
Lately, I have noticed a subtle shift in my house. It is a good and natural thing, but it has surprised me. I recognized it this week, which helped deal with it. At least for now!

Basically, I have been a little short with Lydia, and it bothered me. She’s a great kid and doesn’t deserve that. I couldn’t figure out the issues until I prayed about it on the way to work Monday.

I think my feelings of frustration were related to a few factors. First, Lydia is growing more independent. So, she wants to have some say in what we do. I also want this for her, but to do that, I need to let go and let her. And that’s complicated sometimes. 🙂

Part of this is related to “puberty brain.” Normally, Lydia is obedient and reliable. But now, she “forgets” to complete tasks or wants to negotiate. That’s fine sometimes, but I put my foot down this past weekend and reset some boundaries. I know this is just the beginning, and communication will morph over the next few years. Again, this is all normal!

Another factor is that I have been the only adult at home for over a decade, which is a lot of responsibility. And, I have expectations about my house and space! Over time, I have taught Lydia to do various household tasks, but if she doesn’t follow through or moves like a sloth, I either have to do it or reinforce it… again. Both take more time and dilegence.

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On Monday, I was also nervous about the timing of things at work. I had two complex patients coming on top of my regular patient load. They were expected to come back to back and had a lot of similarities which I needed to keep straight. I lost a little sleep about this, and so I was just a little grumpy with all that on my mind. 😉

Then, before work, I had to remind Lydia to move her shoes after I tripped on them. She knows not to leave them in the middle of the floor. I yelled out of exasperation and had to apologize. It all worked out, but on my way to work, I prayed and asked God to help me readjust… and as soon as I did, He did a little heart work!

On the radio, I heard a few songs, like Tasha Layton’s “Look What You’ve Done.” There’s a line about God tearing all the roots up from our hearts, getting rid of lies and replacing them with His Truth. I envisioned God taking my fears and grumpiness as I soaked up His love for me.

Then, I heard the song, “Cornerstone” by TobyMac. It was a great reminder of what really matters: Jesus. My identity is found in Christ alone, not in if the dishes get done (or if Lydia remembers them or not).

Jesus is my cornerstone, the perfect foundation. My security is found in Him. He is my hope, my joy, my peace. Jesus encompasses all I am, and His expectation is that I walk with Him. His mercy and grace cover all I do. No more, no less.

As Psalm 73:26 says, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Life can quickly change, and no two days are alike. If we let our circumstances or emotions run the show, we’ll keep spiraling out of control. One minute, we are “happy” when things go our way, and the next, we are losing our temper over towels left in the dryer. Ahem.

We can’t always predict how things will go, but we can run to God, who is our Rock. He is strong and steady, a sure place to land. He is the only thing that matters in the end.

I know the Lord will keep working in my heart and household. I have invited Him in and give Him full reign (sometimes hour by hour!). I am excited to see what Jesus does in me and who Lydia becomes in Him.

So today, instead of getting bent out of shape, I will let God shape me. He is the beginning and the end and knows all things. His plans for me are good and trustworthy! He can use any challenge for His purposes. Nothing is impossible for Him!


God, thanks for being my foundation, my cornerstone. Thanks for the reminder that I am not in control and don’t need to be! Help me trust You more and let You direct my path. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Are you relying on God to steady you this week? How has He come through for you lately?

Task: Let God strip away everything that is not of Him. It is painful at times, but worth it! Check out this final song I heard on the radio, which helped tie everything together, “One Thing Remains” by Passion ft Kristian Stanfill.

Build Your Life

This year, I have been listening to the One Year Chronological Bible on my phone. I highly recommend the accompanying Bible Study Guide and Daily Reflections linked above. (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these resources helpful!)

I also have the same version of this Bible in paperback, which has been restructured (not rewritten!) as if it all happened in order. It is a fun way to ‘read’ the Bible and helps bring a different perspective!

Overall, I enjoy hearing God’s love come through, but at times, it is a little heartbreaking! In the books of Isaiah and 2 Kings, God keeps calling out to His people, Israel, and they keep refusing to listen. How sad!

God kept giving His people chances to put away their idols and change their ways. But, they continually ignored Him, eventually going into captivity in a foreign land (Babylon) as punishment. God sent His judgment, but not before He promised to rescue His people and bring them back to Jerusalem.

To me, this sounds a little familiar to our present day situation… We may not be in literal captivity, but we do have several restrictions (or recommendations) in place right now. Perhaps God is using this time to reach us at a deeper level.

Are we listening? Are we turning our hearts toward Jesus or doing our own thing?

For me, it is clear we need to have God, our Rock, as our firm foundation. We cannot build our lives upon the idols of self-sufficiency and false humility. We cannot brag about how well we are doing when it’s only possible because of God’s grace. Similarly, we cannot say we love God and then show disregard for those He created.

You can see how far that’s gotten us lately!

Every day, we have a new chance to build our lives. We can be wise and build with intention, planning for the rough times ahead. Or, we can be foolish, building passively “as things come up” or just waiting for things to change. Are you building a strong foundation or shifting sand? It’s not too late.

Every day, God gives us a new opportunity to walk with Him. We cannot go wrong with Jesus Christ as our firm foundation. It’s not that it’s always rosy, but He helps us navigate the thorns and smell the flowers. 😉

When we invite Him to help us, He leads us through each difficulty and sets us up for success.

God sees every hair on our heads. How comforting it is to know He cares about each detail of our lives, no matter how big or small. He loves us so much.

If God brings us to a challenging situation, we can pray, and then trust He will cover us with His grace and mercy. We don’t have to be afraid or try to figure it all out on our own!


God, thanks for being our anchor and our firm foundation. Thanks for holding us secure amid life’s storms and trials. Please strengthen us for this next season and help us trust You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you know your foundation is secure? Should you wait for it to be shaken and crack or do you do routine maintenance?

Tasks: Listen to this song, “Build My Life,” by Pat Barrett.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to know where you stand with Jesus Christ. If you want to be with Him for eternity and need His help to live life fully now, pray this prayer:

Dear Lord, I admit that I am a sinner and have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself only. I am sorry, and I repent. I ask you to forgive me.

Jesus, I believe you died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life; I give it to you. From this day forward, help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you.

I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you. Amen.

Dearest, THINK

Like most people, I receive many emails everyday. Recently, I received an email that stood out. The email itself was of little importance, but what surprised me was that it started off with, “Dear Natalie.” I would expect that greeting in a thank you note, but even those are somewhat rare these days.

The email was professional in nature but it struck me as personal, friendly, and surprisingly refreshing. Just those two words, “Dear Natalie,” left me with a positive feeling about the situation.

It has been awhile since I have received an email that stayed with me like that. Perhaps that’s because much of what I (or we?) have seen and heard lately is bickering. We seem to have lost cordiality and common sense!

These days, what we say and do carries big impact. That’s always true, but now it seems there is even more at stake. Our interactions could affect someone else for eternity, either bringing them to Jesus or turning them off.

Yes, we all have opinions, and we have the ‘right’ to share them. However, we need to remember to hold these conversations in the proper time, place, and context so that others can receive them well. Otherwise, we are just a resounding gong or clanging cymbal!

There are opinions, and then there are facts. We tend to confuse the two and elevate the importance of opinions and preferences. Let’s take every thought captive and subject it to God’s Truth (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

We can all quote the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them to unto you.

Then there’s also the adage: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

Needless to say, we could all communicate better! Let’s see others as God sees them. Treat them with kindness, respect, and generosity. We are all in this together.

That may mean sending a kind note to someone who has been rude. Or, going out of your way to be generous to someone who took advantage of you. Or, just simply respecting the person enough not to argue back.

You may not agree on issues, and that is okay. But consider each person as if they were your own dearest family member. Your parent, your child, your sibling, your grandparent. Treat people well.

Lately, I have seen Christians belittling others in person and online for their choices regarding masks, school, social events, etc. That doesn’t bring God glory in any way!

Dear friends, let’s pray and think carefully think before we speak. Peacemakers.

Discussion is good, and action is even better. But, what we really need right now is God’s mercy and grace. He alone is the Solution we need. 

If we want to be angry, fine. But, let’s seek God’s righteous anger. We, as humans, clearly don’t exhibit anger very well! Let God’s love, care, and compassion lead the way.

If we seek justice, we need to seek Jesus. He is our Peace. If we make plans, let’s first discuss them with the Master Planner. He is our only Hope.

These are tough times in American culture and around the world. Prayer is our first step, not a last resort. After that, let’s listen to each other, walk wisely, and love like Jesus.


Dear God, thanks for loving us so dearly. Thanks for taking such good care of us. God, we need Your mercy to deal with all our challenges. We cannot do this without You. Please give us wisdom and grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: If the Bible says we are to submit to the government and be obedient, don’t you think He will help us as we honor His word? What is at stake if we don’t? (That does NOT mean we follow blindly. We pray, vote, trust and obey God first. Fear God; honor the King.)

Tasks: Before you speak (or write) your thoughts, THINK. Is is True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?