
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Many people choose to make self-improvements at this time of year. Yet, after a few weeks, they stop following through. Perhaps they lost their motivation or maybe they tried to change too many things at once?

For me, I simply want to do my best and continue working toward good habits all year long. I want to set myself up for success and sustainability. Small changes add up over time, and slow progress is still moving forward.

We are not guaranteed a certain number of days, but we can make the best of each moment God gives us. We can honor Him and redeem the time.

Beach, Rocks In The Sea, Sea, Sun, Light, Vacations

Instead of resolutions, I simply set an intention this year. Instead of resolving to change a bunch of things, I’m focusing on good boundaries, resting in God’s grace, and taking good care of myself. That may look different from day to day. It’s less about willpower or wishful thinking and more about a mindset.

I do have to occasionally remind myself that close enough is good enough… no need for perfectionism here! I am giving myself credit as long as I show up and keep practicing healthy habits!

If I keep putting one step in front of the other and don’t give up, eventually, I will get where I need to be. Or, in the meantime, God will redirect me and it will turn out better than I had planned. I don’t have to worry; I just have to listen to Him and be flexible.

Yes, challenges and distractions will inevitably come, but we were made to do difficult things. We are more than conquerors, and if God is for us, who can be against us?

I’m not saying to slack off or don’t try to make positive changes in areas like sleep, nutrition, fitness, finances, or even Bible study. Give ’em all you’ve got!! Just don’t attach your value to whether or not you succeed.

Ultimately, our worth comes from who God is and how He sees us. We are loved and accepted as-is. We don’t have to DO, we already ARE. His grace is more than enough.

So whatever we do, we can find joy every day!


God, thanks for loving us as-is. We don’t have to earn Your grace, we already have it! Help us honor you in our habits, words, and actions today. May You be first in our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Did you set any resolutions or intentions this year? Or do you just make changes as the year goes on, whenever they are needed?

Tasks: Consider making an UN-resolution. Don’t settle for a quick fix, but be consistent when the going gets tough. Be willing to change habits and put in the effort, but also know you are loved and accepted whether or not you reach your goal!


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