What You Make of It

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Henry Ford is given credit for this quote, and he was known for his ingenuity with cars and assembly lines. I’m sure he knew what he was talking about!

In my opinion, this quote isn’t just for accomplishing tasks or becoming successful. It also applies to our attitudes. Life is often what you make of it!

In America, the Land of Opportunity, this is especially true.

Whether you like it or not, today is Inauguration Day! Regardless of how you think or feel, it is a part of our American democracy and process. History is being made, and that is worth celebrating!

Over the next four years, we are in for something different. Good or bad, time will tell how it all shakes out. But, we can be sure God already knows. And, we know that He loves each person, whether they are leaving the White House or coming into it.

While the American political administration is changing hands today, God never changes. In fact, our American ideals (such as freedom, justice, and independence) originate with Jesus. His perfect plan still stands.

In the meantime, we have work to do. In fact, it will take all of us working together.

I’d love to say the next four years will be easy, but I’ve been around long enough to know that’s likely not true. We may not like all that happens or agree with choices made.

You may be thrilled or unenthused about the change in administrations. But, how you spend the next four years is up to you. You have a choice to make between GRRR or GRACE.

Your attitude will largely determine how you experience the next four years. Regardless of who you voted for, it’s your make or break moment. The outcome is up to you!

I am walking into this with hope and humility.

I am praying, and I am doing my part. I will respect the authority of our government, and I will trust that God will use all of this for good.

I will not expect things to change overnight, but I will be patient and keep praising God.

I will not stir up strife, but I will be a peacemaker and spread joy. I will show grace to those who think (or vote) differently than I do. Ultimately, I represent Christ.

In short, I will keep on keeping on! I will continue living well and making wise choices. I will continue looking out for those in need. I will do my best to bring change and have difficult conversations. I will remain open-minded and find the good!


Father in Heaven, we need Your help and guidance. Lord, have mercy on our nation and protect us. Draw us close to You and heal our hearts. May we follow after You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you plan to watch the US Inauguration? Do you know anyone in the National Guard who is there today?

Task: How you approach each day is so important. Regardless of whether you are happy or upset today, consider flipping the switch. Choose the joy that comes from trusting God!

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