By Grace, Through Faith

The ultimate privilege and responsibility I have as a parent is to influence Lydia for God, encourage her faith in Him, and show her how to walk with Jesus. I am proud of her spiritual growth as I disciple her relationship with the Almighty.

Lydia has been reading her Bible just about every day for several months. She has worked through the Gospel of John; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John; Galatians; Revelation, and others. I loved her commentary on Revelation (talking about scary dragons and Hell): “Well, that’s a great way to start off my day!” She had insightful questions about the imagery and end-time events, too.

This week, Lydia started Ephesians. She aims to read about a chapter per day. Mostly, she reads the material, thinks about it, and then we talk about it.

I love Ephesians, and it has been fun to hear Lydia’s thoughts, too. Sometimes, she understands the material right away, and sometimes, she understandably needs a little help.

Free Ocean Sunset photo and picture

Now, parts of Ephesians 1 are a little wordy. It has lots of adjectives and run-on sentences. But it’s also jam-packed with all the spiritual blessings we have as followers of Jesus. Mind-blowing, really!

On Sunday, we discussed Ephesians 2, and I unexpectedly got a little emotional as I read some of my favorite verses with Lydia. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

I asked Lydia for her take on those verses. She gave me her best shot, that we don’t have to earn salvation, we just have it through faith. It is a gift of God’s grace. Not bad for an eleven-year-old!

Then, I asked her, “Why do you think God only requires us to have faith? Why wouldn’t He make us do something for salvation?” Of course, one answer is that we could never be perfect enough.

But then, I heard myself explaining, “You know how sometimes an online company might hold a contest? Often, if you want to enter, you have to like and share their post on social media. So, I could enter if I wanted. But, what if you didn’t have a phone then, and Tappa didn’t have social media. And Lily (my toddler niece) wouldn’t even know a contest was happening. Thus, if I was one of the only ones to enter, I could brag about my good fortune. Everyone else would be disqualified; they would have no chance.

I have read those verses so many times, but they took on a different meaning on Sunday. I thought of any family, friends, coworkers, etc. whom that fake contest would have disqualified (no social media). And, in the context of salvation, it made me want to share the gospel even more!

Immediately, I understood a whole new level of God’s perfect grace. Teary-eyed, I thought of how kind and wise He is to make coming to Him a level playing field. It doesn’t matter where you live, what you’ve done, or your background. No favoritism exists for a certain race, skin color, or language. ALL are welcome and invited.

 We can never be good enough to earn salvation; because of Jesus, we don’t need to. He did His part; now believing and accepting His sacrifice is our part.

Yes, God took all of the requirements of salvation and put them on Jesus. The weight of the world’s sin was a heavy burden! And, all we have to do is believe and receive the free gift.

Now, as I reminded Lydia, FREE simply means ‘no cost to you.’ Indeed, salvation was very costly to Jesus, who paid with His life and blood. May we never take it for granted!


God, thanks for the gift of salvation through Jesus. Thanks that we don’t have to earn it but can accept it by grace through faith. Help us live out Your gift of grace every day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you accepted this most generous gift of salvation? Are you living according to God’s grace, or are you still trying to do it all on your own?

Tasks: Read through Ephesians 2 and meditate on it. Note any verses that jump out at you and pray about the application in your life.