On Hearing God’s Voice

Recently, Lydia asked me a really great question: “How do I know if it is my conscience speaking or God?”

Well, it’s not always an easy answer. Generally, most of us won’t hear an audible voice!

But, I told Lydia God can communicate with us in a variety of ways. He can use circumstances, subtle impressions, our pastors, podcasts, billboards, books, songs, strangers, friends, family, enemies … really, just about anything to get our attention.

In the Bible, God even used a talking donkey (Numbers 22)! It’s so funny how Balaam just answered his donkey… like it was a completely normal occurrence!

Radar, Radar Dish, Earth Station, Fuchsstadt, Reception

So, Lydia and I talked about the art of discernment, which basically means deciding between two or more good options (what is good versus what is best). It does take wisdom to see all the different angles. Often, NOT making a decision is the same as deciding against it.

There are several ways to discern between options, and it is important to seek God’s input. We can review what the Bible says on the topic at hand, and we can check our motives. God won’t ask us to go against His Word, and our conscience is from Him.

Of course, we should pray and seek wise counsel. The Holy Spirit is within us to teach us, lead us, and show us the Truth. We can also learn from people with experience beyond ours. These may include a godly family member, a pastor or counselor, or a trustworthy friend. Is there someone who has a history of making good, wise decisions that turn out well?

We can make a pros-and-cons list, too. Sometimes there are good reasons for and against a certain option. But, seeing the ideas on paper helps us decide what the most important factors are. Is there one that is time-sensitive or weighs more heavily than the others? 

Sound, Wave, Audio, Frequency, Spectrum

I love how we can look back to see the trail of God’s faithfulness over time. He may decide to do something completely new, but there may be a pattern we can learn from as we move forward. Trust God to equip you and put you in the right place at the right time!

Of note, it is easier to hear from God if we are in the habit of listening to Him. Let’s tune our spiritual eyes and ears to Him, so we can see Him at work around us and hear His song (Zephaniah 3:17).

God also speaks to those who make the effort to know Him and seek Him out. Then, we are more likely to honor Him as we listen and obey.

Ultimately, PEACE is the final indicator for whether or not to do something. If you don’t have peace, then that’s your answer… don’t do it. Sometimes, there is peace in the presence of fear (that’s courage). Do it afraid!

When the way seems impossible and we want to give up, we have to choose faith over fear. That’s why good decisions often take time. Rushing means our emotions may still be all over the place.

For me, the sense of desperation is usually a red flag. So, it is good to be calm and clear-headed before making a decision. Especially if there is a lot at stake! 

Finally, we have to accept responsibility for our decisions and live with the consequences. Sometimes, there is an obvious win-win and sometimes we just have to make the best decision we can. Consider disconnecting from all the ‘noise’ of music, television, and social media so you can hear God more clearly.

We may not have all the answers or know all the details, but we can always take the first step, trusting God will redirect us and make our path clear (Proverbs 3:5-6). If we’re open to what He wants in our lives, He will make sure we know what that is!


God, thanks for filling us with the mind of Christ! We don’t have to be confused or concerned. You will tell us what we need to know and when. Help us to listen, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What’s your experience in listening for God’s voice? Is it easy for you to understand what He is saying? How can you get better at this?

Tasks: Read Psalm 29:3-5 and Jeremiah 33:3. Next time you are faced with a big decision, try some of the ideas above to help you discern what to do! Remember to follow the way of peace!

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