Grace In Store

Recently, I went to a local store, which happens to be part of a national chain, to purchase some basic toiletries. I was planning to use a coupon, but I couldn’t find what I was looking for. No worries. I decided to look online instead.

I went to the online store and had everything in my cart to be shipped directly to me. But, then I had to reset my password and my phone app locked up. I was trying to do this quickly and didn’t want to log in to my computer and get distracted late at night.

So, I removed everything from the cart and went to another online big box store. Sure, I could have waited to go in person, but I was just there last week. And, it was bedtime.

Well, that didn’t work so well either! A couple of things were out of stock, and I wanted to have the order delivered rather than pick it up. Otherwise, I would have just gone inside myself!

Supermarket, Ecommerce, Expense, Market, Conad

After once again clearing my cart, I decided to buy from yet another online company… the third time’s a charm! They had slightly different versions of what I was looking for, though I was able to save a few dollars.

Those items might take a little more time to be delivered, but I don’t mind waiting. It was more about convenience and peace of mind. You know, so I don’t have to make another list!

In the end, I sure am glad God does not make us change passwords, log in, log out, and jump through a bunch of hoops before we come to Him. I am grateful He is never offline, and His grace is never out of stock.

God never sleeps nor grows weary. I can rest knowing He is watching out for me, protecting me, and delivering me. He provides for me and sets my feet on the right path. Yes, He knows exactly what I need!

Shopping, Online, E-Commerce, Fashion, Tablet, Coffee

Speaking of purchases, my parents recently bought a cute little house, painted several rooms, and moved in. They are still getting settled, but their internet was down for a couple of weeks. It was a bear to get it all up and running again!

However, Mom told me a funny story of how they bought a used washing machine and dryer. They looked online and found a deal for a front-loader set. As they slowed down to find the correct house number, a man ran out to the street to flag them down. He was very friendly and easy to work with, so they just went with it.

They went inside and the machines were a top-loader set. The man offered to help them load them into my dad’s truck, which was much appreciated. The details weren’t “quite right” but it seems they just misread the details.

Folded, Laundry, Stack, T-Shirt, Red, Clothes, Clothing

Then, after they returned home, the seller of the front-loader set contacted them asking if they were coming or not. Turns out they picked up the wrong laundry set! Later, my mom was reading online poor reviews about the machines they did NOT purchase. God really saved them the headache of getting something unreliable. He also saved them $100! 

Mom and I had a good laugh about her new-to-her laundry machines. It was a win-win for her and the seller! God found them a good deal on a used lawnmower, too! 😉

Mom reminded me that what God has for me is… for me. He orders our steps and has good things in store for us. He is not a genie at our beck and call, rather His plan and promises are sure. He is a faithful, loving Father for those who place their trust in Him!


God, thanks for always being there for me and for providing so well for me. Help me use my resources wisely so I may be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you prefer online shopping or in-store shopping? What’s the craziest thing you’ve bought online?

Tasks: Next time you are shopping online, pause and praise God for His provision! Thank Him for blessing you, and ask Him if there is someone you can bless in turn.