Dandelions and Thistles

I have really enjoyed taking care of my yard this summer. It’s nice to be outside and physically active! I’d love to get some flowers and do more landscaping, but I don’t have that much time and energy! I could hire someone, but that gets expensive, especially when I don’t really have a plan in mind.

Besides, I have an ongoing problem.

Lots of hot sun + not a lot of water = dead patches.

I have a little green grass, a fair amount of dry thatch, and a variety of weeds. It’s all a little defeating sometimes because the thatch and weeds are so prevalent.

I actually don’t mind some weeds; right now, they are the greenest, prettiest portion of my yard! I do try to pull the thistle weeds because they hurt, but the occasional dandelion or creeping whatever-it-is-called doesn’t bother me.

Technically, dandelions are good and, perhaps, cheerful, though they may be unwanted. They are even edible, though I don’t think I’ve ever tried them. In other news, I am seriously thinking about planting micro clover! It is bee-friendly, hearty, and low maintenance. It might conserve the soil, too.

Free Dandelion Flower Dandelion Egret photo and picture

As I was pulling weeds recently, I was able to pray and contemplate. During these precious moments, I was reminded of weeds in the Bible.

In Matthew 13, Jesus taught several parables to explain spiritual issues. He used a lot of agrarian principles, such as sowing, reaping, and weeding.

In the first parable, Jesus talked about a sower who threw seeds onto the ground. They landed on 1) the path and were eaten by birds; 2) rocky ground without much soil, which caused the roots to scorch in the heat; 3) a patch with many weeds, where the seeds were choked out; and 4) good soil, which produced an abundant harvest many times over.

It seems the environment and soil has a lot to do with how well the seeds did. There are lots of other insights if I had more time to get into this. But, I’ll keep it simple today and point you to verses 18-23 linked above. Basically, we need to guard the seed, which is God’s Word, dig deeper, and remove distractions.

Later, in another example, Jesus said to leave the proverbial weeds because removing them would ruin the rest of the crop. He promised to take care of them once the Harvest is at hand.  Soon… come Lord Jesus, come!

Free Wildflower Meadow Flower photo and picture

What are the spiritual weeds in our lives? These could represent the concepts of good and evil, which still coexist in the world. But, personally, I’m considering distraction, social media, laziness, disobedience, fear, and more. They choke, entangle, and sap our strength. They hinder growth and may prevent maturity. They keep us from living a full life!

I suppose a lot of my problems would be solved if I would consistently water the grass that’s left. Perhaps it would even sprout in some new areas with some grass seed. Though, I am a little conflicted. Water is a precious resource and the vanity of the short growing season.

So, for now, I will just get the weeds I can and do my best. Unfortunately, they just spread continually. Perhaps more importantly, I’ll diligently remove spiritual weeds, as they also spread quickly. And perhaps I can keep researching that micro clover!


God, thanks for being such a good Father. Thanks for tending to us and providing for us. Help us remove spiritual weeds from our lives. Give us wisdom as we grow and see You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you enjoy yard work? Do you like vegetable or flower gardening? What spiritual weeds are you enabling in your life?

Task: Read Matthew 13 and meditate on it. Pray about any spiritual weeds in your life. You will need God’s strength and power to remove them for good!

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