Paper Chains and Peace

You’ve probably heard the saying, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change.” Just about everything cycles back around, including emotions, birthdays, and holidays. There are seasons of much and seasons of little.

There are days we can’t get enough of something, and there are days we get tired of the very same thing! Excitement gets balanced by apathy, as the newness wears and off, and becomes, well, old. But, like most things, soon we start the cycle again.

As we start December, I am grateful. I’m praising God that when everything else changes, He remains the same. Jesus is our one constant in amid chaos and change.

Whether I am having an awesome day or a less-than-stellar day, He is there. When I feel on top of my to-do list, or when I can’t even find my to-do list, Jesus is my guide.

As we head into the Christmas season, remember you don’t have to have it all together. Grief can be particularly difficult during the holidays. It’s okay not to be okay. Especially this year!

But, when darkness presses in, cling to Jesus, the Light of the World. 

Also, don’t be afraid to switch it up. Certain traditions can take a break if needed. If that happens, perhaps even some new memories will be made!

Maybe, like me, you are keeping the decorations simple. Going through a pile of memories and ornaments isn’t always helpful, so this year, we opted for a red, white, and green paper chain while watching Home Alone. We may still add a few ornaments, when we get the time, but I am giving myself the grace to just see what happens. No pressure.

For anyone struggling this season, it’s okay to feel how you feel. Just remember to take it to Jesus. He loves you more than you can understand, and He knows exactly what you need. That’s why He came… to save us and help us. He is our Living Hope!

I’m grateful that Christmas is not about the decorations, gifts, or even the wonderful Christmas music. It’s about God seeing our pain and suffering and sadness, and then doing what only He could do to bring peace, healing, comfort and joy… for good.

Christmas is all about Jesus; some people will understand that this year more than ever. There are many beautiful aspects of the season, but let’s keep it simple and focus on Jesus. Just like the song, O Holy Night, says, “fall on your knees” and worship Him!

Only He can make all things right in due time.


God, thank you for Jesus and all He is to us! Thank you that He came to save us, something we could never do on our own. Lord, You are so good. Help us glorify you in all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you already started decorating for Christmas? Are you planning to keep all your special traditions this year… or switch it up?

Tasks: I challenge you to rethink your traditions and why you do them. Do they honor God and family, or are they really just a distraction? Pick your best options and consider letting go of the rest (at least for this year).