, though it is still a little strange these conversations all happened in one week!

For my work week, I had a lot of fun teaching an inaugural class called “Eating to Reduce Pain and Inflammation.” We are affectionately calling this “ERPI” and hope this series is a turning point for our Veterans. Sometimes cutting back on unhealthy foods, or adding healthy ones, is not that exciting. But, we have found that pain is a big motivator in making healthy changes!

On Thursday, I picked up Lydia and her friends from Biogirls. It is fun to be the driver for a bunch of girls and listen to what they are talking about. There was a lot of laughter!

Really, Lydia had an exciting week all around. On Tuesday, she celebrated a friend’s birthday. She and others were invited to surprise the girl at her house and then stay for treats. Then, on Friday, Lydia took a school field trip to the planetarium!

Today, I was on-call for work. I did not have to go in, which is always a nice surprise. Either way, we had family come to visit and stay with Lydia just in case. It’s always nice to have company!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Immigrant Introductions

Lydia rides the bus to school each week, and I am grateful the bus stop is in front of our house. I, along with a few other parents, stand out there with the kids to make sure everything goes well. I don’t really worry about Lydia, but I do enjoy using that time to catch up with some of the neighbors.

Recently, I noticed two new kids running to get on the bus, a boy and a girl. It happened to be pajama day at school, so the little girl had a cute pink robe. It provided warmth and looked cozy on the slightly cooler morning!

A few days later, the father joined the kids at the bus stop. I introduced myself to him, as well as the kids. I will have to work on learning the kids’ names; I couldn’t quite make them out, even after I asked them to spell them. But, smiles go a long way in these instances. 🙂

Thankfully, their dad had a name I recognized right away. It was similar to some of my other African friends’ names, representing a character quality or similar word in English, such as Courage, Boldness, or Blessing.

Free photos of Children

The father is a specialty nurse at a local hospital. Originally from South Africa, they just arrived in America less than three months ago. I look forward to hearing more about their journey, and I was quick to welcome them. But, I also put myself in their shoes. 

I offered to help, if they need something as they acclimate to their new surroundings. I also asked if they were ready for the winter. The father said he had “never set foot on snow.” I don’t think he fully understands just how cold and windy winter will be!

Winter is just around the corner, and I want them to be prepared. I asked if he needed help finding snow gear. I swapped phone numbers with him and sent some links/pictures of snow pants. I also listed other items, such as hats, gloves, and snow boots. He was grateful.

I wouldn’t normally mention that after just meeting someone, but it seemed important to make sure this family has the heads-up. Lydia and I did this a few weeks ago because I know how fast the season can change and don’t want to be caught off-guard.

Earlier this week, I wanted to check in with my new neighbors yesterday at the bus stop. The kids are doing well, but the dad was at work. Thankfully, today, I met their mom! Talk about perfect timing!

We made introductions, and I asked her about the snow pants. 🙂 I invited her in to show her what I meant. When I opened the closet door, I saw Lydia’s old coat from the last two years! I was so happy because I thought we had donated it, and it was still in good condition! I offered it to her, and she was so sweet and grateful. She quickly understood what I meant about snow pants and coats needing to be thick.

We also exchanged numbers, and she wrote down her kids names so I could see them and pronounce them correctly. I answered some questions and asked if they had found a church, a grocery store, etc. Thankfully, they have been able to find a place to worship and shop!

It is fun to learn about different cultures, welcoming foreigners and making new friends. Sometimes there is controversy if we should allow certain immigrants to come to the United States. That’s beyond the scope of this post, and while I don’t have all the answers, I can certainly help my neighbor. That’s always been important to Jesus.

Of course, it is wise to be cautious; we don’t have to help every person we meet. Though, in this case, I felt comfortable, and it seems like the right thing to do.

I am interested to see how it all plays out and will let the Lord lead me as I try to be a friendly face to these new friends. I want to learn more of their story!


God, thanks for my new neighbors and the opportunity to show them kindness. Help me be a good witness to them, as they acclimate to their new home and country. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you enjoy meeting people from other countries? Do you have any fun stories to share?

Task: Open your eyes to see the people around you. Be willing to speak up, ask good questions, and help out if the Lord leads you.

Comfort Zones

I read a quote this week by Pastor Levi Lusko, and it said, “Comfort zones don’t keep your life safe, they keep your life small.” Wow. As someone, who often prays for God’s protection and safety, this spoke to me!

As Lydia starts her last year of elementary school this week, I am thankful for the (relative) status quo of this year. It is bound to be a transitional time, but still, more of the same. Some of her friends were redistricted to a different school, but Lydia got to stay where she’s been. I am glad for her, but also helping her understand how others may feel.

I can foresee some changes on the not-so-distant horizon (also known as middle school next year). But, we will address those needs when they come. For now, I am going to enjoy each moment that Lydia (still) hugs me in front of her friends. Each moment she laughs at my jokes or tells me all the things I am doing well and that she’s proud of me.

Those are all good things, and far be it from me to rush into the next season. At the same time, I don’t want to run away from challenges. Not all problems are bad, if they push us to be our best!

Recently, Lydia and I have been discussing growth. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Growth means many things, but I think about beating stagnancy with learning, serving, and giving. If nothing changes, nothing changes!

Growth is possible when we lean on God and trust Him to bring us through. If we fight the growing process or drag our feet, we just prolong the test. As Joyce Meyer once mentioned the Holy Spirit lets us repeat the test as many times as it takes to get it right! Of course, the sooner we “get it,” the faster we can get on to new things!

If we are wise, we will use both comfort zones and challenges to draw close to Jesus.

Even with things staying mostly the same this school year, we still have plenty of opportunities for growth. Each day has its own challenges and troubles, and some days we are just glad to stay afloat. I am really grateful Jesus is with us!

You know, praying for safety is good, but perhaps it is better to pray for God’s will be done in each season and situation. There is always something to learn. We can’t expect life to be easy, but we can ask and expect God to show up and fight on our behalf.

Again, if you are in a comfort zone, that may be just fine. But if you’ve been there for a while, God might just be calling you to grow. Don’t be afraid; He is with you. Lean into His grace and let Him lead you to greater things!


God, You are so good! Thanks for leading us with love and kindness. Don’t let us stay stagnant, but help us lean into Your grace during each challenge. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you in your comfort zone? Are you needing to trust God through a challenge?

Tasks: Start each day with Jesus! Be grateful for when the days are calm and even-keeled, and be grateful when life rocks your boat and challenges arise! Be willing to grow and be stretched!!

Comfort Amid Grief

Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time, and sometimes, that place is church! This past Sunday, I had a God moment at church that I want to share with you.

About a year ago, I met a woman and her husband. They had been watching online through much of COVID, but I met them the first Sunday they decided to “try out” our church in person.

They were really sweet, and I was glad to meet them. Flash forward to the present, and the husband’s dementia has progressed. He is now in a nursing home, about an hour and a half away. His dear wife visits him every other day, though he does not fully recognize her.

I have encouraged this wife whenever I see her; she has become a friend. Though my experience was with cancer, I know how it feels to be a caregiver and decision maker in an end-of-life situation. Watching your beloved spouse decline is difficult, and I have been cheering her on.

So, when I saw this lady on Sunday, I stopped to greet her after the service. She was so happy to see me and shared how she had been struggling. I affirmed her statement that she is already grieving, though her husband is still alive. I agreed with her sentiment that she hopes he “goes soon” rather than have this continue over months or years. (Either way, we know he is in God’s hands and that his suffering is not in vain.)

I listened while my friend conveyed her lack of motivation. In these challenging times, I confirmed it is normal to need to get groceries but feel overwhelmed leaving the house; or, to finally prepare a meal but have no desire to eat it.

She mentioned she keeps forgetting about a support group at the VA (where I work), and I coached her with some tips. Marking her calendar in advance, while she is thinking about it, might help her not feel surprised whenever she gets a same-day reminder.

I also offered to help connect her with someone at the VA who could help guide her through the funeral and cemetery details (when the time comes). As she talked it through, she started to smile, and I could see her burden was lifted a little.

I gave this dear woman a big hug, and she just fell into my arms. I prayed for her on the spot, and she just melted in surrender. Not that my words were so deep, in fact, they were rather simple, but she felt seen and understood. She said it was just what she needed.

We only talked for a few minutes after the service, but it felt like a God-ordained moment for both of us. I am grateful He has used my story and experiences to help and guide others along the way.

I was reminded that we don’t JUST go to church to worship God but to be His hands and feet. My friend said, “And to think, I wasn’t even feeling up to coming today. I was going to stay home and watch online. But now, I am so glad I came.”

2 Corinthians 1:4, NLT, says that God “comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”

During the well-timed sermon, our pastor mentioned this all is like a game of tag. God comforts us…and then it’s our turn to comfort others with the peace, strength, and grace He has given us. Tag! You’re it!

So, don’t discount your story or experiences. God can use all your pain, grief, and life’s ups and downs to make something beautiful… if you let Him!


God, thanks for my friend. Would You please encourage, strengthen, and comfort her? Please meet her needs (spoken and unspoken) and remind her of Your grace and love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you seen God at work in your life story? Have you seen Him use your pain and grief in someone else’s life?

Task: Listen to this song! God will never fail you, no matter what.


It’s only the middle of the week, but already it has been jam-packed with God’s grace! I have had so many connections with people, including family, friends, and Veterans.

Almost all of the conversations, however, have been unplanned. It always seems these types of things go in spurts. I usually have fairly routine interactions with people, but sometimes they go into overdrive! I’ve had heartfelt conversations with family and coworkers and some breakthrough sessions with patients.

This week, I also met with a recently widowed mom from church. She reached out and just needed a little direction. She has been reading my book, and I am so glad God is using my painful grief experiences to help her. We went to dinner and had so much fun! I’m sure we will do it again soon.

In order to meet with this friend, though, I had to figure out what to do with Lydia last minute. Thankfully, she had been with another family that day (for an art class and swimming), so she was able to stay a little longer with them. She ate dinner with them and attend one of their son’s baseball games. Whew!

It takes a village, and I was grateful. God organized all the details for me, so I could do what He wanted me to do. I also have made plans with a couple of other friends and families later in the week. Summer is in full swing!

Over and over, this week, it seems like I have been in the right place at the right time. It’s cool how when God does something big in our lives (or those we know), it helps others have faith, too. They see a breakthrough and trust Him for greater things in their lives!

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I usually try to be flexible, as much as I can, so I am available to serve those around me. But, sometimes it bites me. What I mean is that I try to bend in so many ways, that I can’t meet everyone’s needs or timing. Either I stress about it or I have to say no when someone needs help.

I have learned that’s okay. I don’t have to stand in God’s place! Only He can be all things to all people! I just have to be willing to pivot when God needs me. We can choose to have a good attitude and take it in stride, or we can drag our feet.

Isn’t God good to lead us? If we walk closely with Him and move when He needs us to move, we will never be out of step. He teaches us not only to pivot, but He also helps us navigate tricky situations. Sometimes that means repentance (confessing wrong choices and going the opposite direction) and sometimes it means opening up ourselves to new challenges and blessings.

In fact, you have likely had to make many pivots in the last two years alone. We’ve seen a wild collection of health issues, finances, politics, elections, and the economy!

But, remember this: A pivot is more than just fancy footwork. It opens up new opportunities and blessings! So, check your attitude and keep moving forward!

When plans change and we need to pivot, we also see God’s faithfulness. He is still in control and still at work in us and around us.

So, we don’t need to fear saying yes to God, and we don’t have to fear when He says no on our behalf. We can trust Him; He has us covered!


God, thanks for working on our behalf and helping us pivot when needed. May we hear Your voice above all the chaos and even our own desires. Help us stay in step with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you good at switching plans at a moment’s notice? Or is it more of a challenge for you to pivot?

Tasks: Next time you need to change last-minute plans, ask yourself whether God Himself is asking you to pivot. Let that process direct your attitude. Serve with gratitude that He has a bigger purpose!

Finding Grace #324

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Nature

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week, full of interesting surprises!

Work went well overall. It was busy, but I had some time to finally catch up! We helped collect food items for homeless and food insecure Veterans. Then, we put items in bags, trying to provide balance for two to three days worth of meals. Not enough to solve all their problems but enough to get them through a crisis where they can get more support.

 Lydia wasn’t feeling well this week, but was quite the trooper anyway. She stubbed her toe pretty badly and was limping all week. It was purple and swollen but I don’t think it was broken. Even if it was, there’s not much to do for a toe!

Early in the week, I hired someone to dethatch my yard. Then, I put down some grass seed. There are several other things that need to be done, including some mulch I need to put down and hiring a crew to stain my deck. Being a homeowner is expensive at times, but worth it!

Friday was good. After work, I went to see the new Downton Abbey movie! It was so good and I recommend it. It would be great to have another movie, but if this is it, they tied up everything really nicely. It might be my favorite thus far!

Then, I went to get some estimates to fix my car! My driver’s side mirror got hit yesterday on my way to work. The other driver took full responsibility and even paid me directly to repair it. (The quote was for $473; he rounded up and apologized for the inconvenience he caused me.) I was amazed because I wanted to trust him to keep his word and make it right, but I also know that doesn’t always happen! I could tell he was a hard worker and perceived the prompt payment was a point of pride for this man (plus more convenient than going through insurance). Ultimately, I am safe and the minor repairs will be done in the next week or so. A good lesson about believing the best in other people.

This week, I mowed for the first time this season. I also noticed my pretty pink tulips are starting to bloom and my trees are full of tiny leaves! The grass is beautiful and green…. besides the bare spots…. and I am going to put more effort into keeping it nice this year!

Today, Lydia is resting after a long week. I ran a couple errands and am getting caught up around the house. I made a lasagna which turned out really good! Perfect for a cooler, overcast day!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!