Lighten Up!

Yesterday morning, like many mornings, I woke up groggy. It’s dark when I get up, and I am still ‘baby-stepping’ my morning routine! Also, I am slowly realizing I just need to go to sleep earlier… hence the baby steps.

Usually, within a few minutes, I can shake it off and go about my day. But yesterday, I didn’t feel the best and didn’t get up as early as I had planned. Soon, groggy turned into cranky.

First, I got shampoo in my eyes while showering. After that, I spent a while thinking about the long day ahead and things I can’t control. One negative thought led to another and then I started thinking about other random issues, like shoveling snow this coming winter! I even argued with Lydia about tying her shoes. It started off as one of those days…

I stayed in my funk for almost 2 hours…even with coffee. Then, I berated myself for feeling that way! Which was not helpful, of course. Thankfully, I realized that and was able to do something about it.

As I finished getting ready for my day, I listened to some of the affirmations I mentioned previously. Many of them are actually Bible verses I recorded in my own voice. I usually choose to listen in random order, and yesterday, those verses were exactly what I needed to ‘lighten up.’

As I refocused my mind on who God says I am, I felt my burdens lift. I began smiling and was able to go about my day more cheerfully. Whew!

A few takeaways:

Each day, there are many things we can’t control. Circumstances can change rapidly. Sometimes, we find ourselves on a downward spiral. That may not be our fault—bad things happen. Still, it is my choice to remain there.

Circumstances may not improve immediately, but life has a way of working out. It’s usually better than we think. So, I can halt any negativity knowing eventually I will find an upward trend. I can go searching for something good!

I can’t predict what will happen, but I can choose my attitude. I can expect the best.

Finally, applying God’s word to my situation is like turning on the lights in the early morning darkness. It helps me see more clearly.

 “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” –Genesis 1:3.

Jesus is both the Living Word and the Light of the World. He makes the darkness flee!

There are several references to light in the Bible. Check out a few of them here:

Isaiah 9:2; Psalm 27:1; 2 Corinthians 4:6; and 1 John 1:5

We can bring the Light of Jesus to everyone we meet. If we let Him, Jesus can shine brightly through our brokenness. He will draw people to Himself, as we lighten up and enjoy life. And when we serve others by being thoughtful, kind and generous, we don’t have time to think of all our problems!


Heavenly Father, in You there is no darkness at all! Thanks for bringing Truth and clarity to our lives. Thanks for forgiving us and carrying our burdens. May we walk in the light as You are in the light. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you need to ‘lighten up,’ what do you do? Do you notice it right away or does it take a while to discern your mood?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Tremble” by Mosaic. Jesus makes the darkness tremble!


2 thoughts on “Lighten Up!

  1. Sometimes it takes me awhile to realize when I’m in a funk. I like what you said about remembering who you are in Jesus to help you when you are having a hard time. On the flip side, I also find it helpful to purposefully remember who God is (my Rock, my Savior, my Shepard, and lots of other things). This gets my focus off myself and my problems and onto the one who can change them.

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