Awesome Accountability

What do you do when you have a lot of goals, but keep losing motivation?

You get an accountability partner—or several!!

There are many benefits to having personal accountability. Often, it can mean the difference between success and failure.

We see the lack of public accountability in politics, but I’m not focused there today. In my own life, I appreciate having accountability because I am more likely to meet my goals!

Not meeting our goals can lead to a domino effect. We can slip up or grow stagnant in our life and faith walk. So it is imperative to have others around us who speak into our lives and provide wise counsel.

Thankfully, an accountability partner can check on progress, challenge you, and partner with you in prayer. As we draw closer to God and each other, we are encouraged, strengthened, and grow in character and fellowship.

When someone asks how it is going, it can feel like a pep talk or a call out. It can feel awkward at times, but if we are teachable, we will learn and grow!

Recently, some friends kept me accountable to reach some goals. I was sleeping in a little too often but wanted to maximize my time by getting up early. The hurdle was difficult to get through on my own.

Getting a head start on my day meant I could spend more time with God. I also decided to exercise early before distractions crept into my day. And, I wanted to work toward a personal deadline, where I have previously been procrastinating.

Bring on my accountability partners! I explained my goals to the ladies in my weekly small group. Amazingly, even just the idea of someone checking on me did the trick. I woke up early and did the work!

Friends and family are vital for our own accountability. It is so encouraging to have people rooting for me and cheering me on. Life just goes better together!

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is an ideal accountability partner. He leads and guide us perfectly, though it’s up to us to listen and obey. Jesus personally intercedes for us as well. We can’t go wrong with that!


God, thanks for putting wonderful people in my life to keep me accountable. Help me seek Your input and guidance every day. Help me make wise decisions as I live for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Who helps keep you accountable? What are some goals you are working toward?

Tasks: Seek one or two people to keep you accountable as you take steps to reach your goals.

One thought on “Awesome Accountability

  1. I had an official accountability partner in college and it was great! Now my the people who who me accountable are more unofficial, but I still appreciate their care and concern. I really need to be held accountable for my food choices and spending time with God. It seems like a funny combination, but I can totally tell that I make poor food decisions when I am lacking in my personal time with God. It’s like I try to find fulfillment in food, or I am not strong enough to resist temptations when I don’t have my godly guard up.

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