No Problem!

For a planner like me, interruptions to my schedule used to throw me off. If I had several tasks on my to-do list, but then someone needed something, it would stress me out. It’s not that I didn’t want to help or hang out, but my perfectionistic personality was easily overwhelmed as I (most likely) tried to figure everything out on my own.

If I spent time with people, I sacrificed getting anything else done. But if I focused on tasks, I felt like I was neglecting friendships. It was frustrating and I rarely felt like I was doing a good job at anything. I was stumped. 😉

Of course, people take priority. And, life is full of interruptions and distractions (some good and some not so good). Thankfully, God took my gnarled mess and helped me adjust.

To start, parenthood, cancer, and grief, all provided dramatic circumstances for God to transform me. With His refining, the hidden blessing is I now have balance.

When people request my time, I see it as God’s gentle reminder to take a break and have fun… or serve others with my whole heart. When I do have more time to myself, I feel free to work on projects and tasks without guilt. I have learned both work and rest are good.

Now, I can usually just roll with it, knowing God will help me accomplish everything I’m supposed to do. After all, He knows exactly where and how I need to spend my life.

Lately, I have been thinking about how God orchestrates our lives in perfect timing. Similarly, our struggles can be perfect opportunities for God to show up. From ancient times, we see He has a certain dramatic flair and enjoys displaying His power and might!

Creation started with His words, “Let there be light,” as if He was setting the stage. Then, He created a vast universe, which we still have not fully discovered. Wow!

In the Bible, we see lots of other dramatic interventions where God steps in to save the day. He rolled back the Red Sea to save the Israelites out of Egypt. He helped David defeat Goliath with five smooth stones. He protected Daniel in the lions’ den. He walked with the three men in a fiery furnace; they came out unsinged and didn’t even smell like smoke!

God even forewarned King Nebuchadnezzar and then made a fool of him by making him act like a mad cow, eating grass on his hands and knees for seven years until he repented of his prideful ways. Can you imagine?!

Jesus was born of a virgin, made wine from water, calmed a storm, walked on water, and paid His taxes with a coin from the mouth of a fish. He healed many people, raised the dead, and performed other miracles. He also died on the Cross to pay for our sins (with a dramatic earthquake and tearing of the holy veil from top to bottom). Boom.

Then, God’s power raised Jesus from the dead precisely when He said it would happen (cue another earthquake rolling away the tomb!). Later, the Holy Spirit enabled uneducated outcasts to perform miracles and turn the world upside down as they spread the gospel message. Whoa!

I guess you could say God loves a good story!

Seriously, God can do far more than we can ask or imagine! And, if you let Him fight for you, it’s likely He will come through for you in creative ways you would have never guessed possible. Just wait on Him!

Whatever challenges you are facing, bring them to Jesus. Sickness, debt, sadness, anger, frustration, fear, confusion, disappointment, bitterness, resentment… big or small it all matters to God. He knows how to handle it.

Example: Recently, one friend had her (rather large) bill from surgery forgiven, while another friend received back pay from an old job she had forgotten about, and still another friend got a new job with more pay. It was cool to see how God creatively provided for each of them according to their unique needs!

Nothing is too big or impossible for Him! It’s no problem!


Ah, Lord God! Nothing is too difficult for You! Your plans for us are good! Help us trust You as we wait for You act. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What challenges are you facing right now? How can you trust God more? Are you willing to let Him move on your behalf?

Task: Make a list of all your previous challenges and then mark down how God was faithful. Watch for His creativity and look for hidden blessings.

3,000 Emails

It’s no surprise I love to read. It’s a wonderful way to learn! I enjoy physical books, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, pamphlets, and online reading. Growing up, I used to read for an hour each afternoon on the school bus. I also have a little free library in my front yard.

Reading and learning were always family priorities, and I also am instilling the love of lifelong learning in Lydia. She’s also well on her way to becoming an excellent reader.

I have an ever-growing ‘to be read’ book pile, but I’m especially fond of trivia (or otherwise random data!). My intuitive brain loves those details that connect everything together, but on their own don’t mean much.

Knowledge is a wonderful gift, but if I’m not careful, too much data input can be distracting. I’ll read a book or article and stop to look up something trivial. That will lead to another tangent and before long, I’ve got a whole lot of random ideas with no real purpose. If I don’t refocus my attention, my concentration is lost and I make no progress!

I love both ‘snail mail’ and electronic mail. Sometimes, I sign up through email to learn more about a topic. I like receiving free handouts, recipes, devotionals, guides, and more.

Well, as you can imagine, the emails stack up and I don’t get around to reading them all! Lately, it has been difficult to answer important emails because I’ve had so many to sort through. Time for an electronic cleanup!

On Monday, I woke up early and took advantage of the quiet. I purged about 500 emails right away. That fueled my motivation, prompting me to search topically and delete more.

I cleared out junk mail, spam, and advertisements. I unsubscribed from several newsletters, too. Many of them were nutrition-focused with yummy recipes I hope I can find later online. If not, I’ll find something similar!

Over the last 48 hours, I have deleted over 1,800 emails. It feels so good, and I still have more to go! I may never get to zero, but now I’m excited to check my email and read what I have left.

I don’t feel overwhelmed, and I don’t feel like I am avoiding my inbox anymore!

Life is too short to live distracted. Years from now, the status of my inbox will not matter any more than my to-do list. So why waste time or mental energy hoping I’ll get around to it? If it was truly important, I would have prioritized it by now!

We were never meant to hold onto extra burdens with no meaning. Who has time for 3,000 emails?! Even if many of the emails had good content, it was just too much.

Maybe your inbox isn’t a problem. But, maybe your focus is on organizing your pantry, art project, yard, finances, or relationships. Anything can distract us.

We have a daily decision to make. Do I put my hope, trust, and effort in Jesus or the World? One has Eternal value and the other will not last. Choose wisely!

If our eyes are on Jesus, we will avoid wasting time on useless distractions. (Sometimes, we have to make a sacrifice!) If something is from God, it will have a purpose and bring life. And, if it is not, it will fade away because it does not matter.

Even in challenges, with God’s help, we will be energized. If He is in it, we will bear an abundance of fruit. It probably won’t be easy and it might take all we have, but we will have focus and not be completely drained!

Jesus is worth every second and every breath… 3,000 emails… not so much!

Heavenly Father, thanks all You do for us. Thanks for redirecting us and giving us an eternal perspective. Help us put You first and live wholeheartedly for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you check email regularly? Have you ever gotten your inbox to zero? What changes might God be asking YOU to make?

Tasks: Start purging old emails! And, ask God to direct your path so you can hear His voice and follow Him.


Peace Be Still

John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

He said this after he had already healed the lame, blind and sick; fed the 5,000 people (not including women and children); calmed the storm; and raised the dead. He had a pretty good record, but as I wrote last week, His disciples still did not believe.

I’m grateful for the peace Jesus gives. For me, it often means a sense of quiet and calm. Externally, peace can include having growing, healthy relationships and no schedule conflicts. Peace can mean “free” time and flexibility without rushing. For me, living in peace often comes at a slower pace. But that may look different for you!

Internally, I find peace means freedom from fear, anxiety, or worry. I can reject the idea that I have to make quick decisions or be someone I am not. I don’t have to please or impress anyone. Thank God, Jesus set me free!

When everything in my little world is tranquil, though, it can become unsettling if I fail to see it from God’s perspective. Sometimes, I take pride in what I have achieved…and other times, I am waiting for the next storm or catastrophe. But with Jesus’ peace, I can expect good things because He is good and He is with me and for me.

We weren’t meant to live in turmoil. Even in the midst of chaos, holy peace is the sense that everything will be okay because Jesus will make all things right someday.

This begs the question—how does the world give peace?

The world cannot give peace, because real peace comes from Jesus alone. Only Jesus can be our refuge and defense. To refocus on Him, sometimes it can be helpful to pause and unplug from the news, social media, or even extra activities.

As amazing as this world can be, all we see is only temporary. We were meant for more!

Without Jesus, whatever we seem to gain is at risk. If we put all our hope in what the world offers, we will only end up with empty promises. Any sense of peace we do have won’t last. Yet everything we have in Jesus is safe and secure.

Jesus’ peace comes with His presence. In fact, Jesus promised the Holy Spirit, our Advocate, in the verse preceding this one. He never leaves us on the path alone. Sometimes, He clears a peaceful path and sometimes, He enables us to walk it as it comes.

Growing in the fruit of peace is a sign of God moving in our lives.

Jesus’ peace brings new purpose, despite any pain or hardships we may endure. He brings real progress, but never expects perfection. Our fulfillment comes from Him alone.

In addition to His peace, Jesus also protects us and provides for us. His promises are sure and His love is strong. As such, we can rest in His mercy, grace, and forgiveness.

I’m grateful we don’t have to perform or earn this free gift of peace. The world often expects something in return and leaves us disappointed. But only Jesus gives to us freely… Praise God!

Don’t go another minute without true peace. Trust Jesus and rest in His love!


God, thanks for the free gift of salvation which brings us peace. Thanks for righting our wrongs and forgiving us. Help us extend grace and peace to others as we point them to you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: What does God’s peace mean to you?

Task: Prayerfully listen to this song, “Peace Be Still.”

Top Priority

Happy New Year! Did you make any resolutions for this new year?

I usually set some goals for the year, and I do plan on making a few positive changes.

But, most of the changes are actually “more of the same” or continuations of old goals (that I did not accomplish yet). Oh, well! 🙂

Recently, I read an insightful article about resolutions. The part that stuck with me is that we depend on ourselves to make the changes and forget to rely on God’s power and direction.

Perhaps that’s one reason why so many people don’t stick with their resolutions… in addition to trying to do too much. We often add something new but don’t let go of the old habits, patterns, or schedules. Too much is too much!

These last two weeks of ‘winter break’ have been so restful. I have realized just how much I needed the break. So this year, I am going to keep it simple.

Thankfully, I don’t feel the need to prove anything. I just want to do my best each day and trust Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Everything I need is in Him.I want to honor Jesus in everything I do. Bringing glory to God is my highest goal and the only one that really matters. Walking with Him brings Victory and adventure!

This means staying close to Him and listen for His voice. This often requires me to slow down and do less—a challenge for a recovering overachiever and perfectionist!

But, I have learned a few big lessons in recent years:

If I am too busy to spend time with Jesus, then I am too busy.

If I am too busy to love others, I am too busy.

If I am too busy to maintain a good attitude, then I am likely too busy.

If I am too busy to eat well, move in healthy ways, and get adequate sleep on a regular basis, then I am probably too busy.

Instead of setting new goals or waffling on resolutions, this year, I am going to rest in Jesus. He blesses me, He is gracious to me, and He gives me peace.

Sure, I have a lot I would like to accomplish. But Jesus comes first.

He is my top priority!

Jesus is with me and for me. He is ever faithful; His love never fails. Everything else will fall into place as I seek Him. He is so good!


God, thanks for another chance to praise You! Help me simplify this year as I focus on You. Help me live for You each day and put You first. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What big goals do you hope to accomplish this year? How can you put Jesus first, trusting Him to help you?

Tasks: Make Jesus your top priority. He is worth it!

2018 Annual Review

Happy Boxing Day!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. 😉

Lydia and I had our best Christmas yet! We really appreciated receiving some invitations to join others, but we ended up doing our own thing instead.

On Christmas Eve, we hosted another family from church. We enjoyed celebrating Jesus with them! We ate yummy food and had great conversation.

On Christmas Day, we enjoyed a relaxing breakfast and then opened presents. Lydia received several fun gifts, including some clothes, books, games, and science kits.

After that, we talked with some friends and family. We thought about going to the movies, but decided to go sledding instead. We had so much fun and even saw another family enjoying the chilly day. It was perfect.

Later, Lydia played with some of her new toys while I exercised. Then, we put together some bath goodies from one of the science kits. She’s never been so excited to take a bath! 😉

Finally, after a relaxing day, we watched a Christmas movie together. We have the rest of the week off as well, so I’m sure we will do some more fun activities!

This year flew by. Thankfully, it had more ups than downs. We saw God’s grace all around us in more ways than we can count. He is so faithful.

Lydia and I took some fun trips and spent time with loved ones. We stepped foot in at least 6 states. I’m grateful for my car and God’s protection and provision!

This year, we both pushed our limits and tried new things. Everything from recipes to outdoor Christmas lights. One highlight is that we went kayaking and Lydia loved it!

Lydia has done well in school and enjoys learning. My job is stable and I feel like I am making a difference. I’m so grateful for God’s blessings!

This year, I have felt humbled in many ways. I have become more aware of my flaws and all that I still need to learn. (Yes, I’m human!) 😉

I usually set a lot of goals, but didn’t meet most of them this year. I met my most important goals, but still left a lot on the table. In order to prioritize a big project, I kind of slacked off elsewhere! I made progress, but I also have a lot to finish or catch up!

Still, I have learned to accept God’s grace for my perceived failures and trust Him to lead me. I’m grateful I don’t have to be perfect. Jesus is My Righteousness!

I’ll probably set similar goals this year (haha, I can’t help it!). But I have learned to give myself grace and be more present day-to-day.

This year, I have challenged several fears head-on and moved forward anyway. Despite not meeting all of my goals, I have still grown as a person, and am happy with who I am becoming! 🙂

Thankfully, God’s mercies are new every day. I just have to stay focused on Jesus and walk with Him. Everything else will work out in due time!


Heavenly Father, thanks for walking with us each and every day. Thanks for all the grace You’ve shown us this year. Redirect my path and help me stay focused as You make me more like Jesus. In His Name, Amen

Questions: What were the highlights of your year? What did you learn and how did you grow? What will you change going forward?

Tasks: Consider setting SMART goals for the new year. Don’t worry if it feels like ‘too much’ for you to accomplish. Trust Jesus to direct your path!

Lighten Up!

Yesterday morning, like many mornings, I woke up groggy. It’s dark when I get up, and I am still ‘baby-stepping’ my morning routine! Also, I am slowly realizing I just need to go to sleep earlier… hence the baby steps.

Usually, within a few minutes, I can shake it off and go about my day. But yesterday, I didn’t feel the best and didn’t get up as early as I had planned. Soon, groggy turned into cranky.

First, I got shampoo in my eyes while showering. After that, I spent a while thinking about the long day ahead and things I can’t control. One negative thought led to another and then I started thinking about other random issues, like shoveling snow this coming winter! I even argued with Lydia about tying her shoes. It started off as one of those days…

I stayed in my funk for almost 2 hours…even with coffee. Then, I berated myself for feeling that way! Which was not helpful, of course. Thankfully, I realized that and was able to do something about it.

As I finished getting ready for my day, I listened to some of the affirmations I mentioned previously. Many of them are actually Bible verses I recorded in my own voice. I usually choose to listen in random order, and yesterday, those verses were exactly what I needed to ‘lighten up.’

As I refocused my mind on who God says I am, I felt my burdens lift. I began smiling and was able to go about my day more cheerfully. Whew!

A few takeaways:

Each day, there are many things we can’t control. Circumstances can change rapidly. Sometimes, we find ourselves on a downward spiral. That may not be our fault—bad things happen. Still, it is my choice to remain there.

Circumstances may not improve immediately, but life has a way of working out. It’s usually better than we think. So, I can halt any negativity knowing eventually I will find an upward trend. I can go searching for something good!

I can’t predict what will happen, but I can choose my attitude. I can expect the best.

Finally, applying God’s word to my situation is like turning on the lights in the early morning darkness. It helps me see more clearly.

 “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” –Genesis 1:3.

Jesus is both the Living Word and the Light of the World. He makes the darkness flee!

There are several references to light in the Bible. Check out a few of them here:

Isaiah 9:2; Psalm 27:1; 2 Corinthians 4:6; and 1 John 1:5

We can bring the Light of Jesus to everyone we meet. If we let Him, Jesus can shine brightly through our brokenness. He will draw people to Himself, as we lighten up and enjoy life. And when we serve others by being thoughtful, kind and generous, we don’t have time to think of all our problems!


Heavenly Father, in You there is no darkness at all! Thanks for bringing Truth and clarity to our lives. Thanks for forgiving us and carrying our burdens. May we walk in the light as You are in the light. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you need to ‘lighten up,’ what do you do? Do you notice it right away or does it take a while to discern your mood?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Tremble” by Mosaic. Jesus makes the darkness tremble!


Say So!

Lately, I have been implementing a new morning routine, using “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod (no affiliate links). I have gotten up early on-and-off over the years, but haven’t always maintained those stints…

Nonetheless, I find it helpful to wake up before Lydia so I can have some time to gather my thoughts and accomplish a few personal tasks. It helps me feel like I am starting the morning with my best foot forward.

(It helps that my cousin also gets up early and can keep me accountable!)

One part of the “Miracle Morning” that I have come to enjoy is saying affirmations. I used to think this was a cheesy way to toot my own horn. Not so appealing!

But now, I realize affirmations are really about calling out the good I see in myself.

It’s a way to give myself grace.

I used to focus more on my weaknesses and failures—but let’s face itthat never helped!

Instead, focusing on the positive through saying affirmations out loud has kept me from going back to bed. Another benefit is that I am retraining my brain every morning.

Now that’s a win-win!

This week, I downloaded a phone app called “ThinkUp which already has a ton of affirmations listed. There is a free version, where you can list 5 affirmations (theirs or DIY). But, for about $15, you can buy the premium version which allows you to track as many as you want.

I have already used a number of the affirmations in the app, but I have put in quite a few of my own, too. Some of them are simple statements like, “I love who I have become.” Some are statements about God’s faithfulness to me. Others are Scripture verses, like Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Some of the affirmations I put in are quotes by famous people, like, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” by Eleanor Roosevelt.

I’ll take all the reminders I can get. As long as it motivates and encourages me, it counts!

Interestingly, while the affirmations about me are true, some of them are not easy to do. Yet they give me something to work toward and achieve.

For example, “I appreciate the ability to rest” is true, but I have to remember to actually do this regularly! Taking care of myself and resting is so important.

One cool part of the app is that you can record the affirmations in your own voice. So, instead of just reading them to yourself, you can listen to them. I love this because it’s essentially reprogramming my self-talk. (It also reminds me of the good in other people.)

God loves affirming us, too! In Matthew 3:17, the Father affirmed Jesus and said how pleased He was with His Son. He loves us the same! Praise God!

Here are some other affirmations I have found helpful:

“I enjoy waking up early to reach my goals.”

“I love taking care of my body so my body can take care of me.”

“I focus on progress, not perfection.”

 “I give myself grace and extend it to others.”

“I am doing my best and that is enough.”

“I am well-loved and have lots of people cheering me on.”

“I am grateful for my life’s challenges because they help me grow and become who I am.”

“Put on the full armor of God.” (from Ephesians 6:10-18)

“I am resilient and keep moving forward.”

“When I see something good, I say so.”

Ultimately, what God says to me and about me is most important.

I want to repeat what He says!


Heavenly Father, thanks for affirming me in Your Word. Please renew my mind and transform me from the inside out. Thanks for all You do for me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you use affirmations on a regular basis? Has it changed anything for you?

Tasks: Download the “ThinkUp” app and record at least 5 affirmations!

Shredding Inadequacy and Indifference

This past Sunday, I was feeling a little blah (aka unmotivated and indifferent). I was also feeling inadequate. I’m sure there are several reasons, including needing to do a lot of housework, while running short on sleep and exercise.

On Sunday, it all was weighing me down because I have struggled to find a good routine lately and have not been meeting my personal goals.

So, on the way to church, I prayed to refocus on God and asked Him to make me a blessing to others at the morning service. Then, I heard a song that spoke to what I was feeling. Every moment can be used to worship God no matter what we are feeling.

Sad, bad, mad, glad, or blah…take it to Jesus!

Ironically, that day the pastor’s sermon was similar. The message was about reclaiming our soul (our mind, will, and emotions) from the world’s influences. We can easily get drained or lose sight of who we are in Christ if we don’t keep things in check.

I felt convicted that I need to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s nudgeshumbling in a good way. I was also challenged because often I get stuck in a cycle of performance. Sometimes, I try to reach goals on my own, forgetting to rely on Jesus and what really matters.

It’s not all just paying bills, dishes, laundry, parenting and work. For me, it can also include too much social media times and games, or even too much reading. These activities are fine by themselves, but can be major distractions at times.

Quite possibly, my biggest soul killer can be too much thinking (daydreaming, problem solving, planning, or worrying about things I can’t control). I happen to enjoy thinking quite a bit, but want to make sure my thoughts are God-centered and not self-centered or fear-promoting.

On Monday, Lydia and I took my paper shredder to an office store. Random, I know, but mine was jammed—and had been for at least a month or two. (Yes, I also have been ignoring my to-be-shredded pile for far too long!) With a little nudge from God, I finally decided to ask for help with it.

Well, my shredder was beyond repair so I opted to buy a new one. I didn’t really want to spend more money, as I had recently been to that same store three other times (including for school and office supplies).

To my surprise, I found a floor model that was a major upgrade from my old shredder for about 75% off the original cost. This model was about the same cost as the tiniest shredder on the shelf. And, it was so big it took up the almost the entire cart!

In that moment, I felt God’s grace and love because He knew just what I needed. I had wanted a bigger shredder so I don’t have to empty the other one as fast. But I hadn’t planned to buy one because of the cost.

Thus, it felt like a blessing to get such a deal on this giant new shredder—like God hand-picked it for me! I’m grateful I didn’t miss what He wanted to do for me. Acknowledging God’s presence encouraged me and reenergized me!

Even something as trivial as a paper shredder can be a tool God uses to draw us closer to Him. It also felt like a positive step in tackling my messy office floor! Quite a few unruly piles of paper have accumulated over time!

Later, in another moment of brave humility (is that a thing?), I felt motivated to ask a friend for help. I need some accountability! She gladly agreed to come help me go through some boxes and clutter that have also been weighing me down.

Soon, we’ll chat and catch up as she helps me sort through shelves and stuff I have been putting off instead of putting away… Cleaning and organizing is better with friends, right?!

I’m grateful that God meets us where we are…mess and all.


God, thanks for not giving up on me! Thanks for making me new from the inside out. May my heart and life bring You glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are ways that you take care of yourself (your soul)? How do you let God take care of you?

Tasks: Look for ways to revitalize your walk with Jesus. Look for Him in ordinary moments. Perhaps He has a surprise for you as you draw closer to Him!


Free Indeed

Happy Independence Day!! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating our country, our freedom, and all our blessings. I appreciate all the brave military men, women, and their families who have served and protected us. Thank you for your many sacrifices.

About a month ago, my next-door neighbors went to see Mt. Rushmore. Their kids came over to play one day and I asked how the trip was. Their son is a little younger than Lydia. He told me, “I liked George Washington because he fought ALL the bad guys!”

I love his enthusiasm! May we all celebrate like that today!

On Sunday, one of our pastors reminded us that worshipping God is our greatest freedom. When we worship, we are on the ‘cutting edge’ of what God is doing in America. There is so much power in our praises. But while religious freedom is part of our country’s foundation, how easily we take it for granted!

Worship brings us closer to God—and in His presence, we are set free from all that weighs us down. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. He gives us peace!

Case in point: Fear is subtle and I didn’t realize until Monday afternoon that I was worrying about some upcoming plans and decisions. While I have learned to deal with fear much quicker than in the past, this still caught be by surprise.

One reason I have been anxious is that I don’t have all the details yet and I don’t want to make a mistake. (Of course, that is just life. We all deal with that.) But on occasion, my old perfectionistic tendencies still try to trip me up and I get stuck!

Then, on Monday evening, I went to church for a special worship session. Singing helped me refocus on the Lord and turn my burdens over to Him. There was a brief sermon, and afterward, I humbly asked for prayer.

During the sermon on Monday night, the pastor gave some cool facts about the universe. In summary, our sun is a fairly small star compared to others that are farther away. Of course, Earth is even smaller than the sun… and so, we humans are just a small dot in the universe. It was a great reminder of how big God is.

Even more, I gained perspective on the size of my problems versus God’s love for me.  God is much more capable than me and has greater plans! Jesus gives me His strength to do difficult things. So, I don’t have to be afraid or try to figure out everything on my own!

As I worshiped God on Monday, my fear subsided. I felt His presence and decided to trust Him more. I still don’t know exactly how everything will work out, but I have peace.

I know God will help me: He is for me and with me.  

My Victory is in Jesus! I am free indeed.


Heavenly Father, thank you for blessing America. On this Independence Day, may we remember that we are dependent on You. May we never forget the price YOU paid for our freedom. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Question: Do you have special holiday plans today?

Task: Listen to ‘Who You Say I Am’ by Hillsong Worship.

I Belong to God

Last Friday night, I, along with three other ladies, spoke at a women’s event at our church. We each briefly shared our stories as it related to the theme: I Belong to God.

Ironically, each of us interpreted the theme differently, but each story provided a unique angle and gave a deeper, more well-rounded view of the theme. How cool!

One lady shared about how she doesn’t always feel like she belongs. She often feels outside the social circle, but with Jesus, she never has to feel that way.

Another lady shared about how belonging to Christ gives her identity. She shared how she has grown over the years as she understood who she is in Christ.

I shared a quick version of my story, and the fourth lady’s story was about saying yes to God’s call. We also sang worship songs in between testimonies.

For my story, I shared I had grown up in a Christian home and met Jesus at a young age. While I had the head knowledge that Jesus loved me, in my heart, I was afraid.

Looking back, it was difficult for me to put a finger on the root of my fear—and because I couldn’t figure out exactly what the problem was, I never really dealt with it. I just let it become a stronghold over the years. In some ways, fear became my comfort zone.

Then, I shared about moving to Fargo and about our cancer journey. What an emotional roller coaster! It wasn’t easy—our faith was stretched thin at times—but we chose to trust Jesus. And, He really did come through for us in so many ways.

When everything in my life fell apart, God was there to catch me and pick up the pieces. I saw that He is bigger than all my worst fears and was the only sure thing that remained after Dave died. He has taken such good care of me and my daughter, Lydia.

Recently, I came across a quote by Emily Freeman: She says, “When you can’t see God’s hand, trust His heart.” I love that because we all find ourselves in unexpected situations and seasons that we didn’t plan.

If you are facing a choice between FEAR and FAITH, choose faith.

When you belong to God, you can cling to Him in the midst of uncertainty. You can trust in His provision. And, you can rest in His grace. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. He’s got you covered!


Heavenly Father, You are so good! Thanks for setting me free from fear. Help me walk in Your grace and live for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is your story and does it include Jesus? Have you ever written it down or shared it with someone?

Tasks: Write down the evidence of God’s grace in your life—share them someone who needs encouragement. Listen to the song, “It Is Well” by Kristene DiMarco and Bethel Music.