Hearing God’s Heart

In my Bible time yesterday, I was in Isaiah 43-45. I was listening in the car via the YouVersion Bible App. It’s part of a Bible Project reading plan I am doing with friends.

I enjoy listening to the Bible because I often hear things I may have missed while reading. I can always go back and re-read a passage, but I can better understand the bigger picture when I listen. Reading is still important, though, because going slower helps you digest it in other ways!

Yesterday, these two chapters reminded me of when it’s God’s turn to speak in the Book of Job. Isaiah is recording God’s defense. He lays it all out, how Israel and other nations worship worthless idols, their unfaithfulness. He also explains that He loves them and is merciful to them, despite the coming calamity of exile, and how He alone is God and Savior.

God’s heart and passion for His people really stood out to me yesterday. He warned them over and over and literally did everything to save Israel (and us) but even then, we all turned our backs on Him.

How heartbreaking!

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When I think of God’s anger in the Bible, I often think, “Oh sure, He’s justified to punish them. They deserve it!” But, when I think of how sad it must’ve been for God, well, it just makes me love Him more and want to do what is right and pleasing to Him.

Even so, He helps me! Try as I might, I can never be perfect or do everything right one hundred percent of the time! I am so relieved Jesus did for me what I could never do.

God created us and the world we live in, then He saved us when we messed it all up. He made it right at His own costs (His own Son!) and wants to reward us with blessings. For example, we can join Him in His work on Earth and then join Him in Heaven for eternal life. Thank You, Jesus!

There are many ways we can connect with God and hear His heart. Reading His word and talking with Him in prayer are great ways to start!

Another angle to consider is disconnecting from the noise of social media, television, podcasts, and other distractions so we can hear God’s still, small voice, perceive His heart, and make sense of His kindness to us.

In John 10:27, Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” We know it is God when we hear Truth (or a gentle challenge), grace, love, mercy, forgiveness, peace, joy, comfort…  these are the Heartbeat of Heaven!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Jesus! Thanks for all Your love and grace. Help us to quiet ourselves so we can hear You and sense how You are moving in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What will you change today so you can hear God’s heart?

Tasks: Set some time aside today (and/or perhaps a block of time later this week) to talk with God and listen. Read Scripture, sing a worship song, and write down what you sense Him saying. Soak up His love and be refreshed with His grace.