The Gift of Time

Yesterday, I ran into a coworker on the way out of my building. Someone in her family died last year, and she is still grieving the loss. I don’t see her often, but I try to smile and encourage her whenever I can.

I briefly asked her how she was doing, and she thanked me for asking. We talked about it for a few minutes, and I hugged her before I left to go home.

While God can come through for us in an instant, it seems He often makes us walk through our difficulties. Why is that? Why doesn’t He just swoop in and save the day?

When we don’t see answers to prayer, it can feel like God isn’t listening or He doesn’t care. Or in certain cases, when we don’t see God at work to solve our problems, maybe it seems He has abandoned us. Honestly, I felt all of these things when my husband was sick. 

Thankfully, our feelings do not dictate reality. God never leaves us nor forsakes us! And, if you are feeling lost or alone or helpless, you are perfectly positioned to receive His grace.

With our limited human perspective, there’s no way we can understand God’s purposes or plan. Often, we don’t know all that’s going on behind the scenes, how God is orchestrating it for our good and His glory. But that doesn’t mean He isn’t working.

That’s why we need to come to Him, to gain understanding from His viewpoint.

God’s love never fails. As we work through our emotions and other challenges, God holds us and helps us. He is right there with us each step of the way. If you don’t feel Him, just reach out. Worship God! Call upon the Lord!

Also, remember that all of this takes time. Processing grief takes time. Growth takes time. Even forgiveness takes time. Discerning how to moving forward can take time, too.

Sometimes, it seems like time stretches on forever, with no relief in sight. I understand. There were times when I questioned if I would ever feel like myself again!

But there is purpose in waiting, too. If we wait on the Lord expectantly and bring all our concerns to Him, He will redeem our pain and make something beautiful in His time.

I have learned that time itself is a gift. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so let’s make the most of the time we do have. Slow progress is still progress!

And by walking slowly with Jesus, He will point out what we need to know along the way.  For example, if we rush through and skip the grieving process (if that’s even possible), think about all we might miss.

Personally, I would have missed out on seeing God’s sweet and refreshing grace.

So yes, take time to grieve well. Take time for who and what you love. Spend time with Jesus.

As we learn to cope in healthy ways, we can pass on what we’ve learned to help other people. Hope. Healing. Love. Joy. Peace. Grace.

As we share our stories and resources, we all grow and become stronger together. And, by extending grace to others, we notice more of it in our lives as well.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of time. Thanks for walking with us each step of the way. When so much time passes and we don’t see resolution or restoration, help us trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: If you had immeasurable time, what would you do? Would you try to “fix” your problems or try something new or help someone?

Tasks: Since none of us has immeasurable time, we must use what we have wisely. Go ahead and take the leap! Trust God and see what happens!

One thought on “The Gift of Time

  1. This is a well-timed post, although the emotion I am struggling with at the moment is not grief. It’s anger! Someone believes I owe them something and I disagree, and they have sent multiple messages that are rude/confusing while I am trying to sort the situation out. I am so mad that I want to send them a nasty note back, but I have been trying to pray about handling it correctly and in a godly way. I am still not sure what to do, but after reading your post I know that I need to show them grace regardless of how I feel.

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