Keeping A Quiet Heart

There are a lot of heartbreaking news flashes lately showing videos or commentary on war, genocide, diseases, and more. Israel, in particular, is important for Biblical reasons. Conflict in Israel indicates Jesus is coming again soon and that we need to keep praying. No one knows the day or the hour He will return, so don’t delay your decision to accept His sacrifice and atonement for our sins. Today is the day of salvation!

While I can “change the channel,” those directly affected cannot. I don’t take any of that lightly, but focusing on the news can prime me to expect more negative things to happen. But all is not lost. God still reigns, so I can keep a quiet heart and remain at peace.

Keeping a quiet heart is not about self-preservation. Instead, it helps me pray and listen to the Lord, so I know how He wants me to help.

On a personal level, my prayer list grows longer every week. For instance, I recently met a couple battling colon cancer, and I can understand how overwhelmed they are with surgeries and setbacks. I know how it feels and have been reaching out to encourage them in practical ways. 

It is a privilege to be relatively safe in America, and it’s an honor to pray and help those around me. We are right to be concerned. But I find myself sometimes waiting for the other shoe to drop. The perceived stress of expecting something to go wrong can sidetrack us if we don’t stop ourselves from worrying.

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When things go well for me personally, it feels boastful to enjoy them amid so much pain in the world. I should celebrate meaningful work, worthwhile conversations, and even good hair days, but sometimes, I neglect to appreciate the peaceful moments.

I was a little convicted of this yesterday on my drive home. Life can change in an instant, as many of us have experienced. There are already so many ways things can go bad; we really should honor the moments when things go well because they don’t last.

Yesterday afternoon was beautiful with a bright blue sky, little wind, crisp air, and bright yellows mixed in with green and brown hues. I had a good lunch, awesome patients, and arrived home before traffic got too bad. Lydia and I had a fun evening together. A wonderful day with minimal stress.

Soon, I realized God wants me to enjoy the life He’s given me and all of its goodness. It’s not that I shouldn’t pray for conflict resolution or lend a hand. Peacemaking is so important, and God values it! But peace in the world looks different than peace in my heart.

I can’t afford to focus on the negative because that will drag me back toward fear. Instead, I can turn my eyes in faith toward Jesus and the abundant life He died to give me. That is what attracts people and points them to God’s lovingkindness. 

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In fact, there are many ways we can live a godly life. Sometimes, we need to speak up and advocate for change. We may need to donate time, money, or effort. But, we can also smile, praise God, and be kind. We can relish all He has done for us with gratitude. A good attitude shows God’s faithfulness and grace to a world in need.

Conversely, a negative spirit or sharp tongue can hinder God’s work. I know a number of Christians who often complain and are bitter toward others. They are stingy and always look for things going wrong (which is why I want to catch myself and look for the good!). Surely, that’s not what God intended for His people!

Anyway, God has done many good things for me/in me/through me, and I know He can do so much more in the lives of those around me. In fact, that’s why Jesus came! He rescued me from deeply rooted fear, so imagine what He can do for you.

I’m not saying to avoid involvement in politics or the causes that matter to you. I am simply saying don’t overlook the impact living a full and joyful life can have. God can use both fiery resolve and a peaceful, quiet heart to accomplish His purposes (see 1 Peter 3:3-4). Both have great value amid the world’s pain, darkness, and destruction. Nothing is impossible for Him!


God, thanks for all You have done for me. Thanks for helping me see the beauty of a life well-lived. Help me to celebrate and enjoy all of the goodness around me. May I advocate for those in need and glorify You in all I do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you jump right into conflict, or do you watch and pray? Do you find yourself living life with joy or with hesitation?

Tasks: Celebrate when things are easy and fun, but also praise God when challenges come. There is joy and growth in both situations! Finally, put your trust in Jesus today. He is the soon returning King!