
Good news! Over the weekend, my snow blower was returned. It has a brand new carburetor, which helps fuel and air get into the engine. It was perfect timing because yesterday morning I needed it!

On Monday evening, I shoveled my driveway because it was fairly late. I didn’t want the noise to wake up anyone. I also hoped I wouldn’t need to clear snow on Tuesday.

I was wrong. Overnight, we received about 4 inches of powder!

Of course, I didn’t realize this until right before I took Lydia to the bus stop. So, I quickly tried to shovel at least enough to get my car out (without leaving tracks). I planned to finish the rest later that morning before I left for work.

While I was shoveling, I greeted my neighbor who was doing the same. I mentioned my snowblower, but how I was short on time. A few minutes later, we agreed it was worth snow blowing. He used my machine for both of our driveways while I drove to the bus.

At the bus stop, Lydia and I discussed the weather and our plans for the day. She was excited to play on the mountain of snow at school. I reminded her to be careful because there was ice under the fresh snow.

Nonetheless, Lydia felt she was ready with all her snow gear.

Her hat, gloves, coat, snow pants, and boots were all she needed to play outside. She looked forward to the challenge ahead!

Lydia didn’t consider how much she had grown this year and that ALL of her outdoor gear needed to be upgraded this season. She just knew she was well-prepared!

As her mom, I knew what she needed and provided it beforehand. Gladly!

On the way back home, I thought about God’s timing and provision.

Without my snow blower for the last 2 weeks, I had prayed that we wouldn’t get much snow until it was fixed. Like a good Father, He listened and helped me.

While God is by no means required to give in to my requests, He loves me and gave me exactly what I needed. Before I was aware of my need!

When I returned home, my neighbor and I teamed up to help a couple other neighbors as well. It felt good to accomplish so much before 8 a.m.!

Before I go much further, I do know what it feels like when it seems God isn’t listening and/or doesn’t care. I also know that my feelings are not reliable and that God is always with me. That’s a promise!

Sure, Life is not without its challenges—in fact, Jesus himself said we would have trouble. That’s the nature of this fallen world. Yet, with Him, we are more than conquerors.

When we face challenges, we don’t have to be afraid. God can move any mountain in our way or help us climb it as we lean on Him! Either way, we have Victory!

In your difficulty, remember: Nothing is too difficult or too big for Jesus. He can handle it and empower you to bear it. He loves us more than we can understand and takes it upon Himself to care for us. Draw close to Jesus.

God has not left us on our own. He does not send bad things upon us, but uses them for our good and His glory. No matter what happens—good or bad—we are covered by His grace.

Let’s see our circumstances from Jesus’ point-of-view. There are no surprises to Him, and He sees to it that we are well-prepared for anything we face.


Heavenly Father, thanks for taking such good care of me. When I am overwhelmed, help me turn to You. Remind me of Your love and grace. Help me see what is happening through Your eyes. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: In whatever circumstances you are facing—good or bad—can you see God’s hand at work? How has He prepared you for such a time as this? Can you trust Him more?

Task: Read this post—“Father Knows Best”—it was one of my first on Grace and Lemonade!

One thought on “Well-Prepared

  1. I heard a good quote recently about this same topic. I can’t remember exactly how it went, but it basically said that life is hard no matter what/who you believe in, so why not do it with God? I thought that was a really good reminder that even if i decide to be mad at God or give into my feelings of doubt, the problem is still there. When I looked at it this way, I realized that I still need and want God’s help, and I shouldn’t waste my brain power blaming Him.

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