Finding Grace #371

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Robin Red-Breasted photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was filled with God’s grace. We had some company in the earlier part of the week. It’s always fun to have visitors, and we were especially glad to celebrate Easter together!

I’m thrilled to report I saw our first robins of spring! Today, I saw about twelve all sprinkled through my lawn. They enjoy my deck and trees, as do several other birds: finches, juncos, sparrows, starlings, and swallows so far!

The weather finally warmed up this week, although it will be chilly again for the next few days. The snow is melting more, hour by hour, and the grass is growing a little. I wonder if my tulips will even come up this year since they are usually already up and gone again! Perhaps I will be surprised!

Work went well this week; still busy, but I had a good discussion about the workload with my manager. Hopefully, we will figure out some manageable strategies in the coming weeks. We can only bend so far before we “break” or burn out. I took off the day on Friday for an appointment and some R&R, which really helped.

Today, Lydia and I watched our friend’s little girl! We enjoyed cuddling with her and catching up with her momma when she returned. We will probably relax for the rest of the evening, maybe watch a movie or play a game!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!