Finding Grace #358

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

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Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fairly quiet week. That’s perfectly fine by me! I have been having more quiet time anyway as I focus on my Daniel fast. This is so I can tune myself to what the Lord is doing or would have me do. Fasting helps us clear out the ‘noise’ of the world!

Work went well, and it was busier at the end of the week. My coworkers and I worked together to resolve various issues. Nothing new to report there… we do that every week! 😉

This week, I connected with several friends… on the phone, via social media, and in-person. It was great! Last night, I hung out with a dear friend for about two hours. We had fun catching up and discussing kids, church, work, and other pertinent topics. I always enjoy spending time with her!

The weather was warmer for the most part, still below zero but pretty awesome for January! It made running a few errands easier, so I am grateful. We had some fog at times, but also some bright, sunny blue skies. My favorite!

Today, we did our Saturday chores, and then Lydia and I each made a batch of blueberry muffins. She made hers using all the normal ingredients, and I made mine fast-friendly. Lydia tried both and thought they were good!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

On Fog and Fasting

The last few mornings or so have been foggy. Sometimes it clears off to reveal a beautiful sunny day, and at other times, it remains as-is. I don’t mind, especially since that means the temperature is rising!

We had a two-hour late start on Monday since our school district includes many rural families. We enjoyed a little more time together, unexpectedly! I even had time to bake some delicious sweet potatoes, which made me revamp my lunch that day. 🙂

After work yesterday, I could barely see a giant airplane flying in through the clouds. It looked like it came out of nowhere! When I finally saw it, it was about fifty feet in the air, preparing to land. Surreal!

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In other news, many of the people at our church are doing a new year’s fast. I decided to join everyone, though I am unsure what kind everyone else is doing. I am doing a twenty-one-day Daniel Fast, which is a partial fast. Think vegan combined with a few more restrictions, such as no sugar and caffeine. (Daniel 10 and Daniel 21)

I have followed the Daniel Fast various times over the years. When Dave was sick, I would fast during his chemo treatments (three days). It worked well to calm my nerves and coincided when he wasn’t eating much. My hunger reminded me to run to Jesus and invite him into our chaos. It was a great help back then when I was running in so many directions, but I didn’t have the bandwidth to do much else.

Over the last couple of years, I held off from fasts because I didn’t feel ready to put in the effort. Not that I discount the importance, my heart just wasn’t where it needed to be. 

This time, the Daniel Fast feels different, joyful even. Perhaps that’s because I signed up for daily encouragement from Susan Gregory, who has authored several books on the subject. I appreciate her level of detail and the way she honors God. It also helps to know other people are fasting with me!

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Here are a few key points: First, Jesus talked about fasting as a normal part of a godly life. He did not say “if” but “when you fast.” (If you read the verse, know I am sharing this as an exhortation, not to get attention!) Second, fasting is not to gain God’s approval. He already loves you and wants what’s best for you! Sometimes, though, we get in our own way.

Third, fasting is not about the body or our food… what you eat or don’t eat, or how you look. We already pay enough attention to that! As Lisa Bevere says, “A diet changes the way you look. A fast changes the way you see.” You temporarily lay aside your desires and routine for a higher purpose. Thus, fasting is about saying ‘no’ to the ‘flesh’ and saying ‘yes’ to God. That looks different for each of us, of course. For me, it’s about tuning my spiritual ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

As Lydia grows, I want to make sure I am raising her how God wants. If I need to change something, I want to hear and follow through! I don’t want to drag my feet or miss something altogether. That’s just one example, but I am praying about God’s wisdom in several areas. I am excited to see what He does!

It’s ironic that our foggy weather coincides with our church’s fasting period. Fog is difficult to see through, but fasting opens our spiritual eyes. In both cases, we must slow down, pay attention, and rely on God to guide us. Thank You, Lord, for being our Light!


God, thanks for the opportunity to draw near to You. Open my eyes and ears; help me perceive what You are doing and join you there. Bless me, in Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever done a fast? (Again, this differs from fasting or dieting for weight loss or making yourself look or feel better.) What did you learn about God and yourself?

Task: If you are in need of answers or a breakthrough, consider a spiritual fast. There are many types. Remember, God doesn’t require perfection. He offers us His abundant grace!

Easing Into the New Year

Ahh! Don’t you love the beginning of a new year?! 

We often see the ‘new year, new you’ types of posts, but this year, I have been pleasantly surprised to read more posts about starting small and just showing up. Small changes add up over time! It’s refreshing in a way because most New Year’s resolutions don’t stick.

Perhaps our goals aren’t well thought out, or we try to change too much. Setting small goals and re-evaluating them each week can be helpful to make sure you stay on track. You may have heard of ‘SMART goals’ which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

SMART goals are a practical way to keep moving forward. Here’s an example: At least four days this week, I will add 1 cup of vegetables to my lunch. Then, you can look back and know for sure if you have been successful. It’s low pressure, but you can adjust the goals as needed and have built-in accountability.

An excellent way to ease into the new year! Who knows… maybe you will be surprised!

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It’s only a few days into January, and Lydia and I have already had several weighty conversations! It’s normal to become more self-conscious in the pre-teen years, and Lydia has been asking great questions. It’s not easy, and I appreciate your prayers!

This week, we discussed the difference between being passive and proactive in what we watch, say, think, do, and feel. Being passive means we just let things happen, and being proactive means we look ahead and plan when possible; we direct our responses and position ourselves for success.

For example, it’s not our fault if someone swears in a movie we are watching, but we are responsible for whether or not we keep watching. And, we are accountable if we choose to use the bad language. 😉

Also, feeling upset sometimes is normal, but choosing to stay upset is our choice. If we react in anger or spread gossip, then we have to face the consequences of our actions.

Negative thoughts come and go, just like positive ones. We should acknowledge our emotions, but they don’t run the show! And if we don’t get ahold of them, they can become a stronghold. We need to uproot lies, fear, anger, and resentment!

Lydia and I have discussed how we can reject unhelpful thoughts or emotions by applying God’s Word and Truth. Lydia has been looking up Bible verses in context and summarizing them. Then, we discuss them and think of ways to apply them to her life and mine! Slowly, I see her becoming more confident and comfortable with her identity in Christ!

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Like Lydia, it’s good to keep learning new things and changing. That’s called growth! 

Although, I’m grateful God doesn’t usually ask us to change everything all at once. The Holy Spirit does prompt us to change so we can be more like Jesus, but He is a gentleman. In my experience, however, He is persistent!

God might keep bringing up a topic on the radio, online, or in conversations with others. Or, He might prick your heart at inconvenient or uncomfortable times. It’s good to check in with Him daily and make sure we are listening.

This year, I don’t have any big goals or resolutions. I just want to be godly! I am making it a priority to tune my ears to the Holy Spirit. I want to make sure I am staying close to the Lord, as He helps me lead and guide Lydia through these next stages. There is a lot at stake, and we are relying on Him!


God, thanks that we don’t have to prove ourselves or earn Your love. You accept us just as we are, yet love us to much to let us stay that way. Change us little by little, and help us stay close to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any goals to start off this new year? How can you stay close to Jesus this week… and year?

Tasks: Remember to keep close to God, so He can direct your path! Write down one SMART goal for the week. Be ready to pivot, as needed. Don’t overthink it, and feel free to change it next week! 🙂

Finding Grace #356

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Winter

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a unique, celebratory week! We enjoyed having my sister’s family here, Zooming with the rest of the family on Christmas on Sunday. That was really special. 

I worked on Christmas and was off Monday (the federal holiday observed). Then, I worked half days Tuesday through Friday, partly because our family was here and partly because school was out. It was a slower week, with a few cancellations and no-shows. It was nice because I kept up with my paperwork and cleaned my desk!

Lydia had a bad cough and fever on and off, but she is mostly better now.  Even so, it was good to take it easy in this weird week between holidays. It’s actually my favorite week of the year because it’s relatively low-key with minimal obligations and expectations. I can do what I want, for the most part! 🙂

Today, we have just been relaxing and getting ready for the new year ahead. Tonight, we will celebrate with friends who live around the corner from us. We had fun last year with them, and I am sure it will be a fun evening again! I pray this next year is full of God’s wonder and grace… may we know Him more fully each day!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!


On this last Wednesday of 2022, I am reflecting on all that has happened over the previous year. This was a reasonably calm year regarding emotions and drama (grief is always behind the scenes, but not as big day-to-day). We traveled to see family and friends in Arizona, Michigan, and Montana. We also had a few visitors, which is always fun!

Otherwise, we had more of our usual… work, school, serving, and hanging out! Sometimes keeping the status quo is a good thing! Flash forward to the holidays, which are good but sometimes challenging.

I worked on Christmas Morning – it was my turn, after all – but I was thinking of what to do about it all year! I didn’t want to leave Lydia alone, especially since I wasn’t sure how long I would be gone. Any other day would have been fine, but Christmas packs a more powerful punch.

It was a conundrum for me as a single parent. I didn’t want to invite Lydia to someone’s house on Christmas. And if the weather was bad, or if she was sick… well, there were many factors to consider! I prayed a lot over the last year!

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A few local people offered solutions, but none were quite right. Then, a few months ago, my sister and brother-in-law decided they could come for Christmas. Earlier this month, one of our friends invited Lydia as a backup, which was appreciated.

As it got closer, my sister and I discussed all the fun activities we wanted to do. But, I still wasn’t sure they would make it because the weather tends to be a wild card! Ironically, despite all my planning for work, it still came down to a last-minute decision to come a day early. My family rolled in at 2:30 a.m. on Thursday and just beat the bad weather!

We made some great memories and celebrated some old ones. It was so fun to have them here for Christmas! We enjoyed shopping, baking, toddler-chasing, playing in the snow, Christmas movie-watching, and much more!

Well, working on Christmas went better than I imagined. I prayed for God’s grace and mercy, and He gave me an ‘easy’ day. Lydia was sick, and it did snow a bit. But, God took care of the biggest hurdles, and Aunt Livi and Uncle Paul were here to stay with Lydia. So, she didn’t have to be alone.

Recently, I heard the song “Always” by Chris Tomlin. It has been running through my mind ever since! I’m grateful God comes through for us… always and in all ways.

I like the chorus below:

“Your mercy is mighty age after age, and all generations will bow down and praise
The Lord is faithful, yesterday, now and always”

What a timely reminder that we can plan, but God directs our steps (Proverbs 16:9). I had been worried about all the what-ifs, but even so, God was with us. He smoothed out the issues and covered them with His grace and provision.

I know God will continue to carry us in the coming year. I see a few hurdles ahead, but know He has a good plan. God has never let me down – He is always faithful, and I put my trust in Him.


Thanks, Lord, for always guiding my path and walking with me! Thanks for providing help and fun during this holiday season. May we continue to trust You in the new year ahead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What was your most significant highlight of the year? What was something difficult you faced? How did God come through for you?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Always,” by Chris Tomlin. Write down how God has been faithful to you this year.

Finding Grace #353

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Winter

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was fairly calm! I found myself ‘unplugging’ from various things, just to take in the peace and joy of the season. I spent less time on social media, the internet, movies, etc. and more time praying, singing, reading, and working around the house.

Work went well, and I had a good amount of breathing room. There were a couple of cancellations and some no-shows, so I was able to get caught up with other patients and tasks. It felt good not to be constantly behind, and I was able to have some flexibility to help my coworkers with last-minute changes!

We had a couple birthdays to celebrate – my sister’s on Tuesday and my dad’s on Friday. We sent some gifts and were sure to call my sister and dad/mom on their special days One of my brothers also called me, so it was fun to catch up with him. I am so thankful for my family and don’t want to take them for granted. I realize not everyone is close with their families, so I appreciate that we are.

After my internet was fixed last week, the technician recommended I get a wifi-extender. After some lengthy research online, I still couldn’t quite tell what might work with my current setup. So, I bought what I thought was best! Well, it arrived today, and I followed all the directions before something glitched. It would not work no matter what I tried. So, I called my other brother and he helped me get it started. So far, so good!

This morning, we attended a baby shower and also saw some mutual friends! It was fun to celebrate the mother-to-be and see how we are all connected.

The weather was a little warmer this week, which made everything more enjoyable. I was able to run some errands and clean off my driveway. This is good because we are supposed to get more snow next week! LOL


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Empty and Filled

This life is full of contradictions and competing scenarios. We don’t think about them all too often, but lately, I have noticed more of them.

Here are a few to get us started: You can be invited somewhere yet feel both excited and nervous to go. It’s okay if you want to attend and stay home simultaneously. You can have low energy and feel wiped out due to a big event, yet feel fulfilled. We may feel one way when we are rested and another when we need to rest!

In the Bible, the Beatitudes also show some contradictions. Jesus turned things upside down! And, as Paul wrote in Philippians 1:21, “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” A win-win!

Sometimes, contradictions are a matter of perspective. What causes one person to feel “empty” may cause another to feel “full” and vice versa. We can be empty or full or anywhere in between.

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On Sunday night, Lydia told me she was “dreading” going to school. That was a strong statement, so I asked why and she said, “Because tomorrow is Monday.” After a little more digging, she was actually looking forward to seeing her friends. Whew!

A lot of it was just Lydia’s attitude, and she was sleepy… which tends to morph into other emotions. Before it went too far, I used it as a learning opportunity! I reminded her that there are about fifty-two Mondays in a year, so if she doesn’t get ahold of herself, she could face the same dilemma every week. And weeks become months, which become years.

I shared with her some ‘opposites’ I have been pondering lately about feeling empty or full. Some examples could include feeling hungry or satisfied; yearning for something or finally getting it; feeling tired or well-rested; disliking the weather, or being content with it. In each case, the point is that we can be grateful and invite Jesus to fill us and sustain us!

Lydia quickly understood what I meant and started to apply it. Her attitude improved almost immediately, and she soon drifted off to sleep. The next morning, she came into the bathroom to brush her teeth. “Mom, I woke up feeling a little empty, you know?”

I nodded and asked if Lydia was feeling better after eating breakfast. She agreed and said she had asked God to help her. I was so proud of her! She ended up having a good Monday after all, though I am sure we will continue to refine this point!

In this Advent season, I, too, have been feeling a little empty at times. I may be a little sad and missing Dave, but I am also thinking of friends who are suffering or missing loved ones. I am so grateful for the full hope we have in Jesus!

We need to be careful not to fill the void with anything else but Jesus. Though it is quite easy to… eat, watch a show, play on your phone, call a friend, etc. Only Jesus will do.

When I feel empty, I can ask Jesus to fill me. When I am full, I can praise God for His blessing. When I want or need something, I can ask the Lord to help; when I have no lack, I can praise Him for his provision.

When I am sick or in pain, He is my healer. When I am well, I can praise Him for making me whole. When I am weak, then I am strong. Jesus is my all in all.


God, thanks for Your love, grace, and provision! Thanks for filling me when I am empty and letting me perceive Your grace when I am full. Keep reminding me You are near. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever noticed feeling empty or full? In those cases, what is your go-to response? Do you try to fill the space yourself, or do you turn to Jesus?

Tasks: Regardless of your circumstances or feelings, invite Jesus in. He is our hope and healer, so watch Him move on your behalf. Also, read Ephesians 1, and notice the very last line!

Cozy and Thankful

Here in the Great North, wintry weather has come! It makes me just want to stay home and watch movies while drinking something warm. 🙂 Cozy!

Actually, this is the best winter weather in that we haven’t had much blowing or accumulation yet. We can still see around the street corners, and it’s all really beautiful!

Since I fell on the ice at home over the weekend, I called my chiropractor on Monday to see if I could get in for an adjustment. Her husband, also a chiropractor, answered the phone and explained she also fell and hurt herself even worse. I hit my head and elbow, but it seems she broke her elbow in two places! I decided could just wait until later in December to see if she is starting to see patients again. If you think of her, pray for Dr. Jenny.

Interestingly, one of my coworkers and a few of my patients also have fallen on the ice, too. We’ve all had similar ‘war wounds.’ Altogether, this has made me feel even more careful than usual… I’m ‘walking like a penguin’ just in case.

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The evening drive after work has also been a little nerve-wracking. I am a good driver, but don’t necessarily enjoy driving… and I was feeling a little time-crunched at work. Yesterday, I started off slow, and it took about eleven extra minutes to get across town since a lot of other drivers were also being cautious. Probably wise!

I was praying and turned off the radio so I could focus. Then, I just started thanking God for keeping me safe and for helping us all to drive well. I also told Him how pretty the snow was and how I was thankful there was no wind. I was very grateful for my reliable Subaru with all-wheel-drive. While I missed seeing the sun, I was glad it wasn’t ‘blinding’ me while driving. There’s always something to be thankful for!

Talking with God calmed me down! Now sometimes, I do complain, but yesterday, I was getting rid of other distractions in order to pay attention. It made a huge difference in my attitude and my driving!

Instead of being stressed when I picked up Lydia, I was calm. I’m sure she appreciated that too! I stopped to get some gas, and then we were home-free. Thanks, Lord!

With a new perspective, I was able to enjoy dinner with Lydia, write my blog post, exercise, and catch up on Season 2 of The Chosen before watching the first two episodes of Season 3 this coming weekend in the theater! It’s good to be cozy and thankful! 😉


God, thanks for your grace and protection. Help me be wise and listen; help me know when to be bold and when to be cautious. My confidence is in You alone. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is your favorite part about winter weather? What are you thankful for?

Task: Please pray for my chiropractor, and also tell God what you are thankful for!

Hospitality and Banana Bread

Back in September, I wrote a post entitled, “Immigrant Introductions,” where I mentioned my new neighbors, who are from South Africa. If you recall, I was concerned about them finding some snow gear!

Well, here is a little bit of an update! The wife/mother is really sweet and sometimes calls to check in. Last Friday, I missed her call but texted her back. She replied that she was just missing us, and as soon as I read that, it struck me that she was also probably missing her family (thousands of miles away).

I prayed about what to do, and within a few minutes, I invited them all over to our house to visit. I am so glad I did!

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Of course, everyone needs food, but we also use it for social occasions. Food is welcoming, eases us into conversation when needed, and it can serve as a way to share cultures. One of the things I love about being a dietitian is that food is always applicable!

As I considered what food to serve our guests, I thought about starches. Common all over the world, breads, rolls, flatbreads, rice, oats, potatoes, corn, etc. are always familiar and tend to bring comfort. (In our American context, we are privileged to be able to choose or not choose these foods as we see fit and to meet our goals, but others around the world often don’t have that luxury.)

Indeed, I considered what my other African friends would recommend. I recalled that one of my Kenyan friends survived on bread and rolls for his first few months in America – he wasn’t sure what to make of all the other foods! A friend from Ghana loves to bake, and she has a penchant for banana bread, which she first had in Fargo. 🙂

Now, I could have made some treats, but I really didn’t have a lot of time to bake. So, I bought some items to share: banana bread, donut holes, and some tiny cinnamon roll bites from the local grocery store’s bakery section. We don’t buy these often, but it was perfect for a family of five, plus Lydia and me. We already had some little tangerines and kiwis on hand, so we were set.

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On Sunday afternoon, they ran from their apartment building to our house. We started talking easily, and Lydia played some games with the three kids – two boys and a girl. It was good for her to share her toys because as an only child, she really doesn’t get many opportunities! It’s easy to share toys in public, but when they are yours, it’s different.

We adults had a lot to talk about! We discussed American holidays, including upcoming days off school, such as Veterans day, Thanksgiving, and so on. The mom’s birthday is on Black Friday, so I explained what that is, and we joked that she might find some good deals. I briefly explained my story of how Dave and I came to Fargo and how he died when Lydia was little. We talked a little about cancer, and I showed them Dave’s picture. They were kind and sympathetic.

They told me of their arrival in America. They flew into New York, then took the Amtrak train all the way to North Dakota. They were amazed at the variety of landscapes, and also how most people used credit cards – not cash, which was all they had. Someone kindly bought them food because the train vendor couldn’t make the change they needed. Through their comments, I gathered the cost of food feels high to them and that they are shopping at some of the local thrift stores. (They are still looking for adequate snow gear).

We discussed working in healthcare – they are both nurses. He is already working at a local hospital, and she is still studying for her American nursing exam (NCLEX). They loved hearing about how I work with Veterans. This led to talking a little about politics, and it was fascinating to hear what these new immigrants had already learned about American politics. Because I am a federal employee, I didn’t say too much, but they clearly have opinions about us in other countries!

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After a little while, I invited them to the table to eat. I served coffee, tea, a fizzy fruit drink, and apple juice (certainly a treat for us, too!). I’m happy to report they loved the food overall. I explained what each item was, and sure enough, they enjoyed the banana bread! I also verified that they had found good grocery stores including some of the African markets, so they can find foods they like and that meet their needs.

Ironically, the kids still had their own preferences and ways of eating as American kids do. One wanted a little butter but was bummed her mom spread it so thin. One took a couple extra pieces of banana bread, and then was made to eat it all to avoid waste. One was scolded when they asked for a second donut hole. They all enjoyed precisely one kiwi each since they are ‘very expensive’ where they come from. It was funny but also humbling.

Besides the warm conversation, my favorite part was when we were cleaning up. Of course, the mom wanted to help clean up. I looked over to the kitchen, and there she was washing the dishes (mostly plates and forks).

I said, “Oh, no! You are my guest. Don’t worry about that. Why don’t you go sit down.”

She was determined, her hands full of soapy water. Then, I remembered that she is a mother and changed tactics.

I smiled at her and said, “You know, I will have Lydia do these later. It will be a good lesson for her in hospitality and service.” Immediately, she laughed knowingly and agreed to save the dishes for Lydia. Motherhood for the win!

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All in all, we had a great visit. It was amazing to know these friends are so different, yet we have a lot in common. We enjoy good food, fun, and family, but we also have the fellowship of Jesus! We have different church backgrounds, but that really doesn’t matter.  God calls every tribe, every tongue, and every nation unto Himself. How wonderful!

Our guests were conscious of the time and stayed about two hours, then told the kids to clean up and say thank you. Good parenting is not limited to one culture or another! In fact, all five of them said thank you about twenty times! I hope we will see them again soon. Already on Monday, the kids eagerly waved to Lydia on the bus!


Gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of friendship and hospitality. I pray these new friends will feel welcome and continue to adjust. Please keep them safe in their new surroundings. Help me be a good neighbor and friend. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are the go-to foods that you serve when people come over? Have you had anyone new over lately?

Tasks: Take a leap of faith and invite someone to your home, or take them out for coffee or tea (consider splurging on one or two treats!).

Finding Grace #346

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

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Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was sweet and straightforward. We enjoyed Zoom with family and more baby snuggles. My work was fairly routine with a few highlights professionally.

I started working with two different cancer patients who are each contemplating the need for feeding tubes. I reviewed the ‘how and why,’ and gave them an idea of what to expect.  There were some similarities and differences, so I had to account for each nuance. I also am following a patient who has grown more malnourished over the last few months. I reached out to his doctor after performing an extensive micronutrient assessment on him. She agreed with me that he needs greater intervention than what he has been receiving. I hope they all improve soon, and I am glad I could advocate for my patients.

Lydia had a ‘fall break’ with three days off school. She went to the Y and enjoyed playing with some Kindergarteners. She’s one of the oldest kids there, but I am having her focus on her attitude and try to help others instead of complaining.

Today, Lydia woke up sick. She’s spent most of the day on the lounge chair, mostly sleeping. I did some of our normal Saturday chores, but otherwise, I just tried to be quiet so she could rest. We appreciate your prayers that she feels better tomorrow!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!