Finding Grace #407

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a long, crazy week, but I know God’s grace was in full swing!

Naturally, work was probably the biggest factor heading into the holiday weekend. It was busy, busy, but good. I enjoyed the cheerful atmosphere, along with some treats, and it always feels good to help people. The main challenge was managing the paperwork! I am off all next week, so I was racing to complete everything until the very last minute. It was not all that bad, just kept me on my toes.

This week, I had a rental car for a little longer than expected. I planned for two days but had it for four! Essentially, there were a few cars ahead of mine and they had to order a second windshield since the first replacement had a chip when they uncovered it. But, I was thankful to have an option to get back and forth to work. Even if it did look like a clown car! I was very happy to get my car back Friday afternoon!

The weather held up other than a little fog! We are supposedly getting a little rain tonight which could become slick on the roads. I guess we will see what tomorrow brings!

Lydia worked on some homemade gifts, including some treats, while I was at work yesterday. She then went Christmas shopping with a friend today. I was able to wrap a few gifts and catch up around the house. It was a good day!

Merry Christmas to one and all!! May you find God’s grace and love abounds in Jesus!!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Big Star or Bust

It amazes me how the Nativity story is something we have heard and read about year after year, but it always has something new for us!

Whether you think about it from the perspective of the Shepherds, Mary, Joseph, the Angels, Wisemen, or even the animals (surely they were surprised, too!), there are so many angles! In other parts of the Gospel of Luke, I’m sure Anna, Simeon, and Elizabeth had some important insights, too.

All of the people in the Nativity story had their lives interrupted by a little baby. And, not just any baby; Jesus was/is God!

It’s likely they were each struggling in one way or another. The Roman occupation would not have been easy. Mary, Joseph, and the Shepherds were not made of money. Even the Wisemen would have been worn out from a lengthy journey. Nonetheless, they all regrouped and went with it, apparently!

Lydia made a funny comment about the Wisemen recently, who would have traveled several months or possibly years. She said, “What if they had a sign on their caravan that said ‘Big Star or Bust?!'” We both laughed, but it made me think a bit more.

Free sirius star big dog illustration

Do I go all in as I seek Jesus? Well, I usually try to, but my cracked car windshield is getting replaced today. With the colder weather, I didn’t want to take any chances.

It was rather inconvenient, and I was at a loss for what to do. Then, two friends were willing to help me swap my car with a rental after work (yesterday and today). God knows what I need and how to solve it!

Oddly enough, the car I ended up with last night was not the one I rented; it was one that was available! I could choose between a big truck, a little truck, a minivan, and a Chevy Spark. I was thinking of just getting back and forth to work and didn’t want to have to figure out the size and spacing on the fly. So, I chose the compact Chevy and laughed all the way home.

See the picture – it looks like the back half of the car is missing! At least I saved a little money with the smaller car! 😉

Sometimes, “Big Star or Bust” has to be a group effort. We are not meant to live in isolation. Even Jesus had a family and friends, as he ran a public ministry. He had to rely on others to some degree. Although He was often on the go, He always had time for what mattered.

This season can be tough in many ways. Hustling and bustling often lead to stress, while high expectations can lead to disappointment when things don’t go as planned. If you are dealing with grief or loss, well, that can take sorrow to a whole new level.

I know full well the grief cycle mixed with holidays. Feel free to look back on just about any post from each December I have blogged (starting in 2015). Each year has gotten a little better, thankfully! And, I am grateful for all the continued prayers and support.

Perhaps your “Big Star or Bust” journey is different than mine. Your strengths and challenges are unique, but so are your resources. God’s grace is sufficient whether you have a lot or a little. Just keep bringing Him your best, and be willing to accept a little help along the way!

Keep moving forward, and you will find the Prize you seek (Jesus!) if you don’t give up. #bigstarorbust


God, thanks for the gift of laughter amid a potentially difficult season. Thanks for taking good care of us. Help us chase after you with all our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have a “Big Star or Bust” experience?! How are you pursuing Jesus this week? What does that look like for you?

Task: Whatever challenges you face today, turn your face to Jesus. Seek Him with all you’ve got. He completely understands and will never let you down!

Finding Grace #406

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Tree Winter photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun week full of God’s grace!

Perhaps the biggest “excitement” of the week included a little rock hitting my car on the highway. A few minutes later, I was at a stop light near work and heard a pop as a crack developed across the lower part of my windshield. I called a car repair place and was able to swing by on my lunch break to get a quote. Hopefully, it will be fixed next week!

Later that day, I drove an hour to Pelican Rapids and back again, thankful God protected me and my windshield held up! I went to see a Veteran in a medical foster home, which means he lives with a local family and we go see him there. It was a gorgeous day, and I drove along a scenic byway full of rolling hills covered with a light dusting of snow.

This week, I had a lot of routine health appointments! I celebrated my five-year Lasik anniversary, and my eye doctor said I am doing great! My chiropractor was happy with my back, too. It only needed a few minor adjustments! Lydia and I also had dentist appointments, and everything looks great! I’m grateful for good health!

Today, Lydia and I went to the movie theater for “Christmas with The Chosen: Holy Night.” We enjoyed the new presentation and songs. Who doesn’t love Andrea Bocelli?! I was a little tearful at various points, just so grateful for Jesus coming to rescue us from the darkness of sin!

Later, we each got haircuts. I got a trim, but Lydia took of three inches! But, before that, we went to the mall and walked around to kill some time. We loved the bright lights and didn’t even mind the crowd. It felt like a party!

Tonight, we are finally decorating our Christmas tree and doing other holiday activities. It is good to be home after a busy week!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #404

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Coffee Latte photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a pretty good week!

Work was hopping, that is… good but busy! I had some interesting patients and some fun conversations. I heard that one of my patients died, which is always sad. I also tackled several patient issues that popped up while covering for other people. It was one of those weeks where I felt I was making a difference!

The weather has been amazing this week. We had a tiny bit of snow on Monday but it melted the next day or so. It was in the 40s and felt like spring! Winter is on the way, but this reprieve has been so welcome!

On Thursday, I saw the sunrise on my way to work and the sun set on my drive home! We also attempted to see the predicted aurora borealis by waking up in the middle of the night to check a live stream in Grand Forks, but it wasn’t as exciting as we had hoped, so instead of driving out of town a few miles, we went back to bed.

Lydia is dealing with a POTS flare-up today with several of her usual symptoms. She had hoped to spend time with a friend or two, but instead, we are just taking it easy so she can rest. I am catching up on quiet activities, like paying bills, comparing new health/dental/vision plans, and planning ahead for the new year, which is less than a month away!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Not So Average

Recently, I had the chance to learn a little about one of my Veterans. I have met with him before, but we had a little more time to chat this time. He was seriously the most average-looking man. That’s not a diss; there was just nothing remarkable about his appearance to distinguish him from anyone else. I would never have imagined he had a fantastic story about his experience in the service!

He was an engineering student who ended up in the Navy. He spent time on submarines fixing some of the electrical panels and went all over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans! He was on the USS Yorktown (CV-10). This ship was named after the one that sank in Pearl Harbor.

This man was in charge of temperature-controlled areas on the ship, including the refrigeration deck and the part where they held nuclear weapons with several layers of security and codes. He said he was sometimes afraid, but he learned to stay calm!

Yes, he had nuclear clearance (!!) during the height of the Cold War, and he finds it a little perplexing (or irritating) when people treat him like an old man…

“Excuse me, Sir, do you know where you’re going? or “Sir, can I see your driver’s license?”

Free Ship Yorktown photo and picture

In 1968, this Veteran met the astronauts from Apollo 8 and was the one who lifted the space capsule out of the ocean with a crane and put it on the ship. He said they practiced for weeks to get it just right. Then, he showed me a picture of him in his uniform with the Apollo 8 command module, and so I had to research it!

After leaving the Navy, he returned home and finished his degree. He had a long career and is grateful to have raised a family. He took advantage of the opportunities that came his way and trusted God. In short, he was far from average!

The conversation I had with this Veteran was eye-opening. He really did look so average, yet he had so many adventures! I’m sure many of my Veterans are similar. And, I wonder how many times we do that to others. We assume we know all we need and overlook their gifts or what makes them special.

I was encouraged because sometimes it is easy to swirl in a cycle of being too busy, not busy enough, or feeling anonymous. I was challenged to keep moving forward and keep trusting God’s plan! He knows who we are and where we are. He has not forgotten us!

Free Space Travel Apollo photo and picture

On the surface, Jesus would have looked relatively average. He was born in a filthy stable to a poor family. His humble beginning certainly would not have set him apart in any way. He would have appeared basic at best. 

Sure, Jesus had some important highlights, but he was often misunderstood. His family, followers, and even his enemies did not fully grasp what He was all about.  For instance, he was both praised and chided for healing people and doing other miracles.

He was betrayed by two of his followers (Judas and Peter) and abandoned by the rest. He died a criminal’s death, which would have made him an outcast. Yet, He offered love and forgiveness until His very last breath.

I am so grateful Jesus had grace and grit. He dug deep and obeyed His Father. He did not give up when circumstances got tough. He did not back down or give in to the pressure. He was crushed with the weight of our sin, but He rose three days later in Victory!

So, don’t overlook the mundane if you feel blah, meh, or average today. With God, you are anything but! As we see in Hebrews 11, He can use the most random event or the most unlikely person to accomplish His purposes! So, trust God and step out in faith!


God, thanks for not doing anything halfway or average. You are subtle sometimes, but You are never dull or status-quo! Help me be diligent in the daily grind, but also expect You to show up and do something amazing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you ever discount yourself or others? How might you turn that around, to see yourself or others from God’s perspective?

Tasks: Think back on some of your greatest adventures. Praise God for the work He continues to do in your life! You never know what’s around the corner. Be on the lookout for God-given opportunities and be quick to obey so you don’t miss out on something great!

Finding Grace #403

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun week with so much packed in that it seemed longer than usual! 🙂

On Monday, I went to visit two Veterans in long-term care facilities. One of the places, I used to fill in when I worked on-call as a dietitian (one of my first Fargo jobs). It’s been about eleven years since I was there, and it brought back some good memories. 

Tuesday was Lydia’s birthday, so we spent the evening celebrating. We ordered some burgers and fries from Five Guys, then went home to watch Elf and open presents. She received several gifts in the mail, so she had about four days of birthday fun!

For Thanksgiving, we stayed home and put our own spin on some of our favorites. We made potatoes, cranberry sauce, and turkey meatballs. Lydia put together some fancy drinks, and then we enjoyed some pumpkin pie. It was a relaxing day together, and we enjoyed watching a movie and playing a game, too!

I also heard from my African friends on Thursday. They reminded me that last year, I introduced them to pumpkin pie. They thanked me for being their guide when they first came to Faro. It was so cool they thought of me and called to say that!

Today, some of Lydia’s friends from school came over for a little party. They did some painting and had some treats. Lydia had fun opening presents, I enjoyed all the laughter!

The weather was great again this week! It is getting chilly, but every day or week without snow makes me feel like winter might not last so long. I’m sure it will be here soon, though!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Garage Door Tune-Up

Happy Thanksgiving! This has been a busy week already! Maybe you feel the same way?!

On Monday morning, I made a list of everything I needed to do after coming home from work. I felt a little overwhelmed, mostly because I didn’t want to forget anything! I prayed for God’s help as I went about my day!

First, I needed to finish wrapping some presents for Lydia’s birthday (on Tuesday). I also wanted to work on this post early so I could focus on her special day. She wanted to enjoy a nice meal and watch a movie. I didn’t want her to feel rushed.

And, of course, it happens to be a holiday week! Lydia and I plan to make a few simple dishes tomorrow. I’m looking forward to a fun day together, but there’s a lot to do before then.

Finally, about a month ago, I wrote that my garage door needed a rubber weather stripping replaced (see picture below). The special order piece took a while to arrive, and on Monday evening, my neighbor came over to help me install it! He works for a garage door company, so together, we were able to install it quickly.

As we tested the door, my neighbor saw a sliver of light shining through, which meant the door was not coming down all the way. I had noticed this over the last month but had forgotten to mention it earlier. My neighbor climbed his small ladder and opened the garage door motor. I handed him a few small tools, and he adjusted the mechanism until the door shut correctly.

By then, he offered to change the lightbulb in the garage motor unit. While up there, he noticed the garage door chain was a little loose. So, naturally, he wanted to tighten that up!

I was so grateful as I watched my neighbor tune-up my garage door. Not only did he help with the original issue, but he was thorough in looking at the entire door. He didn’t stop just when it was convenient. He stayed and did a complete job.

Surprisingly, it feels like I have a new garage door! I can already tell the garage is warmer and quieter, and this year, I should avoid getting snow under my garage door.

That reminds me of God’s grace and provision. I had been waiting patiently for weeks, rescheduling a few times because the piece wasn’t in. I had hoped the chore would be done earlier so I wouldn’t be jammed as this week got closer. I specifically tried to plan ahead! Yet, it seems God used this very thing to slow me down and notice His blessings in a big way.

First, I really appreciated God gave me a good blog topic a whole day early! It was so cool that He perfectly orchestrated my week. God is so gracious and fixed my door, but He also went above and beyond by addressing things I didn’t even know were wrong!

And because of all that, I was able to be fully present with Lydia on her birthday. She is now twelve and was counting down her birthday for months. Lydia is such a treasure to me, and I didn’t want to be distracted by house tasks or my blog. As a single mom, my time is sometimes divided, and I never want to give her less than she deserves!

While these things are important to me, my sweet girl comes first! Lydia would not quite understand my potential dilemma, so I didn’t burden her with it. I’m just grateful I didn’t have to choose – God made it easy for me!


God, thanks for organizing my week so I can get things done and be fully present. Thanks for the gift of Lydia. Help me be the best mom I can be! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any special plans for Thanksgiving? What are you grateful for this week?

Tasks: Let God direct your path this week. Be grateful for detours and setbacks, as they may lead to a greater blessing!

Finding Grace #401

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a great week, full of God’s grace!!

On Sunday, Lydia and I attended a Scotland Forever orchestra concert. It was delightful, and I envisioned God as the Master composer and conductor of our lives. He is faithful and good!

On Wednesday,  I enjoyed talking with a couple of ladies. In each conversation, we talked about our faith journeys. It was so cool to see how God came through for them, and I was able to share my story and book with them, too!

It was a short work week because of Veterans Day (observed on Friday). Lydia and I had a relaxing day after some plans were canceled. We have had colds off and on, so it was so nice to not have a huge agenda. I did some gentle exercise and completed a few chores and paperwork, while Lydia read and played some games on her tablet. It was perfect!

Today, I had to work on actual Veterans Day. I previously traded with a coworker, and I am glad because I had eleven Veterans to chart on, and she is due to have twins any day! It was a lot of work to do solo, but I am glad she didn’t have to do it! It was an honor to serve these heroes today.

After working until 3:00 p.m. today (three hours longer than I expected!), I took Lydia to Chik-Fil-A. She has only been there once and was patient all week… and today, she was waiting for me to finish at work. It was nearly 4:00 p.m. before I had lunch! I had some crackers at work, but hadn’t thought I would need to bring lunch! Oh well, it all worked out just fine, and we went to Kohl’s to make some returns and do a little shopping afterward. 🙂

This week, I made some yummy dishes, which included a pumpkin chili, fresh cranberry applesauce, and a veggie tray! I love this time of year!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

O Is For Orchestra

On Sunday, I took Lydia to a show at the Fargo-Moorhead Symphony Orchestra. It was called, “Scotland Forever,” and featured an incredible bagpipe player. We listened to some songs from Braveheart, and a funny Orkney wedding song, and some Gaelic music. We wore plaid scarves and enjoyed ourselves!

I wasn’t clear on the difference between an orchestra and a symphony orchestra, so I looked it up online. Basically, an orchestra could imply different-sized ensembles, but a symphony orchestra is the largest type. It contains all the instruments to play songs with three or four-part movements (aka symphonies).

As I listened to the music, I was also watching the musicians. It was fun to see where the music was coming from. Lydia and I were closer to the violins and percussion, and I tried to anticipate when these instruments would sound.

Over fifteen violinists were playing the same music, yet each one of them played a little differently. Some sat still and just moved their arms. Others moved their whole bodies to the music! It was fascinating!

At one point, a percussionist had a little wooden block and hit it just once during the whole song. The other instruments built to this part, which was the climax before the next movement. It’s sooo simple, but the song would have been missing something without it!

Then, the percussionist returned to waiting until the next instrument was needed. He waited a long time, as did other musicians (like the oboe player with a solo… who knew?!).

The conductor was excellent. I’ve seen him before, and he is fun and engaging. He stands on a podium so he can see everyone, and they can see him. As he organized the musicians, he beckoned them to each play their part on time and then rest until it was their turn again. Some instruments played for most of the song, while others only had a tiny part. Yet, each was important, and the conductor included each one.

Timing is key with an orchestra and also where God is concerned. Listening to the music, I envisioned God as the conductor skillfully orchestrating our lives in concert with His master plan.

Each of us has an important part, but often, we compare our roles to those sitting next to us or those with different skills or tools/instruments.

God is both the Master composer and conductor. He can see all of us from His greater perspective, but He also knows the plan because He created it! In life, He organizes all our songs and steps if we pay attention and let Him.

We don’t have to feel bad if everyone around us has a bigger or more active role. Perhaps God is saving your effort for the most impact. Your part may be tiny, like a triangle, or maybe it is much more grand, like a cello. But, without you, it would be incomplete.

As lovely as the orchestra music was on Sunday, I am reminded that God’s plan is even more perfect and beautiful. We can trust Him to orchestrate our lives because He loves us so much!


God, thanks for the gift of music. Help us understand the skills and tools You have given us and make the best of each opportunity. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you play a musical instrument? If you could be an instrument in the orchestra, which one would you be?

Tasks: Pray about your current role (whatever/wherever it is) and ask God to help you see the big picture. Pray for wisdom to know when to jump in and when to rest. Be sure to keep your eyes on Him and listen to Him.

Finding Grace #400

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Leaves Autumn photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a solid week with lots going on each night after work and school. And work was busy as usual, too!

On Monday, Lydia and I went to the chiropractor for routine adjustments. I’m thankful to have finally found a female chiropractor just a few minutes away. We go every couple months, and I feel much better physically than I did even a year ago.

Tuesdays are usually my blog writing days (well, nights), but this week, it was also Halloween. I had to shovel new snow in the early morning before work. (Most of it has melted!) Then, Lydia went trick-or-treating with a friend, while I stayed home to pass out candy and write. It was a good night, and we enjoyed some classic chocolate treats!

We had a good Wednesday night at church. My Alpha group talked about the topic of evil in the world and how we get distracted from God’s purposes. Lydia said the youth group topic was about dealing with fear. Timely topics all around!

On Thursday, Lydia had her first orchestra concert! It was a combined program with the middle school and high school (6th -12th grades, of course). I sent the link to my family, and it was so cool that they got to watch from several states and time zones. Lydia had a blast and can’t wait for the next concert!

Last night, Lydia and I made chicken fajitas and a delicious fruit salad after I got home from work and coffee with a friend. Then, we relaxed and watched a movie after a long week!

Today, Lydia is not feeling as well, so she is taking it easy. I am trying to get caught up around the house and also doing a little relaxing. I’m thankful for Saturdays!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!