Sweet Savings

We were walking into a store on Sunday when Lydia said excitedly, “Mom! When I grow up, I want a motorcycle and a truck!” Then, she added, “And, maybe a car.”

I don’t know what made her say that, but it made me smile. “Well, you’re going to have to work hard and save up for all those vehicles, though your dad would be proud!”

A few weeks ago, we had a conversation about finances in the car as we left the grocery store. I told her I’d have to update my budget when we got home, which prompted the topics of giving, saving, and spending.

Lydia told me all about how a savings account works. She seemed pretty confident and what she said made sense. I asked, “Oh, did you learn about that from school?”

“No,” Lydia replied. “From Little Critter.”

Trying to keep a straight face, I asked, “Oh, really? Which book was that?”

Lydia reminded me of when Little Critter (the character by Mercer Mayer) did extra chores to save up money for something he wanted. At the end of the story, he sees how much money he has and decides to aim a little higher and get something better.

I didn’t want Lydia to think I was laughing at her, so I tried to control my reaction. But, I was thinking, “Well, either I’m doing something really right… or really wrong!”

Then, a few days later, Lydia brought home a book from school about a little girl turning in the money from her piggy bank. I knew it was time for us to do the same.

Instead of an allowance, I give Lydia small tickets which are a creative way for me to avoid always having to have cash on hand. It has been fun because it is somewhat random.

Lydia doesn’t know what will earn her a ticket, so it is always a surprise. It is a very flexible system; some weeks she gets no tickets because we forget! 🙂

I usually only offer one or two tickets for doing extra chores (if any), but I gave Lydia 15 tickets when she got her braces. She was so brave!

I tend to reward quality work without complaining and other traits I want to cultivate. These include obedience, patience, kindness, gentleness, service/volunteering, and self-control. 

I’m sure we’ll adjust our system over time, but for now, it works well!

Lydia proudly combined the cash and coins from her piggy bank with her 92 tickets, which she earned since last summer. This is our first go-around, so we decided each one was worth a quarter. Whew! I owed her $23 and added it to her stash.

We opened the account together and have continued our conversations about money. For example, Lydia and I have been discussing wants versus needs. 

Lydia doesn’t know much about my budget, but she has been turning the tables and questioning whether or not I need something. It’s been a little convicting at times!

These are all good reminders that God cares about our money. He always provides well for us, but we are stewards of the blessings He gives us. Are we being faithful?

 It is okay to have nice things, but are we using our money wisely? Are we tithing to our church? Are we only meeting our needs or looking for ways to help others?

It matters how we use or resources, and it is important to have these conversations with our children. Thankfully, Lydia is learning valuable lessons early on.

It was good to put Lydia’s money in the bank for safe keeping. It wasn’t a lot of money, but it will grow over time.

God not only bought us back from death but He continues to invest in us. Sometimes growth is quick and easy, but often, it takes a lot of hard work and discipline.

It is okay to start small, but don’t delay. Both a handful of coins and our little efforts add up. We will see the benefits, however, if we do not give up (see Galatians 6:9).

Trust God wherever you are with whatever you have right now. He is faithful!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your faithfulness and provision. Help us to have the right attitude about money. Help us to use our resources wisely. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you more of a spender or saver? Do you have a budget and set financial goals? How do you honor God with your finances?

Tasks: Take a moment to review your budget. Praise God for His provision and pray about any changes you need to make.

Forecasting Faithfulness

At first, I thought Lydia was grumpy. But, after a few instances of her being “mouthy,” I decided to address her bad attitude and sass.

The next time I told her to pick out her clothes for the next day, I made some suggestions based on the weather forecast. “But, you don’t know the future!” she yelled.

Thankfully, I remained calm and did not yell back! 🙂

With a deep breath of grace, I said, “Come here, Lydia.” As she climbed on my lap, I gave her a gentle hug and showed her the weather app on my phone.

Then, I addressed the heart of the matter.

“You’re right,” I said. “I don’t know the future. But God does. And, in Jeremiah 29:11, He tells us He has plans to give us a hope and a future.”

I let that sink in…

“And, do you know why God’s plans for us are good?”

“Because He is good?” she replied.

“Yes, Lydia! God loves us so much and only has good things in store for us. So, we can trust Him to do what is right and best for us.”

I continued the parallel that Lydia needed to be respectful because I too want what is best for her. Then, she agreed to “check” her attitude, before we hugged and returned to our activities.

It’s winter here in Fargo, and we’ve had a wide range of temperatures lately. In the last week, we’ve ranged from below zero to above 40 degrees (heatwave!). I’ve noticed my weather app will only predict the forecast about a week out. It will only get me so far!

Yes, even with today’s technology, the weather forecast can still be wrong. Also, I find that it can be a ‘crazy’ weather day, but it can still be beautiful outside.

While Life doesn’t come with a handy phone app, God has given us everything we need so we can live for Him (2 Peter 1:3). Not only did he create the weather, His love never fails!

If we ask Him, God will give us insights for our day and prepare us for all of Life’s storms.

We have forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus’ death and resurrection.

We have His presence and power through the Holy Spirit. Nothing is impossible!

We’re instructed how to successfully dress for daily battles (Ephesians 6).

Jesus gives us peace in the midst of chaos. He is our strength when we are weak. He directs our path, even in the dark (Psalm 119:105).

As this new year begins, we each can have a fresh start. Some people just finished an amazing year and are looking forward to bigger and better things. And, some are still trying to make sense of unexpected ‘storms’ last year—picking up the pieces to rebuild whatever they can.

Or, perhaps you’re somewhere in between. Either way, we can trust our faithful God. Only He knows what is coming—and only He can prepare us for it.

Heavenly Father, thanks for leading me and guiding me. Lord, I don’t know the future, but I trust that what You have for me is good. Help me follow after You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are you looking forward to this year? Are you trusting Jesus to lead you?

Tasks: Don’t be a fairweather Christian. In every season, draw near and trust Jesus.