Meeting a Missionary

On Sunday, God answered a sweet prayer for me. I was able to meet a woman who has been a missionary to Calcutta, India, since 1954! It was such an honor.

Our church is a supporter of Calcutta Mercy Ministries, the organization Huldah Buntain, and her husband, Mark, started. This ministry feeds, educates, and medically assists the poor. They have multiple housing programs, schools, and medical centers that help people in five states around Calcutta.

Despite the modernization of Calcutta, Huldah mentioned that 87% of the population still lives in the slums. The people who receive care are shunned because they are lower caste. Without help, these people living in poverty will never get ahead. But with Jesus, they have a hope and future.

Mark Buntain died unexpectedly in the 1980s, yet Huldah stayed in India when it would have been easier to return home. As a widow, she kept carrying on, and God has blessed her ministry abundantly in the years since.

Through many years in Calcutta, Huldah became friends with Mother Teresa. To some degree, they served their community together.

Mother Teresa always said their work came down to the love of Christ. Without His love, their work was in vain. At the end of her life, Mother Teresa reminded Huldah:

Do All Things Unto Christ.

Back in the spring of 2014, the first anniversary of Dave’s death drew near. At the time, I didn’t really have a plan. I was trusting God but didn’t know what else to do.

Huldah Buntain came around that time to speak to our congregation.

Her message inspired me to let God direct my path and trust Him for greater things. It was just the encouragement I needed.

Huldah’s courage and perseverance also strengthened my own resolve to stay put and let God work through my circumstances. I’m so glad I did and have grown so much.

About a year ago, Huldah was supposed to come back to Fargo. I prayed, asking God if I could somehow meet her. However, the weather caused delays and the airports were shut down. I was a little disappointed but it was for the best.

I knew God had heard my request and left it with Him. No worries.

Huldah returned to our church on Sunday to share another message. Then, to my great surprise, it was announced that she would be in the church lobby after the service. I figured there would be a line to meet her, so I casually walked that direction with a friend, hoping to meet her before it was too late.

Turns out, I was one of the first people in line. Woohoo!

It was a dream come true to meet Huldah. Five years had passed since I first prayed about meeting her. If it had happened sooner, I might not have been able to appreciate the magnitude of God’s faithfulness!

With tears in my eyes, I finally got to say ‘thank you’ for the example Huldah has set for me. She was so gracious and encouraging.

She is now in her 9th decade of life and has dedicated around 65 years of ministry to the people of Calcutta. Yet she appears to still have a lot of energy to serve…

The joy of the Lord is her strength.


God, thanks for answering my prayers in unexpected ways. You are so faithful. Continue Your work and draw the people in and around Calcutta to You. As their physical needs are met, let them meet Jesus, the Giver of all good things. In His Name, Amen.

Questions: Have you ever met someone you really admire? Who is the most inspirational or iconic person you have met?

Task: Check out Calcutta Mercy’s online store. Huldah’s books cost $15 a piece. If you order one, that will feed a child for two weeks! Two books will provide food for a month! 🙂

One thought on “Meeting a Missionary

  1. Sounds like a really special experience! I’ve heard you talk about her before, so I’m happy God answered your prayer finally.

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