
The last few weeks have been full of decisions and solving problems. Most are completely low-key, but just are adding up and taking my brain space. Others are more weighty and have bigger consequences (that may affect my patients, for instance).

Still, that’s not really anything new either… just lately there have been situations I don’t see as often so I have to figure out creative ways to still jump through all the right hoops. All under pressure and time constraints.

I always do my best, but I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed with all these decisions. There are so many things to remember and boxes to check, both at work and at home. I am generally very thorough, so I don’t like feeling like I’m forgetting something.

Can you say decision fatigue?!

Yesterday, I also had some errands to run after work. I was feeling a little anxious at work and even while I was leaving. Nothing was really wrong, and my day had gone well.  By God’s grace, I accomplished more than I thought I would!

Still, the fact that I almost pulled out in front of a car didn’t help my feeling of unease. The car was moving fast through the parking lot and came from an unexpected direction, but it worried me that I hadn’t noticed until the last minute. It could’ve been disastrous.

I was grateful for God’s protection and prayed He would keep me from making any dumb decisions. I couldn’t really describe what I was feeling, though. So, I turned on the radio, like I often do, and just soaked up God’s love.

I heard four songs in a row that seemed like special messages from the Lord. As I drove, I sang along to “You Say,” by Lauren Daigle. Then, Blanca’s “Even at My Worst” came on. After that, I heard “Good God Almighty,” by David Crowder, always a peppy song. And last, I heard “Symphony” by a band called Switch.

Each song had a specific message and it was as if God was speaking just to me. I hadn’t even realized I was feeling anxious, but the songs helped me bring it all to Jesus.

He knew just what I needed! Zephaniah 3:17

I am so glad God meets us where we are. He gently shows us what’s in our hearts and guides us back to the Truth. It is helpful to pause and listen.

That could mean taking a walk and letting my mind wander back to Jesus. I see His creation, listen to the birds, and sing a little melody of my own back to Him.

I love how God can use chaos and all kinds of circumstances to bring us to a point of peace. We can bring all our weaknesses to Him and take in His strength. Nothing is impossible or too much for God.

I don’t know what you are facing today, but I encourage you to listen to the SYMPHONY He is writing. You may not quite know how it all works out just yet, but it will be beautiful!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your peace and protection. You are so kind and gracious, Lord. Help me stay close to You. Keep me focused on You and redirect me when I need it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How are you holding up this week? Are you anxious, overwhelmed, tired, or afraid? Do you need to take a step back and regroup?

Tasks: If you are anxious or overwhelmed, listen to one or all of the songs linked above. Let the lyrics wash over and draw you close to Jesus. Don’t forget to breathe!

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