Twenty-four Seven

I am still working on scribing the Gospel of John. I’ve only got a handful of chapters left, and it should be fairly straight forward. I had planned to do it every day but realized I wanted to take more time and really soak up those truths.

Recently, I spent a lot of time in John 15 and 16. One of my favorite passages of scripture is John 15:5, in which Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

It is important to regularly evaluate the status of our relationship with Jesus. If we are walking in step with him, we will bear fruit. The Holy Spirit cultivates an abundance of high quality, life-giving fruit in our lives (if we cooperate with Him).

Spiritual fruit can be seen in many ways.

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. How each of us portrays those character qualities, however, can be as different as our personalities, stage of life, and zipcodes.

Spiritual fruit is not the ‘Midas touch’ of everything turning to gold or going our way. Fruit takes a lot of perseverance. Often, it takes conscious effort to not give up or get ahead of God.

Jesus is the vine, and we are merely the branches. We have to yield to His control and grow on His terms. Thankfully, Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to help.

In John 16:13-14, Jesus says, “When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.”

The Holy Spirit is such a wonderful gift. To start, He is our advocate, helper, and comforter. He empowers us with wisdom, courage, and grace through the pruning process.

The Holy Spirit teaches us about Jesus and how to implement the Bible into our lives. He convicts us when we do wrong, and leads us back to Jesus when we stray. As we yield to His authority in our lives, He even makes our relationships run in harmony and peace.

Any time we need help, all we have to do is ask. God is right there with us to guide us through it. If you are feeling blah or hopeless today or feeling confused or stagnant, don’t worry. The Holy Spirit is available to every believer 24/7. He will encourage you and lead to the truth. Draw close to Him!


Holy Spirit, thanks for Your continual presence. Thanks for the work You do in our lives and all around us. Tune our ears to Your voice. Help us walk in truth and grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you recognize the Holy Spirit at work within you? Do you check in with him frequently?

Tasks: Invite the Holy Spirit into whatever activities you are doing. Also, read The Holy Spirit: An Introduction by John Bevere.

2 thoughts on “Twenty-four Seven

  1. The Holy Spirit is very important! I often pray that I will be sensitive to His promptings b/c sometimes it can be hard to distinguish His quiet voice from all the other noises inside and outside of my head. I find that I am always glad when I stop to listen, though. He never steers me wrong whether its to stop me from making a stupid mistake or motivating me to obey God. I depend on Him to help me stay connected to the Lord!

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