Encountering Resistance

Recently, Lydia and I were in the bathroom combing through her hair before school. I gently worked through a few tangles so I wouldn’t hurt my sweet girl. We were trying to be patient with one another.

I asked Lydia to hold her head still and essentially counter my tug on her hair. It was a little painful to get through the tangles, so we talked about the concept of resistance.

If Lydia were to give in and let her head follow the direction I pulled, the overall effect would meaningless. Her tangles would not be resolved.

But with a little resistance, we made progress and made it out the door on time.

On the other hand, there are times when we need to work together in a different way. If I am making a side ponytail, I have Lydia turn her head and hold still. She needs to lean into my request and not pull away, not be resistant.

This week, Lydia and I brainstormed practical examples of resistance that were positive and negative. She pointed out good forms of resistance in terms of standing up for what is right or avoiding peer pressure at school.

We discussed other times when interruptions come and we need to go with the flow in order to help others. For instance, if a friend is hurt or someone is in pain, we need to be willing to stop what we are doing and lend a hand.

I love how practical some of these ‘lessons with Lydia’ can be. God doesn’t want us to overthink how we live for Him. We don’t have to fight our way through life. Instead, we can embrace God’s plan for us.

It’s pretty basic, after all: Be sensitive to the needs around us, learning when to stand up for something or when to sit back and let it be.

Resistance comes in many forms. We all face many roadblocks and setbacks daily. They can stem from internal or external issues. They hit us and attempt to hinder us mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually.

Resistance can keep us from reaching goals, living our best life, and serving God. It can stir up fear and sidetrack us from what really matters.

But sometimes, resistance can be a good thing. Not all roadblocks are meant to stop us. Some are meant to protect us. Resistance can build resilience, redirect us, and help us consider other perspectives.

It is tempting to run away from obstacles and resist making changes. But, working through resistance can bring big breakthroughs and blessings we would have missed otherwise!

Thus, it is important to know the difference between when we should stand firm and when we should go with the flow.

We can only get through some challenges by facing them head-on. Sometimes resistance requires us to confront our fears or have a difficult conversation. Then again, sometimes we need to lay aside our plans and expectations. Procrastination never helps.

For me, all this takes time with God and quiet dependence on Him. I need His input to know what to do in these situations. But, if I have too much ‘noise’ in the background or if I am too ‘busy,’ then I have difficulty discerning His voice.

Ironically, this week I have already been faced with two different encounters with resistance. On the surface, these setbacks feel like major blows. However, they will be small issues in the long run and are prompting me to consider other options for meeting my goals. While I didn’t want these setbacks, I knew they could happen and was emotionally prepared (more or less, haha).

I know God’s got this, and I am not going to worry. I am trusting Him and expecting good things from this redirection. He has a good plan for me and I will persevere!

We learn how to handle resistance by leaning into it and drawing close to Jesus. Nothing catches Him by surprise. He is our shield and defender, and He knows exactly what we need! Trust Him!


Heavenly Father, thanks for walking with us through all of life’s challenges. Thanks for empowering us and giving us courage. Please build resiliency within us, Lord. Help us be brave. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What forms of resistance are you facing right now? Are you handling the challenges head-on or avoiding the issues at hand?

Task: Ask God to help you break through your resistance. He has the power to help you with whatever is holding you back!

2 thoughts on “Encountering Resistance

  1. I also think we can learn how to handle resistance by leaning into it and drawing close to Jesus b/c he was the perfect example of following God’s direction on resistance. He resisted a lot of the social views of his time by being kind to women and the poor, but he also went with the flow when He was being persecuted (even though he could have saved himself).

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