All About The Box

Oh, the fun and joy of a big box! We received two big boxes last week with some basic household supplies. Immediately, Lydia wanted to get into one of the boxes and pop out of it! Her laughter was contagious!

Then, at dinner, we discussed the day, that is, work and middle school. Lydia questioned why God lets some people “get away with” something and how He prompts others to apologize or forgive. We had a good conversation about God’s plan and expectations for His children vs. those who don’t follow Him yet (their choice). We also discussed the differences between the Old and New Testaments, and how Jesus’ death and blood set up a new system for dealing with sin. It’s a free gift, but not to be taken lightly!

Then, I decided to use the boxes to help me show Lydia a concept about God. I used one big box and a smaller one from the garage to create a visual.

I told Lydia, “Pretend I am God, and this big box is the universe I created. Then, this little box is Earth. See the LEGO people and animals! While God is outside our understanding of time and space, He’s also here with us. So, no one really gets away with anything. His judgments are right and just because He can see everything and knows our hearts.”

I went on, “Someday, every person will have to give an account for their words and actions. Sure, He could just reach down and deal with everything instantly, and someday He will. But right now, He is so patient with us (2 Peter 3:9)!”

(We can fool others and ourselves, but we can’t fool God!)

God can interact with each of us personally. Like a LEGO set, He can move people, mountains, and circumstances any way He wants. But He also responds to prayer and requests for help.

I imagine God leaning in to look for those who try to please Him (2 Chronicles 16:9). There’s probably a lot of joy mixed with sorrow. May we be found faithful!

Being human, we often lose sight of what is happening in the world. Our little corner of the box has its own issues! But, it helps me to remember this visual because I can more easily see my problems in light of Who God is and how big and powerful He is.

God is all-in and ‘all about the box’ because it contains His most precious creation(s). Us!

This box visual also helps me trust God when there are things I don’t understand. Like when Dave got cancer and died. (Check out my book for more details.) But, God knows what we don’t and sees what we cannot. I don’t have to have all the answers to walk by faith.

Moreover, Jesus humbled Himself and got in the tiny little box so He could truly understand what we go through and rescue us. He is Emmanuel – God with us. Therefore, we are not alone and without hope.


God, You are greater than anything we can imagine. Your mercy and grace have no limits. Thank You for being so kind and compassionate toward us. Thank You for Jesus! In His Name, Amen

Questions: Are there any household objects or tools that make you think of God and who He is? How would you explain God’s love to a child?

Tasks: Put together your own visual for how you perceive God. Then, share it here or with someone in your own life (corner of the box).