A Tale of Two Birthdays

Well, here we are in the swing of the holiday season!

Yesterday was Dave’s birthday. Of course, it comes every year, but yesterday felt different. I intentionally put off thinking about it all until later in the day because I was trying to keep it together and get things done. Still, I’ve been thinking of him quite a bit lately.

It’s interesting to think about how things would be different if Dave was here…

This particular week is very busy trying to squeeze in a trillion activities before Christmas. Some of the stress is normal and would be the same even if Dave was here. Work and school, making meals, washing dishes, Christmas parties, shopping lines, etc.

But yesterday, I caught myself being frustrated by all the stressors that result from Dave being gone. Several things are more difficult now. Many things take longer to complete or just don’t get done. As a single mom and homeowner, all the responsibility falls on me.

Most of the time, I just deal with it. But yesterday, it took more effort. Missing Dave was one component, yes. But after work, school and Lydia’s orthodontist appointment, several random chaotic things happened all at once. It didn’t help that we were also sad, cold, overwhelmed, frustrated, tired, and hangry. It was the perfect storm.

Yesterday was a little rough at times. But, I noticed my mindset wasn’t particularly helpful and I didn’t want to linger there for long, though that would have been easier.

Thankfully, God showed up in the many people around us. Several people sent texts or called to chat. Last night, our neighbors dropped off a delicious box of goodies with perfect timing. And for dinner, a dear friend came over with pizza and cupcakes.

Last night, I reminded myself of all I have to be thankful for… Dave was a wonderful man and now I have Lydia! Then, a few Caterpillar guys checked in and sent thoughtful messages. We also received a number of beautiful Christmas cards reminding me of all the people cheering us on from near and far. I’m grateful for your prayers and support.

And, I reminded myself of how far God has brought me. That’s the beauty in all of this. Despite my (sometimes) heartache and frustration, Jesus is here with me.

Yesterday, Dave’s birthday was a little sad because it reminds me of all we have lost, but we look forward to celebrating Jesus’ birthday, too. We rejoice that Jesus’ birth brought us hope and redemption. A solution to the world’s collective heartbreak.

Emmanuel means ‘God with us’ and when Jesus steps into a situation, He will help us get through it. He brings peace and joy, grace and power, as well as hope and healing. But we have to invite Him in. Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

When all is well or when (I feel) nothing is going right… Emmanuel.

When problems arise and nothing gets solved… Emmanuel.

When I don’t measure up despite giving my best effort… Emmanuel.

There is power in the Name of Jesus and peace in His Presence. He is our Emmanuel. So instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’m seeing my pain as a reminder to draw closer to Jesus. I’m trusting in God’s grace and focusing on His goodness. Thank You, Jesus!


Heavenly Father, thanks for sending Your son, Jesus, to be our Emmanuel. Thanks for never leaving us nor forsaking us. You deserve all our praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Is there someone who needs a little encouragement or support during this season? How can you bring them comfort and point them to Jesus?

Tasks: Ask a grieving friend to come over for the holidays. Or, see if you can help them finish their shopping or baking or other preparations. Sometimes just being present is all they need to remember Jesus is with them, too.

2 thoughts on “A Tale of Two Birthdays

  1. I learned about a meditation exercise last year using the name Emmanuel. Breathe in for a few seconds and say/think “Emmanuel”. Breathe out for a few seconds and say/think “God with us”. I have used this exercise during the day when I need help staying sane as well as as night when I’m having trouble falling asleep. It always calms me down and always points me back in the right direction. Thank you, God, for always being with us!

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