Heartbeat of Heaven

Recently, Lydia and I talking in the car on our way to an evening activity. At some point, Lydia wondered out loud, “Mom, can you imagine how BIG God’s heart must be?!”

She then excitedly exclaimed that God’s heart is bigger than our car, bigger than the apartment we drove by, bigger than any mountain or ocean, and even bigger than the MOON!

We had a good laugh at all the possibilities, and it prompted more conversation about God’s love. I love her perspective.

Sometimes, as adults, we have a hard time remembering or understanding God’s love for us. Somewhere along the way, we may lose our childlike excitement for Jesus or find it hard to believe.

Little doubts creep in telling us that we are not good enough or that there’s no way God could love us for how we’ve behaved.

Or perhaps in the busyness of life, we just put Him on the shelf and forget He is there. We occasionally dust off that relationship out of guilt, but then put it back until next time.

But if we really understood how big God’s heart is we would run to Him… we would accept His forgiveness and grace with gratitude and joy.

We would also understand the depth of His love.

Lately, I have seen God’s heart in new opportunities. I have seen Him direct me in new ways and I have taken some steps of faith.

I am excited to see what He has in store for me!

I’ve also seen God’s heart in answers to prayer. Sometimes the answers take a while to come and sometimes they are seen right away.

But when we understand God’s heart for us, we are content to go at His pace.

We can trust His timing!

God’s heart is for us and not against us. He’s always there, even when we don’t “feel” His presence. He wants to be invited into our day so He can share all that is on His heart.

Come, Lord, Jesus!

It’s great if you can find a quiet place to linger with Jesus, but if not, just talk to Him wherever you are. He loves you so much. His heart beats strong for you!


Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much. Help us seek your sweet and refreshing grace. May we understand Your heart for us and others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever considered how big God is…or how big His heart must be?! How does that realization make you feel?

Tasks: Make a list of all the ways God loves you and blesses you. Praise Him! Listen to this song: “Nobody Loves Me Like You Do” sung by Chris Tomlin.

2 thoughts on “Heartbeat of Heaven

  1. He’s ALWAYS there. Even when we don’t feel him.
    I don’t know how many times I go back to a tract I remember being put out by an evangelist in the Lutheran Evangelist Movement. He said to picture your Christian life like a train. Fact…Faith…Feelings.

    The engine is the fact. All the facts in the Bible we know are true. Our hope and trust is in God’s word. The facts!
    Next comes the coal cart. The faith we have and the faith to fuel us.
    And lastly…..always lastly comes the caboose. . There are many times when we just don’t FEEL like a Christian but that again is where the engine comes in. The engine shows us the truth and it is fueled by the coal cart, our faith. Lastly we have our feelings and because we are human our feelings are often swayed by the wind. We don’t always FEEL like a Christian but that doesn’t mean we aren’t one. God knows our heart and we know the Bible’s facts. Praise God! He knows all about us.

  2. I like your point about being able to talk to God wherever you are at the moment. That’s one of my favorite things about Him. I would love to have a long quiet time with God each day, but there just isn’t enough time most days. I do a lot of praying in my car–it’s the only place where I am by myself for long periods of time.

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