Fresh Eyes

It’s amazing at how much fear can cloud your vision…

Last Friday, I opted to have Lasik eye surgery to correct my double astigmatism. I’m so glad I did! I’m in awe at how my eyes are already working better in such short time.

I had thought about Lasik for a long time but never looked into it due to fear. There are risks with any surgery, but I didn’t want to risk my vision for an elective procedure!

About a year ago, some friends encouraged me to look into it. It took me forever to make an appointment, but thankfully, I was a candidate after all. I asked many questions and received solid answers at the free consultation.

To my surprise and great relief, I learned that blindness is associated with the retina and/or optic nerve in the back of the eye. Lasik affects only the outermost layer of the cornea (in the front). So the risks of this surgery are mostly related to possible infection (rare if you follow their guidelines).

For me, the long-term benefits and no hassle outweighed the short-term costs. I see it as an investment… My contacts were expensive, not to mention the costs of appointments and supplies. I’ll still need to see my eye doctor every year, but that’s normal!

An extra dose of courage combined with a little education brought me clarity. With prayer, I felt at peace and I decided to move forward.

I was both nervous and excited for the surgery. The actual procedure was a little freaky, but also really interesting! 🙂 They numbed my eyes and there was no pain, but I was still awake. I’m glad I challenged my fear and followed through.

I’m grateful God helped keep me calm because I had to stay still! I distracted myself during the surgery by reminding myself of His goodness and faithfulness. As I decided to “just go with it,” He took away all my fear.

Over the years, I’ve learned to trust Jesus more and more—though not because it’s been a smooth or clear path. Indeed, Life has not been easy, but the Lord has walked with me each step. I have seen His love and provision for me in big and small ways.

Because Jesus helped me through some of the worst years of my life (cancer and grief), I have grown past fear and have gained a new perspective. He set me free from fear, steadying me when I felt lost and couldn’t find my way forward.

Grief had to run its course, but in time, the Lord also gave me renewed purpose and vision.

Whatever you are facing in this season, I pray you’ll see your situation with fresh eyes. Jesus came to save us all, and He will make it right. Trust Him!


Father God, thanks for keeping me safe and renewing my vision. Thanks for helping me conquer my fears. Help me continue to walk in Victory! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Is there something you’re afraid of currently? How can you trust God to move past it?

Tasks: Pray about any steps of faith you have been putting off. Then, choose to take the first step in defeating your fear!

One thought on “Fresh Eyes

  1. So happy for your eyes and that you were able to celebrate Dave’s birthday with peace and fun. I wonder how they celebrate birthdays in Heaven . . .

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