Finding Grace #378

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was another great week with so many things to be grateful for! First off, Lydia was baptized at church on Sunday! She has been following Jesus personally for years, and we have been discussing baptism for a while. But, the timing just worked out best on Sunday. It was even more special that it was also Pentecost!

Monday was Memorial Day, so I was off from work. We took one of Lydia’s friends to ‘The Little Mermaid’ in theaters. The music, the actors, the graphics… It was all so good, and I highly recommend it!

On Wednesday, Lydia attended youth group again, and she had so much fun. She was a little nervous but wanted to go in by herself (leaving me in the car, which is always a good sign!). It is great to have others building into her life and reinforcing lessons we discuss at home. I’m grateful for other godly examples for her to follow!

On Thursday, we had dentist appointments. Everything went well! I always have to laugh at all the conversations the staff likes to have with you when you can’t say much. 🙂 One good thing is that I learned our dentist goes to the same church as us. I will have to look for his family tomorrow morning. Small world!

The healing garden at work is starting to bloom. Day by day, flowers are opening up and blooming full force. Notice the bright pink peonies are at it again!

Yesterday, I ran some errands after work. I went to Costco for some routine items and just happened to find a large wind chime. I love my smaller one from my family, in memory of Dave. I placed the new chime next to the little one, and the deeper noise brought a beautiful balance. This morning, I enjoyed my coffee on the sunny deck before the heat set in. It was so relaxing hearing the chimes in the breeze! Every “song” is always new and unique. I could’ve listened to that music all day!

It’s been hot this week, so I mowed the lawn last night when it cooled off a bit. Then today, I bought some new tools to help me weed more efficiently. It helps my back to have extended tools that do the job! I also did the trimming and deadheaded some plants. It feels good to get my yard in order! 

Otherwise, today was pretty normal. I was on-call but didn’t have to go in to work. Lydia had a birthday party in the afternoon, which gave me a little free time. I caught up around the house, but tonight, we are just relaxing!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Baptism Blessings

This past Sunday, Lydia took a big step in obedience to Christ. She got water baptized!

She first accepted Jesus into her heart on July 29th, 2017 (by asking for forgiveness for her sins and inviting Him in). Thankfully, we remember because I wrote a note in her Jesus Storybook Bible! I love how this little kid’s Bible explains God’s heart and the Gospel.

Back then, she felt close to Jesus because we talked about Him often, as we do now. But, she had not yet made a decision to live for Him. That day, we were reading in her Bible about Pharoah and the Egyptian plagues. Her sense of justice made her feel the Egyptians deserved all of God’s wrath! This led to a conversation about Heaven and Hell.

Lydia was confident she was going to Heaven, but when I explained that we all deserve the full punishment for our sins (death, Hell), she was surprised. I asked her if she had ever asked Jesus for forgiveness and gave her the opportunity. We prayed right then and there!

Because Lydia was only five years old, I waited to have her baptized. I wanted her to be able to make the decision on her own. Older believers may get baptized right away, but it was important to wait until she understood the commitment more.

At any rate, it’s been a topic we’ve discussed more over the last two years. We hoped to have family come to celebrate with us, but that’s difficult to coordinate all the variables and line it up with a baptism date. So, in the end, we just did what worked best for us.

Over the course of a couple of weeks, our pastor spoke about baptisms, one with water and one with the Holy Spirit. He talked about obedience to Christ and following His precedent, among other points. It was just the boost Lydia needed. We both agreed the timing was right! So, I filled out the paperwork, and she picked out her clothes and towel. 🙂

Leading up to Sunday, however, Lydia said she was nervous. She had made a poor decision (for her), which made her feel unworthy. I explained how none of us are worthy; that’s why we need Jesus!

Then, the night before, Lydia said she thought she would be more excited. I reminded her that we don’t need to ‘feel’ anything to be obedient. Each of us may exhibit excitement in different ways. Some people bounce off the walls with giddiness, and some calmly move forward with less energy and a smile. At least, this is more in line with Lydia’s (and my) personality. We can get excited, but we are pretty stable overall.

Sunday itself was awesome. Lydia and about forty other people decided to take the plunge! And it just so happened to be Pentecost! This is when Jesus’ disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit; they began speaking in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. In the Old Testament, God’s Spirit rested on certain people, but now He lives within us! So, it was an extra special blessing to be baptized on this day!

Afterward, Lydia and I went to Panera for lunch and then to Scheels for a new pair of shoes. That evening, we talked with family on Zoom, and my parents told her how proud of her they were. At bedtime, Lydia said she was really glad that she was brave and had a good experience! What a turning point for her!


Heavenly Father, thanks for washing us clean and making us whole. Thank You for sharing Jesus and the Holy Spirit with us! Help us live for You every day. In Jesus’ Name Amen

Question: What is one step you can take to follow Jesus more closely today?

Task: Check out this sermon on baptism from my church. It starts at 39:33 and is called “A Fresh Look at Water Baptism.”

Finding Grace #377

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was an exciting week! We watched our friend’s baby on Sunday and had fun “showing her off” on Zoom to our family (they know her mom). She was crying a bit but every time I stepped out on the deck, she grew calm. It was funny! And, my friend brought us ice cream and some patriotic flowers (above) as a thank you!

On Tuesday, I took part of the morning off to go to Lydia’s school. She earned an academic award and a certificate of achievement for her elementary years. I am proud of all her hard work. Also, it was fun to cheer on all the kids, some of whom are our neighbors!

On Wednesday, Lydia attended youth group at church for the first time. Now that she’s going into middle school, she is eligible to go. This is something Lydia’s been looking forward to for some time, but she was still a little nervous. Thankfully, she saw a few people she knew, and one person she met last week remembered her and called her over when she arrived. It was a blessing, and Lydia was really glad she went!

Thursday was Lydia’s last day of elementary school. She will miss seeing all her friends, but she will still go to the Y for a couple of days each week (at the school). So, it will be a smooth transition into middle school next fall. We ‘celebrated’ by mowing the lawn that night, lol!

Work was busy but manageable. I taught three classes on Wednesday, saw several back-to-back patients the rest of the week, covered a coworker while she was on vacation, and got ahead for next week. But, it went well and I enjoyed it!

The weather was hot and sunny this week! The wind made it really nice, and I took the scenic route due to some road construction.

Today, we helped out with a high school graduation party. We stayed for about six hours! Lydia played with her friends, and I met new friends and caught up with dear friends and served in the kitchen. We chopped up cooked chicken, refilled various entrees and sides, washed a ton of dishes, etc. Lydia said she heard us laughing as they walked through. It was good for my soul!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #374

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Forest Trees photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun and peaceful week! I had lots of prayer requests, but know God is taking care of all that concerns me and my loved ones.

The weather was sunny and in the 50s to 70s for much of the week! It’s all starting to green up, and I saw my tulips starting to grow a bit. I also forgot how nice it is to drive to work without slippery roads! I am so grateful for God’s faithfulness… He always brings the Spring!

My workload was a little lighter again this week, partially related to some cancellations. So, I was able to work on some projects that will be due soon. We celebrated a couple coworker birthdays and also a had a Cinco de Mayo potluck yesterday. Our coworker who is on maternity leave brought her baby in to visit. He was so cute!

Last night, Lydia and I were invited for an impromptu campfire at our friends’ house. It was fun and so nice to be included! We walked there since they live just a couple streets over. It was a perfect night!

This morning, I got up early for the British monarchy coronation. I’m a quarter British, thanks to my English grandmother, Norah, so it feels relevant to me. I loved all the regalia, pomp, and circumstance, as well as the history, music, and message of serving others. I texted with my sister throughout the service, as we have done for other important events. 🙂

Today, I worked on projects at home while Lydia took a babysitting class with a friend. She’s so gentle and kind to babies, toddlers, and young kids! I love seeing her become more responsible and considerate over time.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Keep Moving Toward

On Sunday morning, Lydia and I were at church. The message was about healing and trusting God. Instead of physical healing, I was writing notes about some habits I am working to change. I know I need God’s help to make real progress and swap in better choices.

At the end of the sermon, our pastor asked people who needed healing to head to the aisle for prayer. Healing can be physical, mental, emotional, etc. I felt content that God met my need, so I didn’t move, but several other people did.

Soon, our pastor asked those people to raise their hands if they needed someone to pray with them. I hadn’t planned on praying for anyone, as many other people had volunteered.

Free Holding Hands Bible photo and picture

Well, then I noticed a woman in front of us raising her hand. She and her husband appeared to be supporting their daughter. I told Lydia to scoot over so I could go pray with this family. At the moment, I just wanted to meet the need in front of me. I have personally felt the impact of people praying for me at just the right time.

So, I don’t think Lydia quite understood what I meant. She just stood there while I was trying to pass by on my way to the aisle. After a little back and forth, I put my hands on her shoulders, somewhat forcefully set her aside, and said, “MOVE!! Get out of my way.”

I don’t usually need to use that tone with Lydia, and I did apologize later for hurting her feelings. She was a little upset at first, but I explained that I wanted to be obedient. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity for God to use me. So I needed to move toward the need and His calling.

Perhaps I was a little fired up because I felt like I had my own mini breakthrough with the Lord during the sermon. I had been kind of ho-hum about my habits, but since I was able to write a basic plan with the Lord’s help, I felt free. So when I said, “MOVE!! Get out of my way,” I was also speaking in spiritual terms. Whether it’s Satan’s craftiness or just my own reserve, I cannot afford to delay God’s plans in my life.

As a Christ follower, I am essentially on mission every day. Jesus is the King, and I serve Him. I should not be self-centered or self-seeking. I can’t let fear stop me. I am called to love others and be available at a moment’s notice to GO.

God constantly calls me to move toward the messy parts of life. Jesus certainly did, and He is my example! If I don’t sense Him at work, then I am likely in a comfort zone, which needs to dealt with ASAP. It’s only then that I can actually fix the problem, change, and grow.

In short, I can’t settle for less than God’s best. That includes healing and eternity, but it also means joining Him in His work now. I don’t want to miss out because I am hung up on worthless habit. Lord, help me!

I did not get a chance to talk with the family after the service, but the mother smiled at me in gratitude. I’m so glad I was able to lay aside my own feelings and plans to serve the Lord. Plus, it became a good teaching moment for Lydia.

Remember, as the Church, we are the hands and feet of Jesus. No habit, project, or personal goal compares with following Jesus and impacting others for Him. When life gets difficult, it’s tempting to run away or drag our feet, letting fear or procrastination become the default. But, dare I say: MOVE!! Get out of your own way!

But, RUN to Jesus, FIGHT to stay close to Him. Face the battle in front of you. Give it all you’ve got, knowing it’s really His strength and power working through you. If God is for you, who can be against you?!

We have to keep moving TOWARD to keep moving FORWARD.


God, thanks for calling us to spread Your love and serve others. Renew my mind and transform me, Lord. Fill me with grace and compassion to see the needs around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you running away from or running toward your challenges today? What habit or goal do you need to adjust in order to serve the Lord?

Task: MOVE!! Get out of the way!! Keep moving TOWARD so you can keep moving FORWARD! Read and ponder Romans 12:1-2 and Hebrews 12:1-2.

Finding Grace #373

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Bird Female photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week stood out to me, and I saw God’s grace every day. It was a week of old friends, good conversations, and throwback music. I even saw a cardinal at work, which I rarely see because I still have young trees at home. Just what I needed!

My friend, Krystal, now lives in Colorado with her husband, Owen, their three boys, and a new baby girl. Krystal was in town for a family event and brought two of her kids, including the baby. She and our friend, Sara, who also has a new baby, came over to visit with a third friend. We caught up over a few hours, and it was just like old times. (You may remember them from my book.) It was fun to see how much our lives have changed over the years.

Work was a little more relaxed this week, and it has been a nice change of pace. I appreciate our managers have listened and helped set up some better boundaries as far as our patient load. As it was, I still had several other calls to make, such as patient issues that popped up, as well as some projects to work on. I still needed to cover a few areas, but I’m glad I had a little margin.

On Thursday night, Lydia and I went to see a living legend, Steven Curtis Chapman, in concert at the Fargo Theater! Lydia wasn’t really sure who he was at first, but soon felt an emotional connection to his music. It could be that they have the same birthday, but she related our missing Dave to his own losses and grief. Hearing him discuss faith and perseverance was the best! It encouraged us to keep moving forward!

Last night, Lydia and I played a game and watched the birds outside in the yard. Today, we worked on some projects and organized around the house. Lydia also went on a little bike ride in our neighborhood with a friend. It feels great that Spring is here!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #371

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Robin Red-Breasted photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was filled with God’s grace. We had some company in the earlier part of the week. It’s always fun to have visitors, and we were especially glad to celebrate Easter together!

I’m thrilled to report I saw our first robins of spring! Today, I saw about twelve all sprinkled through my lawn. They enjoy my deck and trees, as do several other birds: finches, juncos, sparrows, starlings, and swallows so far!

The weather finally warmed up this week, although it will be chilly again for the next few days. The snow is melting more, hour by hour, and the grass is growing a little. I wonder if my tulips will even come up this year since they are usually already up and gone again! Perhaps I will be surprised!

Work went well this week; still busy, but I had a good discussion about the workload with my manager. Hopefully, we will figure out some manageable strategies in the coming weeks. We can only bend so far before we “break” or burn out. I took off the day on Friday for an appointment and some R&R, which really helped.

Today, Lydia and I watched our friend’s little girl! We enjoyed cuddling with her and catching up with her momma when she returned. We will probably relax for the rest of the evening, maybe watch a movie or play a game!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Building Boundaries

This past Sunday, Lydia got a big surprise when I bought her first cell phone! We have been discussing it for a while, and I was content to wait a little longer. Nonetheless, we decided to go to Verizon and scout out some options. I felt peace when we were there, and it seemed right!

Of course, Lydia is very excited, but she will need to learn some new boundaries. I set some parental restrictions and won’t let her sign up for social media accounts. She has time limits set up, as well, and I can review her activity. It will be a learning curve for both of us, but I am glad we are doing this a few months before she starts middle school.

Naturally, the last few nights at bedtime, we have been reviewing the importance of setting healthy boundaries. It doesn’t happen without diligence!

Lydia was having trouble understanding my point, so I showed her using an old wooden tray for one of her toys. It probably held some magnets or blocks, but the toys are long gone by now. (pic below)

I grabbed the tray, which to me looked like a corral. First, I turned it over to the flat side. I explained that we don’t know where our limits are when we don’t have boundaries. We may get really close to the “edge” and risk getting hurt.

Then, I flipped it back over and showed Lydia how the outer part looked like a fence. If a person – or horse?!- were in there, they would have a lot of freedom to roam. There is comfort and safety in strong boundaries.

Boundaries also protect us from outside influences. Some people prefer to live on the edge; they like taking risks and pushing limits! Sometimes, that’s okay, but we need to make sure we are in step with Jesus and honoring Him.

Lydia and I brainstormed several examples of boundaries. Saying yes and no are a start. Marriages and friendships are two examples, a regular bedtime is another. Yards have fences or sometimes hedgerows as property lines. A budget is yet one more example of a boundary!

Boundaries are not just guidelines; they help us measure where we are and how far we’ve come! I’m sure Lydia and I will continue to develop more boundaries as she grows. For now, she is learning boundaries come with responsibility!


God, thanks for the loving boundaries You place in our lives. Help us to honor You as we stay within Your limits. May we be wise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are some other examples of good boundaries? Do you naturally like boundaries, or are you a little rebellious? 😉

Tasks: Take a moment to assess your boundaries, personally and/or professionally. Reel yourself in before you fall off the edge and get hurt! 🙂 Check out this book!

Finding Grace #367

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Rapids River photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a busy week, but it all worked out in God’s timing! I covered the first part of the week in my Wednesday blog.

All my early prep work on Tuesday afternoon paid off because my Wednesday morning tax appointment was the fastest one yet. I had everything laid out, and we were done in about twenty-five minutes! Years ago, when life was simpler, I did my own taxes. But now, there are just too many factors, and I appreciate the professionals making sure I don’t miss something important. Hiring help is a gift to myself!

Wednesday night, I stayed up late organizing for a couple hours. I bought some shelving for the laundry room and containers to help me corral items in my kitchen cupboards. It felt good to put things in place, which also gave me peace of mind!

On Thursday morning, Lydia had an appointment, and then we went to get a Caribou drink. We don’t do that often, but it was close and we had the time! Woohoo! I love not having to rush. Then, we ran some extra cardboard to the recycling center and went home to do a little cleaning.

Thursday afternoon, my electrician neighbor came over again. This time, he installed two new lights in our upstairs bathroom. I bought them online to replace the old bathroom lights, which were thirteen years and rusty from all the humidity. He worked for an hour and saved me several hours of trying to figure it out! He did not charge me; he said he was just being neighborly, and they are easy for him. Maybe I can do something nice for his family later!

On Friday, I had a morning meeting and an afternoon car maintenance appointment. My car has 90,000+ miles and is still going strong! It’s hard to believe I’ve had it for ten years now. Lydia hung out with a friend and ended up having a sleepover at her house.

With all the busyness and excitement of this week, we just rested today. I had a good workout, then caught up with an audiobook and a movie. Later, Lydia and I both did a little reading. This week was the most relaxed I have been in months! Thank You, Jesus!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Rest Among Busyness

Well, it’s another full week and I can already see God’s grace at play. It happens to be Spring Break (Wed-Fri). That said, I took the time off to spend with Lydia, but also scheduled five, maybe six, routine appointments for the week!

I could have spread out the appointments over the next several weeks, but I thought it was best to take advantage of the timing. For example, I am getting my taxes done and getting my oil changed (plus some car maintenance). Also, Lydia has a quick appointment where I won’t have to take her out of school. I will try to work on some organizing projects around the house, too.

I worked Monday and Tuesday, though I left early yesterday because Lydia wasn’t feeling well at school. We did meet the very helpful school nurse, so that was a bonus! Lydia is fine overall, but her POTS got the best of her. It was good for her to rest.

Free Time Work photo and picture

I left her at home for a few minutes while I went to her parent-teacher conference alone. It hit me as I walked through the book fair: it was our last conference and book fair in that school. Next fall will be completely different!

As I waited for my turn, I talked with my neighbor boys in the hallway (waiting for their parents). It was so good to catch up with them, as I heard all they are interested in. I offered condolences on the recent death of their cat, and one of them offered to help clear my snow sometime. It was refreshing as I have known them for all these years, and they are still as friendly as ever!

Lydia’s conference went well, as I expected. I can’t help but get a little emotional, though, and yesterday was no different. I tend to become rather reflective.

It’s good to hear how well Lydia is doing, but I also see how much she has grown and learned. Time is going so fast! I am grateful God has entrusted me with her, and I think of how Dave would be so proud. I also think about how much he is missing, though I am confident God will make it up to all of us in Heaven.

Lydia has been missing Dave a lot lately, even wearing some of his clothes around the house. She is so much like him, and we talk about him often. In fact, two months from today, we will be celebrating his life and us making it ten years without him.

That’s hard to believe, but God has carried us all this time. I appreciate the friends who have reached out to offer support, most often unaware of how we have been feeling. Isn’t God good like that?!

Free Lists To Do illustration and picture

In addition to the appointments coming up this week, I told a friend how I had four specific things to accomplish last night after the school conference, including my tax prep work and blog. The most time-consuming was probably the tax prep because I wanted to review an entire year’s worth of data (which I had to find and download first!).

While I wasn’t happy Lydia was sick, God graciously gave me a few extra hours to work on my taxes yesterday before the appointment this morning. I didn’t want to show up completely unprepared, but I hadn’t been able to get to it until then. Whew!

And, that made it so I had a little more flexibility with the other items on my to-do list. Lydia and I even enjoyed watching the movie, “Annie,” which was the perfect way to start off our break together! It was fun hearing a lot of the famous songs and one-liners. The song, “Tomorrow,” is always encouraging on its own!

While all of this may just seem like a lot of busyness (even with important appointments), I have spaced them out, so we are not rushing. Instead, I will stay focused on God and let Him redeem our time. He helps me prioritize.

May we all stay close to the Lord and rest in Him, even when life gets a little hectic.


Gracious Father, thanks for all Your love and care. You are so good to us! Thanks for taking such good care of us and guiding our steps. Help us to rest in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How do you see God at work in your life this week?

Task: Despite your busyness, stay close to God. He’s our Shepherd and Guide! He will make sure you get the most important things done in due time.