Reflecting on Ruth

Recently I started another Journible! I went through the Gospel of John in 2018 and finished the book of Jude last month (a quick win because it’s only twenty-five verses)!

Next, I am going through Ruth! I just started this week, but already it has impacted me. If you have read my book, then you’ll know I pay extra attention to widows in the Bible. Ruth is not a new story to me, but I am learning new things as I write God’s word line by line!

In short, Ruth was an outsider and a foreigner. She left all she knew in the country of Moab to follow her mother-in-law back to Israel. She gleaned barley in a field to make ends meet. In time, Ruth met Boaz, and he became her kinsman-redeemer, marrying her.

Then, they had a baby, and eventually, Ruth became the great-grandmother of King David. All in all, the book of Ruth is a beautiful love story showing God’s faithfulness.

But, that’s not what caught my attention.

Jesus, God, Christ, Holy, Spirit, Ruth, Bible, Gospel

Instead, I quickly noticed how Ruth went against the grain. She moved toward God when most people at that time were doing their own thing and worshiping other gods (Judges 17:6). Yes, Israel was a mess!

Ruth wasn’t the only one, of course. Boaz and Naomi, among others, also followed Godly principles. Though, because Ruth was a foreigner (not a Jew), technically, God’s promises didn’t apply to her. She would have been considered a nobody by the rest of society.

Additionally, Ruth was grieving and suffered major losses. I can understand how she must’ve felt as she lost her husband, her status as a wife, her local support system, her home, and even her culture. She didn’t have much left.

Nonetheless, she bravely sought God above all else.

I appreciate her example!

When everyone was running away from what they knew was right, Ruth ran toward God. She trusted Him to provide for her and protect her. She was willing to work hard and make a fool of herself. Because of that, God honored her decisions.

We have similar choices to consider today.

Has God asked you to do something that seems like a stretch for you? He may be calling you to move forward in a new direction when everyone else is standing still. It may be scary, but don’t be afraid to stand out and take a chance. He’s got you covered.

I love how God used Ruth’s character to change the course of history. (Ruth is in the bloodline of Jesus (Matthew 1:5!!) She could have stayed down and out, disqualifying herself or discounting her skills and purpose. Instead, she chased after the only One who could make it right. 

Let’s be like Ruth and pursue God, not for what He can do for us, but for Who He is. Soak up His grace, mercy, and love. Then, out of that abundance, let’s watch Him move on our behalf!

Today, remember God sees you and knows the challenges you face. Your situation is not a surprise to Him. He has not left you all alone or without help. Trust Him and do the difficult thing!


God, You are so kind and generous! Thanks for Your grace, mercy, and love. Help us shake off all our doubts and come to You wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Did you know Boaz’s mother was Rahab, the former prostitute from Jericho? They also were ancestors of Jesus… so don’t you think He can use you, too?

Tasks: Check out the Journible website and join me! Remember, no one is too far gone to be used by God. He can use anyone who is willing to follow after Him!

2 thoughts on “Reflecting on Ruth

  1. Your work is beautiful and inspiring. I am enjoying your book which was shared with me by my husband. Thank you for this wonderful gift.

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