The Problem With Too Much Stuff

I’ve been spring cleaning ever since having my water heater replaced earlier this month! Long overdue, I’m donating, selling, returning, replacing, upgrading, and throwing away various items around the house. Old books, dirty rugs, faded towels, clothes, toys, etc.

Over the weekend, I bought two new dresses (same style, different colors!). I’m excited to wear them and it was fun to buy something just for myself. I don’t do that often.

Back at home, however, I had a problem. My closet was already stuffed!

clothes in closet

I saw two dresses I never wear, including one I bought at a resale shop…because it was a good deal. 🙂 Knowing I’d never wear them, I called a local consignment shop.

As I made room in my closet, I grabbed two more dresses I received in a friendly swap. I soon discovered other items, too.

Uncomfortable. Too long. Too short. Wrong shape. Wrong color.

Quickly, I pulled clothes from my closet, tossing them on the bed. Two shirts still had tags. A few items were resale pieces I didn’t wear after all. Some never fit well in the first place.

I had a huge pile after gathering dresses, skirts, and shirts. I made a separate pile for later of winter sweaters and jeans. I also tossed in a pair of never-worn shoes and a plethora of colorful scarves, hats, and purses.

It feels good to see space between items now!

For the record, I still have plenty of clothes! But now, I have better idea of what is in my closet, and I’ll donate what doesn’t sell. I hate wasting money on stuff that goes unused.

stack of clothes

In contrast…

About a month ago, I bought Lydia new gym shoes for a ‘sports sampler’ class through our park district. She outgrew last year’s sneakers, and clearly, flip flops and princess heels would not work!

In the class, Lydia has learned about soccer, basketball, baseball, and bowling, among others. I didn’t tell her about it before we went to the shoe store, though. So, she didn’t request or realize she needed new shoes.

But I did.

I wanted Lydia to be prepared and gladly paid for what she needed. She was thrilled when we found a light-up pair of sneakers. They were both functional (my goal) and flashy (her goal)! I enjoyed seeing Lydia’s excitement… “Thanks, Mom! You’re the best!”

Thus, Lydia got new shoes, while I removed old items that should’ve been gone years ago!


Perhaps we all have too much stuff. Sure. However, the real problem comes when we forget Our Provider by always trying to provide for ourselves.

It’s the subtle difference between buying something I really want…and buying it with gratitude, acknowledging God’s gracious provision. Sometimes, this means just window shopping. Occasionally, it’s purchasing two dresses that make me feel beautiful.

Obviously, we don’t need more stuff! God does call us to be faithful stewards of what He has already entrusted to us. Yet, He also enjoys lavishing His grace and love upon us.

If I view a sale as my only chance to get something good, that’s the wrong motive. When I have the right perspective (and budget), I can freely buy something. Often, I can walk away from a sale altogether, knowing my money is better spent elsewhere.

To be fair, I know some very generous bargain hunters. These ladies find deals, give wonderful gifts, and unselfishly donate to others. Most of them have an entire closet dedicated to gift-giving. They are always prepared, and they’ve taught me so much!

Matthew 6_30-33

In these verses, I’m reminded God knows all of our needs before we do. He takes pleasure in giving because He loves us (not because of anything we do). That’s grace!

A good, good Father, God often provides for us before we realize the need. He wants us to ask, yes, but He is generous even when we don’t. He knows the Plan (His Plan); He prepares us for what is ahead; and blesses us to be a blessing to others.

But we have to let Him.


Heavenly Father, You are our extravagant Provider! Thanks for giving us all we need. Help us be content…not preoccupied with getting for ourselves, but receiving what we need with open hearts. Help us spend our money wisely and cheerfully give to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Have you ever sold anything on consignment? Has this post made you rethink any purchases? Godliness with contentment is great gain!

2 thoughts on “The Problem With Too Much Stuff

  1. This post was a good reminder for me this week as I am thinking about moving in a few months. It reminds me to start cleaning out items I can rid of instead of moving, and it reminded me to be content with where I am now. I had hope to move to a bigger place soon, but didn’t get to buy the house I wanted. I’m sure it happened that way for a good reason. Until I figure things out, I will be happy in my little one bedroom apartment that God provided just in the nick of time last year. 🙂

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