You’re Gonna Get Wet

We’ve had some rainy weather this week, which is certainly not unusual for spring. Can you say, “green grass?!” Thankfully, the rest of the week is supposed to be mostly sunny. The sun did come out today, proving rainy days don’t last forever!

Nonetheless, yesterday, it was sprinkling all morning. I needed to mail a little package, but I also needed to drop off Lydia at daycare (nowhere near a post office).

I usually try to fit quick errands in either before work or after, depending on the timing. Often, I plan ahead, but yesterday, I only had a few minutes to spare.

I didn’t want to be late for work, so I looked at the forecast and my weather radar app. As I tried to decide if mailing my package could wait until later, a thought occurred to me. 

“Either way, you’re gonna get wet.”

The forecast was cloudy and rainy all day. So my choice was really between if I should go when it was sprinkling or wait, hoping it would not be downpouring later.

The odds were not in my favor.

In the end, I decided I was cutting it too close and waited until after work to run to the grocery store, which conveniently has a little post office, too. 

Thankfully, the weather was still only sprinkling! It worked out well, and I was able to pick up a few other groceries before getting Lydia at daycare.

In life, we face many storms (real and metaphorical). It is inevitable that at some point, we’re gonna get wet. Many storms pop up out of nowhere. 

Yet, sometimes storms are related to consequences for poor choices. Sometimes we can look ahead and see what’s coming. In those instances, we may be able to avoid the storm altogether. But not always.

Although it is nice to stay warm, dry, and well, comfortable, it is not possible to always avoid storms. However, we can still be prepared.

We can review the forecast and radar. We can keep an umbrella in our car. We can stock up on a few key supplies (like water and flashlights, not toilet paper!). We can use wisdom.

We can also pray ahead of time, asking God for help. He alone knows what is coming and will lead us in our preparations. But, we have to be willing to make adjustments accordingly. He will never lead us astray!

Often, our attitude will determine how we come through the storm. Yes, we can make up our minds ahead of time–set our attitude–for how we will handle getting wet.

It is unrealistic to think we will never have to deal with life’s storms. We are going to get wet, so we might as well make the best of it! Let’s splash in the puddles!

We can hopefully prevent some of the pain storms bring, but it is even wiser to check our attitude and trust God. Jesus said we would have troubles. But, He is faithful.

Jesus is both above the chaos and with us in it. He can bring peace and help in any storm.


Heavenly Father, thanks for bringing the rain and using it to provide new life. Help us make wise decisions and have a good attitude. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you like thunderstorms? Do you have an emergency kit on hand?

Tasks: Read about when Jesus calmed a storm in Mark 4:35-41!


One thought on “You’re Gonna Get Wet

  1. I prefer thunderstorms at night, when I am safe and dry in bed and can just fall asleep to the noise. In my humanness, I have a similar preference for metaphorical storms in life. I’m so thankful I have Jesus to help me through life’s storms in many different ways (providing wisdom, reminding me to have the right attitude, etc).

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