Living Forward

I’m in my second week of work at the Fargo VA. I am loving it so far!

There is quite a bit to learn in my new position, in terms of charting and protocol. Thankfully, I already know the nutrition education piece!

I have started to see a few veterans on my own, with a little supervision on the charting side to make sure I get the hang of it. I don’t want to miss an important detail!

The building where I work is very patriotic. There are American and military flags in several hallways. Even the elevators are patriotic-themed!

Seeing what goes on behind-the-scenes, I have a new perspective. It is refreshing to see the impact of our government and leaders in terms of innovation and stewardship.

Several times, I have been struck by the fact that these brave men and women put their lives on the line for mine. Some, though not all, of their issues are related to their time in service to our country. It is humbling.

I have seen many veterans over the years, but have never had the opportunity to see only veterans. As such, I’ve never considered all the potential problems they face. Post-traumatic stress, Agent Orange, wounds, and other factors can cause long-term issues.

When I think of what many of these veterans have suffered through, I am filled with gratitude. I have tried to maintain my composure enough to shake hands or say thank you at the end of a session. A few times, it has been tough!

Jesus Christ also put his life on the line for us. He literally gave His all.

How do you respond to someone who gave so much on your behalf?

We can honor both Jesus and veterans with how we live our lives.

We can live forward. And though our struggles often define our circumstance, we don’t have to stay stuck in all our struggles or pain (surely they have suffered more). We can keep our heads high, walking in gratitude for their sacrifices.

We can use our freedoms, which came at such a high cost. This may be voting, being a good neighbor, or helping those less fortunate. It could also be enjoying time with family, knowing we are safe and sound because of those who protect us.

Lydia and I are in a transition phase right now. School started again this week, so both of us need to adjust to new schedules. Most of that is good, but it can certainly be challenging.

Life is short, and we have no time to waste. I’m reminded that just because something is difficult, doesn’t mean it is wrong or impossible. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!

Living forward is not for the faint of heart. Difficulties make us grow strong, and we can rely on God’s power working through us. Challenges require grit but are always worth it.


Heavenly Father, thanks for walking with us during life’s challenges. Empower us so we can keep on going. Make something beautiful in us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What challenges are you facing right now? How can you change your perspective and live forward?

Tasks: When you feel like giving up, hold fast to Jesus. Consider all who have gone before to pave the way or be an example. Take heart!




One thought on “Living Forward

  1. It is easy to take our freedoms (provided by Jesus as well as veterans) for granted, so I think it is wonderful that you are seeing them as more than just patients. Keep up the good work at work!

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