A Simple Hello

One thing I appreciate about my job is that people say hello to each other in the hallways. Not everyone does this, but most people I see do reciprocate.

It makes me feel welcome and like I am part of the team. It helps promote a culture of respect, but it’s also good for employee morale and customer service.

Yesterday, I had an interesting thing happen. Someone I have been greeting over the last year finally greeted me back for the first time! It helps that I wasn’t focused on my phone.

I said ‘good morning’ to a lady and was so pleased when she said good morning to me! Now, that may not seem like a big deal, but to me it was.

You see, I always notice people from other cultures and backgrounds. It may be the style of dress or accent, but I love learning about other cultures.

I always put myself in their shoes (as much as I can) and consider ways to include them so they don’t feel like an outsider. 

I do not know why this lady never responded before now… Perhaps it is simply her personality. Perhaps she is shy or quiet by nature, but I felt it was a breakthrough.

To me, it seemed she is more comfortable and willing to open up a bit. She may not want to be close friends, and that’s certainly okay. I just hope she feels like she belongs.

Of course, someone doesn’t have to be from another culture in order to honor them. Truthfully, there are plenty of people who feel like outsiders.

We don’t have to automatically agree with others, or buy into whatever makes them different, but we should prioritize being kind and friendly.

Often, we don’t know what someone else is going through. In this current season, there are so many variables! Especially when we are wearing masks, it could be enough just to see them and listen. Encourage them to be who they are.

Or, maybe you can spend more time together and by doing so, point them to Jesus. Either way, be open and willing to learn.

Yesterday, when the lady greeted me back, I was so pleased because it showed something so simple can brighten someone’s day. It also showed me the power of being kind.

Additionally, I was reminded that we should keep doing good even we do not see results. Persistence pays off and Jesus is glorified!


God, thanks so much for creating us uniquely. Help us look for the good in others and find common ground. Help us be a blessing to those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: How does the environment where you work affect your performance and job satisfaction? What can you do differently to change your work culture in a positive way?

Task: Try greeting everyone you see today! Look for ways to show God’s grace and goodness to them. It could be a simple smile or hello, or it could be going deeper and getting to know others. Whatever it is, pray for wisdom, put down your phone, and be brave!

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