Yes Day!!

Last Saturday, Lydia and I had a Yes day as we honored Dave’s ninth anniversary of being in Heaven (Sunday). She was so excited to call the shots! While we certainly miss him, we chose to celebrate instead of being sad.

To start, Lydia woke up at 6:50 a.m. which is pretty early for her on a Saturday! She asked if she could have a small cookie for breakfast. “Well… YES!!” I said. We never do that, so I wasn’t too worried about it.

While she ate her cookie, and I ate peanut butter toast, we finished a movie we started the night before. Then, we made a plan for the day. Lydia had a long list of things she wanted to accomplish!

Free vector graphics of Yes

Our first stop was PetSmart, just to look around. We saw some fish and some kittens for adoption. Next door, Lydia wanted to have a shopping spree at Michael’s. Thankfully, she had a gift card and was able to buy a couple of art organizers and some Washi tape.

Then, we went to Ulta because I had a gift card. (She cheerfully agreed to let me hijack her day.) As I looked around, Lydia found some blue fake stick-on nails. Not my fancy, but of course, I said yes!

After that, we ate lunch at Panera. We each had a You-Pick-Two salad and flat-bread pizza. I offered to share, but Lydia wanted her own. She laughed when I pointed out that we both took home leftovers!

The mall was next on her list. She wanted to go to a candy-and-toy store and Bath and Body Works. We also walked to one end to see the fountain and the other end to see some puppies. I asked if we could stop at the kitchen store for some chili-infused garlic oil and jalapeno lime vinegar. A patient told me about the combination, and I was not disappointed!

We made a few purchases at the mall before heading off for boba tea. I really didn’t want to try it, but I asked questions to help Lydia decide what to order. In the end, it sounded interesting after all! Lydia ordered a fruity tea with fruit bobas. I tried a tea with milk and ‘brown sugar boba’… a little hard to describe, but tasty! We each brought home our drinks to enjoy later.

We went home to regroup and put our leftovers away. We put on Lydia’s nails; the process was a little confusing at first but ended up being easy. We also attached some little charms to her Crocs. She was sooo happy and grateful!

We then headed out to a cookie dough and ice cream place. We decided to eat dinner at home first (leftovers) and saved our treats for later. Lydia ended up forgetting about hers in the freezer, which is fine by me. 😉 We ended the night by watching the new cartoon movie, “Bad Guys.” We liked it!

I loved spending time with my girl! The idea of a Yes day was based on a book and movie, where the parents say yes to every request (within certain parameters). I enjoyed seeing Lydia’s idea of fun and automatically agreeing to her plan. She already has ideas for whenever her next Yes day comes around!

As a parent, I spend a lot of time saying no, so it was different saying yes for a day. I was able to relax because I wasn’t automatically thinking of all the other things that needed to get done or why something wasn’t possible in the moment. “No, we have to get the laundry done first… No, you can’t do that right now… No, you don’t need another one of those…”

Bedtime ended up being where all of the day’s excitement hit the fan, so to speak. Lydia grew quiet and sad, missing Dave. This happens sometimes and I just roll with it as best I can, praying for wisdom along the way. We shared tears and her final request for a ten-minute massage seemed to help.

At some point in the day, I was reminded of the verse in 2 Corinthians 1:20, which says, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so through him, the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.”

No matter how tough Life gets, God never lets us down. While He doesn’t always say YES to all of our requests, He is always working out the ultimate yes in Christ. We can trust Him to do what is best for us!


God, You are so good. Thanks for always doing what is right for us. Even Your no is a yes in the end! Help us to trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: When was the last time you set aside your to-do list or other expectations to have a yes day or a free day?!

Task: Here is the trailer to the movie, “Yes Day,” in case you want to check it out!

If You Could Not Fail

A question popped into my mind this week while I walked down a hill to my car after work: What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

While the weather was good and the street was dry, I was thinking about how that particular path gets icy and I usually walk like a penguin in an attempt not to fall. I’m happy to report I haven’t wiped out yet!

By the time I reached the bottom of the hill, which leads into the parking lot, I had to laugh. If I knew I would not fail, or, fall, maybe I would skateboard or roller skate down the hill. Or, ski or sled depending on the weather and season!

Skater, Graffiti, Lifestyle, Athletic, Man, Skateboard

I tend to be rather cautious by nature, which usually serves me well, but occasionally this causes me to make more safe choices rather than bold ones.

I’m not surprised Lydia is like me in that. I have just learned to take it in stride and deal with fear more effectively. Thank God!

She missed out on another opportunity this week because of fear. It was basically a repeat at the gas station, as before. She wanted a treat, and I agreed if she would go in and get it herself. I gave her a few dollars and a deadline. I was pumping gas, so she had a brief few moments to decide. Well, she didn’t budge…

But, after watching the TrueGirl Miriam Bible study about courage, I gave her another chance. This time, she did it with flying colors… and realized it was way easier than she thought.

Then, we thought of the situation from God’s perspective. I had provided the money and resources for Lydia to get what she wanted. I even positioned her for success and drove her up the door! But, she had to make up her mind and get out of the car.

For me, this all was just a good heart check. God provides for us and positions us for His plan. With His presence and power, we cannot truly fail long-term, though we may fall down occasionally. But, we still have to make up our minds and obey.

Ultimately, we have to step out in faith (or skateboard or ski), making it a regular habit. If we don’t, fear will become the default.

Thankfully, God never gives up on us. He is the God of second chances!


God, thanks for second chances and for setting us up for success. Thanks that we don’t have to give in to fear. Help us step out by faith, even when we may fail, knowing You will catch us and redirect us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Are you running on faith or fear?

Task: Stay close to the Lord so you can refill your faith and navigate fearful moments.


Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Many people choose to make self-improvements at this time of year. Yet, after a few weeks, they stop following through. Perhaps they lost their motivation or maybe they tried to change too many things at once?

For me, I simply want to do my best and continue working toward good habits all year long. I want to set myself up for success and sustainability. Small changes add up over time, and slow progress is still moving forward.

We are not guaranteed a certain number of days, but we can make the best of each moment God gives us. We can honor Him and redeem the time.

Beach, Rocks In The Sea, Sea, Sun, Light, Vacations

Instead of resolutions, I simply set an intention this year. Instead of resolving to change a bunch of things, I’m focusing on good boundaries, resting in God’s grace, and taking good care of myself. That may look different from day to day. It’s less about willpower or wishful thinking and more about a mindset.

I do have to occasionally remind myself that close enough is good enough… no need for perfectionism here! I am giving myself credit as long as I show up and keep practicing healthy habits!

If I keep putting one step in front of the other and don’t give up, eventually, I will get where I need to be. Or, in the meantime, God will redirect me and it will turn out better than I had planned. I don’t have to worry; I just have to listen to Him and be flexible.

Yes, challenges and distractions will inevitably come, but we were made to do difficult things. We are more than conquerors, and if God is for us, who can be against us?

I’m not saying to slack off or don’t try to make positive changes in areas like sleep, nutrition, fitness, finances, or even Bible study. Give ’em all you’ve got!! Just don’t attach your value to whether or not you succeed.

Ultimately, our worth comes from who God is and how He sees us. We are loved and accepted as-is. We don’t have to DO, we already ARE. His grace is more than enough.

So whatever we do, we can find joy every day!


God, thanks for loving us as-is. We don’t have to earn Your grace, we already have it! Help us honor you in our habits, words, and actions today. May You be first in our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Did you set any resolutions or intentions this year? Or do you just make changes as the year goes on, whenever they are needed?

Tasks: Consider making an UN-resolution. Don’t settle for a quick fix, but be consistent when the going gets tough. Be willing to change habits and put in the effort, but also know you are loved and accepted whether or not you reach your goal!


Finding Grace #304

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was another interesting but good week. We stayed home on Monday due to Lydia not feeling well and the blizzardy weather. It turned out to be a good thing since her daycare opened late and closed early anyway.

I discovered my car battery was close to dead on Tuesday, but thankfully, I found a charger hidden in plain sight on the workbench. (Thanks, Dave, for always being so prepared!) I bought a new battery and had it installed on my way to work because at 8+ years old, the original one was on borrowed time.
As we arrived home that night, the thought occurred to me… perhaps God kept us home on Monday so I wouldn’t get stuck in a blizzard with a dead battery and sick child. Our doctor was closed, and daycare closed early, so we had just chalked it up to another day of rest. But, of course, God always sees what we cannot.

We made it to work and daycare for three days, and now have a three-day weekend! It might be rough going to work and school for five days next week!

Last night, we had a great time hanging out with some new friends for NYE. It was so nice to be invited! Lydia even lasted past midnight and was in bed by 12:45 a.m. She slept until 11:50 this morning!

Today, we are mostly relaxing and preparing for this new year. We watched a couple of movies, started our new yearlong Bible reading plans, and did a few chores. We also decorated some Christmas cookies since Lydia wasn’t up to it last week. Overall, I love January since it is usually a little slower-paced. It’s below zero today, so it’s been good to stay in! Happy New Year!!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Every Little Thing

Have you ever thought about how God takes care of us, even when we are unaware?

Last week my check engine light came on in my car. I’ve had my Subaru for over eight years, but thankfully, it has had very few problems. So, this was a bit unusual.

At that point, I was on my way to pick up Lydia and promptly forgot about the issue. The light turned off after I restarted my car to head home.

Soon, it happened again. I usually am prompt about oil changes, and I didn’t expect a warning about my oil being low. At first, I thought it was a fluke and I tried to ignore it.

But, I am my father’s daughter and knew I should check what was going on. Sure enough, I needed some oil! I called to make an appointment for Friday afternoon and bought a little oil to just make it until then. Whew!

Car, Front, Subaru, Bumper, Vehicle, Automobile

On Friday, I went in for the oil change, along with a routine check. They also rotated my tires, which reminded me that I tend to put air in them several times a year. The same wheel always seems to be the issue, and while I do have my own air compressor, it feels like it has been happening more frequently. I casually mentioned that to them.

Then, while my car was in the shop, I made a few phone calls, read a book, and did some planning ahead. I also had some coffee and a snack. 😉 Let’s just say it was time well spent!

The technicians don’t always find something wrong, but soon they came out to tell me I had a couple of lights out. I had no clue! I quickly agreed to replace the lights which would have been difficult to find and reach on my own. A no-brainer!

When I went to pay, the technician also explained they had found a very small hole along the rim of my tire. They smoothed out the rim and fixed the tire. I will keep an eye on things, of course, but I am so grateful. I left the dealership feeling safe, cared for, and prepared for winter.

Car, Subaru, Vehicle, Automobile, Automotive, Design

The car repairs were inexpensive and I did not feel pressured to say yes. I didn’t even know all those things needed to be fixed, but God did. He took care of it all for me!

Then, on Monday, my car would not start before work. I quickly realized Lydia had left the light on to read… and then forgot to turn it off. My car was totally dead!

I‘m glad my neighbor was still home and came over to jump the battery for me. We had to move a few things around in the garage, but it didn’t take too long. Usually, I am about five minutes early to work, and I was only four minutes late!

God cares about every detail of our lives and every decision we make. Whether it is a little tiny light, a tire, a car battery, or something much bigger, His grace covers it all.


Heavenly Father, Your grace is sufficient for me!! Thanks for taking such good care of me. Help me to trust You in every moment with every little thing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How have you seen God at work in your life lately?

Tasks: Daily issues are normal, but look for God’s hand at work around you. He is always watching over you and eager to help. Call out to Him in your time of need!

Finding Grace #294

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Pumpkin, Leaf, Autumn, Gourd, Vegetable

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week went fast! I didn’t feel well on Monday, so I stayed home from work. I was on the fence because my symptoms weren’t contagious (no COVID symptoms) but rather just a variety of other things. However, my gut kept telling me to stay home, and I am glad I chose to listen! I was proud of myself for choosing to rest because like many people, I usually just push myself to go-go-go. In the end, I felt like taking one day off was going to help set me up well for the rest of the week. I’m calling it a win!!

Lydia and I met with her teacher for this semester’s school conference. I am grateful Lydia is doing so well. She always loves visiting the coinciding book fair, too. We bought a book for her classroom, and one of her classmates is already enjoying it!

Yesterday, I quickly did my errands after work and picked up Lydia early from daycare. We ran to a couple of stores and bought a few decorations for her room and some organizing supplies. It was so fun to see what she likes and spend time with her.

Today, we made a few family phone calls and did housework while listening to audiobooks. Lydia and I both spent time cleaning and organizing our bedrooms! It feels good to have a relaxing, productive Saturday at home! This organization will pay off in the coming months when things are easier to find.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Detoured Dreams

Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

I always ask Lydia what she dreamed about, but more often than not, she can’t remember. I usually don’t recall my dreams either, but if it is really funny, crazy, or heartwarming, I am more likely to do so.

Have you ever had a dream seem so real, it feels prophetic… or later came true? I have. But, that’s not what today’s post is about. 😉

Adult, Diary, Journal, Notebook, Book

Instead, I have had a few subtle reality checks lately that piqued my interest.

What I mean is this: I received some news and random updates that made me glad God didn’t answer my dreams! In one example, I saw how I dodged a bullet. Hindsight is 20/20, right? Whew! God protects us from what we don’t know!

Then, I also learned of some details that led down a path which just didn’t suit me anymore. I have grown past that point, and perhaps it would have been a hindrance.

Of course, I am super glad my weird dreams or nightmares haven’t come true! But, I’m also grateful some of my good and pleasant dreams haven’t materialized. Yes, it can be fun to imagine all the possibilities, but that’s only a starting point.

We can dream at night or during the day, and most of us have goals and a vision of what we want our life to look like. We hope it all goes according to plan. But, God’s ways are higher than ours. His plans and dreams for us are even better (Ephesians 3:20)!

Pen, Pencil, Diary, Journal, History, Write, Book

So, if God doesn’t answer a prayer in the way we want, that’s okay. If He doesn’t give us all of our heart’s desires, we can still trust He is good. In fact, we can get excited to see what He has in store for us! It might take a while before we see it, but it will be worth the wait.

That said, don’t be afraid to dream. Get creative and set yourself up for success!

Remember: Whether it is a job or promotion or relationship or deal, if it’s not for you, you don’t want it…. or the stress that comes with it! Don’t settle for less than God’s best!

So dream, but just don’t tie yourself or your self-worth to the dream… allow for a little wiggle room so God can move. If we allow Him to work in our lives, He can sift through our desires and plant dreams for an amazing hope and a future… and bring them to pass.

What a wonderful blessing to know God is in control! While I don’t know what’s on your mind or heart today, I am 100% sure you are covered with His grace. Trust Him!


God, You are full of surprises and You always know what is best for us. May we be grateful for detoured dreams. The best is yet to come! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you ever remember your dreams? What if all of your dreams were to come true? Would that be good or bad?

Task: Write down your dreams when you wake up. Look for any trends and nuggets of Truth. Pray and be open to God’s direction.

Quit Spinning Your Wheels!

Have you ever felt like you are just spinning your wheels and getting nowhere fast? Perhaps you are not making progress on your goals due to always being on-the-go, running from one activity to the next. Or, maybe you don’t know which path to take next. Life is full of tough decisions, and sometimes we have to quit what we are doing to regroup. 

This week, I had an interesting conversation with a friend about such decisions. Nothing unusual… just choices that carry weight and impact.

These include decisions regarding finances, education, volunteering, and relationships. Unfortunately, she’s been so ‘busy’ she can’t think straight, and people keep asking her to be involved in activities that are draining her of time, energy, and peace.

Of course, since I am older, I have faced similar circumstances in the past. Each time, I learned invaluable lessons which prompted a new level of growth and maturity.

Examples: Boundaries and the wordNo’ are powerful!

My friend will have to make her own decisions, of course. I simply mentioned how important solitude had been for me, especially in college when I was trying to make so many of the same decisions.

Being alone is scary for a lot of people, but solitude is different than being lonely.

For me, solitude is taking time away, so I can quit spinning my wheels. Then, I can figure out how I really think and feel. Solitude brings clarity when I am confused because it eliminates the extra noise and distractions. Then, I can weigh the pros and cons.

It took me awhile to be okay with solitude, but it has served me well over the years. Spending time alone has helped me know who I am and who I am not. I have gained insight on my priorities and what I enjoy doing (versus what I happen to do when others are around). Pausing every now and then has helped set the trajectory for my life.

In some ways, solitude primed me for dealing with grief when Dave died because I understood how to pay attention to my feelings and not run away from them. In part, solitude taught me that uncomfortable moments do not last forever. Sometimes, we wish they would hurry on by, but we can grow to appreciate those awkward times, too!

In my case, I am never truly alone because solitude also involves connecting with God through prayer. It may include making lists or taking walks in nature, too. Or, perhaps it is an act of solitude to leave work an hour early to sit in the daycare parking lot and journal while listening to music. Yes, solitude is a part of self-care.

Solitude does not mean isolation…. or being alone forever, avoiding other people or their input. It just means hitting the brakes and checking the map to see if you are heading where you intended, or if you need to redirect.

There is no badge for busyness or skimping on sleep. Don’t let other people dictate what you do in life… you are responsible for your own happiness.

Jesus Himself was known for taking time away to spend with His Father. He relied on that quiet time to listen and gather His thoughts. I wonder what happened in those intimate moments between Jesus, His Father, and the Holy Spirit!

Perhaps getting away helped Jesus to refocus on His mission and renew His strength. Either way, He relied on God’s help to accomplish all He did!

These days, I don’t have many opportunities to “get away,” but I am reminded just how vital solitude can be. These skills take time and space and effort, but thankfully, God is always with us! He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He can bring solace in solitude, if only we quit spinning our wheels long enough to listen!


God, thanks for being our Friend and Guide! May we pause in solitude and gratitude, inviting You to show us what to do next. May we receive Your best. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you enjoy being alone, or do you merely tolerate it when needed? How can you apply the idea of solitude for making decisions?

Tasks: If you have some big decisions ahead of you, take some time to clear your head and pray. Tune your heart to what the Holy Spirit may be telling you. For further reading, check out this article.

Grand Forks Getaway

As I previously mentioned, Lydia and I had a special getaway last weekend.

We had a great weekend about an hour north in Grand Forks, North Dakota! I had made a short list of potential activities and places to visit. But, as always, God took my loose plans and put His own spin on them!

On Friday evening, we visited dear friends at a park and were visited by the ice cream truck! My friends have three kids, ages 2 to almost 6, and they are all so cute. The little boy, the middle child, wanted to hold Lydia’s hand, sit right next to her, and have her carry him. It was fun seeing Lydia respond favorably to him and his sisters. As an only child, she’s not used to siblings!

Then, Lydia and I drove across the border to Cabela’s in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. She loved it and even came out with a new stuffed animal! Soon, we crossed the bridge back to the North Dakota side. We walked around downtown before heading back to Minnesota for our car. Later, Lydia lived it up at the hotel arcade. She even won first place in the racing game! Reminds me of her dad!

On Saturday morning we had breakfast with the same friends, this time the kids were left at home. The man was one of Dave’s Caterpillar coworkers and a pallbearer at his funeral. After Dave died, I gave him Dave’s Bible. It felt like the right thing to do to bless this ‘CAT guy.’ God has blessed that small act of faith, and it has been fun to see him lead his family toward Jesus.

This man was mourning the lost of his best friend, who had just died from COVID-19 complications earlier in the week. So on Saturday, we talked about faith, Dave, family, our Caterpillar connection, and more. He acknowledged that our visit seemed like God-ordained meeting. I am so grateful I could encourage this couple because they have been such an encouragement to me!

Then, Lydia and I drove around town, visiting Widman’s confectionery and the University of North Dakota/Ralph Engelstad Arena (known for intense ice hockey games!). Later, we went to the Blue Moose Restaurant and ate tapas, walked around the mall, and visited a local indie bookstore. Lydia also drew a crowd with her marksmanship skills at Scheels!

Saturday night, we spent a couple hours at the water park in our hotel. It was huge, and we had a blast on the water slides and practicing Lydia’s swimming skills. We even ran into another friend! Then, we relaxed and watched a movie while eating some snacks.

On Sunday, we drove about 20 miles west to Turtle River State Park. We had fun hiking around and were glad we went early to beat the heat. It was gorgeous! Then, we came back home and listened to an audiobook on the way. Lydia played with a friend while I did some yard work before family Zoom.

When making our plans, it took me awhile to decide what to do and where to stay. I was trying to decide about the water park and what other attractions to see. I was also uncertain if I should contact my friends since it had been a few years since we saw them. I didn’t want them to have to adjust their plans. Turns out, I contacted them on the same day they found out about the loss of their friend. Wow!

Our whole trip was covered by God’s grace. I’d like to take Lydia to Medora, ND sometime, too, but this was the best weekend we’ve had in awhile!


God, You are so good and faithful! Thanks for leading us and for guiding our steps. Thanks for helping us encourage others as we honor Dave’s life and legacy. Help us continue to be a blessing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you been to Grand Forks or Medora? What do you like to do on vacation? Do you like to relax or go sight-seeing? Do you make big plans or just meander?

Tasks: Next time you are considering a trip or step out of your normal routine, prayerfully go for it! Invite God to direct your path and see how He moves on your behalf! You never know just how He may use you to bless someone else.

Finding Grace #268

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week went really fast. Lydia had fun playing with a friend on Sunday and Wednesday. Plus, we got to Zoom with family!

I enjoyed a good amount of problem solving this week. There were a number of issues that popped up, both personally and with others. I am glad I was able to come up with creative solutions for everyone involved. Thanks, Lord!

This week, the weather was variable, but today is sunny and beautiful!

Today, Lydia and I hung around the house for awhile. I did laundry and some meal prep for the next week while catching up on a couple podcasts. Then, we went to the mall to walk around. After that, we read at the bookstore. I love that Lydia enjoys reading like I do!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!