LEGO Sets and Coding Robots

For her birthday last week, Lydia received several wonderful presents. For instance, she received a couple of LEGO sets, and we had fun putting them together last weekend.

I let Lydia do most of the work, but we both enjoyed the process. I mainly supervised but was happy she considered me to be part of the team.

Of course, we have put together multiple LEGO sets, but the details always amaze me. The directions contain virtually no words to describe what is expected, so it is mainly through looking at pictures one can be successful. Somehow it always works out!

Last week, there were times when we had to pull something apart and rebuild it. But even when we had to go back a few steps, it only made the final product stronger.

Besides gifts, Lydia also received an Amazon gift card and some cash. I usually have her save her money, but this time, I let her buy something special.

After comparing several ideas and looking through options, she decided on Botley, the Coding Robot. Two-day shipping meant her package came right away! šŸ˜‰

Lydia first learned about coding last year, and I encourage any opportunity to build on her STEAM skills in a fun way. (STEAM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math)

So far, using Botley seems straightforward. He says hello, chatters periodically, and is really cute! I’ve even played with him after Lydia has gone to bed. šŸ™‚

Botley is very hands-on, while still promoting critical thinking. I appreciate he brings ‘screen-free’ playtime. Thankfully, Lydia had enough birthday money to upgrade her set, so it should keep us engaged for awhile!

‘Coding’ is essentially computer programming. It is cool to see the basics of how this works behind the scenes. In our modern tech-driven society, coding is one key to making the world go ’round. So, for kids today, this is more or less a necessary skill.

Technology is not a stand-in for interpersonal skills, kindness, generosity, etc., but I want Lydia to stretch herself, learn new things, and grow. If she can have fun, too, bring it on!

Botley was simple to set up, and we were playing with him in a matter of minutes. At first, Lydia thought Botley was more of a remote control car, moving forward, backward, left, or right on a whim.

But soon, she realized she needed to plan ahead and tell her little robot what to do to help him reach the final destination or goal. It was a challenge for her to think through each step!

Interestingly, I see several parallels between LEGO sets, coding robots, and God’s sovereign plan for us. From DNA and fingerprints to unique personalities, talents, and interests… He has designed us for greatness!

It brings God great joy when we follow His direction and leading with a cheerful heart. As we move through each challenge, He cheers us on!

If we forget a step, we may have to fix something before we move forward. But if we lose sight of our goal, God is right there to remind us, encourage us, and empower us.

On the other hand, while God is the Master Coder, we are not His robots. Instead, He invites us into His family as dearly loved children!

We are also God’s partners. He takes charge but gives us personal responsibility too. Unlike Botley, who has no choice, if I refuse to listen, I have consequences.

At the very least, if I am disobedient, I risk not fulfilling His amazing plan for me.

I’m grateful God shares His plans with us. He never expects us to just ‘figure it out.’

We have several gifts and resources to help us. We have our God-given conscience and the Bible (God’s Word). We also have His peace and presence through the Holy Spirit.

God usually doesn’t share ALL the details at once, but thankfully, He always tells us what we need to know. Draw near to Him, ask for His input, and then do it!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your wonderful, sovereign plan! Thanks for always having Your best in mind for me. Help me walk it out in faithful obedience. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you feel like you are in a loving partnership with God or a remote-controlled robotic relationship?

Tasks: Pray for wisdom and direction, if you need it. Make sure to follow-through!

Finding Grace #194

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as Godā€™s Riches At Christā€™s Expense. Grace is also Godā€™s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with Godā€™s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find Godā€™s love and favorā€”His abundant graceā€”this week?

This was a great week!!

Lydia had a birthday, and we celebrated all week long! Each day we did something special including opening presents, eating yummy food and treats, and chatting with family. Lydia received lots of thoughtful gifts, and we enjoyed spending time together while we put together her new LEGO sets. God gave me an awesome girl!

Today, we went to see Frozen 2. It was a wonderful movie! We liked it even better than the first one, and would highly recommend it! I really enjoyed the message.

On Friday, I had another day completely to myself! It was so relaxing, and I went through several piles of paperwork at a leisurely pace. I’m grateful for the ability to work part-time! It’s not without its own challenges, but I appreciate how God takes care of us!


These are only a few examples, but Godā€™s grace never runs out!

Thereā€™s grace in every situationā€”we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Forever Grateful

Lydia came home yesterday from school and told me about her day. She said one of the best parts of her day was in gym class. She told me about an obstacle course the students completed in the spirit of celebrating Veterans Day.

There was no school on Monday due to the holiday, so her class celebrated later. Each student pretended to be a soldier and had to climb, jump, crawl, swing, etc. through a series of challenges. At home, Lydia happily showed me examples in our basement work out area. She told me I had to use my imagination, of course!

We briefly discussed how difficult it must be to be a real-life soldier… and how we can honor them and be grateful for them. It was interesting to hear Lydia’s perspective.

Now that I work with Veterans (and only Veterans), I am more in tune with the struggles they face.Ā I will never fully understand those issues, but I appreciate their many sacrifices on my behalf. Without Veterans and an active military, who knows how our lives could be?

It is quite humbling when you think about it.

The best way to show our gratitude is to live in such a way as to honor these brave men and women. As we celebrate our many freedoms, that may look different for each of us.

In short, we can each spend our time, money, and other resources in unique ways.

That’s part of the beauty of being free! We have the ability to choose.

All gave some. Some gave all.

Of course, Jesus Christ also gave His all for us. It cost him everything. He gave us the ultimate freedom from sin and the gift of eternal life with Him.

I’m forever grateful. Our lives are (and can be) changed because Jesus gave His.Ā 

Because of Jesus, we are free from fear. What a relief! We don’t have to be afraid!

Also, we are free to be kind and generous toward others, even if they cannot repay us. We can have daily peace and joy regardless of our circumstances. We can do what is right without worrying about what other people think.

The list goes on and on.

Again, how we use our various freedoms will surely look different depending on many factors. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Just walk in grace and freedom… and be grateful.


Jesus, thanks for dying for us and buying us freedom! Help us walk freely in Your grace and love. Help us take nothing You’ve given us for granted. Help us be wise! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What American freedoms are you most thankful for? How do you show your gratitude to all those who have fought for our freedom?

Tasks: Write a thank you note to a Veteran or active soldier and listen to his or her experiences (if they are willing to share). Visit a National Cemetery to honor sacrifices made on your behalf. In Fargo, check out the newly dedicated Fargo National Cemetery!


Finding Grace #189

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We donā€™t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as Godā€™s Riches At Christā€™s Expense. Grace is also Godā€™s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with Godā€™s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find Godā€™s love and favorā€”His abundant graceā€”this week?

This week was full and felt long, but it was also somewhat unusual!

Last weekend, we received snow, which is not unheard of, but still unusual. I used my snowblower and shovel to clear the snow. I woke up the next morning feeling a little sick and sore from head-to-toe. I spent most of the day wondering why. Later, my neighbor pointed out I was probably sore from all that work! After still being sore three days later and feeling tired most of the week, I decided to (finally!) look into hiring a company to help me this season. I’d appreciate prayers for wisdom to choose the right company!

On Sunday, two dear friends brought over two different apple crisps! Then, we went with one of these friends to pick up several fresh boxes of apples from her coworker. I was able to take a good-sized box of fresh apples to work to share with at least eight people. It was fun to see how many people were blessed by one person’s generosity!

I still have a lot of apples of my own, so I made some applesauce in my Instant Pot. I may make some other goodies as well. I’m really enjoying this fall!

On Thursday and Friday, Lydia had two planned days off from school. Lydia was able to go to the Y program which was still open. Once again, she had a really fun time. I’m so glad she has adjusted so well! I’m grateful for how God is leading us, stretching us, and providing for us! He is so good!

Today has been a beautiful autumn day. Lydia played outside with friends. I worked inside a bit, but also took advantage of the slightly warmer weather and mowed my lawn one final time (in shorts!). It was the first time I have done it since late July!


These are only a few examples, but Godā€™s grace never runs out!

Thereā€™s grace in every situationā€”we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #188

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We donā€™t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as Godā€™s Riches At Christā€™s Expense. Grace is also Godā€™s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with Godā€™s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find Godā€™s love and favorā€”His abundant graceā€”this week?

I found myself extra grateful this week!

On Tuesday, I enjoyed some extra special moments with the Lord. I’m so glad we can have a personal relationship with Jesus. He is our refuge and strength!

I also bought a new transitional coat for the fall; it is longer than my other ones. I already put it to good use for our first ‘winter’ storm! I’ll save my heavy-duty coat for later!

On Friday, Lydia had a snow day from school. Thankfully, the Y program was still open, though I needed to drop Lydia off at an alternate site. She had a really fun time playing games, making art, and making new friends. I had a fun and productive day at work!

I received some beautiful flowers and chocolates from three girlfriends for completing part of a big project recently. I’m grateful they have been cheering me on. Thank you!

Today, Lydia attended a birthday party for a classmate. The party was at an art studio downtown Fargo so it was a cool opportunity for Lydia. I cleared the snow earlier in the day, so I could drop her off… No winter storm was going to keep her home! šŸ˜‰


These are only a few examples, but Godā€™s grace never runs out!

Thereā€™s grace in every situationā€”we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Living Forward

I’m in my second week of work at the Fargo VA. I am loving it so far!

There is quite a bit to learn in my new position, in terms of charting and protocol. Thankfully, I already know the nutrition education piece!

I have started to see a few veterans on my own, with a little supervision on the charting side to make sure I get the hang of it. I don’t want to miss an important detail!

The building where I work is very patriotic. There are American and military flags in several hallways. Even the elevators are patriotic-themed!

Seeing what goes on behind-the-scenes, I have a new perspective. It is refreshing to see the impact of our government and leaders in terms of innovation and stewardship.

Several times, I have been struck by the fact that these brave men and women put their lives on the line for mine. Some, though not all, of their issues are related to their time in service to our country. It is humbling.

I have seen many veterans over the years, but have never had the opportunity to see only veterans. As such, I’ve never considered all the potential problems they face. Post-traumatic stress, Agent Orange, wounds, and other factors can cause long-term issues.

When I think of what many of these veterans have suffered through, I am filled with gratitude. I have tried to maintain my composure enough to shake hands or say thank you at the end of a session. A few times, it has been tough!

Jesus Christ also put his life on the line for us. He literally gave His all.

How do you respond to someone who gave so much on your behalf?

We can honor both Jesus and veterans with how we live our lives.

We can live forward. And though our struggles often define our circumstance, we don’t have to stay stuck in all our struggles or pain (surely they have suffered more). We can keep our heads high, walking in gratitude for their sacrifices.

We can use our freedoms, which came at such a high cost. This may be voting, being a good neighbor, or helping those less fortunate. It could also be enjoying time with family, knowing we are safe and sound because of those who protect us.

Lydia and I are in a transition phase right now. School started again this week, so both of us need to adjust to new schedules. Most of that is good, but it can certainly be challenging.

Life is short, and we have no time to waste. I’m reminded that just because something is difficult, doesn’t mean it is wrong or impossible. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!

Living forward is not for the faint of heart. Difficulties make us grow strong, and we can rely on God’s power working through us. Challenges require grit but are always worth it.


Heavenly Father, thanks for walking with us during life’s challenges. Empower us so we can keep on going. Make something beautiful in us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What challenges are you facing right now? How can you change your perspective and live forward?

Tasks: When you feel like giving up, hold fast to Jesus. Consider all who have gone before to pave the way or be an example. Take heart!




Twenty-four Seven

I am still working on scribing the Gospel of John. Iā€™ve only got a handful of chapters left, and it should be fairly straight forward. I had planned to do it every day but realized I wanted to take more time and really soak up those truths.

Recently, I spent a lot of time in John 15 and 16. One of my favorite passages of scripture is John 15:5, in which Jesus says, ā€œI am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.ā€

It is important to regularly evaluate the status of our relationship with Jesus. If we are walking in step with him, we will bear fruit. The Holy Spirit cultivates an abundance of high quality, life-giving fruit in our lives (if we cooperate with Him).

Spiritual fruit can be seen in many ways.

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. How each of us portrays those character qualities, however, can be as different as our personalities, stage of life, and zipcodes.

Spiritual fruit is not the ā€˜Midas touchā€™ of everything turning to gold or going our way. Fruit takes a lot of perseverance. Often, it takes conscious effort to not give up or get ahead of God.

Jesus is the vine, and we are merely the branches. We have to yield to His control and grow on His terms. Thankfully, Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to help.

In John 16:13-14, Jesus says, ā€œWhen he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.ā€

The Holy Spirit is such a wonderful gift. To start, He is our advocate, helper, and comforter. He empowers us with wisdom, courage, and grace through the pruning process.

The Holy Spirit teaches us about Jesus and how to implement the Bible into our lives. He convicts us when we do wrong, and leads us back to Jesus when we stray. As we yield to His authority in our lives, He even makes our relationships run in harmony and peace.

Any time we need help, all we have to do is ask. God is right there with us to guide us through it. If you are feeling blah or hopeless today or feeling confused or stagnant, donā€™t worry. The Holy Spirit is available to every believer 24/7. He will encourage you and lead to the truth. Draw close to Him!


Holy Spirit, thanks for Your continual presence. Thanks for the work You do in our lives and all around us. Tune our ears to Your voice. Help us walk in truth and grace. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you recognize the Holy Spirit at work within you? Do you check in with him frequently?

Tasks: Invite the Holy Spirit into whatever activities you are doing. Also, read The Holy Spirit: An Introduction by John Bevere.

Holy Help

For most of February, Iā€™ve been in contact with customer support at one of my favorite fitness companies. Unfortunately, I had several issues that were not easily resolved!

Previously, I received a special voucher for a new fitness tracking device…

I have had one for several years, with minimal problems, so I thought I would get one for Lydia. She loved the idea and we discussed how it could be a fun tool for her.

Note: Lydia does not have access to any of the technologyā€”I am the one logging in for her and seeing the information, so it doesnā€™t become a problem or obsession for her.

Technically, Lydia may be a little young for her own device, but they do have one model available for her age group. I had planned to give her a fitness tracker for her next birthday, but this opportunity came a little earlier. We decided to try it out.

First, I asked about getting the childrenā€™s device, but it was not included in the voucher requirements. I called both companies to see if they could agree to add the device I wantedā€¦ and was on hold for at least an hour altogether. Nope.

Eventually, I decided to get Lydia the adult device. It is essentially the same as the childrenā€™s version, but with a few more ā€˜bells and whistles.ā€™

To my surprise, the device has not worked well for Lydia. It doesnā€™t track data correctly and does not charge or sync correctly. So disappointing.

Over the last few weeks, I have called customer service 5 times about the device, trying to make it work. I have been on the phone for at least three hours total.

I have emailed three times asking questions and replying. At least theyā€™ve been politeā€¦

I could focus on the problem and remain frustrated. I could feel sorry for myself, or I could throw a fit and make threats.

But thankfully, with Jesus, our problems donā€™t stand a chance! He has the final authority and has already done the difficult work. It is finished.

When we have needs, we can come to Him at any time. Most of the time, life isnā€™t easy or fair, but Jesus is available day and night. He takes our burdens and eases our pain.

Jesus leads by example, excelling in both service and support. He has our back and keeps us on track. He doesnā€™t leave us to fend for ourselves, but through His Word and the Holy Spirit, He teaches us how we should live.

Sometimes I have to wait for the resolution, but the Lord always hears me and answers my prayers. True, my prayers may not be answered quite how I wantā€”but He wisely gives me exactly what I need.

The Lordā€™s love is not something we have to earn. I don’t have to beg or bargain with Him. It is freely given. The Lord is gracious and does not give me junk!

Jesus always comes through for me and gives me what is BEST.

Sometimes I can prolong my struggles if I am not obedient, but Jesus never changes the rules halfway through. He doesnā€™t make it difficult or make me jump through hoops.

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Finally, after a month of my patience levels being tested, I finally succeeded in ordering a replacement (yesterday). I am trusting God that this one will work correctly!


Father God, thanks for all You do for me. Thanks for faithfully leading me to Victory. Please continue to refine me and build patience. Help me be kind to others, even when I am frustrated. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen

Question: Do you have any tips for getting through customer service with minimal frustration?

Task: Listen to ā€œMore Like Falling in Loveā€ by Jason Gray.

Heartbeat of Heaven

Recently, Lydia and I talking in the car on our way to an evening activity.Ā At some point, Lydia wondered out loud, ā€œMom, can you imagine how BIG Godā€™s heart must be?!ā€

She then excitedly exclaimed that Godā€™s heart is bigger than our car, bigger than the apartment we drove by, bigger than any mountain or ocean, and even bigger than the MOON!

We had a good laugh at all the possibilities, and it prompted more conversation about Godā€™s love. I love her perspective.

Sometimes, as adults, we have a hard time remembering or understanding Godā€™s love for us.Ā Somewhere along the way, we may lose our childlike excitement for Jesus or find it hard to believe.

Little doubts creep in telling us that we are not good enough or that thereā€™s no way God could love us for how weā€™ve behaved.

Or perhaps in the busyness of life, we just put Him on the shelf and forget He is there. We occasionally dust off that relationship out of guilt, but then put it back until next time.

But if we really understood how big Godā€™s heart is we would run to Himā€¦ we would accept His forgiveness and grace with gratitude and joy.

We would also understand the depth of His love.

Lately, I have seen Godā€™s heart in new opportunities. I have seen Him direct me in new ways and I have taken some steps of faith.

I am excited to see what He has in store for me!

Iā€™ve also seen Godā€™s heart in answers to prayer. Sometimes the answers take a while to come and sometimes they are seen right away.

But when we understand Godā€™s heart for us, we are content to go at His pace.

We can trust His timing!

Godā€™s heart is for us and not against us. Heā€™s always there, even when we donā€™t ā€œfeelā€ His presence. He wants to be invited into our day so He can share all that is on His heart.

Come, Lord, Jesus!

Itā€™s great if you can find a quiet place to linger with Jesus, but if not, just talk to Him wherever you are. He loves you so much. His heart beats strong for you!


Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much. Help us seek your sweet and refreshing grace. May we understand Your heart for us and others. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever considered how big God isā€¦or how big His heart must be?! How does that realization make you feel?

Tasks: Make a list of all the ways God loves you and blesses you. Praise Him! Listen to this song: “Nobody Loves Me Like You Do” sung by Chris Tomlin.

Niceness Is Not Enough

Last Friday night, Lydia and I volunteered with Feed My Starving Children, an organization which works to alleviate hunger and poverty around the world. FMSC operates entirely on donations and volunteers to purchase and pack the foods.

Then, they partner with a network of other organizations to distribute food to those in need. They donā€™t ā€œjust give handoutsā€ but focus on sustainability too.

It’s been a while since I’ve worn a hair net… but that night was worth it! It was good for Lydia to realize how privileged she is… and a great reminder for me as well.

Lydia and I rotated through several positions. We opened, filled, weighed, and sealed packets of food. One packet, when rehydrated, will serve up to 6 people for one meal. One box has 36 meal packets (vitamin blend, dehydrated vegetables, texturized soy protein, and rice).

During our two-hour shift, 1,272 volunteers filled 1,367 boxes. (49,212 packets or 295,272 meals) That will feed 809 kids for a year!

As a dietitian, nutrition and hunger issues are near to my heart. Yet on any given day, thanks in part to social media, I am reminded of so many other areas of great concern. Abortion, racism, national security, rising healthcare costs, the economy, and environmental issues are some that come to mind.

Generally speaking, all of these issues are outside the scope of this blog. I don’t like the arguing that political drama often produces. But that does not mean I am doing nothing.

Prayer is the greatest thing we can do because that invites Godā€™s presence and power into the situation. So we definitely need to start there. Seek God first!

But often, Christians are tempted to stop with prayer. We say, ā€œIā€™ll pray for you!ā€ and then we go on our merry way. But, Jesus didnā€™t just pray, He reached out. He healed, helped, comforted, challenged, defended, and forgave. He was practical.

In terms of prayer, we have access to Jesus at any time… but the world doesnā€™t. They are still separated from God’s love and mercy. So it seems, they need to see ā€œproofā€ that Jesus cares for them before they trust Him.

As Christians, we are Godā€™s ambassadors. People who donā€™t know Jesus are watching those of us who do. So, right or wrong, everything we do is subject to scrutiny.

Often, we want to be ‘nice’ to everyone… but niceness is not enough.

One day, each of us will have to give an account for how we used the gifts God has given us. I want to hear, ā€œWell done, my good and faithful servant.ā€ Let’s offer our best!

At other times, we feel everyone needs to be put in their place. There are times when we do need to address truth and morality, yes. But we can handle it graciously. Jesus was filled with grace and truth (John 1:17).

Instead of complaining about issues or judging people, we should be willing to help. Loving others may look different for each of us, and that’s okay. Let’s be the Jesus the world needs to see.

Here are some practical ways we can reach out to others (in no particular order).

  • Donate money to a cause or organization you believe in. Do research it and make sure it is legitimate. You can also fundraise by running a race, selling homemade items, etc. Check out Save the Storks and Redemption Road Ministries.
  • Donate supplies and deliver them locally where needed. This could include clothes, school supplies, toiletries, or furniture. Call ahead and see what is needed most. Consider homeless shelters, recovery centers, or crisis pregnancy centers. Used items may be acceptable, but also consider purchasing new.
  • Your time is also a wonderful gift. Churches, animal shelters, nursing homes and hospitals all need help (in addition to the places in #2). If you have a special skill, be creative in how you use it! Another option is Habitat for Humanity.
  • Mentor someone. You donā€™t have to have it all figured out already. Just step up and lend a hand or encouraging word. Share your experiences… and be consistent.
  • Sponsor someone. It could be a child in an international program like Compassion International or World Vision. Locally, you may look into Big Brother/Sister program. Or, help out a public school teacher or a college student far from home.
  • Call or send a card to someone. An encouraging word is always welcome! Tell someone they are doing a good job. Even if it is a frazzled parent in the grocery aisle.
  • Offer practical hands-on support. This may include babysitting, raking leaves, mowing, painting, or house cleaning. Pick up garbage or recycling. Wash a car.
  • Consider opening your home to someone in need. I had a (trusted) friend stay with me for 6 months while she got her life back in order. Maybe God is calling you to foster or adopt a child? (No pressure… be wise and pray!)

  • Have a conversation with people who are different than you (race, beliefs, food habits, goals, etc). Better yet, share a meal with them. Really get to know them.
  • Write a letter to advocate for a cause. Instead of protesting, use your words to persuade. Raise awareness. Also, don’t forget to contact those in Congress… and vote!!
  • Learn more about the issues at hand. Put yourself in someone elseā€™s shoes and see it from their perspective. Chances are, you will have a more rounded view.
  • Talk to your kids about important issues. As a parent, you are their first teacher. Have honest conversations about pros/cons. Role play and model the behavior you want them to learn. Get them involved serving with you!
  • Make generosity a daily habit. Be kind to the cashiers at the grocery store. Help your neighbors clear snow. Make or buy treats for your coworkers.
  • Help a single mom (or any mom!). She may need a ride, dinner, or a break. Offer to watch her kids during an appointment or help with home maintenance. Take her family out for a movieā€¦or ice cream! Check out Jeremiah Program and consider making a donation to help a single mom get ahead.
  • Celebrate a friendā€™s successes. Doing this over coffee or lunch is a bonus! Listen to their ups and downs without offering advice (unless they ask for it).
  • Smile while you serve. A smile is understood in every language. It doesnā€™t cost anything but can mean so much. It can cross all kinds of barriers! Let Jesus’ love shine on your face with joy!

There are so many ways to be a servant. That will look different for each of us. I used to get stuck in my perfectionism, but I was recently reminded that no gift is too small or silly. Something is better than nothing in this case.

We donā€™t need to compare what we give or do for othersā€¦ in fact most of us donā€™t want any recognition at all! It may be easy to giveā€¦or it may require sacrifice. It doesn’t have to be extreme, but if we serve with a good attitude, we honor Jesus.

As we pray AND serve others, Godā€™s grace overflows in us and through us!


Jesus, You are the Servant King, full of grace and truth. Thanks for loving us and giving everything for us. Help us lay down our lives for Your glory. Open our eyes and hearts to the needs around us. Let us share Your love with those around us. In Your Name, Amen

Question: What are your favorite ways to serve? (Iā€™d love to add to my list!!)

Tasks: Pray for wisdom and look for people and places to serve. Make a list and choose to do at least one act of kindness every day.