Not So Average

Recently, I had the chance to learn a little about one of my Veterans. I have met with him before, but we had a little more time to chat this time. He was seriously the most average-looking man. That’s not a diss; there was just nothing remarkable about his appearance to distinguish him from anyone else. I would never have imagined he had a fantastic story about his experience in the service!

He was an engineering student who ended up in the Navy. He spent time on submarines fixing some of the electrical panels and went all over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans! He was on the USS Yorktown (CV-10). This ship was named after the one that sank in Pearl Harbor.

This man was in charge of temperature-controlled areas on the ship, including the refrigeration deck and the part where they held nuclear weapons with several layers of security and codes. He said he was sometimes afraid, but he learned to stay calm!

Yes, he had nuclear clearance (!!) during the height of the Cold War, and he finds it a little perplexing (or irritating) when people treat him like an old man…

“Excuse me, Sir, do you know where you’re going? or “Sir, can I see your driver’s license?”

Free Ship Yorktown photo and picture

In 1968, this Veteran met the astronauts from Apollo 8 and was the one who lifted the space capsule out of the ocean with a crane and put it on the ship. He said they practiced for weeks to get it just right. Then, he showed me a picture of him in his uniform with the Apollo 8 command module, and so I had to research it!

After leaving the Navy, he returned home and finished his degree. He had a long career and is grateful to have raised a family. He took advantage of the opportunities that came his way and trusted God. In short, he was far from average!

The conversation I had with this Veteran was eye-opening. He really did look so average, yet he had so many adventures! I’m sure many of my Veterans are similar. And, I wonder how many times we do that to others. We assume we know all we need and overlook their gifts or what makes them special.

I was encouraged because sometimes it is easy to swirl in a cycle of being too busy, not busy enough, or feeling anonymous. I was challenged to keep moving forward and keep trusting God’s plan! He knows who we are and where we are. He has not forgotten us!

Free Space Travel Apollo photo and picture

On the surface, Jesus would have looked relatively average. He was born in a filthy stable to a poor family. His humble beginning certainly would not have set him apart in any way. He would have appeared basic at best. 

Sure, Jesus had some important highlights, but he was often misunderstood. His family, followers, and even his enemies did not fully grasp what He was all about.  For instance, he was both praised and chided for healing people and doing other miracles.

He was betrayed by two of his followers (Judas and Peter) and abandoned by the rest. He died a criminal’s death, which would have made him an outcast. Yet, He offered love and forgiveness until His very last breath.

I am so grateful Jesus had grace and grit. He dug deep and obeyed His Father. He did not give up when circumstances got tough. He did not back down or give in to the pressure. He was crushed with the weight of our sin, but He rose three days later in Victory!

So, don’t overlook the mundane if you feel blah, meh, or average today. With God, you are anything but! As we see in Hebrews 11, He can use the most random event or the most unlikely person to accomplish His purposes! So, trust God and step out in faith!


God, thanks for not doing anything halfway or average. You are subtle sometimes, but You are never dull or status-quo! Help me be diligent in the daily grind, but also expect You to show up and do something amazing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you ever discount yourself or others? How might you turn that around, to see yourself or others from God’s perspective?

Tasks: Think back on some of your greatest adventures. Praise God for the work He continues to do in your life! You never know what’s around the corner. Be on the lookout for God-given opportunities and be quick to obey so you don’t miss out on something great!