All In

 Lately, I have been seeing two words or concepts which keep popping up in daily life: sacrifice and investment. So, I started thinking about the relationship between the two.

Sacrifice implies a loss or even a disadvantage. Investments require a temporary cost now to gain something better later. With investments, there may even be interest!

Now, I usually don’t prefer to do things half-way. I’m either all in or all out. In certain situations, I realize compromise is important. But to me, if anything is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

Interestingly, it seems most worthwhile goals take a fair amount of time, effort, and/or money. So perhaps you can’t really have a quality investment without some level of sacrifice. Hmmm…

At times, even small things can feel like big sacrifices. Eating well, exercising, and getting adequate rest are examples. But, these are also investments in our health. When that mental switch occurs between sacrifice and investment, my attitude instantly improves! The challenges don’t seem so difficult. The momentary struggle is worth it!

Similarly, in late September, my local school district voted on a referendum for new schools, upgrades to security, and more. For me, it was a no-brainer. Our school district is growing rapidly and needs to make some adjustments.

I’m thankful the referendum passed, but I understand that some people feel differently. It may be a large sacrifice for them. Or, perhaps they have different priorities than me. That’s okay!

My additional annual cost will be somewhere around the cost of a nice pair of shoes. Now, for me, that’s not a big deal. Ultimately, it is an investment in my community and my child.

In a few short years, Lydia will be in a school that is currently overcrowded. The referendum money will help alleviate that issue. It’s worth it…so I’m all in.

A strong marriage also requires a lot of hard work. My neighbors recently celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary. Ten years ago, they planted an apple tree, and this year, they were finally able to harvest enough fruit to make it worthwhile!

They spent a lot of time this past weekend making pies, applesauce, dehydrated apples, etc. Lydia and I even received some delicious homemade “anniversary apple crisp” from their bounty. Their original investment has overflowed to bless us too!

Similarly, parenting is one investment that requires many sacrifices. I’m already starting to see some great things in Lydia. But overall, it will take another 10-20 (30?!) years to see the full impact of all I invest in her. Lord, help me do my best!

I want to be wise with my resources and be a good steward. Still, Lydia is worth every bit of my time, effort/energy, and money. That’s the nature of parenting.

In the same way, spiritual disciplines are also important. Spending time with Jesus is an investment with eternal rewards! That said, we are as close to Him as we want to be.

The more we pray and get to know Jesus, the greater confidence we have that He loves us and is for us. And, the more time we spend reading and memorizing Scripture, the more it flourishes in our hearts.

When we go through tough seasons, we can sacrifice our self-pity and lay down our fear, choosing to praise the Lord despite our troubles. Through worship, we can experience more joy, peace, grace, and blessing.

Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice with His life on the Cross. Then, He gave us the Holy Spirit as a guarantee for what is to come—and to help us live a life full of Victory!

Jesus’ commitment to us shows us just how valuable we are to Him. He gave up everything to rescue us and to prove His love for us. He’s all in!

We can never out-give God—our sacrifices will never measure up—but we can be grateful for all He has done for us! His investment in us continues to grow! Praise God!


Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus! You are so faithful, going above and beyond to rescue us and bless us. May we show our gratitude and bless others, too…seeing relationships as investments, not just sacrifices. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What kinds of sacrifices and investments are you making in your day-to-day life? Is Jesus part of that process?

Task: Listen to “All In” by Matthew West.

2 thoughts on “All In

  1. This reminds me of Hebrews 12:11, which basically says discipline isn’t fun, but it leads to good things later. Even though sacrifice isn’t always easy, the return on your investment usually makes it worthwhile.

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